My life in pastor’s house
Episode one
I was not that happy when I was forced to leave with my church pastor’s and his family. My pastor name is donald and he has lost his wife. He is quite rich,he had one son two daughters. The son was his firstborn and about 26yrs in age,his name is mark. His second born christine,oh christine was my senior. She is 18yrs of age that looks like 26 with her huge boobs and big backyard. His third born,Hannah in 17yrs of age with very large backyard even more than christine,she is my classmate.They are both very fair in complexion. Oh me,my name is jason,same age with christine,am a bit tall with wizkhalifa body,am the second and the last born. My father was the richest man in my area and my mother is a bussiness woman.
“Jason,jason,jason” my father shouted from the downstairs angrily. “What’s wrong with this man gan sef”I murmed angrily. I quickly wear my knicker and ran downstair. To my surprise,my father was holding his belt,his eyes were red,I knew am dead. My mother knelt down and was crying profusely.
My dad: Jason I heard you slapped your school principal’s daughter, true? *raising up the belt*
Me: T…ru..e*stammering*
He moved closer to me and said “hope you have a genuine reason?”. Oh God,I can’t tell him Eva(my principal daughter) try to kiss me,though it was a mistake I slapped her.
My dad: Can’t you answer?
Me: It was mistake.
My mum: You heard him. He mistakenly slapped her
My dad: Shut up this woman,you want to spoil his life?. Sleeping with Dorothy my friend’s daughter was also a mistake(oh that,she seduced me). Beating up his classmate outside the school is also a mistake(julia said I had small d--k). Be fully prepared,you will be living with pastor donald from tommorrow henceforth. Maybe you will learn your lesson then.
He angrily dropped the belt and went to his room. Mama had this look “that’s okay by me”.
I went back inside,unclad myself,I stare at my long big d--k “you implicated me” I said softly. I went into the bathroom and have my bath. I put on my uniform,collected my pocket money from mama not after several advice which I just pretended to hear and I went straight to school. One thing about my father,he hates spoilt kid,that’s why he never allow me near all his car,I love trekking and its fun.
Oh,I was an ss2 student,same class with hannah,christine was in sss3 and also the senior gir.I was very handsome,fair but not too much in complexion with my killing pink lips
I got to school to see many students outside the gate all knelt down,I knew am late and it was my dad’s fault.
I walked nearer and I also knelt down,I raise my head to see eva and julia(julia,the one that says I had a small d--k). Eva was very beautiful and a gentle type,she had medium boobs and ass and was very fair in complexion while julia is choco in complexion and had this huge ass I’ve never seen though small boobs.
Eva looked away the moment our eyes met while julia stared angrily. *weytin concern me,make dem die*.
Eva: *finally speak* why are you late? *referring to me*
Me: I woke up late. And you what are you two doing here,are you the prefect?
Julia: Oh that, senior girl put us here
Christine(senior girl): Hey jason,why are you late and why don’t you come to church yesterday?
Me: I was very sick yesterday*lied* that’s why I woke up late today
Christine: You may enter
Eva and julia looked at christine. “What?” Christine asked them
“Nothing” they both replied. I heard the rest student murmuring but who cares? Mtcheeeew,I entered smiling..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode two
I entered and went straight to my class. English teacher was already there. My english teacher,we call her corper zina.She was in her early twenties,very beautiful with medium ass but small boobs,she was dark in complexion and was very brilliant,I call her genius.
Corper zina: Jason why are you late,I was just about asking hannah your whereabout.
*why hannah? Maybe because we sit together.*
Me: I woke up late ma
Corper zina: Okay see me in my office after this class okay?
Jason: okay ma,**I went to my sit and sat down**.
Hannah: Welcome. Hope you have a better reason for not coming to church yesterday?
Jason: I was very sick that’s why.
Hannah: sick? *she placed her hand on my forehead,detecting the temperature* how are you now?
Jason: I’ll be fine don’t worry
Corper zina: You have started playing your husband and wife play abi,no be here o.
We both smiled while the other students murmured. I looked at my friend Valentine(I call him val) He winked at me. Val hen?. I know him as master bleeper,He has f----d almost all the girls in my class including julia,he said he has f----d her Five times. Me f--k? If not for dorothy that seduced me,am gentle o. Eva and julia later enter.
After the english class,I followed corper zina and helped her carry her textbook.
We went to the lab instead of going to her office,she gave me all this advice you know(don’t follow girls around,becareful of girls,face your studies etc)
After fewhours of working,break time bell rang. Students went out just to eat something. Its only me and hannah alone,oh I hate to be left alone with this girl,she is tempting and always give me hard on. She shift a bit closer to me.
Hannah: Don’t you wanna explain that mean deviation to me?
Me: Let it be tommorrow
Hannah: no no *sounding childish*
Me: okay please
Hannah: **she shift more closer pressing her God gifted boobs to my chest** I like your pink lips
My d--k has already turned to rock but thank God her sister christine enter but I thought she was going to shift away but I was wrong,she held my hand and leaned on me.
Christine: Hun hun**clears throat** Jason I heard you are moving in tommorrow. That’s good,principal needs you in her office. *she had this weird look on her face*
I went to principal’s office, She flogged me for slapping her daughter. After many times of waiting closing time bell finally rang.
Hannah: Let’s walk home together
On our way….
Hannah: So I’ll be expecting you tommorrow
Me: Be expecting me?
Hannah: Yea,tommorrow is saturday,we will catch more fun you know
Me: hmmm.
We went our path. I got home, I was very tired,I went straight to bed.
Later in the night
I was in my room watching p--n when my phone beeped. I checked the message,it says”Handsome I can’t wait to see you tommorrow” from Hannah.
What’s wrong with this girl sef. A knock landed on my door,I opened it to see my mum.
She entered,I sat on my bed and quickly stopped the p--n I was watching,she sat beside me and held my hand.
My mum: Jason,you are going to pastor’s house Tommorrow,be a good child. Am suspecting you and hannah,hope there is nothing between you?
Jason: Nothing ma
My mum: Becareful my baby boy**she gave me 50k**..For your pocket money *she walked out*
That’s my mum,I continue watching my p--n,my phone beeped again
Message says”honey am h---y,need you inside me” from hannah.
“This girl dey madt abi,wu b honey,mak she insert artificial d--k in her hole if she is h---y. Mtcheeeew” I hissed..
My life in pastors house
Episode 3
I watched the p--n till I found myself f-----g my bed.I can’t sleep the whole night,I don’t want to live with those girls especially that hannah,a pastor’s daughter for that matter. I checked the time,it was 6:45am.I tried to catch some sleep which i later did and was woken up by my dad just after 20minutes,I felt like cursing him.
My dad: Wake up jason
Me: Goodmorning sir
My dad: How was your night?
Me: fine sir,yours?
My dad: Fine.When you are ready to move out,call the driver,he will help with your luggages and at thesame time drive you there,okay?
Jason: okay sir
He left for his office
My phone ringtone pierced through my hear. I checked the caller “val”. I picked it=
Val: Guy how far na
Me: I dey jarwe padi
Val: You dey house?
Me: Guy I don enta am oo.
Val: Weytin happen na
*i explained*
Val: I wish say na me dey your position na na, all those girls na,hannah and christine. Chaaiii I trust myself
Me: Abegii oo,you know me be gentle boy. Yo…..(Hang up) I guess his phone has died. Its blackberry na.
I dropped my tecno phantom 5 on the bed and head for the bathroom. Not long I finished bathing but to my surprise I had 15missed calls which I have never had. I checked it “11=hannah,2=val,1=christine” I hissed and dropped it back on the bed.
“Jason jason,am gone” mum shouted
“Owkay ma” I shouted back
I claded in my new white short sleeve top and a blue jean with my nike yeezy shoe. I checked the time “8:15”. I decided to cook and eat my breakfast. I took out my ijapa tiroko oko yannibo book and read it a little. My phone restless led blinking made me checked my inbox then I was shock when I see “where you at? Am really waiting,suprise I won’t wear my pant because of you today” from hannah. I was like…….I don die.
I was still thinking about the meaning of the message when corper zina called me.
Me: Hello ma
Corper: Jason fine boy,how was your nigHt?
Me: Very fine ma
Corper zina: I thought you told me you wanted to know about summary?
Me: yes ma,I did
Corper zina: Can you come over,to my house I mean
Me: I don’t know there ma
Corper zina: I’ll send you the address
Me: Okaay ma but I won’t be coming today,will be there next week saturday.
Corper zina: Okay no problem,bye take care (hang up)
I called the driver”its time to mingle with troubles” I said loudly smiling. We spent about 1hr on the road,their house was very far indeed. We got to one very big house,painted white and yellow,duplex ofcourse. We are about to enter when my sister called me. “I have missed her soo much,she travelled abroad last month and sometimes heard from her” her name is esther,my sister eh,she was so beautiful,she is no different from white people. What I love most about her is her long hair.
Me: Sis
Sister: You are angry right? Am sorry I don’t call you all this days
Me: No problem**I explained my present situation for her**
All she had to say is ask for mark,I have been suspecting my sister and that mark. I go smash his head If i see him with my sis.
I alighted from the car, I saw pastor donald with his laptop placed on his lap and a soft drink with bible on a small table beside him. I greeted and ask for the way in which he showed me but not after all this preaching and advices. I later made my way inside. Although……….
Miss christine and miss hannah is gladly waiting for me.
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 4
I was so shock when I saw hannah wearing skimpy skirt. She and her sister sat on the couch,now there eyes are fixed on me. Hannah stand up and hugged me,her boobs always turn me on. She called a name twice “jane jane” she then collected my backpack with no response and led the way. I just kept staring at her toolz like figure 8 as it was bouncing up and down though I didn’t let her notice. She led me to my room,wow,was well prepared and furnished,I even have plasma tv in my room. She dropped my backpack and sat on my bed not giving me a chance to change my cloth. When I waited for like 2minutes and she still stays,then I decided to tell her.
Me: heem hannah, I wanna change my cloth
Hannah: Then why telling me?
Me: Won’t you excuse me?
Hannah: What are you keeping from me?
she stands up look at me in a lustful way,she walks towards me,she held my belt and pulled me closer to her,I was having a full view of her white boobs. Thank God her sister called her.
“Hannah hannah hannah” joyce is looking for you. She then leave not after winking at me.”I don enter trouble,is this the kind of lesson I will be learning here in pastor’s house?” I murmurmed.
I changed to a knicker, a black top and I went downstairs. I saw three girls,them so hot sitting on the couch. I holla and I sat down with joyce. Oh joyce,joyce is most brilliant student in my class though I don’t how I always got the first position while she always came second. She was beautiful not extremely and she has small round ass and medium boobs. She once told me she loves me and we should be dating which I gladly refusE because I thought she was too small then.
Joyce: I heard you will be living here now.
Me: Sure,my father sent me here because I was so troublesome
They all laughed
“Janet” christine called,oh i love her voice. She kept stealing glances at me which I pretended not see. Jane enter,oh boy,this girl was so much more pretty even more than my sis. She looked cool,so nice,am I falling for her already?.she had small ass and hannah like boobs but I just like her.
Christine: This is our new visitor and will be staying here for a while,his name is jason.
“Hi” I waved. “Hello” her angelic voice nearly killed me. I found myself staring at her innocent face but to my surprise she also stared back and later faced down *guess she was shy*.
Christine: She is janet,my cousin. She finished her secondary school recently and came here to spend her holiday.
Me: Nice to meet you miss jane
She just kept smiling,I can kill for her smile.
Later joyce left for her house and I also retired to my room as I don’t sleep all night. I was asleep when I heard a soft knock on my door,I quickly wake up and head for the door,I opened it to see my one and only angel janet.
Janet: Lunch is ready
Me: oh am coming
Janet: Should I wait?
Me: That will be great
She laugh,I took my phone and we went downstairs,I feel like kissing her hot pink lips.
Me: I have slept for long? Where is christine and hannah
Janet: Sure about 4hrs now, they went to church choir practice
We sat on the dinning chair facing each other. I kept staring and not concentrating on my food.
Janet: Eat your food and stop staring,what you staring at?
Me: You want the truth?
Janet: what’s the truth?
Me: you are so beautiful *i laughed*.Just saying
Janet: You are not bad either.just saying
We both laughed out loud
Janet: can I borrow your phone?
I gave her and she gave me back about 3minutes later
I later finish my food and went back to my room. I laid on my bed to chat,I switched on the data connection and saw many messages on whatsapp but one from an unknown number says”Save my number,its janet”……..oh boy*winks*
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 5
I smiled and saved it as “Jane” I was about messaging her when I saw her typing. Following conversations ensued:
Janet: Handsome lazy boy
Me: Miss beauty
Janet: your girlfriend is here,she is back from church and actually searching for you
Me: who?
Janet: Hannah,she speaks highly of you,she told me you two were dating.
Me: *i don’t wanna embarrass her* Dating?.,oh sure.
Janet: Okay *offline*
Is she jealous or what?. I quickly went downstairs as to avoid her from entering my room. I sat down while she sat with me.
Hannah: I want to sleep your room tonight
Christine: You joking right? Dad is coming home,don’t you know
Janet just frown,her eyes glued to her phone screeen
Me: My room ke,lailai,not possible o
Hannah: Am going to sleep with you tonight
Me: Stop the joke,you can’t *i nearly shouted*
Hannah: You hate me abi*she started all this spoilt child crying*
Me: Not that I hate yo…(Cut in)
Hannah: Oya kiss me on my cheek and I won’t sleep in your room anymore also am going to believe you never hate me.
I looked at christine face,she faked a smile. I look at jane face,not smiling. Before I knew it,she kissed my lip.
Hannah: Wow so sweet
Christine: I should leave you husband and wife
Janet: Wanna sleep guys
Hannah: now its me and you
She took my left hand and placed it on her lap. Oh god my d--k is about bursting. She shifted my hand slowly under skirt and say “surprise,am not wearing pant”. I gathered all my power to remove my hand
Me: Am sorry I can’t do this,I wanna sleep
Hannah: jason just tonight,I have been dreaming about u,about us. Please
I retired to my room without saying anything. I checked my what’sapp message to see”I can see you a bad boy” from christine. I tried to message her several times but she failed to reply. “F--k you” I murmured and fell to sleep.
I woke up the nextday,oh today is sunday,I hate sunday chaii. I checked the time “8:05”. I quickly brushed my teeth and clad in my ankara,I sprayed perfume all over my body *lol*. I went downstairs to see dem three girls waiting for me. Oh boy,this janet too beautiful. I can’t stop staring. We later head to church,the service went well. I stepped outside of the church just to wait for them girls,mike called my name. Mike is the elder brother of dorothy.
Mike: Jason
Me: Hey mike,how are you doing?
Mike: Am good,guy Let’s talk. Dorothy told me you never speak to her again and even not answering her call,she cried so much yesterday. She told me she seduced you and made you loss your virginity,she was so sorry. Did you know you also disvirgined her?
Me: hen? Am dead
Mike: Its nothing,she is haPpy you are the one. She want to see you,she is at the back of the church waiting for you.
I went there, She run towards me the moment she sees me. Hmmm,she was looking more gorgeous.
Dorothy: You know,am sorry jason.
Me: Not your fault dorothy,I should be the one apologizing.
Dorothy: Should I come over to your house.
Me: I am now living with pastor donald,my dad pushed me there.
Dorothy: With those girls? *her mood changed,but weytin concern me*
Me: I have nothing to do with them,they my friends that’s all.
But are they really my friends?..if christine and janet are my friends? WhAt about hannah..Lord knows what I’ll do if I continue living in that house..
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