Episode 21
Clara’s side of the story continues
‘’you should learn to start acting like my wife dear. My love for you is greater than anything on earth’’ Charles breathed as he kissed my cheek, his hands slowly going for my br.east. I quickly changed position, blocking his efforts.
‘’how do you plan to get away with this? How do you explain to my family assuming I succumb to your demand?’’ I softly asked curiously while he drew back and smiled.
‘’leave that for me, in due time things will unfold the way you never imagined my dear. All I need now is your love, presence and attention’’ he breathed softly.
I stared at him in great disbelief. I never imagined he would go that far just to have me. Of course his actions were extremely disgusting and I couldn’t help but regret having a silly idea of making up with him the night I fought with val. Yes I had regretted treating Charles badly but I never knew he was this desperate and dangerous.
‘’God help me’’ I prayed and closed my eyes as he drew closer to me very eager to continue with his love play. I needed no telling that he was ready to have me there and then. He was ready to rap.e me. He was ready to forcefully take what he had always claimed to be his. He was very eager to take what had been denied him all along. I knew fighting or resisting was going to be pointless but I was very ready not to give in easily. I was ready to fight to the last.
‘’please I beg of you don’t do this to me. Don’t use force on me. Don’t hurt me. Let me go’’ I begged desperately. He stopped for some seconds and stared at me.
‘’come on, I’m not going to hurt you. All I want is to make you love me. I want you to be the mother of my kids. I want us to have a great family. Our kids will never lack anything. Who knows in the next twenty years I could be the state governor. We have a lot to gain together my love’’ he proposed while I dropped my eyes in desperation. It was pointless begging him. His mind was already made up and there was nothing I could do but to take everything painfully.
‘’I really don’t know why you chose that lowlife over me. The idiot has no money, no name, nothing. Till now I still can’t believe you ruined my birthday celebration because of him’’ he muttered and unbuckled his belt. I closed my eyes with great pain. I was about being r.aped, there wasn’t any doubt about it. I could only fight to delay him for few minutes. My fate was inevitable.
But then out of nowhere came a loud thud that sounded right outside the room door as if someone fell on the door or was watching us. Charles quickly sprang up from the bed and headed to the door while I followed him with my eyes. As soon as he opened the door I instantly caught a glimpse of a man lying face first on the floor. I couldn’t take a proper look at him because Charles’s big body was blocking my view but deep down I felt the man lying right there was no other person than Val , a discovery that left me totally alarmed as I screamed.
Val’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode
After building up my morale, I left one of my phones in the car, put the second one in my pocket, checked my service pistol, alighted from the car, crossed over to the other side of the road and headed to the bush surrounding the back of the building. I was very desperate. I equally was very scared. Of course I was going into an unknown territory without backup or authorization. I was simply on my own and anything could happen in there. However the thought of saving Clara was very stronger than my fears.
I easily scaled the wall, hid at the back of a small building at the backyard and scanned the compound. The compound was a very large one and I spotted about six men watching over the property. They weren’t armed and everything about the house looked normal like most houses owned by rich men. I softly waited for an opportunity to make my next move, which was picking the best place to search for Clara. I was a trained operative and yes i had a good training on covert operation even though I was yet to practice it in real life till that very moment. I was trained to pick out hostiles in the midst of a friendly crowd. I knew how to pick out odd things in every given environment. But then everything about this house I was watching looked perfectly okay and if not that I followed Charles to the place I would have given up.
Suddenly I spotted Charles at the doorway linking the main house from the back yard. I nervously watched him give instructions to one of the guys watching the house before going back inside. I instantly made my move and made it into the main building without being seen. You can’t imagine how loud my heart was pounding this moment. I had to be extremely careful.
I was able to walk through the empty hallway towards the bedrooms without being seen. Slowly I listened for sounds as I passed through each room. I heard nothing till I got to the last room where I heard Charles’s voice as he talked to a lady whose voice was softer as she appeared to be begging. The voice was of course Clara’s, a discovery that left me extremely relieved. I couldn’t believe everything went very easily for me.
I heaved a sigh of relief and grabbed my phone to send a quick emergency message for backup but unfortunately I felt a loud thud on the back of my head which instantly immobilized me as I lost consciousness. I never saw the blow coming. I never knew who hit me.
Episode 22
Clara’s side of the story continues
Charles shut the door the instant he heard my scream, leaving me all alone to imagine things for myself. I couldn’t really believe the man I saw lying face first on the floor was Val. It kind of appeared like a figment of my imagination. I couldn’t understand how he was able to locate the house in the first place. I was so scared of what Charles would do to him. It was definitely an opportunity he was craving for.
Yes for him to go extreme just to have me, I believed he was ready to do unimaginable things to Val to get even.
I knelt down and prayed. I prayed to dear Lord, begging him to touch Charles’s heart, not for my freedom but for Val’s sake.
After about an hour or so later, Charles’s walked into the room, sweating heavily. I stared at him suspiciously, wondering why he was sweating heavily.
‘’what have you done?’’ I asked breathlessly. He laughed.
‘’your boyfriend is so stupid. Imagine he walked right into my house without invitation. That guy is really sick in the head’’ he mused as he sat beside me on the bed. I felt like hitting him but restrained myself.
‘’what do you plan doing with him?’’ I asked fearfully.
‘’hmmmm I don’t know yet. It all depends on you. If you treat me fine, I will spare his life’’ he muttered and licked his lips.
‘’how do you plan getting away with all these?. The police are already on you’re a.ss’’ I stammered, trying to frighten him. He laughed.
‘’that’s where you are mistaken my dear. Do you really think I got you here without the help of the police?. My dear I have everything all figured out and your Val is surely going to pay for turning me into a monster unless you make me change my mind’’ he added seriously while I held my breath. It really was obvious he had some bad police officers as friends but unknown to him I was relieved that he was yet to know that Val was a secret agent. The discovery was a big relief to me and I very much knew that for Val to make it to the house so easily that his colleagues won’t be far behind. The only thing I needed to do was to stall him as much as possible for the other agents to come to my rescue.
‘’fine I will do whatever you wish me to do. Just don’t hurt him. I don’t want you to keep hurting people. I don’t want you to be a monster. I will be with you if that will stop you from being a monster’’ I softly appealed to him, reaching for his hand as well. He drew back with surprise, like someone not too sure of himself. I kind of felt I made him suspicious with my composure.
‘’are you really doing this out of the love you have for him?’’ he asked to my surprise.
‘’no I’m not doing it for him. I’m doing it for you, for your family. You are following a dangerous path that will harm you in the end. I will do anything to prevent that from happening, including being with you’’ I breathed, shaking him with my words. He quickly snatched his hand from my grasp and left the room without another word. There was no doubt I got him shaken up with my words. Of course I never meant any of them; all I was doing was to stall him from doing anything silly.
Val’s side of the story continues
I woke up with a jolt as I felt the effects of cold water all over me. I noticed a huge guy grinning at me as he dropped an empty bucket on the wet floor. I was tied like a war prisoner who was about to be tortured. My two hands and legs were stretched out and tied firmly to iron poles. I couldn’t imagine how long I was out. Taking a quick look around me, I noticed that I was held in a basement perhaps an underground basement.
I quick blow on my face soon brought back my attention to the huge guy. There wasn’t any doubt he was enjoying every bit of my pains.
‘’I guess he’s now ready to talk’’ I heard Charles’s voice say from behind as he slowly walked towards me with a deep smile of satisfaction.
‘’you know I was having a difficult time with Clara until you stupidly showed up. Now she has accepted to be mine on the condition I let you go. But you and I know that’s not going to happen. You are not getting out of here alive unless you tell me how you got here in the first place and who else knows that you are here’’ he asked softly.
‘’I simply followed you from the city. I knew all along that you got Clara kidnapped. It was very easy to figure out and it equally was extremely easy to tail you’’ I answered with a short smile which left him frowning. A quick blow on my face soon showed me how pissed off he was.
‘’god knows I will torture you till you pass out over and over. I will sure make you regret ever coming between Clara and I’’ he threatened.
‘’how do you plan getting away with all these?. I guess you haven’t thought about that?, or are you going to keep Clara here forever?’’ I asked as I spat out blood from my mouth, spitting on him.
‘’maybe you are the scapegoat I need to get away with this’’ he replied with a smile as he landed three heavy blows on my nose. I passed out again.
Meanwhile at the office of the state director DSS; agent Jenifer is seen trying Val’s number for the tenth time with no success. The state director and agent mike are also seen frowning. The atmosphere in the room looked tense and it’s very difficult to figure out what’s going through their minds .
Episode 23
Val’s side of the story continues
I woke up once again to find myself lying on the floor. This time around my hands weren’t tied. Only my legs were tied together with a strong rope. I managed to sit up, resting my back on the wall as I thought of my next move and how to survive. Of course I was very lucky to still be alive. I felt it was just a matter of time before Charles’s decides to finish me up for good.
I only had a faint hope that my colleagues would soon start looking for me and with the help of the cell phone I left in my car, be able to trace my location. Yes it really wasn’t the best shot for my freedom and I knew I had to think out of the box to find a way to secure my freedom. I also couldn’t help but wonder what Charles and his gang did to the other phone I came into the house with.
I was still busy with my thoughts when another young man walked in with a plate of food. As he dropped the plate on the floor beside me, I drew back and stared at him suspiciously. Three tiny pieces of yam with red oil was the meal he brought for me in a plastic plate. I shook my head with disgust and looked the other way.
‘’I advice you eat this food because I don’t know the next time you will be served again’’ he said rudely.
‘’please what’s the time?’’ I asked. He scoffed.
‘’9:30am, Monday morning’’ he replied.
‘’are you really sure?’’ I asked. He sighed and left the room without another word while I shook my head and thought of how to escape.
It really wasn’t long before an idea came into my head. I smiled to myself and prepared my mind for it.
Hours later, the guy who earlier brought food for me came in to take the plate. His eyes instantly boiled with rage as soon as he noticed that I didn’t touch the food. But he said nothing, instead came forward and took the plate.
‘’I want urinate. I have been holding it all day’’ I said to him calmly.
‘’you can piss on yourself’’ he replied rudely.
‘’I also want to shi.t. You know I can’t shi.t on myself because you guys won’t be able to touch me afterwards and I know the stench will chase you all out of the building. So kindly take me to the toilet’’ I said with a cunning smile. He hesitated for a moment before walking away. Few minutes later, the huge guy that hit me the previous day showed up with a dirty smile on his smile.
‘’it’s only 4:30pm and you already want to shi.t tough guy’’ he breathed with a short laugh.
‘’I will take you to the toilet but don’t try anything funny because I won’t hesitate to shoot you and I don’t miss’’ he threatened, tucked the small pistol he was holding in his trouser, bent over me and untied the rope used to bind my legs while I heaved a sigh of relief.
Roughly he jerked me up and dragged me towards the toilet. He definitely was a strong guy and I knew I needed extra strength plus my training to beat him in a fight.
On getting to the toilet, he threw me inside and shut the door, whistling a song as he waited for me outside the toilet.
I soon settled in the toilet where I took time to rest and perfect my plans. After relieving myself, I flushed the toilet, made the sign of the cross and breathed deeply before knocking on the door to get the big guy’s attention.
Just like I expected, he opened the door to drag me out but unknown to him I was very much ready. Before he threw open the toilet door, I scooped enough toilet water from the toilet pit and splashed the water on his face as soon as he opened the door, putting him in great discomfort and disarray as he spit, cursed and wiped his face with great energy, putting down his guard. It was the opportunity I needed to put him down. One kick to the stomach plus a choke hold were enough to knock him out. I quickly grabbed his gun and headed to the room I heard Clara’s voice the last time.
Breaking into the room wasn’t easy and the noise it generated as I kicked on the door alerted the other guys’ guarding the house. But I still had time to break in and grab Clara before they could get to the room.
Unfortunately the difficult part was escaping with Clara. The girl was very weak and scared. She couldn’t run very fast and before we could get to the back of the building the other guys weren’t far behind. The only escape route was scaling the same fence I used in gaining access to the house but unfortunately Clara couldn’t do that without help.
Yes we luckily made it to the fence but in the process of lifting up Clara for her to grab the edge and scale over, the other guys closed in on us. One of them fired a round which whistled over my head, making me lose my grip on Clara, she instantly fell on the floor while I nervously pulled out the gun I had with me and got ready for a show off as they surrounded us and waited for my next move. I really was lucky the guys never kept firing at us.
I desperately counted them. They were seven guys in all. Four of them pointed their guns at me while the rest simply stood and waited for the next move from me. I was lucky they didn’t attempt shooting again. Perhaps they wanted me alive or perhaps they were scared that a shootout between us could lead to Clara getting shot.
I was totally surrounded and I knew there was no getting out.
‘’let the girl go and we will let you go. You know you stand no chance. you can’t shoot all of us without getting shot’’ one of the guys demanded quickly as my eyes went back and forth like a cornered rat.
Episode 24
Val’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode
‘’let the girl go mister. Just take this rare chance we are giving you. You are totally outgunned and outnumbered’’ the young man demanded again while my heart furiously pounded as I wondered what next to do. Of course I knew I was in a tight fix. I equally knew they weren’t going to let me get away once I let them have Clara. Letting go of Clara or my weapon was never an option for me.
‘’you have just two seconds left to make up your mind’’ he demanded as he took a step towards me. I breathed deeply and aimed at him, I wasn’t going to let them take Clara again without a fight. I knew once I take the shot that the rest of the gang was going to fire at me but then I really saw no other option left than to die fighting. I saw death staring and beckoning at me once again. I never knew I was going to die so young. Sweat appeared all over me as I got ready to fire my last shot.
But fortunately for me before I could press the trigger I spotted agent Jenifer and three other agents closing on them from behind. The bad guys all stood facing me without watching their back, an opportunity Jenifer and the other agents used in getting close within range. I heaved a sigh of relief. Yes it was a perfect timing. They came at the right time to save my sorry a.ss.
‘’drop your weapons right now. You are totally surrounded’’ Jenifer instantly barked, shocking the hoodlums who all turned to see that they were all sitting ducks. They instantly dropped their guns without hesitation while four other agents jumped into the compound from the back fence I earlier tried using to escape with Clara. I was very much surprised and relieved at the same time. I never knew the house was already surrounded by my colleagues during the show off. Clara instantly got on her feet and hugged me tightly while agent Jenifer drew close and smiled at me.
‘’thanks for saving my as.s’’ I breathed gratefully.
‘’we heard the gunshot and that helped lead us to this corner’’ she replied with a smile.
‘’yes I was shot at when trying to escape with Clara, luckily the bullet missed its target. How did you find the location?’’ I asked curiously.
‘’the prints found on the bullets we got from the first crime scene came out yesterday. We ran it through the police database with us and discovered that it matched two officers working with the state police headquarters. We tried reaching you but couldn’t. After picking up the officers, they confessed that they gave out weapons to Mr. Charles but never participated in the kidnap. They gave us more than enough details to help. But when we still failed to reach you today, we had to track your phone signal which eventually gave the same location the police officers gave us during questioning. We had to get as many teams as we can to come over here because we didn’t know what to expect’’ she explained quickly while I breathed deeply.
Another agent soon showed up with a frown.
‘’we only saw one huge guy inside the house. Mr. Charles isn’t in the house’’ he informed us.
Clara returned to her relieved parents that same evening while I was asked to go home. According to my director, I still have to face disciplinary action, something I really wasn’t comfortable with. I felt after all the risks I took that everything was going to be fine.
‘’we still have some decisions to make concerning your conduct. So go home and wait for our call’’ was all I was told. Of course I felt bad. It really was painful to know that my efforts weren’t really appreciated. I almost lost my life for the job but no one took notice of it.
I returned to my apartment later that evening, so tired and hungry. I had a long shower before dozing off in my sitting room. I barely had slept for few minutes when a soft knock on my door brought me to my feet. I opened the door to see Vivian smiling at me. She looked so sexy in a cleavage revealing green gown which showed off all her curves. I swallowed hard as I stared at her.
‘’I came to thank you and equally apologize over all I said to you the last time. I made you a great meal. I know you will be very tired and hungry. I also heard rumors that you might be suspended from your job over all that happened. I’m here to keep you company. I’m here to be with you through the night. That’s my small way of appreciating you’’ she breathed softly, taking a step towards me and planting a kiss on my cheek that sent sweet sensations down my spine.
(Unknown to anyone, Mr. Charles was quietly seated in his car which was parked right in front of Val’s compound as he waited for nightfall. You can’t imagine the surprise on his face as he saw Vivian walk into the compound. Nevertheless nothing was going to stop him from finishing what he started).
Episode 25
Val’s side of the story continues
After enjoying the delicious meal Vivian brought me, I regained enough strength to joke and play with her. But as soon as the clock stuck 8:15pm, I knew it was time to ask her to leave. Of course I was still reasoning with my head instead of my d---k and no matter how tempting her offer of spending the night at my apartment looked. I knew it was something I would end up regretting the next day.
‘’Thanks so much for the meal, you are really a life saver but please don’t bother spending the night here with me. I’m very fine on my own moreover I need to be alone to think over my life and the way forward’’ I finally managed to say to her with a smile. She slowly frowned and tried to insist.
‘’I offered to stay here with you from my heart. You don’t have to ask me to leave. I’m a big girl. You have nothing to worry about’’ she pushed on, trying to sound innocent and cool but I knew deep down things really weren’t as she said. And seriously I wanted to be alone to think over my life just like I earlier told her.
I stood up, drew close to her and rested my hands on her shoulders, caressing them softly.
‘’my dear I really wish to be alone tonight. I have some things to figure out and you being here won’t give me the space I need. I appreciate everything you did today but please I want to be alone’’ I begged. She reluctantly shrugged and stood up.
‘’very well then, let me pack up my things’’ she finally accepted with a smile while I heaved a sigh of relief.
At exactly 8:45pm, I led her to the door but on opening it we both saw Charles smiling devilishly. It was just as if he had been standing there for long. You can’t imagine the shock I felt. It was just as if I was facing a ghost. It looked so unbelievable and unreal. It was as if my eyes were playing games with me. I couldn’t believe a guy every security agent was looking for was standing right in front of my apartment as if everything was fine with him.
Before I could react, Vivian fell back on me, holding her stomach and gasping while Charles grinned as he stepped closer. I never realized he was holding a knife. I never saw it coming. I didn’t realize on time that Vivian fell back on me because she was stabbed. It really happened so fast moreover the doorway was a bit dark for one to notice much and before I could process everything, toss Vivian to a corner and defend myself, I felt a sharp pain on my stomach.
Charles wasted no time in stabbing me. He grabbed the opportunity without the slightest hesitation. He was just a man on mission.
I tried to hold myself and fight back but he was very much ready. He stabbed me over and over in the abdomen, forcing me down on my knees as I slowly hit the floor.
I gasped for breathe as I tried to sit up while he focused his attention on Vivian who was struggling to get on her feet. He reached for her, stabbing her multiple times on the back before throwing her body on me.
‘’you shouldn’t have come between Clara and i. you tried to destroy my hopes, my investment, my life. You turned me into this. I’m not proud of this dirty game but I have to do this to save my own a.ss. And to you Vivian, you shouldn’t have been here tonight. I never knew the bastard was f--k.ing you and your cousin at the same time’’ he breathed as I fought with great energy to keep my eyes from shutting down.
‘’now please hold this knife for me’’ he added with an evil smile as he forced the weapon to my right hand. I was too weak to do anything.
‘’when the police eventually find your bodies tomorrow, They will quickly come to the conclusion that you Val came home very depressed and took it out on your girl who came to be with you. After stabbing her, you realized what you did and stabbed yourself. With the news Clara will confirm that you were never what she thought you were and it will give me the opportunity to reclaim my love. She will realize that I kidnapped her just to save her from you and not to harm her. good night Mr. Val’’ he added with an evil grin, pulled off the hand gloves he was wearing, tossed them into his jacket and left the room without another word.
I saw death before me once again. It was as if I was destined to die young. However the mistake Charles made was not making sure I was dead before leaving the house. Perhaps he wanted me to slowly bleed to death. The other thing I was equally yet to figure out was if he now knew that I was a federal agent.
Anyway I managed to crawl to the table where I left my phone and quickly dialed Jenifer’s number with my last strength.
‘’help’’ I breathed and collapsed.
Episode 26
Clara’s side of the story continues
I was so happy to be free, so happy to breathe in fresh air again. I couldn’t believe the events of the past few days were actually real. It was just like an action movie or should I say an action dream . I couldn’t believe Charles actually kidnapped me just to force me into loving him. Yes talking about Charles, the desperation I saw in his eyes and the way he forcefully wanted my love looked more of an ambition and not real love. I knew our families had a lot to gain from our union but I felt he and his family had a whole lot more to gain from it. It was all about power, wealth and politics. Yes he even hinted on it when he was ranting like a mad man.
But then it equally was so sad and disappointing to know that my father drew back his interest and anger when he learned that it was Charles who kidnapped me. He instantly stopped talking tough and only assured me that he was going to talk to Charles’s father. He never said anything about throwing the boy in jail or taking a more decisive action. It was just as if dad was more interested in saving his political career than caring for my feelings. Nevertheless I slept peacefully, so happy to be home and so happy that Val and I were now in the same page. It was so wonderful seeing him break into the room to free me and it equally was so amazing running with him as we fled the scene.
Even though we failed to make it out of the house without outside help all that mattered to me was how he stood by my side against all odds. He put his life on the line for me. He was just the man. I dreamt about it over and over with a smile on my face.
I woke up the next day, yearning to see my val. We never really had the opportunity to talk much the previous day because I was instantly whisked away and brought home while he headed to his workplace to sort things out with his colleagues. I nervously dialed his number but he failed to answer. I tried his line two more times before a lady answered his call.
‘’hello I’m agent Jenifer. You are Clara the governor’s daughter right?’’ she introduced herself and asked while a thousand and one thoughts instantly filled my head.
‘’yes I’m, how about Val?’’ I asked.
‘’I’m sorry he won’t be able to talk to you at the moment. I’m coming over to the mansion to talk to you. Just wait for me’’ she replied and hung up, leaving me a bit worried.
Precisely an hour later, agent Jenifer walked into my room with a smile.
‘’how was your night?’’ she asked.
‘’I’m fine but I guess Charles hasn’t been arrested yet?’’ I asked. She breathed deeply and nodded.
‘’yes he hasn’t been arrested yet but I’m also sorry to tell you that your dad wants us to drop the case. I don’t know the reason for his decision and I don’t just know what to say about it’’ she informed me while I dropped my eyes. Of course the news never came as a surprise to me.
‘’anyway you have nothing to worry about. A female police officer plus a team of armed policemen will be assigned to guard you every minute of the day. So don’t be scared’’ she added with a smile.
‘’I’m not scared of Charles but how about Val?’’ I asked breathlessly. She kept quiet for few seconds.
‘’Val won’t be working here anymore’’ she muttered.
‘’but why?, I want him. He’s a good agent. I need no one else but him’’ I protested.
‘’how close are you with him?’’ she suddenly asked.
‘’we are very close. So close for him to risk his life for me’’ I fired quickly.
‘’there is nothing spectacular in what he did my dear. Every other agent would have done the same for you. By the way how close is he with your cousin miss Vivian?’’ she asked. I stared at her suspiciously.
I couldn’t help but wonder where the question was heading to.
‘’they are friends. She actually met him before me. She equally was the person that revealed to me that Val wasn’t an agent when she discovered something about us’’ I breathed, stopping the instant I noticed that I said much more than I was asked.
‘’what did she discover?’’ she asked curiously.
‘’it’s something private. Why should I tell you?’’ I answered weakly.
‘’because it could help in an ongoing investigation’’ she answered while I stared at her in disbelief.
‘’you see your cousin Vivian was found badly stabbed in Val’s apartment yesterday evening. Val was equally found stabbed. There wasn’t any sign of break in or forced entry in the apartment and we are about coming to the conclusion that perhaps Vivian went over to his house to spend the night or something similar and they ended up fighting and stabbing each other. It’s just a mere speculation for now though ‘’ she softly informed me as I gasped for breath. Many thoughts flowed into my head.
Of course the previous day, I barely had returned home when Vivian who was supposed to keep me company came in to tell me that she was going to a friend’s birthday party. I never bothered to ask her much because I was dead tired.
But with Jenifer’s revelation, It all started flowing back to my head. No wonder Vivian bluntly told me everything about Val that led us into quarreling. She never revealed Val’s identity to save me; rather she did it for us to break up. She did it for herself. She was trying to save her relationship with him.
I instantly felt used.
‘’oh my god’’ I breathed with great pain.
‘’so what exactly did she discover that made her reveal Val’s true identity to you?’’ Jenifer softly demanded, breaking into my thoughts.
‘’she told me everything about Val after I told her we were having an affair’’ I confessed with tears which filled my eyes. Jenifer drew back and shrugged.
‘’with the look of things its obvious agent Val was having an affair with both of you. I’m afraid to say that he is in a very big trouble right now, that is if he makes it out alive because his wounds are very deep and serious’’ she added with a frown while I took my pillow and covered my face with shame as I wept bitterly.
I regretted ever coming back to Nigeria....
The. End
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MY LIFE IN PASTOR'S HOUSE.. Episode 16 - 20
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 16
Later in the noon
I was in my room still thinking about dorothy’s stuffs,,its so bad for me as I would become father at this age,my dad is gonna kill me and loosing christine will be most painful thing ever happened to me,, My phone started ringing which I just ignored,,I later checked the caller after three times of calling “unknown caller”,,I hissed and picked it,,,following conversations ensued:
Caller: Hi love
Me: Who are you please?
Caller: Eva
When did I turn her love?,,,I shouldn’t have lied to her…..another problem
Me: Oh,,how are you eve?
Eva: Am good,,you?
Me: Am good
Eva: You are not in school today,,hope there is no problem?
Me: No problem,,just resting
Eva: About what you told me the other time,,,,**not talking,,guess she was shy or blushing**
Me: About that?
Eva: I also love you and I don’t think I can stop loving you,,blah,,blah,,blah
After 30minutes of calling,I decided to visit janet and tell her all about this,,wait where is christine and mark?..I have to goto christine’s room,,I was about knocking when I heard them talking my matter,,I had to eavesdrop
Mark: You can’t love him,,christine am your brother,,I know what’s best for you,,
Christine: No you don’t,,and besides this is my life not yours..
Mark: Am just pretending to like him,,he is not the guy for you..
Christine: And his sister,,is she the right woman for you
Mark: She is just…….
“Hey” I turned back to see janet….
Me: Sshhh *telling her to keep quite*
I dragged her by hand and we went to her room,,I narrated everything to her even the one I just heard…
Janet: I hate that mark so much,,I don’t think he loved your sister,,warn her to be careful of that crazy guy and about the girl dorothy,,she might be lieing but you just go tomorrow first…
Me: okay,,hope mark is no more disturbing you?
Janet: Am pregnant for him jason **facing down,,tears forming in her eyes**
Me: What?
Janet: Yes but he told me I must abort it and even gave me 20k for the abortion….
Me: What are you going to do now?
Janet: I’ll abort it,,am left with no choice
Me: Abortion?
Janet: Yes,,**crying**
I held her hand and just calm her down,,I later retired to my room,,I saw 6missed call,,4 from eva,,2 from mum,,I called mum back
Me: My sweet mother
Mum: Naughty boy,,how is everything?
Me: Good ma
Mum: I want to tell you this,,it seems you are not a child anymore..Your father have given you a wife since your childhood,,an he will want you to marry her,,Though am not supporting this,,I told him to let you choose yourself but he insisted you marry his friend’s daughter…
Me: Which among his friends?
Mum: Doctor sam,,
Me: Dorothy?
Mum: Yes,,her father would have told her,,guess that’s why she always acts like that around you in the church..
Me: I can’t marry her mum,,I don’t love her..
Mum: You have somebody you love?
Me: Yes mum,,I’ll tell you at the right time
Mum: that’s my boy,,I’ll talk to your dad about that..
Me: Thanks mum. **hang up**
I saw corper zina’s message on whatsapp,,,says:
“Why is it that when you are not in school christine will also failed to come to school?,come to my house tomorrow and explain yourself”.
“Weytin concern this woman na” I said loudly…tomorrow is saturday,,I really hate saturday,,should I goto dorothy’s house or corper zina’s house?….if I didn’t goto corper zina’s house she might punish me or might be thinking I delibrately embarrass her,,and if I don’t goto dorothy’s house I won’t get to know if she is really pregnant and there might be no more opportunity to sEE her……what should I do?…I hate this kind situation….
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 17
I woke up around 8am,,I decided to check on my love “christine”,,she was still sleeping innocently like a new born baby..I smiled and turned back to leave..
Christine: You can’t greet?
Me: Goodmorning ma *we both laugh*
Christine: *her mood changed suddenly*,,jason we have to talk..
Me: What’s on your mind?
Christine: We have to..st..op all what’s happening between us,,we are friends and not lover,,I hope you understand..
Hearing this nearly killed me but its all truth we are not dating,,I bade her farewell,left for my room.I took my bath and head for dorothy’s house,,I have already decided to goto both of them(dorothy and corper zina),,
On getting to dorothy’s house,I knocked the door and I was ushered in by mike,,dorothy was sitting on the couch probably waiting for me coz I remember informing her before coming,,Though she was beautiful and many would kill to have her but christine is the girl I want,,..
Mike: Talk to her,,she have not eaten since yesterday *whispering to me* ..I want to cook breakfast,be right back..
I sat beside dorothy,I held her hand,tears rolled down her cheek,,I cleaned the tears with my hand..
Me: I heard you have not eaten anything since yesterday?
Dorothy: How can I eat in this situation?
Me: Are you pregnant for real?
Dorothy: Yes am pregnant,,,for you
Me: How can I be sure the pregnancy is mine?
Dorothy: You are the one to ever sex me**she sobbed**
Me: Am sorry,,but..(Mike cut in)
Mike: No doubt my guy,,you are responsible for the pregnancy..
Me: How can….oh God..okay no problem
Dorothy: Should I abort it?
Me: no,never…
I fed her food and later left for corper zina’s house,,I knew am not myself anymore,,I can’t afford to lose christine,,I can’t be a father now,,I knocked at corper zina’s door and she opened it after 2mins of knocking,,she only tied towel that covered her boobs to her knee,,guess she just finished bathing,,Oh boy her boobs is so much more bigger than I thought,,she caught me staring..
Corper zina: what are you staring at?
Me: *faced down* nothing ma,,
Corper zina: She ushered me in,,
I sat on the big couch while she sat beside me
Me: You are not changing your cloth ma?
Corper zina: oh…Let’s go inside,,so you will be telling me all I need to know then..
Thought its nothing,,I entered the room with her,, I sat on her reading chair,,She faced her mirror backing me,,she untied her towel,,I can’t help but stare at her ass,,she turned back and sat on my lap..”So what’s between you two” she asked licking her lips..she grabbed my left hand and placed it on her boobs..
Me: Corper z….(She planted a kiss on my lip)
Corper zina: call me zina..
She grabbed my hands and sat me up,,I just followed her sheepishly,,she pushed me to her bed unbuttoning my shirt..she throw my shirt away after she successfully removed it from my body..She rubbed my chest with her lefthand loosing my belt with her right hand,,she pulled down my jean together with my boxer…
Corper zina: I knew it,,I knew you did be having a great d--k..
She inserted my d--k in her mouth and started sucking it..she was a great sucker..she climbed on me and started riding my d--k..>Cut the crap<…I later cumed in her mouth in the secound round of sucking and we laid on the bed very tired..
Corper zina: I never knew you were this great on bed,,what’s with your mood?,,,
Me: Ma I hope this never happen between us again,,,you are my mistress,,atleast I satisfied you now but I won’t another time,,am sorry…
I stood up and put on my cloth…
Corper zina: You shouldn’t blame yourself,,I caused it….am sorry,,I regretted seducing you but its not my fault,,I always think about you..you were that boy am loving…….
Me: Me?..how…(My phone beeped)
Its whatsapp message from dorothy says”the truth is you are not responsible for the pregnancy”
What?she mistakenly send the message right?oh am going home first,then I’ll call her
I quickly bade corper zina farewell and rushed home….
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 18
On getting home,,mark,hannah and christine was in the sitting room watching film,,I greet them and rushed in not asking about janet,,I quickly dialed her number and she picked it immediately..
Me: dorothy,,I want to understand your message
Dorothy: I think I should tell you the truth,,
Me: Am all hears
Dorothy: Mike is responsible for the pregnancy
Me: Which mike?
Dorothy: My brother,,,we have sex almost everyday and that started since our childhood,,we do sleep same room together,,oneday he told me to hold his d--k,,that’s how it started,,you are not the one that deflowered me and you are not responsible for the pregnancy..I really love you and always think about you everyday but look at me now,I can’t have you again,,about the marriage I’ll tell my father I can’t marry you **she sobbed**..So jason please be well,,I can’t forget you even in my death…goodbye forever jason……
Me: Dorothy!!!!! I shouted…*a knock landed on my door*…”Its christine”
“This is a great opportunity” I thought to myself..christine entered and she closed the door..
Christine: I heard you shouting dorothy,,what’s happening?
Me: That….*i explained everything*
Christine: So you have bleeped that girl?
Me: Am not wise enough then…
Christine: Doesn’t matter **she made to leave but I held her back**
Me: Christine,,I just can’t stop thinking about you,,I can’t afford to lose you christine,,I knew we are not dating,,its my fault and am willing to do the thing in the right way**i knelt down** christine will you be my girlfriend?
I can see the joy and suprise in her face
Christine: Don’t know what to say **she hugged me tight**
Me: Is that a YES?
Christine: Yes!!!!….am sorry,I don’t mean to hurt you but mark told me to do that to know if you truly love me….am so happy..
We sat on the bed gisting and laughing when my phone rang,,,”dorothy again?”
Me: Dorothy
Dorothy: Its mike not dorothy
Me: Mike?
Mike: what have you done to my sister?..she has poisoned herself and has been rushed to hospital…
Me: Jesusssss……where?
Mike: I’ll send you the address now…
*hang up*
Christine: what happened
Me: Christine,,dorothy has poisoned herself
Christine: Whaaaat?
Me: she has been rushed to hospital,we should go there now…
We rushed to the hospital which dorothy is being treated,,,nurse told us she was in ward 6 receiving treatment,,we enter ward six to see dorothy on the bed laid helplessly and mike roaming around in the ward,,mike quickly grabbed my shirt immediately he saw me….
Mike: You fool,,what have you done to her or I’ll kill you
Me: *so angry* shut the hell up,,are you worried about her or you worried about your secret being reveal,,what kind of brother are you,,leave me alone **i removed his hand and pushed him away**
“Jason is that you” dorothy?
Christine: Dorothy…dorothy why did you do this?
Dorothy: *smile* how can I bear a child for my own blood brother,,**tears rolled down her cheek**,,christine you lucky to have him,, and you mike I regret to have a bro..(Gasping for breath) ther like you
She stopped breathing,,,”doctor,doctor,doctor” I shouted,,,
Doctor: You all have to get out,,move her to the lab,we have to operate her now **referring to the nurses**
Doctor came back after 40minutes…we all rushed to meet him..I was so scared,,dorothy can’t die,,I’ll have mike killed today I swear…
Doctor: We really tried our best but she lose the pregnancy,,,
Me: What about dorothy?
Doctor: We have flushed away the poison,,she is now okay..
Christine: Can we see her?
Doctor: Not now,she is resting,,you will have to come back tomorrow..
Me: Okay,,
Mike: Jason..am sorry,,you kn(cut in)
Me: shut up,,what if she is dead,,
I hissed and grabbed christine hands..”We should go now and come back tomorrow” I said…..We left the hospital,,there was a thought running through my mind…..is it dorothy that poisoned herself or mark poisoned her?….I’ll have to find out…..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 19
We got home late in the night,,hannah was pacing around the sitting with her phone in her hand,,
Me: Are you waiting for us?
Hannah: I was wondering where you took my sister to,,don’t tell me you two….(She winks)
Christine: Naughty girl,,shut up joor *she smiled while I laughed*
Chrstine grabbed my hand and we went to my room….we sat on the bed,,she still holding my hand **make she forget,am not bleeping again o**….
Me: There is something I want to tell you but you won’t believe if you don’t find out yourself…
Christine: What is that?
I was about talking when my phone beeped message says **can you please meet me in my room?** from janet..I showed christine and we went together…Janet was only wearing her night gown,,she sat on her bed crying…
Me: Janet
Christine: What happened?
Me: Janet I think we will have to let her know…
Janet: Okay,,
Me: You explained she won’t believe me
Janet: **she explained everything**
Christine: You mean that’s why I saw you two in jason’s room?
Janet: yes
Christine: Are you for real? I just don’t *stammering* mark is raping you?
Janet: Yes,,and I told jason the truth,,am just a maid..am no cousin…..Jason,i have done it*referring to me*
Me: Done what?
Janet: I have aborted the pregnancy,,doctor said i cannever concieve again *she bursted to tears*
Christine: I’ll make sure mark pay for this,,
She stood up in anger and I held her back,,
Me: You shoudnt rush…
Hannah stormed in,,,
Hannah: I have been eavesdropping,,my brother raped you and he also made you abort your pregnancy?
Janet: Yes….
Hannah: Is he out of his mind?…*sighed* look janet,,am very sorry….
Christine: We should report to the police
Me: you will report your own brother?
Hannah: We were born by same mother but different father….
Janet: What did you mean?
Christine: mum first husband which died of heart attack is mark’s father,,and mum died last year of cancer…mark is now an orphan,guess that’s why he is turned to monster
Me: How do we report to police without any evidence?
Hannah: That’s true…..
Christine: I guess I have an idea,,but don’t know if janet will be okay with it…..
Janet: let’s hear….
Christine: If he know you have aborted the pregnancy he will come demanding for sex,,,then you will set a camera wh….(I cut in)
Me: We should find better solution..
Janet: No,,I’ll do it….Let’s follow christine’s plan…
Me: Okay no problem,,,
We decided to carry out our plan on monday and today is saturday,,only a day left..we later left janet alone to rest,,hannah went to her room,,christine followed me to my room….I changed to my night wear and sat on my bed with christine…
Me: You don’t need to apologize for what you don’t know,,its okay…
Christine: How did you I want to apologize?
Me: Don’t doubt me,,I knew everything about you **i stared at my phone like I don’t mean what am saying**
Christine: Everything about me?,,,okay what did I love to do most?
Me: Love to read,watch films and play…
Christine: *laughs* you are so wrong,,,what I love to do….**shifted closer to me**,,,I love to kiss your lips
We engage in a kiss that I wish it lasted forever,,I found my self laid on the bed and christine ontop me still kissing me,,,….I woke up the nextday,but christine was not in the room anymore,,I guess she went to kitchen,,,I went downstairs,enter the kitchen,,she was backing me so I tiptoed and hugged her from the back,,we stayed like that for almost 3minutes and we disengaed when we heard someone clearing throats,,I turned to see josh….I was so scared,,He is gonna kill me…but why is he smiling?
Me: Josh,,
Josh: You two will make a nice couple **clears throat again**…where is hannah?
Christine: Upstairs
What? Josh and hannah are dating?….my phone beeped,,who is this gan early in the morning when am having a nice time with my love…I hissed and check the message it says….”Dorothy has regained consciousness,she is been discharged” from mike…wow that’s goodnews….
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 20
I told christine..we both dressed after bathing together and head to church,,after the service we then head to dorothy’s house..she sat on the sofa looking very weak…but to my surprise Eva was also there…Mike stands at the back of the sofa which dorothy was sitting,,He stood there just looking like a murderer…I and christine sat beside dorothy..I looked at mike murderously and he stared away….I then turned my face to weak dorothy…
Me: Have you eaten?
Dorothy: Have taken some food..
Me: That’s good…
Christine: Where is your dad and mum?
Dorothy: They just went out now to visit someone
Christine: We are just coming from church now,,we have to see you because we are worried..Are you really okay now?
Dorothy: Yes…..**tears trickle down to her cheek**
Me: What is it? **i held her hand**
Dorothy: You both look good together,,you will make a nice couple,,you and christine…I was just forcing myself on you,,I wish you be mine,,but now I can’t have you again.. **she covered her face with her palm**
I faced another direction to see eva looking at me with red eyes,,suddenly she stand up,walked towards me and grabbed my hand,,she dragged me outside…
Eva: You and christine,,,what’s between you two?
Me: look eva,,christine is the one I love not you,,am very sorry **i made to leave when she held me back**
Eva: look into my eyes and tell me you don’t love me…
Me: That’s the truth eva…I don’t love you **i faced down**
She cried and angrily went home..**weytin be my concern**..Mike met me there…
Mike: Jason,,am sorry,,yo,,u..know..
Me: Its okay…
Mike: The truth is,,I added some drugs that will abort her pregnancy to her tea,,,I nearly killed my own sister,,I was so stupid,,I just don’t know how to tell her
Me: It will be better if you don’t…don’t worry your secret is safe..
Mike: Thank you soo much
Later in the night
I was in my room with christine and hannah waiting for mark to fall to our trap,,,I later got a message from janet says “its done”..
We all ran out so happy mark fell to the trap,,we rushed inside janet room but to our suprise janet was on the floor rolling from one angle to another holding her stomach,,I can see blood dripping down her leg,,
Christine: Janet *she shouted and rushed to her*
Janet: **stammering** I..don’t..kn..ow what’s happen..ing to me **she fainted**
I hurriedly carry her,,but where is hannah?,,I rushed out with very great speed with christine running-crying after me..I dashed downstairs to see hannah shouting on mark but mark just sit on the sofa with his eyes glued to the football match he was watching,probably ignoring hannah,,,,I have no time,,I called the driver and we carried janet to the hospital,,doctor pleaded to us to wait outside..About 20minutes later doctor came outside wiping his sweats..
Me: How is she?
Doctor: We lose her *he walked away*
I fell to my kneel,,drown in the ocean of thoughts..our stupid plan killed her…..
I stayed at the hospital till the morning with one aim “kill mark”..I left the hospital with christine..getting home we saw nobody in the sitting room,,we quickly rushed to hannah’s room,,Her hand and leg were both tied and her mouth was sealed with plaster,,I quickly removed the plaster and untied her,,
Me: Where is he?
Hannah: In his room preparing to run away
I rushed downstairs leaving christine and hannah behind,,I went to the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife,,I dashed upstairs and straight to mark’s room,,I saw him dressing hurriedly,,I gave him no opportunity to talk,,I stabbed him in his heart and he fell in the pool of blood,,then I came to my senses and realise what I have done,,I murdered someone…am really a dead meat…..
Episode 16
Later in the noon
I was in my room still thinking about dorothy’s stuffs,,its so bad for me as I would become father at this age,my dad is gonna kill me and loosing christine will be most painful thing ever happened to me,, My phone started ringing which I just ignored,,I later checked the caller after three times of calling “unknown caller”,,I hissed and picked it,,,following conversations ensued:
Caller: Hi love
Me: Who are you please?
Caller: Eva
When did I turn her love?,,,I shouldn’t have lied to her…..another problem
Me: Oh,,how are you eve?
Eva: Am good,,you?
Me: Am good
Eva: You are not in school today,,hope there is no problem?
Me: No problem,,just resting
Eva: About what you told me the other time,,,,**not talking,,guess she was shy or blushing**
Me: About that?
Eva: I also love you and I don’t think I can stop loving you,,blah,,blah,,blah
After 30minutes of calling,I decided to visit janet and tell her all about this,,wait where is christine and mark?..I have to goto christine’s room,,I was about knocking when I heard them talking my matter,,I had to eavesdrop
Mark: You can’t love him,,christine am your brother,,I know what’s best for you,,
Christine: No you don’t,,and besides this is my life not yours..
Mark: Am just pretending to like him,,he is not the guy for you..
Christine: And his sister,,is she the right woman for you
Mark: She is just…….
“Hey” I turned back to see janet….
Me: Sshhh *telling her to keep quite*
I dragged her by hand and we went to her room,,I narrated everything to her even the one I just heard…
Janet: I hate that mark so much,,I don’t think he loved your sister,,warn her to be careful of that crazy guy and about the girl dorothy,,she might be lieing but you just go tomorrow first…
Me: okay,,hope mark is no more disturbing you?
Janet: Am pregnant for him jason **facing down,,tears forming in her eyes**
Me: What?
Janet: Yes but he told me I must abort it and even gave me 20k for the abortion….
Me: What are you going to do now?
Janet: I’ll abort it,,am left with no choice
Me: Abortion?
Janet: Yes,,**crying**
I held her hand and just calm her down,,I later retired to my room,,I saw 6missed call,,4 from eva,,2 from mum,,I called mum back
Me: My sweet mother
Mum: Naughty boy,,how is everything?
Me: Good ma
Mum: I want to tell you this,,it seems you are not a child anymore..Your father have given you a wife since your childhood,,an he will want you to marry her,,Though am not supporting this,,I told him to let you choose yourself but he insisted you marry his friend’s daughter…
Me: Which among his friends?
Mum: Doctor sam,,
Me: Dorothy?
Mum: Yes,,her father would have told her,,guess that’s why she always acts like that around you in the church..
Me: I can’t marry her mum,,I don’t love her..
Mum: You have somebody you love?
Me: Yes mum,,I’ll tell you at the right time
Mum: that’s my boy,,I’ll talk to your dad about that..
Me: Thanks mum. **hang up**
I saw corper zina’s message on whatsapp,,,says:
“Why is it that when you are not in school christine will also failed to come to school?,come to my house tomorrow and explain yourself”.
“Weytin concern this woman na” I said loudly…tomorrow is saturday,,I really hate saturday,,should I goto dorothy’s house or corper zina’s house?….if I didn’t goto corper zina’s house she might punish me or might be thinking I delibrately embarrass her,,and if I don’t goto dorothy’s house I won’t get to know if she is really pregnant and there might be no more opportunity to sEE her……what should I do?…I hate this kind situation….
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 17
I woke up around 8am,,I decided to check on my love “christine”,,she was still sleeping innocently like a new born baby..I smiled and turned back to leave..
Christine: You can’t greet?
Me: Goodmorning ma *we both laugh*
Christine: *her mood changed suddenly*,,jason we have to talk..
Me: What’s on your mind?
Christine: We have to..st..op all what’s happening between us,,we are friends and not lover,,I hope you understand..
Hearing this nearly killed me but its all truth we are not dating,,I bade her farewell,left for my room.I took my bath and head for dorothy’s house,,I have already decided to goto both of them(dorothy and corper zina),,
On getting to dorothy’s house,I knocked the door and I was ushered in by mike,,dorothy was sitting on the couch probably waiting for me coz I remember informing her before coming,,Though she was beautiful and many would kill to have her but christine is the girl I want,,..
Mike: Talk to her,,she have not eaten since yesterday *whispering to me* ..I want to cook breakfast,be right back..
I sat beside dorothy,I held her hand,tears rolled down her cheek,,I cleaned the tears with my hand..
Me: I heard you have not eaten anything since yesterday?
Dorothy: How can I eat in this situation?
Me: Are you pregnant for real?
Dorothy: Yes am pregnant,,,for you
Me: How can I be sure the pregnancy is mine?
Dorothy: You are the one to ever sex me**she sobbed**
Me: Am sorry,,but..(Mike cut in)
Mike: No doubt my guy,,you are responsible for the pregnancy..
Me: How can….oh God..okay no problem
Dorothy: Should I abort it?
Me: no,never…
I fed her food and later left for corper zina’s house,,I knew am not myself anymore,,I can’t afford to lose christine,,I can’t be a father now,,I knocked at corper zina’s door and she opened it after 2mins of knocking,,she only tied towel that covered her boobs to her knee,,guess she just finished bathing,,Oh boy her boobs is so much more bigger than I thought,,she caught me staring..
Corper zina: what are you staring at?
Me: *faced down* nothing ma,,
Corper zina: She ushered me in,,
I sat on the big couch while she sat beside me
Me: You are not changing your cloth ma?
Corper zina: oh…Let’s go inside,,so you will be telling me all I need to know then..
Thought its nothing,,I entered the room with her,, I sat on her reading chair,,She faced her mirror backing me,,she untied her towel,,I can’t help but stare at her ass,,she turned back and sat on my lap..”So what’s between you two” she asked licking her lips..she grabbed my left hand and placed it on her boobs..
Me: Corper z….(She planted a kiss on my lip)
Corper zina: call me zina..
She grabbed my hands and sat me up,,I just followed her sheepishly,,she pushed me to her bed unbuttoning my shirt..she throw my shirt away after she successfully removed it from my body..She rubbed my chest with her lefthand loosing my belt with her right hand,,she pulled down my jean together with my boxer…
Corper zina: I knew it,,I knew you did be having a great d--k..
She inserted my d--k in her mouth and started sucking it..she was a great sucker..she climbed on me and started riding my d--k..>Cut the crap<…I later cumed in her mouth in the secound round of sucking and we laid on the bed very tired..
Corper zina: I never knew you were this great on bed,,what’s with your mood?,,,
Me: Ma I hope this never happen between us again,,,you are my mistress,,atleast I satisfied you now but I won’t another time,,am sorry…
I stood up and put on my cloth…
Corper zina: You shouldn’t blame yourself,,I caused it….am sorry,,I regretted seducing you but its not my fault,,I always think about you..you were that boy am loving…….
Me: Me?..how…(My phone beeped)
Its whatsapp message from dorothy says”the truth is you are not responsible for the pregnancy”
What?she mistakenly send the message right?oh am going home first,then I’ll call her
I quickly bade corper zina farewell and rushed home….
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 18
On getting home,,mark,hannah and christine was in the sitting room watching film,,I greet them and rushed in not asking about janet,,I quickly dialed her number and she picked it immediately..
Me: dorothy,,I want to understand your message
Dorothy: I think I should tell you the truth,,
Me: Am all hears
Dorothy: Mike is responsible for the pregnancy
Me: Which mike?
Dorothy: My brother,,,we have sex almost everyday and that started since our childhood,,we do sleep same room together,,oneday he told me to hold his d--k,,that’s how it started,,you are not the one that deflowered me and you are not responsible for the pregnancy..I really love you and always think about you everyday but look at me now,I can’t have you again,,about the marriage I’ll tell my father I can’t marry you **she sobbed**..So jason please be well,,I can’t forget you even in my death…goodbye forever jason……
Me: Dorothy!!!!! I shouted…*a knock landed on my door*…”Its christine”
“This is a great opportunity” I thought to myself..christine entered and she closed the door..
Christine: I heard you shouting dorothy,,what’s happening?
Me: That….*i explained everything*
Christine: So you have bleeped that girl?
Me: Am not wise enough then…
Christine: Doesn’t matter **she made to leave but I held her back**
Me: Christine,,I just can’t stop thinking about you,,I can’t afford to lose you christine,,I knew we are not dating,,its my fault and am willing to do the thing in the right way**i knelt down** christine will you be my girlfriend?
I can see the joy and suprise in her face
Christine: Don’t know what to say **she hugged me tight**
Me: Is that a YES?
Christine: Yes!!!!….am sorry,I don’t mean to hurt you but mark told me to do that to know if you truly love me….am so happy..
We sat on the bed gisting and laughing when my phone rang,,,”dorothy again?”
Me: Dorothy
Dorothy: Its mike not dorothy
Me: Mike?
Mike: what have you done to my sister?..she has poisoned herself and has been rushed to hospital…
Me: Jesusssss……where?
Mike: I’ll send you the address now…
*hang up*
Christine: what happened
Me: Christine,,dorothy has poisoned herself
Christine: Whaaaat?
Me: she has been rushed to hospital,we should go there now…
We rushed to the hospital which dorothy is being treated,,,nurse told us she was in ward 6 receiving treatment,,we enter ward six to see dorothy on the bed laid helplessly and mike roaming around in the ward,,mike quickly grabbed my shirt immediately he saw me….
Mike: You fool,,what have you done to her or I’ll kill you
Me: *so angry* shut the hell up,,are you worried about her or you worried about your secret being reveal,,what kind of brother are you,,leave me alone **i removed his hand and pushed him away**
“Jason is that you” dorothy?
Christine: Dorothy…dorothy why did you do this?
Dorothy: *smile* how can I bear a child for my own blood brother,,**tears rolled down her cheek**,,christine you lucky to have him,, and you mike I regret to have a bro..(Gasping for breath) ther like you
She stopped breathing,,,”doctor,doctor,doctor” I shouted,,,
Doctor: You all have to get out,,move her to the lab,we have to operate her now **referring to the nurses**
Doctor came back after 40minutes…we all rushed to meet him..I was so scared,,dorothy can’t die,,I’ll have mike killed today I swear…
Doctor: We really tried our best but she lose the pregnancy,,,
Me: What about dorothy?
Doctor: We have flushed away the poison,,she is now okay..
Christine: Can we see her?
Doctor: Not now,she is resting,,you will have to come back tomorrow..
Me: Okay,,
Mike: Jason..am sorry,,you kn(cut in)
Me: shut up,,what if she is dead,,
I hissed and grabbed christine hands..”We should go now and come back tomorrow” I said…..We left the hospital,,there was a thought running through my mind…..is it dorothy that poisoned herself or mark poisoned her?….I’ll have to find out…..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 19
We got home late in the night,,hannah was pacing around the sitting with her phone in her hand,,
Me: Are you waiting for us?
Hannah: I was wondering where you took my sister to,,don’t tell me you two….(She winks)
Christine: Naughty girl,,shut up joor *she smiled while I laughed*
Chrstine grabbed my hand and we went to my room….we sat on the bed,,she still holding my hand **make she forget,am not bleeping again o**….
Me: There is something I want to tell you but you won’t believe if you don’t find out yourself…
Christine: What is that?
I was about talking when my phone beeped message says **can you please meet me in my room?** from janet..I showed christine and we went together…Janet was only wearing her night gown,,she sat on her bed crying…
Me: Janet
Christine: What happened?
Me: Janet I think we will have to let her know…
Janet: Okay,,
Me: You explained she won’t believe me
Janet: **she explained everything**
Christine: You mean that’s why I saw you two in jason’s room?
Janet: yes
Christine: Are you for real? I just don’t *stammering* mark is raping you?
Janet: Yes,,and I told jason the truth,,am just a maid..am no cousin…..Jason,i have done it*referring to me*
Me: Done what?
Janet: I have aborted the pregnancy,,doctor said i cannever concieve again *she bursted to tears*
Christine: I’ll make sure mark pay for this,,
She stood up in anger and I held her back,,
Me: You shoudnt rush…
Hannah stormed in,,,
Hannah: I have been eavesdropping,,my brother raped you and he also made you abort your pregnancy?
Janet: Yes….
Hannah: Is he out of his mind?…*sighed* look janet,,am very sorry….
Christine: We should report to the police
Me: you will report your own brother?
Hannah: We were born by same mother but different father….
Janet: What did you mean?
Christine: mum first husband which died of heart attack is mark’s father,,and mum died last year of cancer…mark is now an orphan,guess that’s why he is turned to monster
Me: How do we report to police without any evidence?
Hannah: That’s true…..
Christine: I guess I have an idea,,but don’t know if janet will be okay with it…..
Janet: let’s hear….
Christine: If he know you have aborted the pregnancy he will come demanding for sex,,,then you will set a camera wh….(I cut in)
Me: We should find better solution..
Janet: No,,I’ll do it….Let’s follow christine’s plan…
Me: Okay no problem,,,
We decided to carry out our plan on monday and today is saturday,,only a day left..we later left janet alone to rest,,hannah went to her room,,christine followed me to my room….I changed to my night wear and sat on my bed with christine…
Me: You don’t need to apologize for what you don’t know,,its okay…
Christine: How did you I want to apologize?
Me: Don’t doubt me,,I knew everything about you **i stared at my phone like I don’t mean what am saying**
Christine: Everything about me?,,,okay what did I love to do most?
Me: Love to read,watch films and play…
Christine: *laughs* you are so wrong,,,what I love to do….**shifted closer to me**,,,I love to kiss your lips
We engage in a kiss that I wish it lasted forever,,I found my self laid on the bed and christine ontop me still kissing me,,,….I woke up the nextday,but christine was not in the room anymore,,I guess she went to kitchen,,,I went downstairs,enter the kitchen,,she was backing me so I tiptoed and hugged her from the back,,we stayed like that for almost 3minutes and we disengaed when we heard someone clearing throats,,I turned to see josh….I was so scared,,He is gonna kill me…but why is he smiling?
Me: Josh,,
Josh: You two will make a nice couple **clears throat again**…where is hannah?
Christine: Upstairs
What? Josh and hannah are dating?….my phone beeped,,who is this gan early in the morning when am having a nice time with my love…I hissed and check the message it says….”Dorothy has regained consciousness,she is been discharged” from mike…wow that’s goodnews….
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 20
I told christine..we both dressed after bathing together and head to church,,after the service we then head to dorothy’s house..she sat on the sofa looking very weak…but to my surprise Eva was also there…Mike stands at the back of the sofa which dorothy was sitting,,He stood there just looking like a murderer…I and christine sat beside dorothy..I looked at mike murderously and he stared away….I then turned my face to weak dorothy…
Me: Have you eaten?
Dorothy: Have taken some food..
Me: That’s good…
Christine: Where is your dad and mum?
Dorothy: They just went out now to visit someone
Christine: We are just coming from church now,,we have to see you because we are worried..Are you really okay now?
Dorothy: Yes…..**tears trickle down to her cheek**
Me: What is it? **i held her hand**
Dorothy: You both look good together,,you will make a nice couple,,you and christine…I was just forcing myself on you,,I wish you be mine,,but now I can’t have you again.. **she covered her face with her palm**
I faced another direction to see eva looking at me with red eyes,,suddenly she stand up,walked towards me and grabbed my hand,,she dragged me outside…
Eva: You and christine,,,what’s between you two?
Me: look eva,,christine is the one I love not you,,am very sorry **i made to leave when she held me back**
Eva: look into my eyes and tell me you don’t love me…
Me: That’s the truth eva…I don’t love you **i faced down**
She cried and angrily went home..**weytin be my concern**..Mike met me there…
Mike: Jason,,am sorry,,yo,,u..know..
Me: Its okay…
Mike: The truth is,,I added some drugs that will abort her pregnancy to her tea,,,I nearly killed my own sister,,I was so stupid,,I just don’t know how to tell her
Me: It will be better if you don’t…don’t worry your secret is safe..
Mike: Thank you soo much
Later in the night
I was in my room with christine and hannah waiting for mark to fall to our trap,,,I later got a message from janet says “its done”..
We all ran out so happy mark fell to the trap,,we rushed inside janet room but to our suprise janet was on the floor rolling from one angle to another holding her stomach,,I can see blood dripping down her leg,,
Christine: Janet *she shouted and rushed to her*
Janet: **stammering** I..don’t..kn..ow what’s happen..ing to me **she fainted**
I hurriedly carry her,,but where is hannah?,,I rushed out with very great speed with christine running-crying after me..I dashed downstairs to see hannah shouting on mark but mark just sit on the sofa with his eyes glued to the football match he was watching,probably ignoring hannah,,,,I have no time,,I called the driver and we carried janet to the hospital,,doctor pleaded to us to wait outside..About 20minutes later doctor came outside wiping his sweats..
Me: How is she?
Doctor: We lose her *he walked away*
I fell to my kneel,,drown in the ocean of thoughts..our stupid plan killed her…..
I stayed at the hospital till the morning with one aim “kill mark”..I left the hospital with christine..getting home we saw nobody in the sitting room,,we quickly rushed to hannah’s room,,Her hand and leg were both tied and her mouth was sealed with plaster,,I quickly removed the plaster and untied her,,
Me: Where is he?
Hannah: In his room preparing to run away
I rushed downstairs leaving christine and hannah behind,,I went to the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife,,I dashed upstairs and straight to mark’s room,,I saw him dressing hurriedly,,I gave him no opportunity to talk,,I stabbed him in his heart and he fell in the pool of blood,,then I came to my senses and realise what I have done,,I murdered someone…am really a dead meat…..
MY LIFE IN PASTOR'S HOUSE. Episode 11 - 15
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 11
Me: You see,I doubt she will ever talk to me again
Janet: She will,she told me about you, she really loves you. **whispering**she also told me how you two nearly f--k. Seeing us together,she will think I betrayed her..
Me: Don’t worry,I won’t tell anyone even christine,I know she will realise it not my fault oneday.
Janet: sure she will…
She slept on the bed while I slept on the floor…I was thinking about christine,I know she will be hurt.Suddenly Janet shouted from the sleep “help,help”..I quickly stood up and tried to calm her down.
Janet: I saw him again **panting**
Me: He can’t hurt you..
I had to sleep with her,I cuddled her in my arm and we both drifted to wonderland. I woke up early the next day,I quickly had my bath and claded in my uniform. I got to school early,I entered the class,hannah sat quietly her eyes glued to the novel she was reading. I sat beside her….
Me: Hi,goodmorning
**no response**
I kept quite and brought out my ijapa tiroko,I continue reading it.
Hannah: Mr bleeper
Me: what did you mean by that?
Hannah: Its janet turn yesterday
Me: You can’t understand
Hannah: *frown* How can I understand,,I really love you soo much but I didn’t know I was loving a wrong person,,you bleeped my sister,I am sure you deflowered that innocent girl,,You are not satisfied,you still bleeped janet yesterday **shouting** I have already told my sister what’s best for her,she had to forget about you or she would be hurt till death,,fool..
I tried to touch her but she slapped my hand and angrily walked out. Oh God why me. I have to beg christine,I can’t afford to lose her,she was d--n precious to me.
Oh val wasn’t in school,I’ll have to check him on my way home.After the assembly,corper zina sent a girl that I should meet her in the library. Corper zina was in the library with one note placed on the table in her front,,
Me: Hello ma
Corper zina: How are you doing?
Me: Am good
Corper zina: You were not in school yesterday,what happened?
Me: I fell sick but am okay now.
She placed her hand on my forehead,christine entered.
Christine: Ma you sent for me
**no doubt,she saw corper zina placing her hand on my forehead,,she will have no hope now.**
Josh: You sent for me ma
Corper zina: you should not be fighting yourself..
Josh: **smiled** it has been settled ma
Me: Yes,,it has been settled **looked down**
Corper zina: oh you two can go **referring to christine and josh**
I looked at christine,she had a murderous look that I had to stare away…In the break time,zainab came to me.
Zainab: What’s wrong with you today?
Me: Nothing,going to dinning,wanna eat something…
I saw christine and her two friends sitting,monica and dorcas greeted me and I responded with a fake smile..
Dorcas: Come sit
Me: Me? Sit?
Monica: sure
Christine suddenly stand and walked away,monica nodded at me to follow her. I followed her to the lab,,but to my suprise josh and his gangs were there gisting.
Josh: Babe how far **referring to christine**
Christine: Am fine josh
Josh: Why is he **referring to me**
Christine: Who is he?
They all laughed,I was very hurt..I turned back to leave.
Ayis: He is leaving **he laughed**
I left for my class and sat alone,I was not even concentrating. I head to val’s house after the day lesson.I got there to see val sleeping on the couch with a broken arm.
Me: val *i shouted*
Val: Ma guy na so we see am oo,dem beat me lyk madt
Me: **I explained everything that is happeninG**
Val: Tell christine now,she thought you are bleeping janet…
Me: its a secret…….can’t tell her
Val: What are you going to do now?
Me: I don’t really know but I think I’ll also be pretending not to know her though it won’t be easy but I have do it..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 12
I got home late in the night,,I enter the sitting room,christine and hannah sat down pressing there phone,,I just head to my room without greeting them but something is fishy,,where is mark,where is janet,,I ran out with great speed and head to janet’s room,,I didn’t even knock I enter to see janet in only pant,no bra,she was about wearing her night gown,,
Me: Am sorry **turned back,facing the door** I thought that guy mark is….(Cut in)
Janet: Its okay *she smiled*
Me: If you need my help am here for you..
Janet: Thanks,,you are really a good guy…
I opened the door and walked out to see christine just coming towards the door,,she paused the moment she saw me and I was also shock.. The problem is I was wearing only knicker so I knew what she will be thinking,,I walked pass her with our shoulder colliding,”Someone like you” by adele playing in the background…I notice she was crying,It broke my heart,I felt like turning back and hug her without letting go but I can’t,I just know am walking and can’t turn back… I entered my room and crashed on my bed. Zainab called and I found myself telling her not to call me again,,I was on fire,,I need christine’s smile,,I really love her…
I can’t sleep as what happened kept replaying on my head without stopping for once,,I head downstairs,hannah was sitting on the couch still pressing phone.
“Should I just go back?” “Nope,I shouldn’t act like a child” I said to my self..
I sat down on the couch not minding hannah.
Hannah: how is it going between you two?
Me: Why do you care?
Hannah: You know if christine would listen to anyone,,I’ll be the first,,I may help you… So answer
Me: worst…
Hannah: You caused it,,why did you bleep janet….
Me: The truth is I didn’t bleep her and even your sister,,we didn’t bleep that day,,mark nearly caught us..I swear its all the truth..
Hannah: What is she doing in your room then
Me: That’s a secret I can’t tell you
Hannah: A secret?
Mark: Home sweet home
Hannah: You welcome,,,
She collected a small bag in his hand and took it in while mark followed her,,,about 30minutes later,,I was about climbing up the stairs when I heard mark voice.
Mark: Have you delivered the drug?,,you sent someone?…are you out of your mind?,,what if he was caught?
Mark: Get rid of him? Better *hang up*
Mark: Jason,,how f..ar *stammering* what did you hear?
Me: What did you mean? *i pretended*
Mark: don’t worry **smiled and walked away**
Getting to my room,,I was still thinking about what mark mean by “have you delivered the drug”,,surely he must be keeping something,,I was lost in this paradice of thought that I didn’t notice by phone led was blinking,,I finally checked the message “he said he would be coming over tonight,,help” from jane..I quickly rushed out,I went downstairs thinking I would see mark,,but to my suprise I saw christine,,”this is an opportunity” I thought to myself.
I sat beside her,,I thought she would stand up but she doesn’t..
Me: Hello beauty
**no response**
Me: I knew you would never forgive me,I knew I hurt you,,but its not what you thinking,,please forgive me.
Christine: why will you hurt me,,are we dating?
The question nearly made me lose consciousness but its the truth we are not dating..
Me: Am sorry it won’t repeat itself again
I stood up to leave but she held me back and hugged me
Christine: I can’t help it,,am loving you more..
Me: Am sorry,,its all my fault **i kissed her in the forehead**
Christine’s love has formatted my memory,,I have forgotten that I came downstairs for mark,,I was here to save jane.,,,I have to save jane,,Its not late is it?…it shouldn’t be…
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 13
Am so brainless,,what will I tell christine that is sleeping happily on my chest,,what should I do,,I thought about this several times but I had no solution,,”I thought am a genius but I was wrong am a complete dullard” I thought to myself.
I heard somebody clearing throat,,I turned back to see mark smiling and winking at me,,is it because of christine that innocently slept on my chest?,,I fake a smile,,I had to see jane,,what will I do with sleeping christine.. I carried christine to her room and placed her on her bed covering her with her blanket,,I kissed her on her forehead and was about to leave when she held my hand..
Christine: please sleep with me
Me: With you? Hmmmn,,am coming I’ll have to pick up my phone from my room **i lied**
I walked out and head to janet room,,I knocked and with no response I enter,,janet sat on her bed weeping,,I notice how the bed was scattered,I knew mark has raped her again..I sat beside her and hugged her while she continue crying..
Me: Am sorry jane
Janet: He really hurt me this time
Me: You will have to leave this house,,how will he be raping his cousin,,is he insane?
Janet: The truth is am no cousin,,I was employed here as maid,,I have no parent,,I had nowhere to go,,I would have left this God forsaken house..
Me: You should inform pastor donald
Janet: pastor is no more living here with us,,he had another house..
Me: **i only saw him once in this house and that’s the day I moved in** what are we going to do now?
Janet: I don’t really know..
Me: I have to call my sister and tell her to becareful
Janet: that will be very good.,I’ll be fine,thank you so much..
I felt like crying for her,I very much pitied her,,I walked out and head to christine’s room..I saw her sitting on the bed..
Me: Christine,,you are not sleeping?
Christine: Waiting for you **smiling**
I sat beside her,,
Me: Please don’t smile around me again
Christine: *frown and embarrassed* Why?
Me: Coz it got me crazy..am afraid if you continue I would end up in psychiatric hospital
Christine *laugh out loud* close your eyes
I closed my eyes,,she later told me to open it,,I opened it to see christine not wearing any thing..
Christine: Tonight is tonight,,I have made up my mind to give you my virginity
I wanted to say something but nothing came out of my mouth as I stared at her big boobs and fresh body,,nearly made me blind…she pushed me on the bed,,place her hand on my barechest and slowly shifted it to my knicker,,she pulled it down to see my d--k almost tearing my boxer,,she smiled and pulled down by boxer,,I don’t know where a virgin learn to suck,,she s----d me up and later sat on me roding my c--k like madt,,I later changed it to doggy style and f----d her with full force…–cut the crap–…we laid on the bed very tired and later drifted to sleep cuddling..
I woke up the next morning,,she was still sleeping,,I stood up to have my bath but I saw a spilled of a blood on the bed,,I looked at sleeping christine and vow in my mind to never leave her..Yes I knew I love her even more than my mother and my sister,,may commit suicide if anything happens to her..I head to her bathroom,,entered and was having my birth when I felt a hand wrapped around me. I turned to see christine.
Me: You are awake
Christine: Why don’t you wake me up,,are we not going to same school *she gave a slight slap on my chest*
Me: Don’t wanna disturb you
Christine: okay no problem sha
We have our bath together,,we spent much time playing in the bathroom **you know all this child play**.. We dressed and went to school..we were not too late,,I entered my class to see them all gossipping about something
Val: Guy how far
Me: padi I dey oo
Val: You never hear?
Me: Weytin na,,abeg ginger me oo
Val: Julia,that ashawo don pregnant oo
Me: **laughs** no dey joke joor
Val: I swear,,hin dey with principal nao dey receive judgment
Me: pregnant for who?
Val: That guy Ayis,,the one wey beat me die nah
Me: *laughs* *came back to my senses* what? ayis
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 14
Assembly bell rang,,we all gathered at the assembly ground,,after singing,dancing and praying principal came out..
Principal: Hello boys and girls..
All: Fine ma
Principal: As you all know what’s going on in this school now,,”Ayis Eliboy and Julia makinde” come to the front..we are highly dissapointed in you two epecially ayis,,you are the health prefect boy,suppose to be a good role model to your junior but you failed this school by impregnating your junior,,and you julia,its doesn’t seems like he raped you,,you have been doing this for long not knowing it will end up like this..I thereby expelled you two from this school and never return,,,,Jason you are thereby appointed to this role and I can trust you are going to do well with your partner Monica igwe..
I was so happy,not only because am now the health prefect despite I was in ss2 but my greatest enemy has been expelled,,I so much fear that guy,,”mak hin dey go” I said to myself…
After the assembly,,I sat down quietly in the class,,eva entered looking terrible,,I knew because her friend has been expelled.. She came to me..
Eva: You are looking much happier **diverting the students attention on us**
Me: much happier?..Should I be crying? **all students laugh**
Eva: You wanna tell me you and that stupid friend of yours val doesn’t eat in julia’s fruit? *shouted*
Me: What is she saying? Is this your first time of drinking beer? You so much high..**all students laugh out loud**
She planned to give me slap which I evade and her hand hitted the Maths set Divider placed on the table..Her hand started bleeding,,all students started blaming me….she fainted after losing so much blood and was rushed to hospital..I knew am dead,,principal sent for me immediately….I got there and already saw val knelt down with his hands raised and his eyes closed…
Principal: What did you two did to my daughter?
Me: we did nothing ma,,she hurt her hand while trying to slap m…..(Two slaps landed on my cheek)
Principal: stop lieing and tell me the truth
Me: You can ask my classmates…
She sent for them all,,,,
Principal: Does she really hurt her hand while trying to slap him? **pointing her finger at me**
All: Yes ma
Principal: You can all go **except I and val**
Me: You see I wasn’t lieing…
Principal: Val you can go…
Me: What about me?
Principal: I have something to discuss with you
Me? Principal?..not thinking of expelling me right?
Me: Okay ma
Principal: I knew it wasn’t right but I have to tell you this,,jason can you please tell eva you love her?
Me: What?
Principal: She has threatened to kill herself if she caught you with another girl,,if you tell her you love her,her mind will be at peace even if you don’t mean it,,just help me,,she is having no father and she is my only daughter I can’t lose her.. She always talk about you and always thinking about you,,please my dear…
Me: That will be very difficult ma..
Principal: Please my son,,**about to kneel**
Me: Its okay ma,,I’ll tell her,,don’t worry ma…
Me and christine talk in the breaktime,have fun together though I doesn’t tell her about eva..Oh corper zina is not in school today,,I’ll have to visit her tomorrow..Eva finally return with plasters allover her hand…I placed a note under her desk telling her to wait for me after closing time in the class..
After the day lesson,,its only me and eva in the class now
Me: I thought you won’t wait
Eva: Say whatever you want to say
Me: Did you know why I always act like this around you?…
Eva: How should I not that? **hissed and carry her back-pack to leave**
Me: Because I love you
She turned back,her back-pack fell from her hand,,she looked at me with great suprise..I move closer to her,held her hand and hugged her then I leave the class..I saw principal outside,she winked at me and gave me a thumbs up…
Val: Weytin you dey do before?
Me: You dey wait for me?
Val: Sure now let’s go joor
On our way….
Val: Did you believe me girls player have fallen in love? **with a very serious face**
Me: With who
Val: Eva,,,I really love her and am scared of asking her out..
Me: You? Scared?
Val: very suprising…..
What’s all this thats happening,,,my best friend love the girl wey wan die ontop my matter,,,what should I do????…d--n it…
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 15
I got home and went straight to my room,,oh I had to call my sister…she picked it immediately..
Me: Sister…
Sister: Bro,,how are you doing?
Me: Am fine,,,why don’t you tell me?
Sister: Mum has told you I’ll be home next week thursday?,,,am sorry I want it to be a suprise..
Me: You are coming home? Woow..but that’s not what I mean,,,why don’t you tell me you and uncle mark are dating?
Sister: How did you find out?
Me: Sister,,I don’t trust him,,you have to be more careful
Sister: Why are you saying all this?
Me: Just becareful sister…love you.. *hang up*
Am happy I’ll finally get see my sister beautiful face,,but she and mark will surely meet and that guy will do anything in his power to f--k her,,I should just tell my sister to postone her arrival date..my phone beeped “I can’t sleep,,let’s chat” from corper zina..
Following conversations ensued:
Me: Are you ill?
Corper zina: No,,just thinking about someone
Me: who? Your fiancee? *wink*
Corper zina: Lol,I gat none
Me: No boyfriend?
Corper zina: Yes
Me: Then who are you thinking of,a girl? **no tell me say you be lesbian-::4 my mind**
Corper zina: How will I be thinking about a girl,,a boy ofcourse,,very handsome and fun to be with but I don’t think it can work between us
Me: Why?
Corper zina: Age barrier ofcourse
Me: The one you are loving is so younger than you? Who is he?
Corper zina: you are…….
I saw christine’s message,,says:”I don’t know what’s happening to me”…
I quickly rushed to her room leaving my phone behind,,she wasn’t in the room
Me: christine
Christine: In the bathroom
I rushed to the bathroom,,she was vomitting..yeeh am dead,,
Me: What happened?
Christine: I don’t know,,how about doing test at hospital tomorrow
Me: Test?..yeah that will be cool *fake a smile*
I stayed with her,,I can’t sleep,,I was just praying,,it must not be the cause or symptoms of pregnancy,,how I go turn father at this age,,God help me oo…should I tell val about it?,,no I shouldn’t…
I woke up early the nextday and went to my room,,oh corper zina messages that I left unread,,I click on whatsapp icon in the apps menu,,I checked the messages they are:
“You are curious?”
“He is in ss2?”
“Are you sleeping”
What? Corper zina’s crush was in ss2?,,,,”this girl no get brain” I said hissing,,,I quickly went to the bathroom and have my bath,,I claded in black top and blue jean with my sandal,,I went downstair,,christine was already waiting for me..Oh God she was so beautiful,,we went to a private hospital,,,Christine has been diagonise,we are now waiting for the result,,I can’t wait to hear the result,,
Doctor later called us to his office..
Doctor: Madam
Christine: what’s the result?
I have already wet my pant,,oh you can’t be pregnant christine..
Doctor: The result says you are not pregnant,,its just a fever,,we will give you the drugs which you will be using…
I was so happy like just goto hell,,,I vowed in my mind no to ever f--k again in my life..oh boy this call for celebrations,,
Christine went out with doctor to get the drugs and i remain sitted still praising my lord..
My phone rangout,,It was “dorothy”..Weytin do this girl now…I picked it..
Dorothy: Hello jason,,there is trouble oo
Me: Trouble? Where?
Dorothy: I went to doctor yesterday,,I was diagonised and the result says I am pregnant..
Me: Then why are you telling me?
Dorothy: You are the one to ever have sex with me…
Me: What???… Yeeeeh **nearly shouted**
Dorothy: We have to meet,,
Me: Where?
Dorothy: My house ofcourse,,my dad and my mum won’t be home tomorrow..
Me: okay *hang up*
I felt like just killing myself,,,,I escaped from one trouble to enter a greater one…am surely dead..
Episode 11
Me: You see,I doubt she will ever talk to me again
Janet: She will,she told me about you, she really loves you. **whispering**she also told me how you two nearly f--k. Seeing us together,she will think I betrayed her..
Me: Don’t worry,I won’t tell anyone even christine,I know she will realise it not my fault oneday.
Janet: sure she will…
She slept on the bed while I slept on the floor…I was thinking about christine,I know she will be hurt.Suddenly Janet shouted from the sleep “help,help”..I quickly stood up and tried to calm her down.
Janet: I saw him again **panting**
Me: He can’t hurt you..
I had to sleep with her,I cuddled her in my arm and we both drifted to wonderland. I woke up early the next day,I quickly had my bath and claded in my uniform. I got to school early,I entered the class,hannah sat quietly her eyes glued to the novel she was reading. I sat beside her….
Me: Hi,goodmorning
**no response**
I kept quite and brought out my ijapa tiroko,I continue reading it.
Hannah: Mr bleeper
Me: what did you mean by that?
Hannah: Its janet turn yesterday
Me: You can’t understand
Hannah: *frown* How can I understand,,I really love you soo much but I didn’t know I was loving a wrong person,,you bleeped my sister,I am sure you deflowered that innocent girl,,You are not satisfied,you still bleeped janet yesterday **shouting** I have already told my sister what’s best for her,she had to forget about you or she would be hurt till death,,fool..
I tried to touch her but she slapped my hand and angrily walked out. Oh God why me. I have to beg christine,I can’t afford to lose her,she was d--n precious to me.
Oh val wasn’t in school,I’ll have to check him on my way home.After the assembly,corper zina sent a girl that I should meet her in the library. Corper zina was in the library with one note placed on the table in her front,,
Me: Hello ma
Corper zina: How are you doing?
Me: Am good
Corper zina: You were not in school yesterday,what happened?
Me: I fell sick but am okay now.
She placed her hand on my forehead,christine entered.
Christine: Ma you sent for me
**no doubt,she saw corper zina placing her hand on my forehead,,she will have no hope now.**
Josh: You sent for me ma
Corper zina: you should not be fighting yourself..
Josh: **smiled** it has been settled ma
Me: Yes,,it has been settled **looked down**
Corper zina: oh you two can go **referring to christine and josh**
I looked at christine,she had a murderous look that I had to stare away…In the break time,zainab came to me.
Zainab: What’s wrong with you today?
Me: Nothing,going to dinning,wanna eat something…
I saw christine and her two friends sitting,monica and dorcas greeted me and I responded with a fake smile..
Dorcas: Come sit
Me: Me? Sit?
Monica: sure
Christine suddenly stand and walked away,monica nodded at me to follow her. I followed her to the lab,,but to my suprise josh and his gangs were there gisting.
Josh: Babe how far **referring to christine**
Christine: Am fine josh
Josh: Why is he **referring to me**
Christine: Who is he?
They all laughed,I was very hurt..I turned back to leave.
Ayis: He is leaving **he laughed**
I left for my class and sat alone,I was not even concentrating. I head to val’s house after the day lesson.I got there to see val sleeping on the couch with a broken arm.
Me: val *i shouted*
Val: Ma guy na so we see am oo,dem beat me lyk madt
Me: **I explained everything that is happeninG**
Val: Tell christine now,she thought you are bleeping janet…
Me: its a secret…….can’t tell her
Val: What are you going to do now?
Me: I don’t really know but I think I’ll also be pretending not to know her though it won’t be easy but I have do it..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 12
I got home late in the night,,I enter the sitting room,christine and hannah sat down pressing there phone,,I just head to my room without greeting them but something is fishy,,where is mark,where is janet,,I ran out with great speed and head to janet’s room,,I didn’t even knock I enter to see janet in only pant,no bra,she was about wearing her night gown,,
Me: Am sorry **turned back,facing the door** I thought that guy mark is….(Cut in)
Janet: Its okay *she smiled*
Me: If you need my help am here for you..
Janet: Thanks,,you are really a good guy…
I opened the door and walked out to see christine just coming towards the door,,she paused the moment she saw me and I was also shock.. The problem is I was wearing only knicker so I knew what she will be thinking,,I walked pass her with our shoulder colliding,”Someone like you” by adele playing in the background…I notice she was crying,It broke my heart,I felt like turning back and hug her without letting go but I can’t,I just know am walking and can’t turn back… I entered my room and crashed on my bed. Zainab called and I found myself telling her not to call me again,,I was on fire,,I need christine’s smile,,I really love her…
I can’t sleep as what happened kept replaying on my head without stopping for once,,I head downstairs,hannah was sitting on the couch still pressing phone.
“Should I just go back?” “Nope,I shouldn’t act like a child” I said to my self..
I sat down on the couch not minding hannah.
Hannah: how is it going between you two?
Me: Why do you care?
Hannah: You know if christine would listen to anyone,,I’ll be the first,,I may help you… So answer
Me: worst…
Hannah: You caused it,,why did you bleep janet….
Me: The truth is I didn’t bleep her and even your sister,,we didn’t bleep that day,,mark nearly caught us..I swear its all the truth..
Hannah: What is she doing in your room then
Me: That’s a secret I can’t tell you
Hannah: A secret?
Mark: Home sweet home
Hannah: You welcome,,,
She collected a small bag in his hand and took it in while mark followed her,,,about 30minutes later,,I was about climbing up the stairs when I heard mark voice.
Mark: Have you delivered the drug?,,you sent someone?…are you out of your mind?,,what if he was caught?
Mark: Get rid of him? Better *hang up*
Mark: Jason,,how f..ar *stammering* what did you hear?
Me: What did you mean? *i pretended*
Mark: don’t worry **smiled and walked away**
Getting to my room,,I was still thinking about what mark mean by “have you delivered the drug”,,surely he must be keeping something,,I was lost in this paradice of thought that I didn’t notice by phone led was blinking,,I finally checked the message “he said he would be coming over tonight,,help” from jane..I quickly rushed out,I went downstairs thinking I would see mark,,but to my suprise I saw christine,,”this is an opportunity” I thought to myself.
I sat beside her,,I thought she would stand up but she doesn’t..
Me: Hello beauty
**no response**
Me: I knew you would never forgive me,I knew I hurt you,,but its not what you thinking,,please forgive me.
Christine: why will you hurt me,,are we dating?
The question nearly made me lose consciousness but its the truth we are not dating..
Me: Am sorry it won’t repeat itself again
I stood up to leave but she held me back and hugged me
Christine: I can’t help it,,am loving you more..
Me: Am sorry,,its all my fault **i kissed her in the forehead**
Christine’s love has formatted my memory,,I have forgotten that I came downstairs for mark,,I was here to save jane.,,,I have to save jane,,Its not late is it?…it shouldn’t be…
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 13
Am so brainless,,what will I tell christine that is sleeping happily on my chest,,what should I do,,I thought about this several times but I had no solution,,”I thought am a genius but I was wrong am a complete dullard” I thought to myself.
I heard somebody clearing throat,,I turned back to see mark smiling and winking at me,,is it because of christine that innocently slept on my chest?,,I fake a smile,,I had to see jane,,what will I do with sleeping christine.. I carried christine to her room and placed her on her bed covering her with her blanket,,I kissed her on her forehead and was about to leave when she held my hand..
Christine: please sleep with me
Me: With you? Hmmmn,,am coming I’ll have to pick up my phone from my room **i lied**
I walked out and head to janet room,,I knocked and with no response I enter,,janet sat on her bed weeping,,I notice how the bed was scattered,I knew mark has raped her again..I sat beside her and hugged her while she continue crying..
Me: Am sorry jane
Janet: He really hurt me this time
Me: You will have to leave this house,,how will he be raping his cousin,,is he insane?
Janet: The truth is am no cousin,,I was employed here as maid,,I have no parent,,I had nowhere to go,,I would have left this God forsaken house..
Me: You should inform pastor donald
Janet: pastor is no more living here with us,,he had another house..
Me: **i only saw him once in this house and that’s the day I moved in** what are we going to do now?
Janet: I don’t really know..
Me: I have to call my sister and tell her to becareful
Janet: that will be very good.,I’ll be fine,thank you so much..
I felt like crying for her,I very much pitied her,,I walked out and head to christine’s room..I saw her sitting on the bed..
Me: Christine,,you are not sleeping?
Christine: Waiting for you **smiling**
I sat beside her,,
Me: Please don’t smile around me again
Christine: *frown and embarrassed* Why?
Me: Coz it got me crazy..am afraid if you continue I would end up in psychiatric hospital
Christine *laugh out loud* close your eyes
I closed my eyes,,she later told me to open it,,I opened it to see christine not wearing any thing..
Christine: Tonight is tonight,,I have made up my mind to give you my virginity
I wanted to say something but nothing came out of my mouth as I stared at her big boobs and fresh body,,nearly made me blind…she pushed me on the bed,,place her hand on my barechest and slowly shifted it to my knicker,,she pulled it down to see my d--k almost tearing my boxer,,she smiled and pulled down by boxer,,I don’t know where a virgin learn to suck,,she s----d me up and later sat on me roding my c--k like madt,,I later changed it to doggy style and f----d her with full force…–cut the crap–…we laid on the bed very tired and later drifted to sleep cuddling..
I woke up the next morning,,she was still sleeping,,I stood up to have my bath but I saw a spilled of a blood on the bed,,I looked at sleeping christine and vow in my mind to never leave her..Yes I knew I love her even more than my mother and my sister,,may commit suicide if anything happens to her..I head to her bathroom,,entered and was having my birth when I felt a hand wrapped around me. I turned to see christine.
Me: You are awake
Christine: Why don’t you wake me up,,are we not going to same school *she gave a slight slap on my chest*
Me: Don’t wanna disturb you
Christine: okay no problem sha
We have our bath together,,we spent much time playing in the bathroom **you know all this child play**.. We dressed and went to school..we were not too late,,I entered my class to see them all gossipping about something
Val: Guy how far
Me: padi I dey oo
Val: You never hear?
Me: Weytin na,,abeg ginger me oo
Val: Julia,that ashawo don pregnant oo
Me: **laughs** no dey joke joor
Val: I swear,,hin dey with principal nao dey receive judgment
Me: pregnant for who?
Val: That guy Ayis,,the one wey beat me die nah
Me: *laughs* *came back to my senses* what? ayis
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 14
Assembly bell rang,,we all gathered at the assembly ground,,after singing,dancing and praying principal came out..
Principal: Hello boys and girls..
All: Fine ma
Principal: As you all know what’s going on in this school now,,”Ayis Eliboy and Julia makinde” come to the front..we are highly dissapointed in you two epecially ayis,,you are the health prefect boy,suppose to be a good role model to your junior but you failed this school by impregnating your junior,,and you julia,its doesn’t seems like he raped you,,you have been doing this for long not knowing it will end up like this..I thereby expelled you two from this school and never return,,,,Jason you are thereby appointed to this role and I can trust you are going to do well with your partner Monica igwe..
I was so happy,not only because am now the health prefect despite I was in ss2 but my greatest enemy has been expelled,,I so much fear that guy,,”mak hin dey go” I said to myself…
After the assembly,,I sat down quietly in the class,,eva entered looking terrible,,I knew because her friend has been expelled.. She came to me..
Eva: You are looking much happier **diverting the students attention on us**
Me: much happier?..Should I be crying? **all students laugh**
Eva: You wanna tell me you and that stupid friend of yours val doesn’t eat in julia’s fruit? *shouted*
Me: What is she saying? Is this your first time of drinking beer? You so much high..**all students laugh out loud**
She planned to give me slap which I evade and her hand hitted the Maths set Divider placed on the table..Her hand started bleeding,,all students started blaming me….she fainted after losing so much blood and was rushed to hospital..I knew am dead,,principal sent for me immediately….I got there and already saw val knelt down with his hands raised and his eyes closed…
Principal: What did you two did to my daughter?
Me: we did nothing ma,,she hurt her hand while trying to slap m…..(Two slaps landed on my cheek)
Principal: stop lieing and tell me the truth
Me: You can ask my classmates…
She sent for them all,,,,
Principal: Does she really hurt her hand while trying to slap him? **pointing her finger at me**
All: Yes ma
Principal: You can all go **except I and val**
Me: You see I wasn’t lieing…
Principal: Val you can go…
Me: What about me?
Principal: I have something to discuss with you
Me? Principal?..not thinking of expelling me right?
Me: Okay ma
Principal: I knew it wasn’t right but I have to tell you this,,jason can you please tell eva you love her?
Me: What?
Principal: She has threatened to kill herself if she caught you with another girl,,if you tell her you love her,her mind will be at peace even if you don’t mean it,,just help me,,she is having no father and she is my only daughter I can’t lose her.. She always talk about you and always thinking about you,,please my dear…
Me: That will be very difficult ma..
Principal: Please my son,,**about to kneel**
Me: Its okay ma,,I’ll tell her,,don’t worry ma…
Me and christine talk in the breaktime,have fun together though I doesn’t tell her about eva..Oh corper zina is not in school today,,I’ll have to visit her tomorrow..Eva finally return with plasters allover her hand…I placed a note under her desk telling her to wait for me after closing time in the class..
After the day lesson,,its only me and eva in the class now
Me: I thought you won’t wait
Eva: Say whatever you want to say
Me: Did you know why I always act like this around you?…
Eva: How should I not that? **hissed and carry her back-pack to leave**
Me: Because I love you
She turned back,her back-pack fell from her hand,,she looked at me with great suprise..I move closer to her,held her hand and hugged her then I leave the class..I saw principal outside,she winked at me and gave me a thumbs up…
Val: Weytin you dey do before?
Me: You dey wait for me?
Val: Sure now let’s go joor
On our way….
Val: Did you believe me girls player have fallen in love? **with a very serious face**
Me: With who
Val: Eva,,,I really love her and am scared of asking her out..
Me: You? Scared?
Val: very suprising…..
What’s all this thats happening,,,my best friend love the girl wey wan die ontop my matter,,,what should I do????…d--n it…
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 15
I got home and went straight to my room,,oh I had to call my sister…she picked it immediately..
Me: Sister…
Sister: Bro,,how are you doing?
Me: Am fine,,,why don’t you tell me?
Sister: Mum has told you I’ll be home next week thursday?,,,am sorry I want it to be a suprise..
Me: You are coming home? Woow..but that’s not what I mean,,,why don’t you tell me you and uncle mark are dating?
Sister: How did you find out?
Me: Sister,,I don’t trust him,,you have to be more careful
Sister: Why are you saying all this?
Me: Just becareful sister…love you.. *hang up*
Am happy I’ll finally get see my sister beautiful face,,but she and mark will surely meet and that guy will do anything in his power to f--k her,,I should just tell my sister to postone her arrival date..my phone beeped “I can’t sleep,,let’s chat” from corper zina..
Following conversations ensued:
Me: Are you ill?
Corper zina: No,,just thinking about someone
Me: who? Your fiancee? *wink*
Corper zina: Lol,I gat none
Me: No boyfriend?
Corper zina: Yes
Me: Then who are you thinking of,a girl? **no tell me say you be lesbian-::4 my mind**
Corper zina: How will I be thinking about a girl,,a boy ofcourse,,very handsome and fun to be with but I don’t think it can work between us
Me: Why?
Corper zina: Age barrier ofcourse
Me: The one you are loving is so younger than you? Who is he?
Corper zina: you are…….
I saw christine’s message,,says:”I don’t know what’s happening to me”…
I quickly rushed to her room leaving my phone behind,,she wasn’t in the room
Me: christine
Christine: In the bathroom
I rushed to the bathroom,,she was vomitting..yeeh am dead,,
Me: What happened?
Christine: I don’t know,,how about doing test at hospital tomorrow
Me: Test?..yeah that will be cool *fake a smile*
I stayed with her,,I can’t sleep,,I was just praying,,it must not be the cause or symptoms of pregnancy,,how I go turn father at this age,,God help me oo…should I tell val about it?,,no I shouldn’t…
I woke up early the nextday and went to my room,,oh corper zina messages that I left unread,,I click on whatsapp icon in the apps menu,,I checked the messages they are:
“You are curious?”
“He is in ss2?”
“Are you sleeping”
What? Corper zina’s crush was in ss2?,,,,”this girl no get brain” I said hissing,,,I quickly went to the bathroom and have my bath,,I claded in black top and blue jean with my sandal,,I went downstair,,christine was already waiting for me..Oh God she was so beautiful,,we went to a private hospital,,,Christine has been diagonise,we are now waiting for the result,,I can’t wait to hear the result,,
Doctor later called us to his office..
Doctor: Madam
Christine: what’s the result?
I have already wet my pant,,oh you can’t be pregnant christine..
Doctor: The result says you are not pregnant,,its just a fever,,we will give you the drugs which you will be using…
I was so happy like just goto hell,,,I vowed in my mind no to ever f--k again in my life..oh boy this call for celebrations,,
Christine went out with doctor to get the drugs and i remain sitted still praising my lord..
My phone rangout,,It was “dorothy”..Weytin do this girl now…I picked it..
Dorothy: Hello jason,,there is trouble oo
Me: Trouble? Where?
Dorothy: I went to doctor yesterday,,I was diagonised and the result says I am pregnant..
Me: Then why are you telling me?
Dorothy: You are the one to ever have sex with me…
Me: What???… Yeeeeh **nearly shouted**
Dorothy: We have to meet,,
Me: Where?
Dorothy: My house ofcourse,,my dad and my mum won’t be home tomorrow..
Me: okay *hang up*
I felt like just killing myself,,,,I escaped from one trouble to enter a greater one…am surely dead..
My life in my pastor’s house
Episode 6
The next day was monday,I went to school early. The environments were so dirty. Christine started picking juniors to pick the dirts,she has never picked me but I was so surprise when she called my name and left val behind. “What’s with this girl” is the thought running through my mind. After assembly,we settled down in the class,I decided to sit beside val and begged joyce to sit beside hannah coz joyce was the one sitting beside val.
Suddenly,principal enter with a girl with hijab. Oh men I have never seen an ugly muslim girl,all of them are pretty,she was a bit taller than me and was so pretty. Oh boy if you see weytin this girl carry,val nearly licked his black lip to pink.”Introduce your self” principal said
“Am Khaleed Zainab” she said with her sweet thin voice,I guess she is a singer.
Val: Oh boy,I go toast this girl after today’s lesson o
Me: Bad boy,make we go together na. Atleast she may agree if she see an handsome boy with you.
Val: Normal normal gimme five
I informed hannah I’ll be going to val’s house. After the closing time. We followed zainab to one bustop,who knows who and what she is waiting for. We decided to walk nearer.
Val: Hi pretty
Zainab: Hi
Val: Wanna talk to you,can I?
Zainab: No you can’t unless you asking for trouble
Me: Trouble? **i laugh**
Zainab: **she smiled** its better you leave now
Val: Just gimme 5minutes
Zainab: Owkay am hearing you
Val explained his self but this girl bursted to laughter
Zainab: You are not my type
*i just stare at them both*
Val: *became angry* who are you sef. B---h trying to be normal person
Zainab: *she slapped val,paah* who are you calling b---h.
Val: If dem born ur father wella slap me again
Zainab: *so angry* you know my dad
Val: Who is your daddy?
Me: Is it chairman or is it an alhaji?
We both laugh out loud,she gave val another hot slap which he returns with full force. Suddenly a car parked beside us,three soldiers alighted pointing their gun at us. “If you run,I will shoot you” one of them said. “Madam are you okay?” One of them said referring to zainab that is holding her cheek on the floor. We were given five hot slaps and countless kicks before they pushed us in the car and drove us away. They drove us to there barrack,oh boy,they pushed us down and ask us to kneel down.One of them qiuckly opened the door for zainab,she alighted from the car smiling,she walk towards us.
Zainab: My dad is not a chairman or an alhaji but a soldier.
Val and I: Yeeeeh *we shouted*
I saw a man walking toward where we are. He was not that old but I guess he is in his early forties,there are three soldiers following him. He finally reached where we are.
Zainab’s dad: Zainab I heard they slapped you?
Zainab: Yes both of them *crying and showing him her red cheek*
Na only val nah,I don die
Zainab’s dad: You dare slapped my daughter and you think you will just go scot free?,am gonna teach you a very great lesson today.
I have already wet my pant,I knew my life will be ruined by those soldiers belt.
Zainab’s dad: Move them in and give them 60 strokes
Val: Haaaa,ori iya mi eleko
Me: yeeeeeh,I don die ooo..
Suddenly,a man drove in the barrack,he is having my dad like car with same colour,he alighted from the car,lo and behold it was my dad.
My dad: Jason,val what are you two doing here
Zainab’s dad: You know them? They slapped my precious daughter.
My dad: Jason is that true?
Me: She slapped us first sir
My dad: *referring to zainab’s dad* don’t you recognise your son again khaleed. This is jason my son,the one you travelled to london with when he was so young.
Zainab’s dad: Jason? *he walks towards me and lifted me up,he hugged me* look at my boy,you’ve turned big boy. Leave them alone,you can go *referring to the soldiers*
I was so happy. I walk up to angry zainab
Me: we are very sorry okay?
Zainab: okay,am okay
she angrily went inside and i decided to follow her. We later became friends before my dad decided to leave and we followed him not after getting zainab’s number.
Zainab beauty has blinded me that I have forgotten that I’ll have to face another problem. My dad’s problem,this time he won’t forgive me.
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 7
I was so surprise when I heard “don’t do that again” from my dad and he dropped I and val without punishing me,he went his way while I also went my way.
Nothing happens between I and the girls through out the week but my friend relationship with zainab has turned to something else as she send me her nude pic every night which gives me hard on. On friday’s night,I noticed they all in their room so I went downstairs just to catch fun..you know. I sat down on the couch,biscuit and a lemon drink on the table. I checked the time 11:17pm. “Hope you don’t mind if I join you” I turned back to see christine. She wore a very short skirt,I can see her pant,a short top which merely covered her boobs,I know I can’t escape this. Her bigboobs is already killing me. She sat beside me,I guess she notice my hard on coz she smiled. I pretended to be chatting but I wasn’t concentrating. Suddenly I felt a soft lip on my lip,I hurriedly kissed it back not interested to know the lips owner. Don’t blame me I was so h---y, I grabbed her soft boobs and began squezing them,”what a boob” I said to myself. I placed my hand on her lap,I located for her pant and pull it aside,I withdrew my tongue and pulldown my shortknicker,I placed my d--k in the entrance and was about to enter when I heard “am a virgin” from christine. Virgin my foot,I rubbed her kittycat with my palm and was about travelling to shaolin temple when we heard a knock on the door. “Oh God,who the hell is this” I murmured. We cleaned our sweats and clear the traces. I sat down on the couch pretending to be watching films while she ran to open the d--n door. I heard her shout and hugged the person that knocks the door. Oh it was mark,he entered with canadian swags. He walked towards me while I stand up.
Mark: How far bro
Me: Am fine u?
Mark: Am fine
Me: where are you coming from now?
Mark: Oh,just arrived from canada today and I decided to visit my friends that’s why am late.
Me: Oh I don’t know you travelled to canada before,my sis sends her greetings. **the truth is I knew but the fear of him noticing what I was doing with his sister made me spit rubbish**
Mark: why will she do that when we do talk for almost 5hrs a day
Is my sister in love with this guy,there is one way to find out.
Me: please can I borrow your phone for a min?
Mark: no problem *he gave me his phone and went upstairs with christine*
I started checking his gallery, I found my sister and this guy kissing. I was so angry coz am sure he would have f----d my innocent sister. To know that I checked their conversation in whatsapp,chaiii..he said he would like to hold my sister’s breast while she replied with “I can’t wait to suck your d--k”..*chaaiii* I nearly shouted.I knew the guy doesn’t love her,I don’t want my sister hurt…
He later came back but not with christine.We sat on the couch gisting..
Mark: U tink say ano knw?
Me: Knw wat?
Mark: You about to bleep my sister when I came in,I heard her moaning loudly,I guess that’s her first time.
Me: but I didn’t it
Mark: But you are about you. It seems christine like you a lot coz have never seen her with a guy.
I decided to not tell him about his conversation with my sister
My phone beeped,its whatsapp message. It says”don’t be late tommorrow” from corper zina
I bade mark goodnight and I retired to my room and immediately drifted to wonderland not after sex chatting with christine…..
“Look at what your daughter is doing,” he muttered slowly through his clenched teeth. “Ada is pregnant.” His cell phone rang again, he looked at the caller ID and it was his Boss. He angrily picked the call.
“I am very sorry I can’t make it to the office as soon as I thought. In fact, we will see tomorrow.”
“What is wrong with you Mr. Ikedia? What is happening? You have left everybody here hanging, I am really embarrassed, you know I don’t condone such behavior. If there is a problem why didn’t u call and give us…”
“I said that I will see you tomorrow Sir and explain things to you, thank you.” Dad cut the line and switched off his cell phone.
I was watching television in the sitting room when Dad showed.
“What’s that? Will you switch off that television and go into your room? Are you not supposed to be in school? You can’t be reasonable enough to know that you are supposed to spend the most part of this morning studying your books.” He stopped and continued to stare at me with disgust.
I hurriedly turned the TV off and headed straight for my room.
“Call Ada and John for me.” His angry voice said to my back.
I hated the day with all my life.
I quickly informed Ada and John that Daddy wanted to see them and hastily entered my room. I felt really bad. I almost hated my Dad. Why must he be so mean? I had often heard most of my friends talk about their Dad at school. I even see how they related with their parents when they come to pick them from school. Most of them weren’t as rich as we were. But they were much happier. My own home was filled with nothing but constant quarreling. Nobody was ever happy with anybody.
Dad was a stranger to us all and I never get to hang out and do anything meaningful with my sister. She didn’t care about anybody in the house, infact she didn’t want anybody to know anything about her so she was always in her room, making and answering calls like the calls were the only thing that made her happy when at home. She never laughed with anybody at home, not even me, her only and little sister.
My Mum was so withdrawn that you hardly get her to tell you anything interesting. She was just a woman of her own world.
John was just strange. As the days went by, he transformed into a dangerous person. Something was just bothering him. He was learning to be somebody he wasn’t comfortable with.
I had never seen my Mum and Dad share happy moments together. The few times they talk you find them answering each other in monosyllabic replies and when they talk long it was always when Dad was in his squabbling mood. He barks at Mum and continuously complains at any little thing he feels she had not done right.
I wished I could ask God for another family.
I got tired of just lying down doing nothing, so I decided to read my book like Dad had suggested. While searching for the book to read, I thought I heard the metallic sound of keys. I quickly searched through my bag and behold, in between my homework note book was the key everybody was looking for.
“I can see that you kids have decided to disgrace this household, but I will never allow it.” Dad was speaking to Ada and John.
“I will not harbor a rogue and a prostitute in this house, never!!!” his voice was so loud that I could feel the vibration it caused in my room. “I dedicate my time and my life trying to ensure that you kids get the best in life. But how do you kids show your gratitude? You miss classes, come home with poor results, sleep around, smoke and get pregnant!! Tell me what father will have this knowledge about his kids and be happy?”
Ada raised her head in shock when Dad mentioned pregnancy. How in God’s name did he find out that she was under suspicion that she might be pregnant? It was then that she realized that she was in a more serious problem with Dad.
She had taught Dad was just going to complain about the cell phone and then the key and finally conclude by making them feel silly and everybody retires into their room. What did he see in her cell phone that made him aware of the situation?
Perhaps Vivian replied the text she sent to her early this morning and Dad had seen it.
“Ada, how old are you?” Dad continued, “At such a tender age you think the best thing for you to do is to sleep around? Telling everybody that you lack home training? Disgracing the family? Embarrassing me?”
They remain silent, both trembling in fear and almost wetting their pants.
“Look at you John, you are barely 14yrs” John looked up sharply, how could Dad say he was 13yrs? “And all you do is sleep around and smoke with vagabonds in town? No!! I won’t take this! Not while I am alive. Ada you are not going to have your bastard baby in my house and you, John, I don’t breed thieves here so you can go and live with your trainers so that you can perfect in the act of smoking. I will not, I repeat, I will never spend my money on anyone who does not want it, neither will I house such a person.”
Mum had already appeared at his back. She had read the text message in Ada’s cell phone and confirmed what Dad had read. She had allowed the cell phone to drop from her because her shivery hand could hold it any longer. This was much more than she could handle. She had suspected that Ada was already sexually active but didn’t know how to approach her on the issue. The mother-daughter relationship she had tried to build between them hadn’t worked out mainly because she had allowed herself to be carried away by Dad’s lack of attention towards her and the family generally.
Now Ada was pregnant. The whole world will blame her for being a bad mother. How could she face this shame?
Her daughter was only eighteen.
Now from the background she stared at Ada with a scornful look. Different emotions ran through her. She felt sad, afraid, disappointed, and angry.
“Look at you Ada! You don’t know how to respect yourself, how can you make yourself so cheap for men? I am disappointed in the two of you.” Mum said as she broke down and started crying.
The air was so tense that both Ada and John felt like the earth should open up and swallow them, Ada felt worse.
“I will never take it! Once this key is found or once the door is broken down, the both of you should leave my house. You can go and practice you prostitution and thug life elsewhere. Now both should leave my presence, go to your room and get ready to leave my house!!”
Ada and John turned around and began to leave, while Mum continued to sob loudly behind Dad. But Dad wasn’t satisfied with his verdict, especially given the fact that they both didn’t show any sign of remorse, neither did they hesitate and beg.
“In fact, you will not take anything with you, I don’t care how you survive, you will leave this house with nothing because everything you own, I bought them with my money.” He added.
He had been so hurt with the new knowledge about Ada and John that the only thing he wanted to do was to hurt them back. How could they disregard him this way?
To Dad, he had been insulted beyond a bearable limit. He felt really hurt that his heart ached; he felt so much psychological pain that his eyes were almost filled with tears.
Who Do You Think Should Be Blamed For This Disaster In The Family?
“Who cares,” John muttered under his nose. But it was loud enough for Dad to hear.
“What did you say?” Dad asked and instinctively rushed towards John. Before John could turn around and react, Dad’s right hand had already reached his shoulders and forcefully turned him around. With John now facing Dad, Dad gave him a slap on his face. John wasn’t expecting it.
“Are you trying to show me that you are now a man? Do you want to challenge me? Or have you smoked something?”
John stared at Dad for some seconds, anger building up within him.
“I have always been planning on leaving this house for a long time. You know what? My mind had already left this house a long time ago. You can have your big fancy house all to yourself. I don’t intend to stay anyway.”
Dad stared at him, he didn’t expect this.
“Fine, then what have been doing here all along, did I chain you here?”
“It’s not just about building a fancy house. I hope you mean what you are saying when you say we should leave, because it will even be a thing of joy to sleep on the street than stay here with parents that doesn’t care. I wish this door can be opened soon so that you can have the house to yourself. This house is not even qualified to be called a home” Ada chipped in to Dad’s amazement.
“You are not even qualified to be called my daughter. You have decided to be a disgrace to yourself. I can’t even look at. you. You should be ashamed of yourself but rather you still have the guts to talk to me like that. Is it me that you got you into this condition and made you feel like you don’t have a home? I will be glad to have you take your disgraceful self out of here.” Dad returned.
He had never exchanged words with his children before. It had always been him talking and everybody in the house listening. He hadn’t even ever thought that they had grown big enough to voice out their opinion. Where these really his kids? Looking at them now they were like strangers to him.
“If I am pregnant or if John is smoking around, it really should be your fault. It beats me that you don’t even blame yourself for anything! Oh I forgot, you are the perfect Dad, the manager of Dew luck Nig. Limited who always gets it right” Ada replied.
This was really surprising. I never thought she had such guts to talk back to Dad the way she was doing now.
“Ada, your mouth is surprisingly too sharp for someone who acted in such a disgraceful manner. You are not even grateful to your parents who sacrifice their all to make sure you get the best in life. Instead you stand here and talk back to mm your Dad with such effrontery.” Mum injected.
“The best in life? Did you say the best in life? I can’t believe you mum. You think what your children are having here is the best in life?” Ada returned, looking around disdainfully.
“A lot of your mates will give everything to be in your shoes. You are not grateful to God for what you have; no wonder you have no respect for yourself. Don’t you see your mates hawking on the streets? But you have the opportunity of finding yourself in school; instead you are misusing it by avoiding school and sleeping with men all over town.” Mum said.
“What do you know about school Mum, what do you even know about me?” Ada asked, she shrugged frustratingly and walked away from the scene.
John left after her, leaving Mum and Dad standing there with their mouths wide open.
Dad was both unhappy and angry, “Do you know this is all your fault?” he said to Mum, “how can you look at yourself and call yourself a good mother? You chose to neglect the kids under your care and concentrate all your efforts on that boutique of yours. You don’t know your duty as a mother, now look at the result.”
“Oh please, enough of your ranting. Will you ever stop? Mr. Perfect. If I concentrate my effort on my boutique where do you put yours? Oh, I remember you always take out time to be with your children.” Mum replied and walked into their bedroom. Dad followed her behind.
Episode 6
The next day was monday,I went to school early. The environments were so dirty. Christine started picking juniors to pick the dirts,she has never picked me but I was so surprise when she called my name and left val behind. “What’s with this girl” is the thought running through my mind. After assembly,we settled down in the class,I decided to sit beside val and begged joyce to sit beside hannah coz joyce was the one sitting beside val.
Suddenly,principal enter with a girl with hijab. Oh men I have never seen an ugly muslim girl,all of them are pretty,she was a bit taller than me and was so pretty. Oh boy if you see weytin this girl carry,val nearly licked his black lip to pink.”Introduce your self” principal said
“Am Khaleed Zainab” she said with her sweet thin voice,I guess she is a singer.
Val: Oh boy,I go toast this girl after today’s lesson o
Me: Bad boy,make we go together na. Atleast she may agree if she see an handsome boy with you.
Val: Normal normal gimme five
I informed hannah I’ll be going to val’s house. After the closing time. We followed zainab to one bustop,who knows who and what she is waiting for. We decided to walk nearer.
Val: Hi pretty
Zainab: Hi
Val: Wanna talk to you,can I?
Zainab: No you can’t unless you asking for trouble
Me: Trouble? **i laugh**
Zainab: **she smiled** its better you leave now
Val: Just gimme 5minutes
Zainab: Owkay am hearing you
Val explained his self but this girl bursted to laughter
Zainab: You are not my type
*i just stare at them both*
Val: *became angry* who are you sef. B---h trying to be normal person
Zainab: *she slapped val,paah* who are you calling b---h.
Val: If dem born ur father wella slap me again
Zainab: *so angry* you know my dad
Val: Who is your daddy?
Me: Is it chairman or is it an alhaji?
We both laugh out loud,she gave val another hot slap which he returns with full force. Suddenly a car parked beside us,three soldiers alighted pointing their gun at us. “If you run,I will shoot you” one of them said. “Madam are you okay?” One of them said referring to zainab that is holding her cheek on the floor. We were given five hot slaps and countless kicks before they pushed us in the car and drove us away. They drove us to there barrack,oh boy,they pushed us down and ask us to kneel down.One of them qiuckly opened the door for zainab,she alighted from the car smiling,she walk towards us.
Zainab: My dad is not a chairman or an alhaji but a soldier.
Val and I: Yeeeeh *we shouted*
I saw a man walking toward where we are. He was not that old but I guess he is in his early forties,there are three soldiers following him. He finally reached where we are.
Zainab’s dad: Zainab I heard they slapped you?
Zainab: Yes both of them *crying and showing him her red cheek*
Na only val nah,I don die
Zainab’s dad: You dare slapped my daughter and you think you will just go scot free?,am gonna teach you a very great lesson today.
I have already wet my pant,I knew my life will be ruined by those soldiers belt.
Zainab’s dad: Move them in and give them 60 strokes
Val: Haaaa,ori iya mi eleko
Me: yeeeeeh,I don die ooo..
Suddenly,a man drove in the barrack,he is having my dad like car with same colour,he alighted from the car,lo and behold it was my dad.
My dad: Jason,val what are you two doing here
Zainab’s dad: You know them? They slapped my precious daughter.
My dad: Jason is that true?
Me: She slapped us first sir
My dad: *referring to zainab’s dad* don’t you recognise your son again khaleed. This is jason my son,the one you travelled to london with when he was so young.
Zainab’s dad: Jason? *he walks towards me and lifted me up,he hugged me* look at my boy,you’ve turned big boy. Leave them alone,you can go *referring to the soldiers*
I was so happy. I walk up to angry zainab
Me: we are very sorry okay?
Zainab: okay,am okay
she angrily went inside and i decided to follow her. We later became friends before my dad decided to leave and we followed him not after getting zainab’s number.
Zainab beauty has blinded me that I have forgotten that I’ll have to face another problem. My dad’s problem,this time he won’t forgive me.
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 7
I was so surprise when I heard “don’t do that again” from my dad and he dropped I and val without punishing me,he went his way while I also went my way.
Nothing happens between I and the girls through out the week but my friend relationship with zainab has turned to something else as she send me her nude pic every night which gives me hard on. On friday’s night,I noticed they all in their room so I went downstairs just to catch fun..you know. I sat down on the couch,biscuit and a lemon drink on the table. I checked the time 11:17pm. “Hope you don’t mind if I join you” I turned back to see christine. She wore a very short skirt,I can see her pant,a short top which merely covered her boobs,I know I can’t escape this. Her bigboobs is already killing me. She sat beside me,I guess she notice my hard on coz she smiled. I pretended to be chatting but I wasn’t concentrating. Suddenly I felt a soft lip on my lip,I hurriedly kissed it back not interested to know the lips owner. Don’t blame me I was so h---y, I grabbed her soft boobs and began squezing them,”what a boob” I said to myself. I placed my hand on her lap,I located for her pant and pull it aside,I withdrew my tongue and pulldown my shortknicker,I placed my d--k in the entrance and was about to enter when I heard “am a virgin” from christine. Virgin my foot,I rubbed her kittycat with my palm and was about travelling to shaolin temple when we heard a knock on the door. “Oh God,who the hell is this” I murmured. We cleaned our sweats and clear the traces. I sat down on the couch pretending to be watching films while she ran to open the d--n door. I heard her shout and hugged the person that knocks the door. Oh it was mark,he entered with canadian swags. He walked towards me while I stand up.
Mark: How far bro
Me: Am fine u?
Mark: Am fine
Me: where are you coming from now?
Mark: Oh,just arrived from canada today and I decided to visit my friends that’s why am late.
Me: Oh I don’t know you travelled to canada before,my sis sends her greetings. **the truth is I knew but the fear of him noticing what I was doing with his sister made me spit rubbish**
Mark: why will she do that when we do talk for almost 5hrs a day
Is my sister in love with this guy,there is one way to find out.
Me: please can I borrow your phone for a min?
Mark: no problem *he gave me his phone and went upstairs with christine*
I started checking his gallery, I found my sister and this guy kissing. I was so angry coz am sure he would have f----d my innocent sister. To know that I checked their conversation in whatsapp,chaiii..he said he would like to hold my sister’s breast while she replied with “I can’t wait to suck your d--k”..*chaaiii* I nearly shouted.I knew the guy doesn’t love her,I don’t want my sister hurt…
He later came back but not with christine.We sat on the couch gisting..
Mark: U tink say ano knw?
Me: Knw wat?
Mark: You about to bleep my sister when I came in,I heard her moaning loudly,I guess that’s her first time.
Me: but I didn’t it
Mark: But you are about you. It seems christine like you a lot coz have never seen her with a guy.
I decided to not tell him about his conversation with my sister
My phone beeped,its whatsapp message. It says”don’t be late tommorrow” from corper zina
I bade mark goodnight and I retired to my room and immediately drifted to wonderland not after sex chatting with christine…..
“Look at what your daughter is doing,” he muttered slowly through his clenched teeth. “Ada is pregnant.” His cell phone rang again, he looked at the caller ID and it was his Boss. He angrily picked the call.
“I am very sorry I can’t make it to the office as soon as I thought. In fact, we will see tomorrow.”
“What is wrong with you Mr. Ikedia? What is happening? You have left everybody here hanging, I am really embarrassed, you know I don’t condone such behavior. If there is a problem why didn’t u call and give us…”
“I said that I will see you tomorrow Sir and explain things to you, thank you.” Dad cut the line and switched off his cell phone.
I was watching television in the sitting room when Dad showed.
“What’s that? Will you switch off that television and go into your room? Are you not supposed to be in school? You can’t be reasonable enough to know that you are supposed to spend the most part of this morning studying your books.” He stopped and continued to stare at me with disgust.
I hurriedly turned the TV off and headed straight for my room.
“Call Ada and John for me.” His angry voice said to my back.
I hated the day with all my life.
I quickly informed Ada and John that Daddy wanted to see them and hastily entered my room. I felt really bad. I almost hated my Dad. Why must he be so mean? I had often heard most of my friends talk about their Dad at school. I even see how they related with their parents when they come to pick them from school. Most of them weren’t as rich as we were. But they were much happier. My own home was filled with nothing but constant quarreling. Nobody was ever happy with anybody.
Dad was a stranger to us all and I never get to hang out and do anything meaningful with my sister. She didn’t care about anybody in the house, infact she didn’t want anybody to know anything about her so she was always in her room, making and answering calls like the calls were the only thing that made her happy when at home. She never laughed with anybody at home, not even me, her only and little sister.
My Mum was so withdrawn that you hardly get her to tell you anything interesting. She was just a woman of her own world.
John was just strange. As the days went by, he transformed into a dangerous person. Something was just bothering him. He was learning to be somebody he wasn’t comfortable with.
I had never seen my Mum and Dad share happy moments together. The few times they talk you find them answering each other in monosyllabic replies and when they talk long it was always when Dad was in his squabbling mood. He barks at Mum and continuously complains at any little thing he feels she had not done right.
I wished I could ask God for another family.
I got tired of just lying down doing nothing, so I decided to read my book like Dad had suggested. While searching for the book to read, I thought I heard the metallic sound of keys. I quickly searched through my bag and behold, in between my homework note book was the key everybody was looking for.
“I can see that you kids have decided to disgrace this household, but I will never allow it.” Dad was speaking to Ada and John.
“I will not harbor a rogue and a prostitute in this house, never!!!” his voice was so loud that I could feel the vibration it caused in my room. “I dedicate my time and my life trying to ensure that you kids get the best in life. But how do you kids show your gratitude? You miss classes, come home with poor results, sleep around, smoke and get pregnant!! Tell me what father will have this knowledge about his kids and be happy?”
Ada raised her head in shock when Dad mentioned pregnancy. How in God’s name did he find out that she was under suspicion that she might be pregnant? It was then that she realized that she was in a more serious problem with Dad.
She had taught Dad was just going to complain about the cell phone and then the key and finally conclude by making them feel silly and everybody retires into their room. What did he see in her cell phone that made him aware of the situation?
Perhaps Vivian replied the text she sent to her early this morning and Dad had seen it.
“Ada, how old are you?” Dad continued, “At such a tender age you think the best thing for you to do is to sleep around? Telling everybody that you lack home training? Disgracing the family? Embarrassing me?”
They remain silent, both trembling in fear and almost wetting their pants.
“Look at you John, you are barely 14yrs” John looked up sharply, how could Dad say he was 13yrs? “And all you do is sleep around and smoke with vagabonds in town? No!! I won’t take this! Not while I am alive. Ada you are not going to have your bastard baby in my house and you, John, I don’t breed thieves here so you can go and live with your trainers so that you can perfect in the act of smoking. I will not, I repeat, I will never spend my money on anyone who does not want it, neither will I house such a person.”
Mum had already appeared at his back. She had read the text message in Ada’s cell phone and confirmed what Dad had read. She had allowed the cell phone to drop from her because her shivery hand could hold it any longer. This was much more than she could handle. She had suspected that Ada was already sexually active but didn’t know how to approach her on the issue. The mother-daughter relationship she had tried to build between them hadn’t worked out mainly because she had allowed herself to be carried away by Dad’s lack of attention towards her and the family generally.
Now Ada was pregnant. The whole world will blame her for being a bad mother. How could she face this shame?
Her daughter was only eighteen.
Now from the background she stared at Ada with a scornful look. Different emotions ran through her. She felt sad, afraid, disappointed, and angry.
“Look at you Ada! You don’t know how to respect yourself, how can you make yourself so cheap for men? I am disappointed in the two of you.” Mum said as she broke down and started crying.
The air was so tense that both Ada and John felt like the earth should open up and swallow them, Ada felt worse.
“I will never take it! Once this key is found or once the door is broken down, the both of you should leave my house. You can go and practice you prostitution and thug life elsewhere. Now both should leave my presence, go to your room and get ready to leave my house!!”
Ada and John turned around and began to leave, while Mum continued to sob loudly behind Dad. But Dad wasn’t satisfied with his verdict, especially given the fact that they both didn’t show any sign of remorse, neither did they hesitate and beg.
“In fact, you will not take anything with you, I don’t care how you survive, you will leave this house with nothing because everything you own, I bought them with my money.” He added.
He had been so hurt with the new knowledge about Ada and John that the only thing he wanted to do was to hurt them back. How could they disregard him this way?
To Dad, he had been insulted beyond a bearable limit. He felt really hurt that his heart ached; he felt so much psychological pain that his eyes were almost filled with tears.
Who Do You Think Should Be Blamed For This Disaster In The Family?
“Who cares,” John muttered under his nose. But it was loud enough for Dad to hear.
“What did you say?” Dad asked and instinctively rushed towards John. Before John could turn around and react, Dad’s right hand had already reached his shoulders and forcefully turned him around. With John now facing Dad, Dad gave him a slap on his face. John wasn’t expecting it.
“Are you trying to show me that you are now a man? Do you want to challenge me? Or have you smoked something?”
John stared at Dad for some seconds, anger building up within him.
“I have always been planning on leaving this house for a long time. You know what? My mind had already left this house a long time ago. You can have your big fancy house all to yourself. I don’t intend to stay anyway.”
Dad stared at him, he didn’t expect this.
“Fine, then what have been doing here all along, did I chain you here?”
“It’s not just about building a fancy house. I hope you mean what you are saying when you say we should leave, because it will even be a thing of joy to sleep on the street than stay here with parents that doesn’t care. I wish this door can be opened soon so that you can have the house to yourself. This house is not even qualified to be called a home” Ada chipped in to Dad’s amazement.
“You are not even qualified to be called my daughter. You have decided to be a disgrace to yourself. I can’t even look at. you. You should be ashamed of yourself but rather you still have the guts to talk to me like that. Is it me that you got you into this condition and made you feel like you don’t have a home? I will be glad to have you take your disgraceful self out of here.” Dad returned.
He had never exchanged words with his children before. It had always been him talking and everybody in the house listening. He hadn’t even ever thought that they had grown big enough to voice out their opinion. Where these really his kids? Looking at them now they were like strangers to him.
“If I am pregnant or if John is smoking around, it really should be your fault. It beats me that you don’t even blame yourself for anything! Oh I forgot, you are the perfect Dad, the manager of Dew luck Nig. Limited who always gets it right” Ada replied.
This was really surprising. I never thought she had such guts to talk back to Dad the way she was doing now.
“Ada, your mouth is surprisingly too sharp for someone who acted in such a disgraceful manner. You are not even grateful to your parents who sacrifice their all to make sure you get the best in life. Instead you stand here and talk back to mm your Dad with such effrontery.” Mum injected.
“The best in life? Did you say the best in life? I can’t believe you mum. You think what your children are having here is the best in life?” Ada returned, looking around disdainfully.
“A lot of your mates will give everything to be in your shoes. You are not grateful to God for what you have; no wonder you have no respect for yourself. Don’t you see your mates hawking on the streets? But you have the opportunity of finding yourself in school; instead you are misusing it by avoiding school and sleeping with men all over town.” Mum said.
“What do you know about school Mum, what do you even know about me?” Ada asked, she shrugged frustratingly and walked away from the scene.
John left after her, leaving Mum and Dad standing there with their mouths wide open.
Dad was both unhappy and angry, “Do you know this is all your fault?” he said to Mum, “how can you look at yourself and call yourself a good mother? You chose to neglect the kids under your care and concentrate all your efforts on that boutique of yours. You don’t know your duty as a mother, now look at the result.”
“Oh please, enough of your ranting. Will you ever stop? Mr. Perfect. If I concentrate my effort on my boutique where do you put yours? Oh, I remember you always take out time to be with your children.” Mum replied and walked into their bedroom. Dad followed her behind.
My life in pastor’s house
Episode one
I was not that happy when I was forced to leave with my church pastor’s and his family. My pastor name is donald and he has lost his wife. He is quite rich,he had one son two daughters. The son was his firstborn and about 26yrs in age,his name is mark. His second born christine,oh christine was my senior. She is 18yrs of age that looks like 26 with her huge boobs and big backyard. His third born,Hannah in 17yrs of age with very large backyard even more than christine,she is my classmate.They are both very fair in complexion. Oh me,my name is jason,same age with christine,am a bit tall with wizkhalifa body,am the second and the last born. My father was the richest man in my area and my mother is a bussiness woman.
“Jason,jason,jason” my father shouted from the downstairs angrily. “What’s wrong with this man gan sef”I murmed angrily. I quickly wear my knicker and ran downstair. To my surprise,my father was holding his belt,his eyes were red,I knew am dead. My mother knelt down and was crying profusely.
My dad: Jason I heard you slapped your school principal’s daughter, true? *raising up the belt*
Me: T…ru..e*stammering*
He moved closer to me and said “hope you have a genuine reason?”. Oh God,I can’t tell him Eva(my principal daughter) try to kiss me,though it was a mistake I slapped her.
My dad: Can’t you answer?
Me: It was mistake.
My mum: You heard him. He mistakenly slapped her
My dad: Shut up this woman,you want to spoil his life?. Sleeping with Dorothy my friend’s daughter was also a mistake(oh that,she seduced me). Beating up his classmate outside the school is also a mistake(julia said I had small d--k). Be fully prepared,you will be living with pastor donald from tommorrow henceforth. Maybe you will learn your lesson then.
He angrily dropped the belt and went to his room. Mama had this look “that’s okay by me”.
I went back inside,unclad myself,I stare at my long big d--k “you implicated me” I said softly. I went into the bathroom and have my bath. I put on my uniform,collected my pocket money from mama not after several advice which I just pretended to hear and I went straight to school. One thing about my father,he hates spoilt kid,that’s why he never allow me near all his car,I love trekking and its fun.
Oh,I was an ss2 student,same class with hannah,christine was in sss3 and also the senior gir.I was very handsome,fair but not too much in complexion with my killing pink lips
I got to school to see many students outside the gate all knelt down,I knew am late and it was my dad’s fault.
I walked nearer and I also knelt down,I raise my head to see eva and julia(julia,the one that says I had a small d--k). Eva was very beautiful and a gentle type,she had medium boobs and ass and was very fair in complexion while julia is choco in complexion and had this huge ass I’ve never seen though small boobs.
Eva looked away the moment our eyes met while julia stared angrily. *weytin concern me,make dem die*.
Eva: *finally speak* why are you late? *referring to me*
Me: I woke up late. And you what are you two doing here,are you the prefect?
Julia: Oh that, senior girl put us here
Christine(senior girl): Hey jason,why are you late and why don’t you come to church yesterday?
Me: I was very sick yesterday*lied* that’s why I woke up late today
Christine: You may enter
Eva and julia looked at christine. “What?” Christine asked them
“Nothing” they both replied. I heard the rest student murmuring but who cares? Mtcheeeew,I entered smiling..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode two
I entered and went straight to my class. English teacher was already there. My english teacher,we call her corper zina.She was in her early twenties,very beautiful with medium ass but small boobs,she was dark in complexion and was very brilliant,I call her genius.
Corper zina: Jason why are you late,I was just about asking hannah your whereabout.
*why hannah? Maybe because we sit together.*
Me: I woke up late ma
Corper zina: Okay see me in my office after this class okay?
Jason: okay ma,**I went to my sit and sat down**.
Hannah: Welcome. Hope you have a better reason for not coming to church yesterday?
Jason: I was very sick that’s why.
Hannah: sick? *she placed her hand on my forehead,detecting the temperature* how are you now?
Jason: I’ll be fine don’t worry
Corper zina: You have started playing your husband and wife play abi,no be here o.
We both smiled while the other students murmured. I looked at my friend Valentine(I call him val) He winked at me. Val hen?. I know him as master bleeper,He has f----d almost all the girls in my class including julia,he said he has f----d her Five times. Me f--k? If not for dorothy that seduced me,am gentle o. Eva and julia later enter.
After the english class,I followed corper zina and helped her carry her textbook.
We went to the lab instead of going to her office,she gave me all this advice you know(don’t follow girls around,becareful of girls,face your studies etc)
After fewhours of working,break time bell rang. Students went out just to eat something. Its only me and hannah alone,oh I hate to be left alone with this girl,she is tempting and always give me hard on. She shift a bit closer to me.
Hannah: Don’t you wanna explain that mean deviation to me?
Me: Let it be tommorrow
Hannah: no no *sounding childish*
Me: okay please
Hannah: **she shift more closer pressing her God gifted boobs to my chest** I like your pink lips
My d--k has already turned to rock but thank God her sister christine enter but I thought she was going to shift away but I was wrong,she held my hand and leaned on me.
Christine: Hun hun**clears throat** Jason I heard you are moving in tommorrow. That’s good,principal needs you in her office. *she had this weird look on her face*
I went to principal’s office, She flogged me for slapping her daughter. After many times of waiting closing time bell finally rang.
Hannah: Let’s walk home together
On our way….
Hannah: So I’ll be expecting you tommorrow
Me: Be expecting me?
Hannah: Yea,tommorrow is saturday,we will catch more fun you know
Me: hmmm.
We went our path. I got home, I was very tired,I went straight to bed.
Later in the night
I was in my room watching p--n when my phone beeped. I checked the message,it says”Handsome I can’t wait to see you tommorrow” from Hannah.
What’s wrong with this girl sef. A knock landed on my door,I opened it to see my mum.
She entered,I sat on my bed and quickly stopped the p--n I was watching,she sat beside me and held my hand.
My mum: Jason,you are going to pastor’s house Tommorrow,be a good child. Am suspecting you and hannah,hope there is nothing between you?
Jason: Nothing ma
My mum: Becareful my baby boy**she gave me 50k**..For your pocket money *she walked out*
That’s my mum,I continue watching my p--n,my phone beeped again
Message says”honey am h---y,need you inside me” from hannah.
“This girl dey madt abi,wu b honey,mak she insert artificial d--k in her hole if she is h---y. Mtcheeeew” I hissed..
My life in pastors house
Episode 3
I watched the p--n till I found myself f-----g my bed.I can’t sleep the whole night,I don’t want to live with those girls especially that hannah,a pastor’s daughter for that matter. I checked the time,it was 6:45am.I tried to catch some sleep which i later did and was woken up by my dad just after 20minutes,I felt like cursing him.
My dad: Wake up jason
Me: Goodmorning sir
My dad: How was your night?
Me: fine sir,yours?
My dad: Fine.When you are ready to move out,call the driver,he will help with your luggages and at thesame time drive you there,okay?
Jason: okay sir
He left for his office
My phone ringtone pierced through my hear. I checked the caller “val”. I picked it=
Val: Guy how far na
Me: I dey jarwe padi
Val: You dey house?
Me: Guy I don enta am oo.
Val: Weytin happen na
*i explained*
Val: I wish say na me dey your position na na, all those girls na,hannah and christine. Chaaiii I trust myself
Me: Abegii oo,you know me be gentle boy. Yo…..(Hang up) I guess his phone has died. Its blackberry na.
I dropped my tecno phantom 5 on the bed and head for the bathroom. Not long I finished bathing but to my surprise I had 15missed calls which I have never had. I checked it “11=hannah,2=val,1=christine” I hissed and dropped it back on the bed.
“Jason jason,am gone” mum shouted
“Owkay ma” I shouted back
I claded in my new white short sleeve top and a blue jean with my nike yeezy shoe. I checked the time “8:15”. I decided to cook and eat my breakfast. I took out my ijapa tiroko oko yannibo book and read it a little. My phone restless led blinking made me checked my inbox then I was shock when I see “where you at? Am really waiting,suprise I won’t wear my pant because of you today” from hannah. I was like…….I don die.
I was still thinking about the meaning of the message when corper zina called me.
Me: Hello ma
Corper: Jason fine boy,how was your nigHt?
Me: Very fine ma
Corper zina: I thought you told me you wanted to know about summary?
Me: yes ma,I did
Corper zina: Can you come over,to my house I mean
Me: I don’t know there ma
Corper zina: I’ll send you the address
Me: Okaay ma but I won’t be coming today,will be there next week saturday.
Corper zina: Okay no problem,bye take care (hang up)
I called the driver”its time to mingle with troubles” I said loudly smiling. We spent about 1hr on the road,their house was very far indeed. We got to one very big house,painted white and yellow,duplex ofcourse. We are about to enter when my sister called me. “I have missed her soo much,she travelled abroad last month and sometimes heard from her” her name is esther,my sister eh,she was so beautiful,she is no different from white people. What I love most about her is her long hair.
Me: Sis
Sister: You are angry right? Am sorry I don’t call you all this days
Me: No problem**I explained my present situation for her**
All she had to say is ask for mark,I have been suspecting my sister and that mark. I go smash his head If i see him with my sis.
I alighted from the car, I saw pastor donald with his laptop placed on his lap and a soft drink with bible on a small table beside him. I greeted and ask for the way in which he showed me but not after all this preaching and advices. I later made my way inside. Although……….
Miss christine and miss hannah is gladly waiting for me.
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 4
I was so shock when I saw hannah wearing skimpy skirt. She and her sister sat on the couch,now there eyes are fixed on me. Hannah stand up and hugged me,her boobs always turn me on. She called a name twice “jane jane” she then collected my backpack with no response and led the way. I just kept staring at her toolz like figure 8 as it was bouncing up and down though I didn’t let her notice. She led me to my room,wow,was well prepared and furnished,I even have plasma tv in my room. She dropped my backpack and sat on my bed not giving me a chance to change my cloth. When I waited for like 2minutes and she still stays,then I decided to tell her.
Me: heem hannah, I wanna change my cloth
Hannah: Then why telling me?
Me: Won’t you excuse me?
Hannah: What are you keeping from me?
she stands up look at me in a lustful way,she walks towards me,she held my belt and pulled me closer to her,I was having a full view of her white boobs. Thank God her sister called her.
“Hannah hannah hannah” joyce is looking for you. She then leave not after winking at me.”I don enter trouble,is this the kind of lesson I will be learning here in pastor’s house?” I murmurmed.
I changed to a knicker, a black top and I went downstairs. I saw three girls,them so hot sitting on the couch. I holla and I sat down with joyce. Oh joyce,joyce is most brilliant student in my class though I don’t how I always got the first position while she always came second. She was beautiful not extremely and she has small round ass and medium boobs. She once told me she loves me and we should be dating which I gladly refusE because I thought she was too small then.
Joyce: I heard you will be living here now.
Me: Sure,my father sent me here because I was so troublesome
They all laughed
“Janet” christine called,oh i love her voice. She kept stealing glances at me which I pretended not see. Jane enter,oh boy,this girl was so much more pretty even more than my sis. She looked cool,so nice,am I falling for her already?.she had small ass and hannah like boobs but I just like her.
Christine: This is our new visitor and will be staying here for a while,his name is jason.
“Hi” I waved. “Hello” her angelic voice nearly killed me. I found myself staring at her innocent face but to my surprise she also stared back and later faced down *guess she was shy*.
Christine: She is janet,my cousin. She finished her secondary school recently and came here to spend her holiday.
Me: Nice to meet you miss jane
She just kept smiling,I can kill for her smile.
Later joyce left for her house and I also retired to my room as I don’t sleep all night. I was asleep when I heard a soft knock on my door,I quickly wake up and head for the door,I opened it to see my one and only angel janet.
Janet: Lunch is ready
Me: oh am coming
Janet: Should I wait?
Me: That will be great
She laugh,I took my phone and we went downstairs,I feel like kissing her hot pink lips.
Me: I have slept for long? Where is christine and hannah
Janet: Sure about 4hrs now, they went to church choir practice
We sat on the dinning chair facing each other. I kept staring and not concentrating on my food.
Janet: Eat your food and stop staring,what you staring at?
Me: You want the truth?
Janet: what’s the truth?
Me: you are so beautiful *i laughed*.Just saying
Janet: You are not bad either.just saying
We both laughed out loud
Janet: can I borrow your phone?
I gave her and she gave me back about 3minutes later
I later finish my food and went back to my room. I laid on my bed to chat,I switched on the data connection and saw many messages on whatsapp but one from an unknown number says”Save my number,its janet”……..oh boy*winks*
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 5
I smiled and saved it as “Jane” I was about messaging her when I saw her typing. Following conversations ensued:
Janet: Handsome lazy boy
Me: Miss beauty
Janet: your girlfriend is here,she is back from church and actually searching for you
Me: who?
Janet: Hannah,she speaks highly of you,she told me you two were dating.
Me: *i don’t wanna embarrass her* Dating?.,oh sure.
Janet: Okay *offline*
Is she jealous or what?. I quickly went downstairs as to avoid her from entering my room. I sat down while she sat with me.
Hannah: I want to sleep your room tonight
Christine: You joking right? Dad is coming home,don’t you know
Janet just frown,her eyes glued to her phone screeen
Me: My room ke,lailai,not possible o
Hannah: Am going to sleep with you tonight
Me: Stop the joke,you can’t *i nearly shouted*
Hannah: You hate me abi*she started all this spoilt child crying*
Me: Not that I hate yo…(Cut in)
Hannah: Oya kiss me on my cheek and I won’t sleep in your room anymore also am going to believe you never hate me.
I looked at christine face,she faked a smile. I look at jane face,not smiling. Before I knew it,she kissed my lip.
Hannah: Wow so sweet
Christine: I should leave you husband and wife
Janet: Wanna sleep guys
Hannah: now its me and you
She took my left hand and placed it on her lap. Oh god my d--k is about bursting. She shifted my hand slowly under skirt and say “surprise,am not wearing pant”. I gathered all my power to remove my hand
Me: Am sorry I can’t do this,I wanna sleep
Hannah: jason just tonight,I have been dreaming about u,about us. Please
I retired to my room without saying anything. I checked my what’sapp message to see”I can see you a bad boy” from christine. I tried to message her several times but she failed to reply. “F--k you” I murmured and fell to sleep.
I woke up the nextday,oh today is sunday,I hate sunday chaii. I checked the time “8:05”. I quickly brushed my teeth and clad in my ankara,I sprayed perfume all over my body *lol*. I went downstairs to see dem three girls waiting for me. Oh boy,this janet too beautiful. I can’t stop staring. We later head to church,the service went well. I stepped outside of the church just to wait for them girls,mike called my name. Mike is the elder brother of dorothy.
Mike: Jason
Me: Hey mike,how are you doing?
Mike: Am good,guy Let’s talk. Dorothy told me you never speak to her again and even not answering her call,she cried so much yesterday. She told me she seduced you and made you loss your virginity,she was so sorry. Did you know you also disvirgined her?
Me: hen? Am dead
Mike: Its nothing,she is haPpy you are the one. She want to see you,she is at the back of the church waiting for you.
I went there, She run towards me the moment she sees me. Hmmm,she was looking more gorgeous.
Dorothy: You know,am sorry jason.
Me: Not your fault dorothy,I should be the one apologizing.
Dorothy: Should I come over to your house.
Me: I am now living with pastor donald,my dad pushed me there.
Dorothy: With those girls? *her mood changed,but weytin concern me*
Me: I have nothing to do with them,they my friends that’s all.
But are they really my friends?..if christine and janet are my friends? WhAt about hannah..Lord knows what I’ll do if I continue living in that house..
Episode one
I was not that happy when I was forced to leave with my church pastor’s and his family. My pastor name is donald and he has lost his wife. He is quite rich,he had one son two daughters. The son was his firstborn and about 26yrs in age,his name is mark. His second born christine,oh christine was my senior. She is 18yrs of age that looks like 26 with her huge boobs and big backyard. His third born,Hannah in 17yrs of age with very large backyard even more than christine,she is my classmate.They are both very fair in complexion. Oh me,my name is jason,same age with christine,am a bit tall with wizkhalifa body,am the second and the last born. My father was the richest man in my area and my mother is a bussiness woman.
“Jason,jason,jason” my father shouted from the downstairs angrily. “What’s wrong with this man gan sef”I murmed angrily. I quickly wear my knicker and ran downstair. To my surprise,my father was holding his belt,his eyes were red,I knew am dead. My mother knelt down and was crying profusely.
My dad: Jason I heard you slapped your school principal’s daughter, true? *raising up the belt*
Me: T…ru..e*stammering*
He moved closer to me and said “hope you have a genuine reason?”. Oh God,I can’t tell him Eva(my principal daughter) try to kiss me,though it was a mistake I slapped her.
My dad: Can’t you answer?
Me: It was mistake.
My mum: You heard him. He mistakenly slapped her
My dad: Shut up this woman,you want to spoil his life?. Sleeping with Dorothy my friend’s daughter was also a mistake(oh that,she seduced me). Beating up his classmate outside the school is also a mistake(julia said I had small d--k). Be fully prepared,you will be living with pastor donald from tommorrow henceforth. Maybe you will learn your lesson then.
He angrily dropped the belt and went to his room. Mama had this look “that’s okay by me”.
I went back inside,unclad myself,I stare at my long big d--k “you implicated me” I said softly. I went into the bathroom and have my bath. I put on my uniform,collected my pocket money from mama not after several advice which I just pretended to hear and I went straight to school. One thing about my father,he hates spoilt kid,that’s why he never allow me near all his car,I love trekking and its fun.
Oh,I was an ss2 student,same class with hannah,christine was in sss3 and also the senior gir.I was very handsome,fair but not too much in complexion with my killing pink lips
I got to school to see many students outside the gate all knelt down,I knew am late and it was my dad’s fault.
I walked nearer and I also knelt down,I raise my head to see eva and julia(julia,the one that says I had a small d--k). Eva was very beautiful and a gentle type,she had medium boobs and ass and was very fair in complexion while julia is choco in complexion and had this huge ass I’ve never seen though small boobs.
Eva looked away the moment our eyes met while julia stared angrily. *weytin concern me,make dem die*.
Eva: *finally speak* why are you late? *referring to me*
Me: I woke up late. And you what are you two doing here,are you the prefect?
Julia: Oh that, senior girl put us here
Christine(senior girl): Hey jason,why are you late and why don’t you come to church yesterday?
Me: I was very sick yesterday*lied* that’s why I woke up late today
Christine: You may enter
Eva and julia looked at christine. “What?” Christine asked them
“Nothing” they both replied. I heard the rest student murmuring but who cares? Mtcheeeew,I entered smiling..
My life in pastor’s house
Episode two
I entered and went straight to my class. English teacher was already there. My english teacher,we call her corper zina.She was in her early twenties,very beautiful with medium ass but small boobs,she was dark in complexion and was very brilliant,I call her genius.
Corper zina: Jason why are you late,I was just about asking hannah your whereabout.
*why hannah? Maybe because we sit together.*
Me: I woke up late ma
Corper zina: Okay see me in my office after this class okay?
Jason: okay ma,**I went to my sit and sat down**.
Hannah: Welcome. Hope you have a better reason for not coming to church yesterday?
Jason: I was very sick that’s why.
Hannah: sick? *she placed her hand on my forehead,detecting the temperature* how are you now?
Jason: I’ll be fine don’t worry
Corper zina: You have started playing your husband and wife play abi,no be here o.
We both smiled while the other students murmured. I looked at my friend Valentine(I call him val) He winked at me. Val hen?. I know him as master bleeper,He has f----d almost all the girls in my class including julia,he said he has f----d her Five times. Me f--k? If not for dorothy that seduced me,am gentle o. Eva and julia later enter.
After the english class,I followed corper zina and helped her carry her textbook.
We went to the lab instead of going to her office,she gave me all this advice you know(don’t follow girls around,becareful of girls,face your studies etc)
After fewhours of working,break time bell rang. Students went out just to eat something. Its only me and hannah alone,oh I hate to be left alone with this girl,she is tempting and always give me hard on. She shift a bit closer to me.
Hannah: Don’t you wanna explain that mean deviation to me?
Me: Let it be tommorrow
Hannah: no no *sounding childish*
Me: okay please
Hannah: **she shift more closer pressing her God gifted boobs to my chest** I like your pink lips
My d--k has already turned to rock but thank God her sister christine enter but I thought she was going to shift away but I was wrong,she held my hand and leaned on me.
Christine: Hun hun**clears throat** Jason I heard you are moving in tommorrow. That’s good,principal needs you in her office. *she had this weird look on her face*
I went to principal’s office, She flogged me for slapping her daughter. After many times of waiting closing time bell finally rang.
Hannah: Let’s walk home together
On our way….
Hannah: So I’ll be expecting you tommorrow
Me: Be expecting me?
Hannah: Yea,tommorrow is saturday,we will catch more fun you know
Me: hmmm.
We went our path. I got home, I was very tired,I went straight to bed.
Later in the night
I was in my room watching p--n when my phone beeped. I checked the message,it says”Handsome I can’t wait to see you tommorrow” from Hannah.
What’s wrong with this girl sef. A knock landed on my door,I opened it to see my mum.
She entered,I sat on my bed and quickly stopped the p--n I was watching,she sat beside me and held my hand.
My mum: Jason,you are going to pastor’s house Tommorrow,be a good child. Am suspecting you and hannah,hope there is nothing between you?
Jason: Nothing ma
My mum: Becareful my baby boy**she gave me 50k**..For your pocket money *she walked out*
That’s my mum,I continue watching my p--n,my phone beeped again
Message says”honey am h---y,need you inside me” from hannah.
“This girl dey madt abi,wu b honey,mak she insert artificial d--k in her hole if she is h---y. Mtcheeeew” I hissed..
My life in pastors house
Episode 3
I watched the p--n till I found myself f-----g my bed.I can’t sleep the whole night,I don’t want to live with those girls especially that hannah,a pastor’s daughter for that matter. I checked the time,it was 6:45am.I tried to catch some sleep which i later did and was woken up by my dad just after 20minutes,I felt like cursing him.
My dad: Wake up jason
Me: Goodmorning sir
My dad: How was your night?
Me: fine sir,yours?
My dad: Fine.When you are ready to move out,call the driver,he will help with your luggages and at thesame time drive you there,okay?
Jason: okay sir
He left for his office
My phone ringtone pierced through my hear. I checked the caller “val”. I picked it=
Val: Guy how far na
Me: I dey jarwe padi
Val: You dey house?
Me: Guy I don enta am oo.
Val: Weytin happen na
*i explained*
Val: I wish say na me dey your position na na, all those girls na,hannah and christine. Chaaiii I trust myself
Me: Abegii oo,you know me be gentle boy. Yo…..(Hang up) I guess his phone has died. Its blackberry na.
I dropped my tecno phantom 5 on the bed and head for the bathroom. Not long I finished bathing but to my surprise I had 15missed calls which I have never had. I checked it “11=hannah,2=val,1=christine” I hissed and dropped it back on the bed.
“Jason jason,am gone” mum shouted
“Owkay ma” I shouted back
I claded in my new white short sleeve top and a blue jean with my nike yeezy shoe. I checked the time “8:15”. I decided to cook and eat my breakfast. I took out my ijapa tiroko oko yannibo book and read it a little. My phone restless led blinking made me checked my inbox then I was shock when I see “where you at? Am really waiting,suprise I won’t wear my pant because of you today” from hannah. I was like…….I don die.
I was still thinking about the meaning of the message when corper zina called me.
Me: Hello ma
Corper: Jason fine boy,how was your nigHt?
Me: Very fine ma
Corper zina: I thought you told me you wanted to know about summary?
Me: yes ma,I did
Corper zina: Can you come over,to my house I mean
Me: I don’t know there ma
Corper zina: I’ll send you the address
Me: Okaay ma but I won’t be coming today,will be there next week saturday.
Corper zina: Okay no problem,bye take care (hang up)
I called the driver”its time to mingle with troubles” I said loudly smiling. We spent about 1hr on the road,their house was very far indeed. We got to one very big house,painted white and yellow,duplex ofcourse. We are about to enter when my sister called me. “I have missed her soo much,she travelled abroad last month and sometimes heard from her” her name is esther,my sister eh,she was so beautiful,she is no different from white people. What I love most about her is her long hair.
Me: Sis
Sister: You are angry right? Am sorry I don’t call you all this days
Me: No problem**I explained my present situation for her**
All she had to say is ask for mark,I have been suspecting my sister and that mark. I go smash his head If i see him with my sis.
I alighted from the car, I saw pastor donald with his laptop placed on his lap and a soft drink with bible on a small table beside him. I greeted and ask for the way in which he showed me but not after all this preaching and advices. I later made my way inside. Although……….
Miss christine and miss hannah is gladly waiting for me.
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 4
I was so shock when I saw hannah wearing skimpy skirt. She and her sister sat on the couch,now there eyes are fixed on me. Hannah stand up and hugged me,her boobs always turn me on. She called a name twice “jane jane” she then collected my backpack with no response and led the way. I just kept staring at her toolz like figure 8 as it was bouncing up and down though I didn’t let her notice. She led me to my room,wow,was well prepared and furnished,I even have plasma tv in my room. She dropped my backpack and sat on my bed not giving me a chance to change my cloth. When I waited for like 2minutes and she still stays,then I decided to tell her.
Me: heem hannah, I wanna change my cloth
Hannah: Then why telling me?
Me: Won’t you excuse me?
Hannah: What are you keeping from me?
she stands up look at me in a lustful way,she walks towards me,she held my belt and pulled me closer to her,I was having a full view of her white boobs. Thank God her sister called her.
“Hannah hannah hannah” joyce is looking for you. She then leave not after winking at me.”I don enter trouble,is this the kind of lesson I will be learning here in pastor’s house?” I murmurmed.
I changed to a knicker, a black top and I went downstairs. I saw three girls,them so hot sitting on the couch. I holla and I sat down with joyce. Oh joyce,joyce is most brilliant student in my class though I don’t how I always got the first position while she always came second. She was beautiful not extremely and she has small round ass and medium boobs. She once told me she loves me and we should be dating which I gladly refusE because I thought she was too small then.
Joyce: I heard you will be living here now.
Me: Sure,my father sent me here because I was so troublesome
They all laughed
“Janet” christine called,oh i love her voice. She kept stealing glances at me which I pretended not see. Jane enter,oh boy,this girl was so much more pretty even more than my sis. She looked cool,so nice,am I falling for her already?.she had small ass and hannah like boobs but I just like her.
Christine: This is our new visitor and will be staying here for a while,his name is jason.
“Hi” I waved. “Hello” her angelic voice nearly killed me. I found myself staring at her innocent face but to my surprise she also stared back and later faced down *guess she was shy*.
Christine: She is janet,my cousin. She finished her secondary school recently and came here to spend her holiday.
Me: Nice to meet you miss jane
She just kept smiling,I can kill for her smile.
Later joyce left for her house and I also retired to my room as I don’t sleep all night. I was asleep when I heard a soft knock on my door,I quickly wake up and head for the door,I opened it to see my one and only angel janet.
Janet: Lunch is ready
Me: oh am coming
Janet: Should I wait?
Me: That will be great
She laugh,I took my phone and we went downstairs,I feel like kissing her hot pink lips.
Me: I have slept for long? Where is christine and hannah
Janet: Sure about 4hrs now, they went to church choir practice
We sat on the dinning chair facing each other. I kept staring and not concentrating on my food.
Janet: Eat your food and stop staring,what you staring at?
Me: You want the truth?
Janet: what’s the truth?
Me: you are so beautiful *i laughed*.Just saying
Janet: You are not bad either.just saying
We both laughed out loud
Janet: can I borrow your phone?
I gave her and she gave me back about 3minutes later
I later finish my food and went back to my room. I laid on my bed to chat,I switched on the data connection and saw many messages on whatsapp but one from an unknown number says”Save my number,its janet”……..oh boy*winks*
My life in pastor’s house
Episode 5
I smiled and saved it as “Jane” I was about messaging her when I saw her typing. Following conversations ensued:
Janet: Handsome lazy boy
Me: Miss beauty
Janet: your girlfriend is here,she is back from church and actually searching for you
Me: who?
Janet: Hannah,she speaks highly of you,she told me you two were dating.
Me: *i don’t wanna embarrass her* Dating?.,oh sure.
Janet: Okay *offline*
Is she jealous or what?. I quickly went downstairs as to avoid her from entering my room. I sat down while she sat with me.
Hannah: I want to sleep your room tonight
Christine: You joking right? Dad is coming home,don’t you know
Janet just frown,her eyes glued to her phone screeen
Me: My room ke,lailai,not possible o
Hannah: Am going to sleep with you tonight
Me: Stop the joke,you can’t *i nearly shouted*
Hannah: You hate me abi*she started all this spoilt child crying*
Me: Not that I hate yo…(Cut in)
Hannah: Oya kiss me on my cheek and I won’t sleep in your room anymore also am going to believe you never hate me.
I looked at christine face,she faked a smile. I look at jane face,not smiling. Before I knew it,she kissed my lip.
Hannah: Wow so sweet
Christine: I should leave you husband and wife
Janet: Wanna sleep guys
Hannah: now its me and you
She took my left hand and placed it on her lap. Oh god my d--k is about bursting. She shifted my hand slowly under skirt and say “surprise,am not wearing pant”. I gathered all my power to remove my hand
Me: Am sorry I can’t do this,I wanna sleep
Hannah: jason just tonight,I have been dreaming about u,about us. Please
I retired to my room without saying anything. I checked my what’sapp message to see”I can see you a bad boy” from christine. I tried to message her several times but she failed to reply. “F--k you” I murmured and fell to sleep.
I woke up the nextday,oh today is sunday,I hate sunday chaii. I checked the time “8:05”. I quickly brushed my teeth and clad in my ankara,I sprayed perfume all over my body *lol*. I went downstairs to see dem three girls waiting for me. Oh boy,this janet too beautiful. I can’t stop staring. We later head to church,the service went well. I stepped outside of the church just to wait for them girls,mike called my name. Mike is the elder brother of dorothy.
Mike: Jason
Me: Hey mike,how are you doing?
Mike: Am good,guy Let’s talk. Dorothy told me you never speak to her again and even not answering her call,she cried so much yesterday. She told me she seduced you and made you loss your virginity,she was so sorry. Did you know you also disvirgined her?
Me: hen? Am dead
Mike: Its nothing,she is haPpy you are the one. She want to see you,she is at the back of the church waiting for you.
I went there, She run towards me the moment she sees me. Hmmm,she was looking more gorgeous.
Dorothy: You know,am sorry jason.
Me: Not your fault dorothy,I should be the one apologizing.
Dorothy: Should I come over to your house.
Me: I am now living with pastor donald,my dad pushed me there.
Dorothy: With those girls? *her mood changed,but weytin concern me*
Me: I have nothing to do with them,they my friends that’s all.
But are they really my friends?..if christine and janet are my friends? WhAt about hannah..Lord knows what I’ll do if I continue living in that house..
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The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...