The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...
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My life in pastor’s house Episode one I was not that happy when I was forced to leave with my church pastor’s and his family. My pastor n...
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The weather was nice for two lovers who were in love. Of course! It was just so suitable for two couple who were deeply in love with each other. The weather wasn't so cold or hot. The rain wasn't falling but drizzling. The sky was bright and clear just like the painting in a baby's book illustration. Everything was going perfectly fine in the estate of Humpty. Well not in all cases because the houses may look peaceful on the outside but in the inside of one was them was a couple clash. The married couple exchanged hurtful words at each other cursing the first time they ever meant and swearing under their breaths not to have anything to do with each other in the next life. They didn't consider the beautiful weather outside. They were so enraged to consider anything else but their misunderstanding. Their twins stared at their room door in fright wondering what was actually going on with their parents this time. They got really worried that the argument may lead to something else if it goes on that way.
"I am leaving this stupid house of yours! I am leaving! " Their mum voice roared from downstairs as heavy footsteps were heard climbing up the stairs toward them. She walked past their room door toward the couple room which was two rooms away. The argument died down that instant. The children heard nothing more.
"Is mum really leaving? " Felicia asked her brother. He shrugged his shoulders showing in confusion himself.
"I don't know but with the sound of her voice, I am afraid she is" He replied making her whimper.
"Mum can't leave us"
"I have told you I don't know. Let's hope she calms down and don't leave "
Her brother was wrong. Felix was certainly wrong. That night while she was asleep on her medium size bed, her mum had walked in sobbing. She tapped her slightly on the shoulder brushing her hair with her other hand.
"I love you dear. I love you so much " She whispered afraid of waking her son. Felicia opened up her eyes slightly not recognizing where she was or who was talking to at first. But after rubbing her sleepy eyes and yawning, she did. Her eyes went straight to her mum's bloodshot eyes. She looked so weak and distressed.
"Mum, what are you doing here? " She asked in confusion. "Why are you crying? "
"Nothing Felicia. I just wanted to check on you and tell you I love you so much"
"Alright mum but can I ask you something? "
"Yeah. Of course "
"This afternoon, you told dad you were leaving this house. Are you actually leaving us here? " Her mother was silent for some few minutes as if not knowing how to explain things to her. She had lots to say but wasn't sure she could understand at her age.
"I am not leaving you my dear. I can never leave you. Not in anyway. It's just the house I am leaving. I can't stay under the same roof with your dad anymore. I can't remain his wife. Since he had never treated me as one then how can I even remain as one? I can't put up a smiling face pretending we are happy when we are not"
"But he's your husband mummy. He's my father. You can't leave alone like this "
"There are some people who isn't worth our time. He isn't the same man I married. His character has changed alot. I am not sure of his plan but I will rather stay away from him. Don't worry he will take very good care of you. I will try visiting you in school every break. Isn't there okay by you? " She asked clearing the tears in her eyes. Her daughter said nothing in reply. She pulled her for a hug instead.
"What has dad done to you to get you to hate him so much? I thought he was a good man"
"He is a good man sweetheart. The only thing is that he went bankrupt and blamed me for it when it actually wasn't my fault. He had always followed another woman behind my back. He keeps doing things to hurt me and I have no reason why? This marriage cannot survive daughter. I will have to leave " Her mum explained. Felicia found it difficult to understand. She had refused to let her mum go even though her mum reminded her she had to leave. Her mum felt hurt deeply but managed to pull her away.
"You are a strong girl. Stop behaving like a baby. Be like your brother, strong and fearless. Okay? "
"Okay mother. I promise, " The five year old gave her word. "After all, I am not four for nothing "
Her mum smiled feeling so much pride for her daughter. That was exactly what she wanted. For her daughter to be so strong for her.
"Now I can leave in peace now. I am sure you won't be bothered by the challenges you might face after today. You are strong after all" The young girl nodded her big head with a large grin. The generator next door was switched on. It seemed the residents were beginning to wake up.
" I have to go not dear. Bye! "
While the kids were about going to bed, Felicia brought forward her mum's picture and gave it a peck. She bid her mum good night and went to bed.
"Tomorrow will be a good day at school right? " Felix asked as he covered himself up with a blanket.
"Yes. At least I will see my real mum again" She let him know finally spilling the beans.
"You will finally meet mum? I don't understand "
"Felix, mum promised to visit us during break tomorrow. Won't it be nice? "
"It will even be much better if she comes back to the house and sends this woman away. I really hate her". The door slid open getting the children surprised at first. Their dad had bid them good night. Who else could it be? Well how naive they were. It was actually their new mother who gave them a big smile.
"Good night my children" She had bid them goodnight hugging each of them with a peck on their foreheads. "Don't forget to pray to God to protect you from trouble and also especially the one you will land in tomorrow. Your dad will really teach you both the worst lesson of your life ". The twins got worried and sat up immediately.
"What are you talking about? What do you want? " Felix asked fiercely.
"You and your weakling sister are showing fake courage right? You must be really funny. Don't be too confident because it won't stop you from getting into trouble " She went ahead to shut their windows.
"I don't like you ma. You can't take our mum's place either. Just leave our house for good"
"You two little brats can't kick me out of my own husband's house and who the hell do you think you are? You are both naive children who are thinking of back stabbing your father at the back. What do you think you will gain by seeing your mother behind your father's back? ' She asked with a smirk. They both got surprised.
"Who told you that? " Felicia asked with a scared look.
"I heard your conversation. Your naive mother wants to meet you both during break tomorrow. Well, you are free to see her but I swear you will only get into trouble. Just see what I will do to you both tomorrow during your break" She threatened before walking out banging the door behind her.
"I didn't tell her I was going to see mum. It was your idea" Felix said with a disappointed look.
"I am not scared of her. I will see my mother and that is it. She can't stop me"
The following day after their mum had left them promising to visit them in school, Felix got the wrong idea on this thinking their mum had abandoned for good due to her selfish reasons. Though he didn't fully understand what was happening as much as his sister does yet he chose to stick to whatever decision his father makes. They had no friends except the few classmates they spoke to in school. Their parents normally never lets them out of the house but when their mum was still around she does take them out for a treat anytime they receive their result from school and get a pass all through their subjects which they always do. Now that their mum was gone, it seemed that won't be possible anymore. Dad never takes them out. He sees it as a waste of time and prefer they study all day. There was always a timetable set for them. There was time for leisure, study, games and sleep. They dare not try double crossing their dad because he always has his eyes on them. He was always strict on them. He warns them never to make friends in school, anywhere in the estate or where they'd find themselves. He called it nonsense! Distractions!
"Children with friends never make it well in their studies. Focus and be wealthy like your father. Focus! " he often advise them over and over again. Though their mum with her calm sweet voice would try telling their dad to be less strict but then their dad starts his yelling again. "the children will get spoilt because of you! All because of you! "
Few weeks after their mum had left, their dad brought in another woman claiming she would be their new mother. The children didn't like this idea at all. The young woman threw them a stern look wondering what their reaction would be.
"But what about our real mum? " Felicia asked in confusion.
"There is no real mum. You have only one mum and that's this lady here" The kids exchanged glances.
"But we don't want her dad. We don't know her " Felix finally spoke concurring with his sister.
"Your decisions aren't needed children" The lady had spoken even before their father could. "I am your new mother and we are not debating on that. Actually, I am very fond of kids. I promise, you will love me so much " She gave her word smiling now but with an evil look. The twins shook with fear.
"Dad, we don't want her" They pleaded.
"You heard her yourself. She is fond of kids. There is nothing to be scared of. She won't eat you up" Their dad tried getting them to understand.
"Your former mother is dead to you both. I am legally married to your father so I am your new mother. Mrs Emerald James" She introduced herself. Felicia shook her head vigorously.
"I hate you! I hate you. I want my mother and only my mother. I don't like you" She had yelled stumping her feet to the ground. The lady gave her an irked look and folded her fist.
"Stop being naughty Felicia hence you will skip dinner tonight " Her dad warned. She threw the woman a scornful look and walked off. Her brother did the same giving her a threatening stare.
"I don't like your children" Emerald said as soon as he was gone.
"Be calm darling. They are just children. Children act that way. They are really nice disciplined children "
"Discipline you say! The children are really spoilt. I will show them" She told him with a sincere look. Her husband held her hand with a squeeze hurting her a little. She got confused and tried letting go.
"You are hurting me! "
"Yeah and I will do worse if you dare lay a finger on my children or threaten them". She gave him a disappointed look and pulled her hand off.
"Okay. I won't do them anything. I promise " She gave her word. He smiled and helped carry her luggage upstairs. She stared up at the kids room and then followed.
Lisa watched on as her husband approached her like a furious beast having the aim to pull her daughter away from her. She held Felicia hand tightly shaking her head vigorously as if saying No! Not today. Certainly not today. Emerald followed the man behind but slowly with her usual majestical work and evil expression on her innocent face.
"You will never learn Lisa. We agreed you will stay away from the children but you're too stubborn to listen. Give Felicia back to me" He demanded. She shook her head stubbornly holding her daughter even more tighter. "Are you deaf? Give her back now! "
"No, I won't give any of my children back to you. You can't forcefully take them from me. They are my life"
"They aren't your life woman. They are your weakness. If you do love yourself as you say. Return the girl back" Again she shook her head in reluctance.
"I won't give my child back to you. I can't leave her in the arm of a stranger you call a wife. You can't do this to me Lawrence. You can marry as many women as you want but please don't separate my children from me..." she pleaded.
"Excuse me! " Emerald intruded with a deep frown. "Who are you to come and take my children from me? You are even insulting me in front of my legally wedded husband. Are you insane? I have taken responsibilities of this children. I have sworn to my husband to take very good care of them so what is your stress in that? You should be very happy your children has found the perfect mother for them and not a clown like you" Lisa frowned with a furious look and turned to her ex husband expecting he scolds his shameless wife for her senseless speech but to her shock he didn't do anything. "You are no fit for Mr James. You are a mere weakling. I see why your daughter is weak. She has learnt lots of nonsense from you that's why she threatened me yesterday insisting she must see you no matter what I try to do to her to be a perfect mother. She insisted she would everything in her power to makeyou come back to your home. She promised she would do everything she can't to separate me from my husband. That's why I brought him with me to see how shameless his daughter is. If she had not threatened me that way, I would have just let her see you without saying a word"
"You are lying!" Felicia blasted out at her in tears. "Daddy she is lying. I didn't say anything like that. She was the one threatening me yesterday. Felix was there"
"Keep Shut Felicia. Felix is more reasonable than you. He knows the consequences of meeting his good for nothing mum that's why he isn't here now. It's so obvious you are lying because if you were saying the truth he would have happily come here to see her in annoyance. You have learnt how to lie from your mum as well"
"No! No! I swear, I am not lying. I didn't do anything to her yesterday. I only wanted to see my mother "
"Shut up you shameless girl!" Emerald yelled at her folding her arm in annoying. "So you are saying I am the one lying now. You are calling your own mother a liar! If not for your father I would have.... " she stopped as soon as her husband gaze went towards her. She gulped a mouthful of saliva and changed her tone. "Just accept your mistake "
"You should be ashamed to call yourself a lady" Lisa said to her with a pitiful look. "You have no heart to pity a small girl. How can you cook up a lie like that? I even spoke to her teacher this morning telling her I was going to see her. Everyone here knows i am her mother. There is nothing to argue on this" Her husband let out a loud laugh getting her confused.
"I see what is going on here. You think you still have right on this children right? That's why you go around telling all those who know you that I separated them from you"
"No, it isn't like that... "
"It's okay. I see my mistake here now. It's all my fault. I am just so stupid not to realize this" He rubbed his forehead and turned to Emerald who was trying to make out why he was acting wired.
"Emerald take Felicia to the car. I will go and get Felix now and discuss something with his teacher" He instructed his wife nodded in agreement. Lisa got more confused. She let go of Felicia now not knowing what to think.
"Alright honey pie, get into the car " Emerald ordered opening up the back seat.
"No! " Felicia snapped holding unto her mother.
"Don't be stubborn. Get into the car hence I will force you"
"No need to force her. She will go with you. I will let her go with you" Lisa stopped her fearing she might harm her while trying to forcefully get her in the car.
"What? Mum..."
"Go with her. I know what I am doing. I will see you tomorrow "
"But I don't want to go with her mum. I don't want to go back to that house"
"I have told you. I know what I am doing. Go with her" Her mum insisted. Felicia nodded and finally walked toward the car with teary eyes. Her mum bid her goodbye with a slight smile. Felix came toward them with his dad giving Emerald an angry stare. He turned toward Lisa and rushed toward her for a warm hug.
"Tell me you are coming today" He begged.
"I will come tomorrow with my lawyer to fetch you. Just don't tell your father"
Felicia rose up from her seat first as soon as the bell was rung for break. Her mates followed rushing to their respective lunch bags to collect their food. She approached her teacher's table with her usual innocent look.
"Aunty, can I go out and meet my mum? " She asked knowing the answer she would get.
"Of course dear. Your mum called and promised she would meet you this break. You are free to see your mother" Her teacher permitted. The smile on the young girl face broadened. She rushed out of the classroom into her brother's class which was just next door.
"Come on Felix, let's go and see our mother. You remember it's today right? " She reminded him approaching his seat. He was bent over a textbook alongside with few of his classmates.
"I told you I don't want to see her. Go and see her alone" He refused still focused on whatever he was doing with the textbook.
"She is our mother"
"Yeah but she left us so how does that help? Go and see her yourself. I won't see her " He told her with a stern look being head bent on his decision. She finally let him be and walked out of the classroom with a sad look toward the school Talk shop. There her mum sat on a bench, waiting patiently for her. On seeing her, she felt herself getting so emotional after seeing her daughter in so many days. Her daughter seemed to have grown before her eyes. She wasn't use to staying away from her twins. They both exchanged a short emotional hug before letting go.
"My Felicia..." Her mum called out trying to hide her tears.
"I am so happy you came mother. Actually, I tried convincing Felix to come but he refused. He called you a bad mother because you left us". Her mum nodded understanding her son attitude.
"It's alright. He is just being immature to understand. With time he will realize he can't live without his mother".
"Of course mother. He acts like that sometimes. So mum can we leave for the canteen I am really hungry. I don't want to eat the meal prepared by that woman" She told her mum with a squeeze face. Her mum agreed.
"Fine. We will go to the canteen and I also promise to take you to the canteen everyday okay? " The young girl grinned.
"Promise? "
"Of course my dear. I promise " She gave her word. Felicia got more excited. She reminded her mum they had to leave for the canteen. As soon as her mum was ready, they both walked out of the canteen talking about their time spent together in the past. Little did they notice their family car parked ahead of them. Emerald stepped out with a smirk and bent her head into the car as if speaking with someone. The driver of the car alighted from the vehicle and it turned out to be no other than Mr James staring at both mother and daughter with a deep frown.
"You useless woman! " he screamed from a distance with his wicked gaze fixed at them. They both caught sight of him and began trembling with fear at first. Felicia hid behind her mum repeating over and over again she doesn't want to go with her father. Her mother mind was in confusion at first. She had no idea how her husband found out about them. "Haven't I told you to stay away from her children? Haven't I useless woman? " He asked increasing his paces toward them now.
Lisa made her way into the head master's office alongside with her lawyer. The head master recognized her instantly and offered her a handshake before offering her a seat. She sat with a smile.
"I know I didn't tell you I would be coming today but I had to come because it's something urgent I have to discuss with you". The old man stroked his beard showing interest in what she had to say.
"I am all ears. What is it that is so urgent? "
"Actually it's about the twins Felix and Felicia. I want to see them both first"
"Your twins?" He asked in surprise. "I'd thought you knew about their withdrawals ".
"What do you mean withdrawal? Has that useless husband withdrawn my children from here? "
"Unfortunately, yes. He had discussed with me on this yesterday. I thought you knew"
"Me? Know? I knew not a thing damn it! I can't believe he could do this to me. They are my children for crying out loud" She yelled in tears.
"Calm down ma. You have to be optimistic about this"
"Optimistic. In what way if I may ask? That man always gets his way. I never knew he was like this. I never knew the man I married"
"Look Mrs Lisa... " The lawyer tried drawing her attention to some documents he held. "Do not lose hope just yet. We can still make it to his house and get this all settled with but remember, we have only today to get his signatures on this document so that we may drag this to court. Aside that, there won't be anymore chances"
"I swear Mr Jackson. I will get his signatures on this document. He is living in his apartment not far away from here. We can still make it there. It is a few minutes drive"
"Alright. If you say so". She thanked the headmaster AMD tried cheering up herself telling herself over and over again she still had a chance. She couldn't give up just yet. She walked out of the head master office toward the stairs which led to the exit of the school.
"Mrs Lisa... " She heard someone call her from one of the classes. Turning toward the direction of the call, she caught sight of her daughter's class teacher.
"You must be Felicia aunty Lola" She told her trying to be sure it was really her.
"Yes. I am Felicia's aunty" The young lady agreed. "Actually, I don't understand why you are here. I thought you were moving with them today"
"Moving? I don't understand. Who is moving? "
"Your husband said he was moving from his apartment to some other city that was why he had to withdraw the twins. He said he got your approval. Are you trying to tell me you have no idea? " She asked giving her a perplex look. Lisa felt her heart beat increase as the fear in her increased. She held her head trying to stop herself from getting an heart attack.
"No! No! We have to leave now Jackson. We have to leave" She ordered her lawyer rushing out through the exist trying to support her head with her hand.
"Are you okay Mrs Lisa? " He asked worried about her condition.
"Quit asking me stupid questions and come with me" She yelled out to him reaching out for her car keys.
"Mrs Lisa, you are not well. Calm down"
"LET'S GO!!! "
"It's here. It's here. Stop! " She urged on sighting the gate of her matrimonial home. Fresh memories of her time in the house flooded into her head. She brushed it off her mind immediately knowing that wasn't a good time for recalling the old terrible memories. They were all nightmares to her. Nightmares! In few seconds they were right in front of her gate staring at the doorbell. She ignored the doorbell and began banging the gate like a crazy woman. Drips of sweat flowed down her attached hair. She felt damn hot. It was more like she should forcefully loosen the nonsense on her braided hair.
"Lawrence open the gate! " She yelled having it in mind to handle her hair later. She got no answer. The estate was quiet as if it had been deserted. Only her banging could be heard. "Lawrence you can't do this to me! Open the gate! " Again she got no answer. She could only hear the whisper of the wind. Nothing more.
"I think we are only wasting our time here Mrs Lisa. They must have moved as the head master claimed"
"No! No! He can't separate the twins from me. Lawrence open this gate now! " She yelled with her while strength not giving up. "Lawrence fool open up! "
"Look Lisa, they moved this morning. Stop yelling " An elderly lady living two blocks away had told her with an irked look.
"No... No... No... " She disagreed shaking her head. She couldn't hold a grip of herself anymore. Her B. P rose up high and she slumped.
"Mrs Lisa. Mrs Lisa" The lawyer called out trying to revive her but to no avail. The poor man got really confused now.
What is it of Lisa and her kids now? Watch out.
"We are here. Our new home" Mr James announced with a big grin as he halted the car before an enormous gate. Felicia stared out the window silently with tears in her large eyes. She wished in her mind her mum could just appear from no where and get her back but it seemed it was impossible. Her mum was already far away from her. There was no way they could reach out to each other.
"What an enormous building Lawrence" Emerald complemented greedily. "It is just as we had seen in your laptop. Exactly the same beauty, size, everything! Thanks honey"
"Don't thank me dear. I just want to make my family comfortable"
"We are more than comfortable my dear
What more will a child and mother need? Right children? " She asked the twins who ignored her rudely.
"Dad, why did you bring us here? " Felix asked in annoyance.
"You dare question your dad Felix? This is our new home. We will live here"
"I don't want to live here dad. Mum promised to fetch us with her lawyer. She told us yesterday"
"And you naively agreed. Actually idiot, the truth about this is that it was your mum who instructed me to move. She told me she didn't love you guys anymore and convinced me in moving with your new mother. She doesn't love you both as much as Emerald do. Do you still love such a woman who never loved you a bit? She purposely left me to get married to someone else" He lied with his sharp tongue trying to brainwash the poor boy.
"What? "Felix exclaimed in shock. "Mum did that? "
"Yes! " He agreed nodding. "Unfortunately your mum abandoned you both. There is no way you are seeing her"
"Dad is lying to us Felix. Mum never abandoned us. It's dad who purposely took us from our former house so that she won't get us. Felix do not believe him. He is lying" Felicia disagreed with her father hoping Felix is smart enough not to believe.
"I knew mum never loved us. Didn't I tell you Felicia? Didn't I tell you mum was deceiving us all this while? " He asked his sister with a deep frown. "Stop defending her Felicia. You are on your own now. Mum is never to be trusted. I don't like her anymore" Felicia gazed at her brother with an unbelievable look. Her heart shattered completely. She couldn't believe he actually said that. Tears filled her eyes now. She never realize this would get this worse.
"Not you too Felix. You are my only support"
"I stand by my father. He is the only one we have. Accept that" He told her with a scornful look. She gave up in convincing him and stared back out of the window recalling her memories with her mum. She'd let the tears trapped in her eyes flow down now.
"Sorry mother"
"Seems a neighbor is here to see us " Emerald alerted her husband who was about alighting anyway. He smiles realizing he knew her.
"I think she is the one I spoke to yesterday. I have forgotten her name. Come on honey let's get down and speak with her". Emerald agreed and got down the car. They both approached the pretty looking woman who brought out her hand for an handshake.
"Hi! I am Laura. Your new neighbor. We spoke yesterday night about your new apartment " She reminded him. He nodded.
"I still recall Laura. You did good finding this apartment for us. We really owe you"
"No need to say that Mr James" She stared toward his left and caught sight of Emerald.
"She must be your wife Emerald "
"Yes she is. I told her so much about you in the car. I am sure there is no need for introduction" Emerald nodded in agreement.
"There certainly is no need for introduction. I am not interested in being friends with her anyway" She told her husband rolling her eyes like a clown. Laura gave her a disdain look. She tried so much not to let her attitude get in her way but she seemed to can't hide her I'll feeling towards her.
"Where are you twins? You told me about them right? ". Mr James agreed and ordered the twins out of the car. They both stepped out with dull expressions on their faces.
"They are Felix and Felicia. Twins meet Mrs Laura, our new neighbor " Mr James introduced briefly. The twins greeted her dryly. She smiled at them with love.
"I love them a lot. They are wonderful kids. I am sure they will make good friends to my four children. Gerald, Harold, Benedicta, Beatrice. My children are very fond of making new friends. Our kids can get along" Mr James frowned at what she had said while Emerald murmured insults under her breath.
"My children don't make friends " He corrected her.
"What? Why? They will feel lonely without friends "
"That's how I train them. That don't make friends and that's it. They stay at home all day studying and that's how I like it. They make no friends "
"Well, if you say so but I will be bringing them over to your house warming party tonight. Let them just meet"
"You can bring them. I am not stopping you buy don't get my innocent kids involved in this. They don't party "
"Well.... "
"Look Honey let's go inside. This conversation is getting dry" Emerald nagged getting into the car. Mr James bid Laura goodbye. She nodded silently staring at the twins with pity. She gazed on until their gate was shut right before her. She trod slowly back towards her house.
"Family and rules "
Lisa opened her eyes slowly looking round her to see where she exactly was. There beside her was her friend Becky and her Lawyer Jackson who was watching her from a corner feeling pity for her.
"You shouldn't have let this taken control of your emotions. How do you think you can ever get your children when you fall I'll? " Becky asked showing concern.
"It's too late now Becky. I will never see my children again. My husband finally separated them from me just as he had always wanted"
"Calm down. Please Lisa. He wasn't worth it anyway. He cheated on you with that Emerald. What more do we expect from such a cheat? He has no heart. We only have to pray for the well being of your children. I an sure they will be fine" Becky comforted her smiling.
"I am very sure they will be fine. Even though their father is a cheat, he is still their father. He will never let any harm come unto them anyway. I know so well" She said with certainty. She knew her husband very well. He loved his twins mire than any other person in this world. Even if he was just so obsessed over his stupid concubine, she very well knew he could kill anyone just for their safety. She calmed herself down at the thought of this.
"I can try talking to the judge about this. There us still a chance we will get your twins back" The lawyer finally confessed knowing there was still hope for her. She declined his help.
"No need for that. I have changed my mind. My kids will be better off with their father"
"Are you sure? Will that even make you feel better? "
"Yes. I will feel much better knowing my children will be safe with my husband. They won't be happy with me anyway. I have made the right decision" Becky looked disturbed by her decision.
" I don't like this decision you are making. Don't you even realize what you are doing? You are leaving your children in the hands of a stranger. That Emerald!"
"Their father is there with them. I have nothing to worry about. I just hope to see them soon healthy and fine"
" You hope? " Becky asked. " That means you aren't sure... "
"Sorry for interrupting but I have good news" The doctor interrupted walking in.
"Yes? " Lisa waited.
"You are now discharged Mrs Lisa" he announced
Emerald sat in front of the dressing mirror wiping her face with a face cleanser. She watched her husband walk out of the washroom in his pajamas. His reaction that afternoon towards Lisa when she's mention Felicia's class teacher got her confused and skeptical on what was going on. Her husband was up to something and she knew it. She wasn't sure why he wasn't telling her anything. They were married after all. He had to tell her what she was up to.
"The children had to skip the rest of their lessons today due to their possessive father. If they were to be my real children I would have argued with him on this. My children aren't puppets to be dragged out of school whenever he likes. Anyway, what do I care? They aren't my children. They can hawk under the bridge if they want to..." she said to herself with a proud look. "...but I have to know what this silly husband is up to right? This marriage won't be fun if I don't make it fun. I didn't marry a wealthy man just to be his treasure" She turned back towards Mr James and jumped up realizing he was going to bed.
"Hold on! Hold on Honey. We need to talk. It's really important "She told him with a frown.
"What is it? " He asked not bothering to stare at her.
"Well, I am your wife right? We are married. I should know what happens in this house and what decisions you make. You shouldn't hide things from me" she nagged.
"Tell me what you want to know " She grinned on hearing this.
"Actually Emm... I do care about your children a lot and I care about the decisions you make for them. Tell me what you told their class teacher yesterday. Why did you bring them home before their lessons were over? " She wanted to know. Her husband gave her a quick glance and smiled.
"It's happening just according to the way you love it " he told her making her nervous at first.
"What... What... What do you mean by that? " She asked with a nervous tone.
"Silly woman. We will be moving from this house. We won't be staying here anymore" He announced making her grin big.
" What?! Really honey? I am so happy! Thanks so much! " She appreciated planted him a kiss on the cheek.
"That explains everything right? You're no more confused now "
"Of course not. It's quiet obvious you withdrew the children from school. It's for their own good anyway. Their mum was thinking of coming tomorrow to see them again"
"I saw that coming. That was why I had to think fast"
The twins shut their textbooks with dull expressions. It was 9 pm now. They had to go to bed. Study time was over. Climbing up their bed, they stare at each other in silence for a while before Felix finally spoke.
"Were you even reading? " He asked his sister who shook her head.
"No. I couldn't concentrate. I can't stop thinking about mum"
"Well I almost thought she abandoned us. I am glad to know she haven't " Felicia raised her eyebrows with curiosity.
"What suddenly made you change your mind? What did she tell you? "
"She promised me she would be coming to fetch us tomorrow with her lawyer. Don't worry, the reign of the wicked step mother will be over soon" He broke the news to his sister who managed to smile at the good news.
"Now I am happy at least. There is something to smile about "
Their door opened up and Mr James walked in biding them goodbye. They responded happily without any gloomy expression before turning their lights off. He got suspicious on why they suddenly felt excited. He gave them a close stare and walked out.
"None of your mum's plan will work" he had thought.
The next morning she had refused to get off bed early. She knew the consequence of waking up late but she purposely did it this time. Not because she was lazy but due to the fact that she was scared of going back to school. The fear of the others mockery and bully got her reluctant. Her brother advised her to ignore and get use to it but she couldn't.
"Felicia! " Her dad's hoarse voice called out to her from the lobby. She felt nervous and held into her bed. She expected it anyway. "Why are you still in bed? It's 7:04pm for crying out loud"
"Daddy, I don't want to go to school" She confessed.
"You are so stupid for saying that. How dare you? " He asked with anger.
"I am so sorry daddy" She apologized in tears. Her dad frowned.
"You have never said you don't want to go to school before. What happened in school yesterday? " He asked knowing his daughter very well. She never misses school in a normal day.
"Actually dad...." She wanted to begin explaining but Emerald walked in and intruded rudely.
"it is because she wants to stay at home all day and watch TV or perhaps go to Laura's place and proof to her we don't take good care of her here" Felicia disagreed with her immediately.
"No dad. That's not the reason"
"Really, Small brat?" She asked knitting her eyebrows and folding her arm. "How will you explain her coming to me yesterday and insulting me. She said I don't take care of you. Imagine that. How could you Felicia? You are such a demon and you should know that? "
"Emerald she is a child. Do not ever call my daughter a demon " Mr James warned. She rolled her eyes and eyed her. "You are going to school today and that is it"
"No daddy. I don't want to go. They are making fun of me in school. They hurt me a lot" She reported feeling scared to leave. Emerald eyes lit hearing this.
"You are a girl not a puppet. Show them who you are and stop being a weakling like your mother. Go to school" She insisted.
"Ignore your mother" Mr James advised her turning her gaze from Emerald. "Report those who tried to bully you. I will deal with them myself. I promise they won't hurt you again" He promised. She nodded slowly and hugged her dad knowing he was the only parent she got. Emerald smirked and walked off immediately having something cunning in mind now. Guess what it is?
Mr James walked into the kids room. Felicia caught sight of him and went on unpacking her bags as if she hadn't seen anyone. He noticed this but ignored.
"Dad, I love this room. It's nice " Felix told his dad admiring the glamorous room.
"I am happy you do. Your mum would have never provided you with this" He responded with his stare fixed at Felicia. Felicia noticed her dad's stare. Fear shook her really bad. She got nervous and wondered what he wanted of her. "How about you Felicia? Do you love this room or not? " She wanted to reply she didn't but feared her dad's reaction. Her dad had been somewhat soft toward them lately, if she annoys him in any way he might get really furious and get back to his normal self. That was definitely what she had to avoid.
"I love the room dad. It's nice" She lied feigning to be happy with their new environment.
"Huh? Are you serious Felicia? You love the house now? I thought you wanted mummy? " Felix asked with a scornful tone. Felicia threw him a disappointed stare.
"I love this room and that's it" She answered not ready to discuss more on the issue.
"Anyway, there will be a party downstairs in two hours. None of you is to come downstairs. I repeat I don't want to see the both of you downstairs " He instructed them.
"Okay dad" they both agreed still unpacking their bags.
"If you need anything, get it now" He was out of the room after this. Felicia completed her unpacking and shut her luggage box.
"I know you lied to dad. You don't like this place "
"Yes I don't. You know where I want to be already" They were both silent for a while. Felix realized their silence wasn't getting them any better and brought out his video game.
"Why don't we play a game? It's break time anyway"
"There will be a party in two hours. Let's get what we want downstairs. We can try moving around the house for the mean time" She suggested another not liking the idea of video game.
"Are you sure? Dad will get angry. Remember he permitted us to only get something " He reminded her. She realized he was right and nodded.
"There is nothing we need. He never let's us attend his party's anyway. Let's forget this"
"I don't need a party. I have a video game here" He boasted bringing out his game pad. She smiled and brought forth her diary. It had been a while she thought of writing. Actually it was since her mum had left. Life had been so unfair to her that she just had no heart to sit down and write her diary anymore. What was there to write aside her bad days lately? There was just nothing more meaningful.
The party began in two hours. The twins heard the clicking glasses and loud music coming from the first floor. Felix got bored of his video game and wished he could go downstairs but his dad strict behavior stopped him.
"I need water Felicia" He finally brought forth an excuse " I will go and get it"
"What? Why? Daddy will pounce on you if you dare. No need for that. Let's wait till after the party"
"No Felicia. I am really thirsty. I want to get it"
"Two hours ago you weren't thirsty. I am already scared now Felix. You will get us in trouble "
"Please Felicia. I will be careful" He promised jumping down his bed.
"Hold on. Let me go for you. I don't trust you"
"Don't worry. I will... "
"I don't want us to get into trouble with dad. Let me go" Felix finally gave in. She got relieved and hopped down her bed. Peeked her eye through the keyhole to be sure the coast was clear before making her way out. Well all seem to be fine before she reached half way and realize she had forgotten the way to the kitchen. Only then she knew she was screwed.
Mr James pulled over before St Hannah primary school allowing the children to have a better view of how the school looked exactly. It was bigger than their former school and there were more students too.
"Remember, no break for you. Just study" He repeated what he had told them while they took breakfast that morning. They both nodded and walked in to join other pupils.. The pupils looked eleagant in their well ironed uniform which seemed to be sure to wrinkle up before break.
"You must be Felicia James. The one Mr James told us about" A tall lady said approaching her alongside with other children. She nodded.
"He is my brother Felix" She introduced her brother who's gaze was else where. He was busying admiring the schools large football field and playground.
"Alright. You both will be my pupils. Come with me alongside the others " She instructed before walking into the large school building. Within fee seconds they were already in her new classroom which looked better than the other.
"Hey! Felicia" Becky called out approaching her with her school bag flung on her shoulder. Felicia smiled at her and stared away. She reached out for her bag and brought out her exercise book. "Can we hang out during break?"
"No! " She answered rudely not bothering to stare at her.
"Why? Everyone will be outside"
"I want to study" Becky understanding why she'd acted that way nodded and sat on a seat beside her. "Why are you seating here? "
"I am in your class so we are going to be mates now" She explained. Felicia said nothing in reply. "I really pity you. Your daddy is really strict and cruel. I wish you didn't find yourself in this situation "
"Becky, I love my father how he is and please do not talk to me. You got me in trouble yesterday " She grumbled angrily.
"I am so sorry Felicia. I didn't know your mother and my other siblings would come"
"Stay away from me. It's for our own good. Please " she pleaded and sighed as soon as a teacher walked in. Becky squeezed her face not being impressed by Felicia's rude behavior. Though she knew she wasn't her fault she was behaving that way but it seemed she was being proud. She would never have a friend if she continued behaving that way. She gave her glance and decided to get her head off it.
During break, she brought out her lunch box and approached Felix class which was not close to hers this time. Though they were in the same class but their father preferred to split them into different blocks so that they wouldn't be so dependent on each other. Arriving to her brother's class, she found him at his seat focused on his book.
"I want us to eat together" She said placing her lunch box on the table. He nodded and they both began eating silently. A boy approached them and purposely hit the table with his feet spilling their foot on the floor. Felix got enraged now but controlled himself.
"O! Sorry. I didn't mean to spill your foot baby" He mocked before laughing out loud. His classmates joined in mocking them both and calling them daddy's pet. Felicia felt really hurt and realized it was really a bad idea for her to have joined her brother. She was finding it difficult to stay away from him in the new school.
"Let me go" She told him standing up.
"Don't go Felicia. Let them talk" he tried stopping her.
"No Felix. If I stay, they will mock you more. Let me go. It's better for us both". He felt hurt for finally agreed anyway. She picked up her lunch box which had spilled over and walked out leaving her brother all by himself. The laughter of the other pupils still echoed in her ears. She felt tears form in her eyes now. She felt so helpless.
"Mum please save me from them. Come back" She pleaded.
Tears built up her eyes now knowing the trouble she would get into due to Emerald. She turned her gaze down immediately not ready to cry in front if the heartless woman.
"Will you tell me what you're doing here Felicia? Are you being a disobedient child now? Tell me what you are doing downstairs instead of studying?" The lady yelled making her feel so weak. The words were like a bang in her ears. The more she heard, the more she knew she was in trouble. The other children stared on in confusion.
"I only wanted... I only wanted to... I only wanted to get Felix a glass of water" she explained with an impediment in her voice.
"What a filthy liar you are! You are a disgusting liar just exactly like your mother. Your father must hear this " She said furiously and stormed out heading toward the stairs. Felicia sobbed out of the kitchen all the way to the stairs toward the bedroom. She's knew her dad would punish her severely for going against his wish.
"I only wanted to help my brother" She said to herself as she sobbed on walking into the room. Felix heart beat skipped a bit seeing his sister in trouble. He needed no one to tell him they were in trouble.
"Don't tell me daddy found you? " He pleaded not ready for any trouble.
"It's Mrs Emerald. She saw me in the kitchen. She called me a liar and threatened to report me " She reported to her brother still sobbing.
"It's my fault Felicia. I lied to you i wanted water when I actually didn't. I just wanted you to tell me what was going on downstairs" Felicia stopped sobbing and stared up at her brother.
"You what? " She asked with surprise.
"I... " before he could complete what he had to say, the door opened up and her dad walked in his usual scary manner. Felicia sobs started again only that this time harder.
"I am sorry daddy. I didn't mean to go downstairs " She pleaded stepping away from him.
"You dare disobey me Felicia you dare disobey me?! " He asked bringing forth a whip.
"No daddy. I swear I never disobey you. I only wanted to get Felix water" she defended herself hoping he believes.
"She is lying darling. I saw her discussing with Mrs Laura's children. She has made friends with them already. How sweet" Emerald lied trying to prevent her from getting away from her punishment.
"No! No! Daddy, Mrs Emerald is lying. I didn't.... " She hardly finished her sentence when the first whip fell on her. Felix strapped himself to the end of the bed feeling weak and sorry for his sister. He got all sweaty. He felt his arm trembling. He couldn't hide his guilt anymore.
"What did you just call her? " He yelled at her making her realize her mistake.
"I am sorry daddy. I just don't want her to be my mother" He explained feeling the pain on her arm.
"I am your mother you demon. I have tried all I can Felicia. Everything I can. Why can't you just accept me? If you really wanted to make friends why didn't you just tell me? " Emerald asked feigning to feel sorry for her. Her act got Felix furious. "Look dear lying you went to take water for your brother just to play downstairs isn't good teaching dear. If you end up having a younger one then what will you teach her? " She asked with a smirk.
"My sister isn't lying. I was the one who told her to get water" Felix defended his sister getting down the bed. They all stared at him. Felicia shook her head immediately trying to signal him to stop but he didn't pay heed to her warning. " I actually told her to get water for me dad. I am the one to be blamed. Beat me instead. Don't beat her"
"What?! " his dad roared out in anger. " You too Felix? You are trying to support your sister in her lies. You fool is trying to support your sister in her lies? You are trying to call my wife a liar right? "
"No daddy Felix didn't do anything" Felicia defended. Emerald got perplexed on why she suddenly twisted the while matter.
"I have no time for this nonsense. Both of you should come with me" He ordered. They both followed him slowly. Down the lobby, he stopped before a small dark store room and threw them roughly inside.
"You will stay there all night. I hope by tomorrow morning you will learn not to go against your father" after this words he shut the door with a loud bang. Then there came a key turn. Felicia crawled to her brother and gave him a hug trying to find solace in him.
"I can't take this anymore. I miss my mum"
Felicia stared around her looking very stupid. If she had known she had no idea the directions to various places in the enormous house really well, we wouldn't have bothered coming out in the first place. Now there was high chance her dad would find her. As steady as a mouse, she snuck about every corner of the house hoping she finds her way to the kitchen. The number of doors she came across, she could hardly count. There were too many rooms. Smart enough, she began tracing the sound of the music. The Kitchen was close to the living room after all and the party was being carried out in the hall.
"Mr Joe, have no fear. It is all under control " She heard her dad's voice right behind the door she stood in front of. Her fear increased. She tried taking a step forward but her fear took a great control of her causing her to almost slip and lose her balance. Luckily she held a vase for support. "I have to meet Mrs Loveth down downstairs. Give me a minute" He excused himself. Felicia gulped out loud hearing her dad's footsteps. She really had to find the staircase before she gets into anymore dilemma. Going on her fours, she crawled as fast as she could out of the lobby into the first room she saw. To her shock she had found her way to the stairs itself. This got her surprised at first. She never expected to get there so fast. The footsteps got closer now. She stood up slowly and began raving down the stairs. "Who is there? " Her dad yelled. She knew he had already detected someone was at the stairs. She got more nervous and increased her speed. Luckily she was able to find her way right into the kitchen just before her father came out to check what was going on.
"Mr James, it's nice to meet you " Miss Loveth greeted catching sight of her as she walked up the stairs. He turned his attention towards her deviating his mind from the strange event earlier.
"Comes upstairs. I want you to meet Mr Joe" He said and he led the way back to the lobby. Felicia felt at ease realizing she was safe and began searching her large eyes for the jug. Catching sight of it on the counter, she tried getting hold of it but the counter was so high. She could barely reach. Confused on what to do she stared around for an alternative plan. There was a small stool at a corner. Taking advantage of it, she was able to get what she wanted.
"Hey! Who are you?" a male voice asked from the entrance. She got scared and turned around almost dropping the cup. It was a 6 year old girl who seemed to one of the guests.
"I.... I... I" she lost her words. She didn't know what to say in response. Fear gripped her so much.
"You must be Mr James daughter right? The one mum told me about. Felicia right? Hi Felicia, I am Becky" She introduced with a friendly smile. Felicia got more nervous now. The girl looked nice but the thought of her dad made her so reluctant to speak with her.
"Go away. I don't want to talk to you" She responded rudely before trying to walk out on her. The young girl stopped her immediately.
"No wait. No need to be scared. I am just a friend. I won't cause you trouble I promise" She gave her word. Another child came in and this time it was a boy. He was almost a year older than Becky. He stared at them both for a while before turning to the earlier girl.
"Becky, have you gotten the ice block? " He asked.
"I was just about it then I saw Mr James daughter. This is actually Felicia. One of the twins " She informed her brother who smiled.
"Hello. I am Gerald" He introduced himself. Felicia got confused on what to. Then the last two came joing their siblings. Horald was just her age while Beatrice was The oldest of them all.
"Felicia! " Emerald voice roared from the door instantly making her finally let the cup crash to the floor. "What are you doing here?"
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The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...

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