Episode 21
Clara’s side of the story continues
‘’you should learn to start acting like my wife dear. My love for you is greater than anything on earth’’ Charles breathed as he kissed my cheek, his hands slowly going for my br.east. I quickly changed position, blocking his efforts.
‘’how do you plan to get away with this? How do you explain to my family assuming I succumb to your demand?’’ I softly asked curiously while he drew back and smiled.
‘’leave that for me, in due time things will unfold the way you never imagined my dear. All I need now is your love, presence and attention’’ he breathed softly.
I stared at him in great disbelief. I never imagined he would go that far just to have me. Of course his actions were extremely disgusting and I couldn’t help but regret having a silly idea of making up with him the night I fought with val. Yes I had regretted treating Charles badly but I never knew he was this desperate and dangerous.
‘’God help me’’ I prayed and closed my eyes as he drew closer to me very eager to continue with his love play. I needed no telling that he was ready to have me there and then. He was ready to rap.e me. He was ready to forcefully take what he had always claimed to be his. He was very eager to take what had been denied him all along. I knew fighting or resisting was going to be pointless but I was very ready not to give in easily. I was ready to fight to the last.
‘’please I beg of you don’t do this to me. Don’t use force on me. Don’t hurt me. Let me go’’ I begged desperately. He stopped for some seconds and stared at me.
‘’come on, I’m not going to hurt you. All I want is to make you love me. I want you to be the mother of my kids. I want us to have a great family. Our kids will never lack anything. Who knows in the next twenty years I could be the state governor. We have a lot to gain together my love’’ he proposed while I dropped my eyes in desperation. It was pointless begging him. His mind was already made up and there was nothing I could do but to take everything painfully.
‘’I really don’t know why you chose that lowlife over me. The idiot has no money, no name, nothing. Till now I still can’t believe you ruined my birthday celebration because of him’’ he muttered and unbuckled his belt. I closed my eyes with great pain. I was about being r.aped, there wasn’t any doubt about it. I could only fight to delay him for few minutes. My fate was inevitable.
But then out of nowhere came a loud thud that sounded right outside the room door as if someone fell on the door or was watching us. Charles quickly sprang up from the bed and headed to the door while I followed him with my eyes. As soon as he opened the door I instantly caught a glimpse of a man lying face first on the floor. I couldn’t take a proper look at him because Charles’s big body was blocking my view but deep down I felt the man lying right there was no other person than Val , a discovery that left me totally alarmed as I screamed.
Val’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode
After building up my morale, I left one of my phones in the car, put the second one in my pocket, checked my service pistol, alighted from the car, crossed over to the other side of the road and headed to the bush surrounding the back of the building. I was very desperate. I equally was very scared. Of course I was going into an unknown territory without backup or authorization. I was simply on my own and anything could happen in there. However the thought of saving Clara was very stronger than my fears.
I easily scaled the wall, hid at the back of a small building at the backyard and scanned the compound. The compound was a very large one and I spotted about six men watching over the property. They weren’t armed and everything about the house looked normal like most houses owned by rich men. I softly waited for an opportunity to make my next move, which was picking the best place to search for Clara. I was a trained operative and yes i had a good training on covert operation even though I was yet to practice it in real life till that very moment. I was trained to pick out hostiles in the midst of a friendly crowd. I knew how to pick out odd things in every given environment. But then everything about this house I was watching looked perfectly okay and if not that I followed Charles to the place I would have given up.
Suddenly I spotted Charles at the doorway linking the main house from the back yard. I nervously watched him give instructions to one of the guys watching the house before going back inside. I instantly made my move and made it into the main building without being seen. You can’t imagine how loud my heart was pounding this moment. I had to be extremely careful.
I was able to walk through the empty hallway towards the bedrooms without being seen. Slowly I listened for sounds as I passed through each room. I heard nothing till I got to the last room where I heard Charles’s voice as he talked to a lady whose voice was softer as she appeared to be begging. The voice was of course Clara’s, a discovery that left me extremely relieved. I couldn’t believe everything went very easily for me.
I heaved a sigh of relief and grabbed my phone to send a quick emergency message for backup but unfortunately I felt a loud thud on the back of my head which instantly immobilized me as I lost consciousness. I never saw the blow coming. I never knew who hit me.
Episode 22
Clara’s side of the story continues
Charles shut the door the instant he heard my scream, leaving me all alone to imagine things for myself. I couldn’t really believe the man I saw lying face first on the floor was Val. It kind of appeared like a figment of my imagination. I couldn’t understand how he was able to locate the house in the first place. I was so scared of what Charles would do to him. It was definitely an opportunity he was craving for.
Yes for him to go extreme just to have me, I believed he was ready to do unimaginable things to Val to get even.
I knelt down and prayed. I prayed to dear Lord, begging him to touch Charles’s heart, not for my freedom but for Val’s sake.
After about an hour or so later, Charles’s walked into the room, sweating heavily. I stared at him suspiciously, wondering why he was sweating heavily.
‘’what have you done?’’ I asked breathlessly. He laughed.
‘’your boyfriend is so stupid. Imagine he walked right into my house without invitation. That guy is really sick in the head’’ he mused as he sat beside me on the bed. I felt like hitting him but restrained myself.
‘’what do you plan doing with him?’’ I asked fearfully.
‘’hmmmm I don’t know yet. It all depends on you. If you treat me fine, I will spare his life’’ he muttered and licked his lips.
‘’how do you plan getting away with all these?. The police are already on you’re a.ss’’ I stammered, trying to frighten him. He laughed.
‘’that’s where you are mistaken my dear. Do you really think I got you here without the help of the police?. My dear I have everything all figured out and your Val is surely going to pay for turning me into a monster unless you make me change my mind’’ he added seriously while I held my breath. It really was obvious he had some bad police officers as friends but unknown to him I was relieved that he was yet to know that Val was a secret agent. The discovery was a big relief to me and I very much knew that for Val to make it to the house so easily that his colleagues won’t be far behind. The only thing I needed to do was to stall him as much as possible for the other agents to come to my rescue.
‘’fine I will do whatever you wish me to do. Just don’t hurt him. I don’t want you to keep hurting people. I don’t want you to be a monster. I will be with you if that will stop you from being a monster’’ I softly appealed to him, reaching for his hand as well. He drew back with surprise, like someone not too sure of himself. I kind of felt I made him suspicious with my composure.
‘’are you really doing this out of the love you have for him?’’ he asked to my surprise.
‘’no I’m not doing it for him. I’m doing it for you, for your family. You are following a dangerous path that will harm you in the end. I will do anything to prevent that from happening, including being with you’’ I breathed, shaking him with my words. He quickly snatched his hand from my grasp and left the room without another word. There was no doubt I got him shaken up with my words. Of course I never meant any of them; all I was doing was to stall him from doing anything silly.
Val’s side of the story continues
I woke up with a jolt as I felt the effects of cold water all over me. I noticed a huge guy grinning at me as he dropped an empty bucket on the wet floor. I was tied like a war prisoner who was about to be tortured. My two hands and legs were stretched out and tied firmly to iron poles. I couldn’t imagine how long I was out. Taking a quick look around me, I noticed that I was held in a basement perhaps an underground basement.
I quick blow on my face soon brought back my attention to the huge guy. There wasn’t any doubt he was enjoying every bit of my pains.
‘’I guess he’s now ready to talk’’ I heard Charles’s voice say from behind as he slowly walked towards me with a deep smile of satisfaction.
‘’you know I was having a difficult time with Clara until you stupidly showed up. Now she has accepted to be mine on the condition I let you go. But you and I know that’s not going to happen. You are not getting out of here alive unless you tell me how you got here in the first place and who else knows that you are here’’ he asked softly.
‘’I simply followed you from the city. I knew all along that you got Clara kidnapped. It was very easy to figure out and it equally was extremely easy to tail you’’ I answered with a short smile which left him frowning. A quick blow on my face soon showed me how pissed off he was.
‘’god knows I will torture you till you pass out over and over. I will sure make you regret ever coming between Clara and I’’ he threatened.
‘’how do you plan getting away with all these?. I guess you haven’t thought about that?, or are you going to keep Clara here forever?’’ I asked as I spat out blood from my mouth, spitting on him.
‘’maybe you are the scapegoat I need to get away with this’’ he replied with a smile as he landed three heavy blows on my nose. I passed out again.
Meanwhile at the office of the state director DSS; agent Jenifer is seen trying Val’s number for the tenth time with no success. The state director and agent mike are also seen frowning. The atmosphere in the room looked tense and it’s very difficult to figure out what’s going through their minds .
Episode 23
Val’s side of the story continues
I woke up once again to find myself lying on the floor. This time around my hands weren’t tied. Only my legs were tied together with a strong rope. I managed to sit up, resting my back on the wall as I thought of my next move and how to survive. Of course I was very lucky to still be alive. I felt it was just a matter of time before Charles’s decides to finish me up for good.
I only had a faint hope that my colleagues would soon start looking for me and with the help of the cell phone I left in my car, be able to trace my location. Yes it really wasn’t the best shot for my freedom and I knew I had to think out of the box to find a way to secure my freedom. I also couldn’t help but wonder what Charles and his gang did to the other phone I came into the house with.
I was still busy with my thoughts when another young man walked in with a plate of food. As he dropped the plate on the floor beside me, I drew back and stared at him suspiciously. Three tiny pieces of yam with red oil was the meal he brought for me in a plastic plate. I shook my head with disgust and looked the other way.
‘’I advice you eat this food because I don’t know the next time you will be served again’’ he said rudely.
‘’please what’s the time?’’ I asked. He scoffed.
‘’9:30am, Monday morning’’ he replied.
‘’are you really sure?’’ I asked. He sighed and left the room without another word while I shook my head and thought of how to escape.
It really wasn’t long before an idea came into my head. I smiled to myself and prepared my mind for it.
Hours later, the guy who earlier brought food for me came in to take the plate. His eyes instantly boiled with rage as soon as he noticed that I didn’t touch the food. But he said nothing, instead came forward and took the plate.
‘’I want urinate. I have been holding it all day’’ I said to him calmly.
‘’you can piss on yourself’’ he replied rudely.
‘’I also want to shi.t. You know I can’t shi.t on myself because you guys won’t be able to touch me afterwards and I know the stench will chase you all out of the building. So kindly take me to the toilet’’ I said with a cunning smile. He hesitated for a moment before walking away. Few minutes later, the huge guy that hit me the previous day showed up with a dirty smile on his smile.
‘’it’s only 4:30pm and you already want to shi.t tough guy’’ he breathed with a short laugh.
‘’I will take you to the toilet but don’t try anything funny because I won’t hesitate to shoot you and I don’t miss’’ he threatened, tucked the small pistol he was holding in his trouser, bent over me and untied the rope used to bind my legs while I heaved a sigh of relief.
Roughly he jerked me up and dragged me towards the toilet. He definitely was a strong guy and I knew I needed extra strength plus my training to beat him in a fight.
On getting to the toilet, he threw me inside and shut the door, whistling a song as he waited for me outside the toilet.
I soon settled in the toilet where I took time to rest and perfect my plans. After relieving myself, I flushed the toilet, made the sign of the cross and breathed deeply before knocking on the door to get the big guy’s attention.
Just like I expected, he opened the door to drag me out but unknown to him I was very much ready. Before he threw open the toilet door, I scooped enough toilet water from the toilet pit and splashed the water on his face as soon as he opened the door, putting him in great discomfort and disarray as he spit, cursed and wiped his face with great energy, putting down his guard. It was the opportunity I needed to put him down. One kick to the stomach plus a choke hold were enough to knock him out. I quickly grabbed his gun and headed to the room I heard Clara’s voice the last time.
Breaking into the room wasn’t easy and the noise it generated as I kicked on the door alerted the other guys’ guarding the house. But I still had time to break in and grab Clara before they could get to the room.
Unfortunately the difficult part was escaping with Clara. The girl was very weak and scared. She couldn’t run very fast and before we could get to the back of the building the other guys weren’t far behind. The only escape route was scaling the same fence I used in gaining access to the house but unfortunately Clara couldn’t do that without help.
Yes we luckily made it to the fence but in the process of lifting up Clara for her to grab the edge and scale over, the other guys closed in on us. One of them fired a round which whistled over my head, making me lose my grip on Clara, she instantly fell on the floor while I nervously pulled out the gun I had with me and got ready for a show off as they surrounded us and waited for my next move. I really was lucky the guys never kept firing at us.
I desperately counted them. They were seven guys in all. Four of them pointed their guns at me while the rest simply stood and waited for the next move from me. I was lucky they didn’t attempt shooting again. Perhaps they wanted me alive or perhaps they were scared that a shootout between us could lead to Clara getting shot.
I was totally surrounded and I knew there was no getting out.
‘’let the girl go and we will let you go. You know you stand no chance. you can’t shoot all of us without getting shot’’ one of the guys demanded quickly as my eyes went back and forth like a cornered rat.
Episode 24
Val’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode
‘’let the girl go mister. Just take this rare chance we are giving you. You are totally outgunned and outnumbered’’ the young man demanded again while my heart furiously pounded as I wondered what next to do. Of course I knew I was in a tight fix. I equally knew they weren’t going to let me get away once I let them have Clara. Letting go of Clara or my weapon was never an option for me.
‘’you have just two seconds left to make up your mind’’ he demanded as he took a step towards me. I breathed deeply and aimed at him, I wasn’t going to let them take Clara again without a fight. I knew once I take the shot that the rest of the gang was going to fire at me but then I really saw no other option left than to die fighting. I saw death staring and beckoning at me once again. I never knew I was going to die so young. Sweat appeared all over me as I got ready to fire my last shot.
But fortunately for me before I could press the trigger I spotted agent Jenifer and three other agents closing on them from behind. The bad guys all stood facing me without watching their back, an opportunity Jenifer and the other agents used in getting close within range. I heaved a sigh of relief. Yes it was a perfect timing. They came at the right time to save my sorry a.ss.
‘’drop your weapons right now. You are totally surrounded’’ Jenifer instantly barked, shocking the hoodlums who all turned to see that they were all sitting ducks. They instantly dropped their guns without hesitation while four other agents jumped into the compound from the back fence I earlier tried using to escape with Clara. I was very much surprised and relieved at the same time. I never knew the house was already surrounded by my colleagues during the show off. Clara instantly got on her feet and hugged me tightly while agent Jenifer drew close and smiled at me.
‘’thanks for saving my as.s’’ I breathed gratefully.
‘’we heard the gunshot and that helped lead us to this corner’’ she replied with a smile.
‘’yes I was shot at when trying to escape with Clara, luckily the bullet missed its target. How did you find the location?’’ I asked curiously.
‘’the prints found on the bullets we got from the first crime scene came out yesterday. We ran it through the police database with us and discovered that it matched two officers working with the state police headquarters. We tried reaching you but couldn’t. After picking up the officers, they confessed that they gave out weapons to Mr. Charles but never participated in the kidnap. They gave us more than enough details to help. But when we still failed to reach you today, we had to track your phone signal which eventually gave the same location the police officers gave us during questioning. We had to get as many teams as we can to come over here because we didn’t know what to expect’’ she explained quickly while I breathed deeply.
Another agent soon showed up with a frown.
‘’we only saw one huge guy inside the house. Mr. Charles isn’t in the house’’ he informed us.
Clara returned to her relieved parents that same evening while I was asked to go home. According to my director, I still have to face disciplinary action, something I really wasn’t comfortable with. I felt after all the risks I took that everything was going to be fine.
‘’we still have some decisions to make concerning your conduct. So go home and wait for our call’’ was all I was told. Of course I felt bad. It really was painful to know that my efforts weren’t really appreciated. I almost lost my life for the job but no one took notice of it.
I returned to my apartment later that evening, so tired and hungry. I had a long shower before dozing off in my sitting room. I barely had slept for few minutes when a soft knock on my door brought me to my feet. I opened the door to see Vivian smiling at me. She looked so sexy in a cleavage revealing green gown which showed off all her curves. I swallowed hard as I stared at her.
‘’I came to thank you and equally apologize over all I said to you the last time. I made you a great meal. I know you will be very tired and hungry. I also heard rumors that you might be suspended from your job over all that happened. I’m here to keep you company. I’m here to be with you through the night. That’s my small way of appreciating you’’ she breathed softly, taking a step towards me and planting a kiss on my cheek that sent sweet sensations down my spine.
(Unknown to anyone, Mr. Charles was quietly seated in his car which was parked right in front of Val’s compound as he waited for nightfall. You can’t imagine the surprise on his face as he saw Vivian walk into the compound. Nevertheless nothing was going to stop him from finishing what he started).
Episode 25
Val’s side of the story continues
After enjoying the delicious meal Vivian brought me, I regained enough strength to joke and play with her. But as soon as the clock stuck 8:15pm, I knew it was time to ask her to leave. Of course I was still reasoning with my head instead of my d---k and no matter how tempting her offer of spending the night at my apartment looked. I knew it was something I would end up regretting the next day.
‘’Thanks so much for the meal, you are really a life saver but please don’t bother spending the night here with me. I’m very fine on my own moreover I need to be alone to think over my life and the way forward’’ I finally managed to say to her with a smile. She slowly frowned and tried to insist.
‘’I offered to stay here with you from my heart. You don’t have to ask me to leave. I’m a big girl. You have nothing to worry about’’ she pushed on, trying to sound innocent and cool but I knew deep down things really weren’t as she said. And seriously I wanted to be alone to think over my life just like I earlier told her.
I stood up, drew close to her and rested my hands on her shoulders, caressing them softly.
‘’my dear I really wish to be alone tonight. I have some things to figure out and you being here won’t give me the space I need. I appreciate everything you did today but please I want to be alone’’ I begged. She reluctantly shrugged and stood up.
‘’very well then, let me pack up my things’’ she finally accepted with a smile while I heaved a sigh of relief.
At exactly 8:45pm, I led her to the door but on opening it we both saw Charles smiling devilishly. It was just as if he had been standing there for long. You can’t imagine the shock I felt. It was just as if I was facing a ghost. It looked so unbelievable and unreal. It was as if my eyes were playing games with me. I couldn’t believe a guy every security agent was looking for was standing right in front of my apartment as if everything was fine with him.
Before I could react, Vivian fell back on me, holding her stomach and gasping while Charles grinned as he stepped closer. I never realized he was holding a knife. I never saw it coming. I didn’t realize on time that Vivian fell back on me because she was stabbed. It really happened so fast moreover the doorway was a bit dark for one to notice much and before I could process everything, toss Vivian to a corner and defend myself, I felt a sharp pain on my stomach.
Charles wasted no time in stabbing me. He grabbed the opportunity without the slightest hesitation. He was just a man on mission.
I tried to hold myself and fight back but he was very much ready. He stabbed me over and over in the abdomen, forcing me down on my knees as I slowly hit the floor.
I gasped for breathe as I tried to sit up while he focused his attention on Vivian who was struggling to get on her feet. He reached for her, stabbing her multiple times on the back before throwing her body on me.
‘’you shouldn’t have come between Clara and i. you tried to destroy my hopes, my investment, my life. You turned me into this. I’m not proud of this dirty game but I have to do this to save my own a.ss. And to you Vivian, you shouldn’t have been here tonight. I never knew the bastard was f--k.ing you and your cousin at the same time’’ he breathed as I fought with great energy to keep my eyes from shutting down.
‘’now please hold this knife for me’’ he added with an evil smile as he forced the weapon to my right hand. I was too weak to do anything.
‘’when the police eventually find your bodies tomorrow, They will quickly come to the conclusion that you Val came home very depressed and took it out on your girl who came to be with you. After stabbing her, you realized what you did and stabbed yourself. With the news Clara will confirm that you were never what she thought you were and it will give me the opportunity to reclaim my love. She will realize that I kidnapped her just to save her from you and not to harm her. good night Mr. Val’’ he added with an evil grin, pulled off the hand gloves he was wearing, tossed them into his jacket and left the room without another word.
I saw death before me once again. It was as if I was destined to die young. However the mistake Charles made was not making sure I was dead before leaving the house. Perhaps he wanted me to slowly bleed to death. The other thing I was equally yet to figure out was if he now knew that I was a federal agent.
Anyway I managed to crawl to the table where I left my phone and quickly dialed Jenifer’s number with my last strength.
‘’help’’ I breathed and collapsed.
Episode 26
Clara’s side of the story continues
I was so happy to be free, so happy to breathe in fresh air again. I couldn’t believe the events of the past few days were actually real. It was just like an action movie or should I say an action dream . I couldn’t believe Charles actually kidnapped me just to force me into loving him. Yes talking about Charles, the desperation I saw in his eyes and the way he forcefully wanted my love looked more of an ambition and not real love. I knew our families had a lot to gain from our union but I felt he and his family had a whole lot more to gain from it. It was all about power, wealth and politics. Yes he even hinted on it when he was ranting like a mad man.
But then it equally was so sad and disappointing to know that my father drew back his interest and anger when he learned that it was Charles who kidnapped me. He instantly stopped talking tough and only assured me that he was going to talk to Charles’s father. He never said anything about throwing the boy in jail or taking a more decisive action. It was just as if dad was more interested in saving his political career than caring for my feelings. Nevertheless I slept peacefully, so happy to be home and so happy that Val and I were now in the same page. It was so wonderful seeing him break into the room to free me and it equally was so amazing running with him as we fled the scene.
Even though we failed to make it out of the house without outside help all that mattered to me was how he stood by my side against all odds. He put his life on the line for me. He was just the man. I dreamt about it over and over with a smile on my face.
I woke up the next day, yearning to see my val. We never really had the opportunity to talk much the previous day because I was instantly whisked away and brought home while he headed to his workplace to sort things out with his colleagues. I nervously dialed his number but he failed to answer. I tried his line two more times before a lady answered his call.
‘’hello I’m agent Jenifer. You are Clara the governor’s daughter right?’’ she introduced herself and asked while a thousand and one thoughts instantly filled my head.
‘’yes I’m, how about Val?’’ I asked.
‘’I’m sorry he won’t be able to talk to you at the moment. I’m coming over to the mansion to talk to you. Just wait for me’’ she replied and hung up, leaving me a bit worried.
Precisely an hour later, agent Jenifer walked into my room with a smile.
‘’how was your night?’’ she asked.
‘’I’m fine but I guess Charles hasn’t been arrested yet?’’ I asked. She breathed deeply and nodded.
‘’yes he hasn’t been arrested yet but I’m also sorry to tell you that your dad wants us to drop the case. I don’t know the reason for his decision and I don’t just know what to say about it’’ she informed me while I dropped my eyes. Of course the news never came as a surprise to me.
‘’anyway you have nothing to worry about. A female police officer plus a team of armed policemen will be assigned to guard you every minute of the day. So don’t be scared’’ she added with a smile.
‘’I’m not scared of Charles but how about Val?’’ I asked breathlessly. She kept quiet for few seconds.
‘’Val won’t be working here anymore’’ she muttered.
‘’but why?, I want him. He’s a good agent. I need no one else but him’’ I protested.
‘’how close are you with him?’’ she suddenly asked.
‘’we are very close. So close for him to risk his life for me’’ I fired quickly.
‘’there is nothing spectacular in what he did my dear. Every other agent would have done the same for you. By the way how close is he with your cousin miss Vivian?’’ she asked. I stared at her suspiciously.
I couldn’t help but wonder where the question was heading to.
‘’they are friends. She actually met him before me. She equally was the person that revealed to me that Val wasn’t an agent when she discovered something about us’’ I breathed, stopping the instant I noticed that I said much more than I was asked.
‘’what did she discover?’’ she asked curiously.
‘’it’s something private. Why should I tell you?’’ I answered weakly.
‘’because it could help in an ongoing investigation’’ she answered while I stared at her in disbelief.
‘’you see your cousin Vivian was found badly stabbed in Val’s apartment yesterday evening. Val was equally found stabbed. There wasn’t any sign of break in or forced entry in the apartment and we are about coming to the conclusion that perhaps Vivian went over to his house to spend the night or something similar and they ended up fighting and stabbing each other. It’s just a mere speculation for now though ‘’ she softly informed me as I gasped for breath. Many thoughts flowed into my head.
Of course the previous day, I barely had returned home when Vivian who was supposed to keep me company came in to tell me that she was going to a friend’s birthday party. I never bothered to ask her much because I was dead tired.
But with Jenifer’s revelation, It all started flowing back to my head. No wonder Vivian bluntly told me everything about Val that led us into quarreling. She never revealed Val’s identity to save me; rather she did it for us to break up. She did it for herself. She was trying to save her relationship with him.
I instantly felt used.
‘’oh my god’’ I breathed with great pain.
‘’so what exactly did she discover that made her reveal Val’s true identity to you?’’ Jenifer softly demanded, breaking into my thoughts.
‘’she told me everything about Val after I told her we were having an affair’’ I confessed with tears which filled my eyes. Jenifer drew back and shrugged.
‘’with the look of things its obvious agent Val was having an affair with both of you. I’m afraid to say that he is in a very big trouble right now, that is if he makes it out alive because his wounds are very deep and serious’’ she added with a frown while I took my pillow and covered my face with shame as I wept bitterly.
I regretted ever coming back to Nigeria....
The. End
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The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...

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