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AGELESS LOVE.. Chapter 1 - 7
Two years ago I visited my friend Kara and her family in Zambia, that's when I met her little brother who wouldn't stop staring at me, it was kinda cute, like me crushing over a tv celebrity I knew I didn't have a chance with ,but that cuteness had slowly turned into a little creepy when he wouldn't stop staring or complimenting me and trying to be wherever his sister and I were, to be honest I was relieved when I finally left. That was two years ago, three days ago Kara called me asking for a favour, her little brother Tony was coming to London for some project which would either gain him a permanent job or not and she was asking if I could accommodate him for a couple of weeks.
"If he gets the job after the project is done he'll find his own apartment and if he doesn't then he'll come back, this is the first time he's travelling as far as Europe and am worried about him " she had said to me, apparently he only travelled within Africa
"What's the duration for this project? " I had asked her, truth be told the less time he would stay the better, I didn't need creepy Tony around my place for long, but Kara was one of my good friends and I found it hard to say no.
"He just said a couple of weeks... " she had said.
"Alright, I guess he can stay with me " I told her
"Thank you so much Zoe, I promise he'll be so busy you won't even see him that much " she said to me.
"I hope so "I said inwardly but out loud I said "sure, when is he due to come? "
"Two days from now " she told me
"Two days??! "
" I know it's short notice babe but he received the email just three days ago and he didn't decide on coming until yesterday, I promise he'll be on his best behaviour " said Kara
"Alright, I guess I'll see him in two day's time " I said with a sigh.
And now I was just from the mall where I had gone to buy groceries, I don't cook much so most of the time I forget about groceries, but since I would have a guest I had to make sure my fridge was fully stocked so that he could have whatever he would need during his stay.
I wasn't going to pick Tony up from the airport because I had an important appointment at work which I couldn't miss so I had just emailed him my address and told him to get a cab. Even though I had studied political science, it wasn't my dream career so I had diverted after graduation, I was now an interior designer and I loved every minute of it. That afternoon I was supposed to meet with a client but she cancelled on me at the last minute, by then Tony's flight had already landed and he was probably already on his way so no need to go to the airport ,I was sited in the kitchen where I loved to do my work even if I had a study ,just going through the file for my client whom I was meeting in the evening when the land phone rung.
"Zoe Morgan speaking ".
"Ms Morgan, there's a Tony Shikabeta here for you " Lee at the front desk of my apartment building told me.
"Thanks Lee, you can let him up.. " I told him and hang up then went back to my file, normally I don't meet clients in the evenings but this guy was a very busy man and he didn't have time during the day, and he was paying extra because I was working overtime.
A few minutes later there was a knock on my door, I got off the bar stool and walked over to the front door. I took a deep breath readying myself to see creepy Tony then slowly opened the door. Oh my gosh! Had Kara forgotten to tell me about another brother?? Perhaps Tony's twin brother, this wasn't the kid I saw two years ago, first of all he was wearing glasses which made him look extra smart and I had a thing for smart guys, something about them just turned me on, and secondly he seemed manlier, his shoulders were broader and I could see how fit he was through that T-shirt he was wearing, how does one change so much in just two years??.
"Hi " Tony spoke with a smile and I realized I had just stood there staring at him, and that smile wasn't creepy, it was the smile which said I know what you're thinking, I know your secrets, it was kind of a sexy smirk, like he could read my thoughts.
"Oh hi.. Come on in " I said and opened the door wider, get ahold of yourself Zoe, this is creepy Tony, Kara's little brother. Tony walked by me and I took in his subtle manly scent then shook my head quickly so that I wouldn't zone out again, I closed the door and walked with him, he only had one small suitcase.
"So how was your flight? " I asked him as I led him to the living room and gestured to him to have a seat on the sofa.
"It was okay, pretty long but okay " he responded as he looked around, my apartment was the first advertisement of my work because I did the interior designing myself. My uncle Charlie owned the building and he loved me, he only had sons so I was like his daughter and he let me do whatever renovations I wanted in the apartment.
"Would you like something to eat or drink? " I asked him .
"Maybe later, I am so sweaty I just wanna get out of these clothes and take a shower " he said to me, damn Tony I would love to watch you get out of those clothes and take a shower, oh my gosh Zoe get your mind out of the gutter.
"Sure, let me show you your room" I said and stood up, all three bedrooms were upstairs, my apartment was on the last floor and was two storey with one flight of stairs. I led Tony up and showed him to the bedroom, I had given him the last bedroom with an empty bedroom separating mine from where he would be sleeping ,I thought it wiser that way.
"Make yourself comfortable ,the shower is right in there " I pointed to the glass doors.
"Thank you Zoe, I know you're only doing this because of Kara but I really appreciate it " he said to me.
"It's no big deal.. ..I'll let you settle in " I told him and walked back downstairs.
I made him something to eat then grabbed the files and went to the bedroom to shower and change, I didn't want to be late for my meeting . When I was done preparing I walked back downstairs and found Tony sited in the kitchen eating the food I had left out for him.
"Hey, this is really good, thanks.. I couldn't eat anything on the plane, felt like I'd throw up"
"Glad you like it.. "I said and looked at my wristwatch "hey listen, I know this is your first day here and I have to be a good host but I have this really important meeting I can't cancel ..I'll be back in a maybe two hours " I told him
"It's okay, don't worry about me, I'll just take a nap " he said and I nodded
"Alright, I guess I'll see you later.. " I said and turned to leave
"And Zoe? ". I turned to face him
"Yes? "
"You look beautiful.. "He said and I couldn't help smiling
"Thanks "I responded and he smiled back, I could feel his eyes on me as I walked out.
I met up with Mr X and I showed him some of my ideas and the good thing was that he didn't seem to mind, he was going to let me do whatever I wanted as long as it came out perfect.
"This will be a test for you Ms Morgan, if you do a good job on this one you'll earn yourself a big contract, I have an apartment building and am planning on having all the apartments fully furnished " he told me and I couldn't believe it, working hard on an entire apartment building?? That would be incredible, I was already picturing everything in my head.
"That would be an incredible opportunity Mr X, I promise I will do my very best on your house " I told him
"I hope so, " he said and handed me his house keys "you have full control of my house Ms Morgan ,take good care of it and make it look great " he told me
"Thank you sir, I will"
After the meeting I went back to my place and as I walked in I almost bumped into my cousin Charlie junior and his friend Reed .
"Zoe, hey "Reed smiled at me
"Hey Reed ".
"You look beautiful as always "
"Thanks...what you boys up to tonight? " I asked
"Well, since you won't go out with me, am stuck hanging out with CJ " he said
"Hey, hanging out with me is a privilege, don't take it for granted "said CJ and we all chuckled
"By the way, there's someone you should meet, maybe you guys can show him around " I told them and they followed me in the elevator.
"Him?? I don't like the sound of that.. " said Reed ,he had been flirting with me since high school, I was glad the two had also moved to London while the rest of the family was in Manchester. I hoped the guys would welcome Tony so he would have some friends while in London.
I introduced Tony to the guys and that very night they invited him to join them for some drinks. When he returned he seemed like he had had a good time. The following morning which was a Saturday I woke up and went downstairs, there was a small gym in our building thanks to CJ who was obsessed with keeping fit. When I walked into the gym the first thing I noticed was a good of girls standing in the corner with water bottles, drinking and fanning themselves as they spoke in giggly whispers, I followed the line of their sight and found what they were staring at and drooling over; Reed. He was laying down on his back lifting weights, with sweat dripping all over his body, he was shirtless and that made it even worse. Reed had to always be in shape because he was a professional fighter, he was into mixed martial arts and he was really great at it.
CJ saw me standing near the entrance and gestured for me to walk over.
"Bring your cute butt over here, am glad you came, you've been skipping gym lately " said CJ, he took this seriously because it was his job, he was a physical trainer to the professional athletes, Reed included.
"Sorry CJ, I have this other thing called a job, but I'll try not to let it get in the way of my gym time " I said sarcastically and Reed put down the weights and laughed as he sat upright and grabbed a towel.
"Hey Reed, looking good.. " I said to him casually, I could feel the stares from the girls who only came to the gym to stare and drool over hot guys.
"Oh yeah? Do I look good enough to take you out on a date?? Say, this evening? ".he asked me as he stood up and came closer, Reed was tall so I had to tilt my head up in order to look at him. Do you have any idea how intimidated and small it made me feel?? But I trusted Reed, I knew he was a big old softie inside.
"Sorry Reed, still no.. "I said and walked over to the treadmill ,Reed followed as I started running.
"Come on, what's a guy gotta do to get your attention? " he asked as he watched every inch of my body slowly from head to toe.
"Stop staring Reed.. " I said to him and he smiled then bit his lower lip.
"Fine, fine.. No to the date tonight.. At least promise you'll come and watch my fight next weekend " he said to me, I really wasn't a fan of MMA or boxing same with wrestling, they just seemed too violent .
"I don't know Reed.. "
"Come on, you can't just keep turning me down like this " he pleaded with me.
"Fiine, I'll come to the fight " I gave in and he smiled
"Thank you, .."he said with a happy smile and walked back to CJ.
After my gym session I went back upstairs and had my shower then went to knock on Tony's door.
"Tony?? You up yet? " I knocked and a few seconds later the door opened, Tony was wearing a short and a vest, the glasses were off.
"Good morning "he said with a smile
"Morning, I was just wondering if you'd like to go down for breakfast, there's an amazing café a few blocks from here.. But if you want we can have breakfast here " I told him, initially I had planned on seeing as less of him as possible but things changed, he was a sight for sore eyes.
"Nah, the café sounds good, I wanna tour London, am not just here for work " he said to me.
"Good, I'll let you get dressed and you'll find me on the sofa " I told him and walked back down the stairs.
A minute later Tony came down in a black jean and red T-shirt, the glasses were back on and he looked sexy, I wondered how he would look without anything on except the glasses, come on Zoe get a grip, this could he considered sexual harassment, but hey, it was just in my thoughts.
"Am ready.. "Said Tony and I stood up, grabbed my purse then walked out. We entered the elevator and it was just the two of us. There was moments of silence then he spoke up.
"You look good by the way... "He said to me and I smiled then quickly stopped myself
"Thanks "I said
"And your scent is great too.. "He said and I didn't know how to respond, did he still have a crush on me?? If yes was I okay with it?. Yes he was freaking hot but he was three years younger than me and he was Kara's younger brother, I shouldn't be having such thoughts about him, it was inappropriate and unacceptable.
"Was that weird? " Tony asked as the elevator doors opened and we stepped out .
"Was what weird? " I asked as I waved hello to Lee at the front desk.
"Saying you smell nice " said Tony as he opened the glass doors for me to pass
"Thanks, and no it wasn't weird, it's just uncommon to pay people such compliments, especially of the opposite sex " I told him as we walked on the sidewalk.
"How does it make you feel when I say such things? " he asked with that stupid sexy secret knowing smile on his face and I blushed, I freaking blushed, what is wrong with me?!.
"Hey! We're here, don't you just love the smell of fresh muffins in the morning" I tried to change the subject and Tony just chuckled as he opened the door to the café for me. We walked in and were ushered to the table by the window.
I pulled out a chair for her and she sat down the I did likewise ,my eyes never leaving hers, when my sister told me that Zoe had agreed to accommodate me I was very happy, two years may have passed and I may have dated two girls in that two years but that didn't change how I felt about Zoe, and the plus side was that I had broken up with my girls a month before that chance came along. I knew it wouldn't be easy because the last time Zoe was clearly not interested in me, but that was two years ago and things could change.
"So, do you come here everyday? " I asked her as I looked around the cafe
"Not everyday but yeah, I do come here often... " she responded, I could see she was avoiding eye contact and that somehow boosted my confidence, she wanted to stare at me but it was like she was trying to stop herself.
"It's really nice... "I said as I enjoyed the surprisingly tasty tea, I really didn't love tea but she had suggested that I try it and it was good "what do they put in this? " I asked
"Tasty right??.. I know.. The owner of this café says it's a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation but I think it's just a clever mixture of spices, because I swear it tastes different each time I drink it ".she said with a smile, oh dear lord I could listen to her talk all day long, her voice was like a sweet soothing melody which not only calmed me down but excited me too.
"So what do you do on a typical Saturday? " I asked Zoe
"Well, I wake up and go to the gym, after the gym I come here for breakfast then from here I go to the park, watching all those families and couples having picnics in the there makes me feel all good and fuzzy inside.. From there I go to back home and call my father to catch up on everything, by then it'll be lunch time and if I am feeling lazy, which is most of the time ,I order take away and eat in front of the tv, from there I take a nap and when I wake up, take a shower and go out, if am alone I go for dinner and a movie, if am with friends we go dancing "she walked me through her day.
"Sounds nice, can we do all those things? " I asked and she said yes.
I really had fun that day and when we went dancing it was even better because she was so close to me, I was actually touching her, her outfit left her waist bare and feeling her skin was amazing . I was an alright dancer but she was pretty amazing . After a night of drinking and dancing we got in a cab and went home.
"I can't believe you took so many shots and haven't passed out yet " I said as we stumbled inside laughing
"Oh come on, you probably finished the entire bottle of whiskey on your own, and your dance moves weren't bad either " she said and winked at me.
"Well I had motivation "I said to her and pulled her closer to me by her waist. "I've wanted to dance with you ever since I saw you in my dad's club " I whispered in her ear.
"What else have you been wanting to do? " she asked and put her hand on my chest then rubbed it slowly, did she have any idea how this was affecting me?? What it was doing to me. ??. I tilted her chin up then leaned in sideways and kissed her tender lips ,this was better than I had imagined in my wildest dreams. Her hands went round my neck and she kissed me back deeply, slipping her tongue in my mouth as I put my hands on her ass, she jumped on me and her legs went round my torso as the kissing became hungrier and hungrier.
"Wanna take this upstairs? " I asked her between the kissing
"Am gonna regret this tomorrow but sure ...let's make some bad decisions tonight "she said to me.
"Regrets ?".
"Just stop talking and kiss me " she said and attacked my lips again, I guess we should have discussed it more but I was horny and she wanted me, my body was in control and my brain was all fuzzy, no clear thoughts were going on there.
After a night of wild mind blowing sweaty sex, I pretended to fall asleep and when Tony dosed off, slowly and carefully I got off the bed and tip toed out of the bedroom. The moment my head hit the pillow I was a goner. The sex was great, it was better than I thought it would be and that was a problem, if it had been awful, maybe, just maybe I would have gotten over whatever it is I was feeling each time I looked at Tony, either lust, attraction or infatuation I didn't have a word for it yet .when I woke up the following day the sun was already out and this was a problem, whenever I woke up hours after the sun had risen, I always felt fatigued and wouldn't wanna do anything except lying around either in bed or on the sofa. I dragged myself out of bed then walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, as I was standing there in front of the mirror flash images of the previous night started coming into my head, the hungry passionate kisses, Tony's tongue all over my body finding almost all my g-spots, his hand roaming carefully, tracing every inch and curve of my body, his cock going inside me deeper and deeper until I thought I would run out of breath ...
"Jeez Zoe get it together " I rebuked myself and shook my head to clear out the images
Once I was done in the bathroom I changed into something casual and comfortable then walked out of the bedroom.
Upon walking downstairs I found Tony already up, he was in the kitchen.
"Good morning. "He smiled at me, he seemed like he was on cloud nine, having the best morning of his life.
"Hey morning.. "I responded and opened the fridge to bring out bananas, Ginger, honey and yoghurt so that I could make a smoothie.
"Am making you breakfast, thought you might need the energy.."said Tony with a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.
"Need the energy? " I inquired
"Yeah.. You danced too much last night and that takes the energy out of you " he said and chuckled a little bit, I knew it wasn't the dancing he was talking about.
"Really? That's so thoughtful of you, thank you "I said as I slowly peeled one banana then brought it to my lips and licked it "would you like a smoothie? " I asked him as I noticed him bite his lower lip, his eyes focused on my mouth around the banana.
"Mmmm mmm" he cleared his throat and shook his head
"Is that a no? " I inquired with a smirk as I finally took a bite of the banana
"No,.. I mean yes I would like to taste the smoothie "he said and I smiled even more as I peeled more bananas ,cut them in small pieces then put them in the blender, as I was peeling the Ginger and cutting it into smaller pieces Tony walked round the island to where I was standing and came to position himself right behind me, when he leaned in to whisper something in my ear his crotch even brushed up against my ass .
"I thought I might wake up with you in my arms today.. " he spoke in my ear then nibbled on the earlobe.
"Clearly you thought wrong " I responded and put the Ginger in the blender together with the cut bananas, I then poured in the yoghurt and honey then turned it on.
"Correct me if am wrong but I thought yesternight was incredible " said Tony as he put his hand on my hip and kissed the soft spot behind my ear.
"Yes.. It was.. "I said and pushed him back, how can I think clearly when he was so close? " but that doesn't mean anything, incredible sex is just incredible sex.. Nothing more, nothing less " I made it clear to him and for a moment he seemed hurt then covered it up with a smile as he put his hands up as if in surrender
"Alright, I just thought we had a connection deeper than just a one night stand.. .." He said to me.
"Am sorry Tony, but it was just an amazing one night stand, I hope it won't make things weird between us " I said as I poured the milkshakes in glasses and handed him one.
"Nop, not at all.. Am a man, I can handle a one night stand " he said and accepted the glass, making his fingers brush against mine for a second before pulling away.
Milkshake in hand I walked to the living room and sat down.
"Aren't you gonna have breakfast? ". Tony asked me,
"I'll have it for lunch thanks. " I responded, whenever I woke up late I would have breakfast for lunch and in the evening CJ would bring me Mexican food. I turned on the tv and started watching the home channel .
"If you wanna watch something else I can go and watch this in the bedroom on my iPad " I told Tony
"No, this is fine..." He said and relaxed on the sofa.
We sat watching tv in silence as he had his breakfast and I drunk my smoothie, almost an hour passed and we were just sitting there. It was too much, I said it wouldn't be weird.
"So, this project you're here for, what's it about? " I asked Tony, he had just returned from the kitchen where he had gone to put the plate.
"Sorry but it's classified and I can't tell anyone about the details " he told me
"Ahh, sounds dangerous, is it a super weapon for the army? ". I asked with a grin and he chuckled.
"No it's not... " he responded
"Is it a system to spy on us all? "
"Zoe, no questions about the project ..." He said while chuckling and the awkwardness seemed to pass ,we started chatting casually until a knock on my door disturbed us.
"I'll get it " I said and got up then walked to the door. When I opened it and found my mother standing there I was stunned
"Mum? "
"Hey baby "she pulled me in for a hug and kissed my cheeks "am so happy to see you ".
"What are you doing here? " I asked her
"How can you ask me that?? Aren't you happy to see me? "
"Of course I am, am just surprised.. Come in " I said and opened the door wider. Mum walked in and when she saw Tony she smiled broadly
"Oh is this why you are not happy to see me?? Am I disturbing? " she asked as Tony stood up to greet her.
"Mum!.. It's not what you think.. "
"And what am I thinking? " she asked with a grin and I groaned, Tony tried to hide a smile.
"This is Tony, he's Kara's younger brother and he's here for a project for a couple of weeks, he needed a place to stay.. "I explained to her "Tony this is my mother ".
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I really admire your work " he said to her as they shook hands
"Thank you.. How's Kara doing? " mum asked as she gestured for him to take a seat and she also sat down.
"She's good..."Tony answered
"Mum, do you want something to drink or eat? " I asked her
"No thanks baby, am here for work and just thought of passing by... Tony you should visit us sometimes, my husband is an amazing cook... " she invited him
"I would be honoured ma'am " he responded and mum leaned closer to me
"He seems great, am sure your dad will approve of him ".
"Approve?? He's just my guest mum "
"Why? "
"Am so not getting into this with you " I said to her
"Fine... I'll butt out of your love life... But bring him for dinner, maybe next weekend? "
"Maybe... "I said and started thinking of reasons we couldn't go, mum was flexible and tolerant, my father on the other hand was very protective of me, that's why I had never even introduced him to any people I ever dated.
"Your mum is really nice, and it was sweet of her to invite me for dinner " said Tony as I walked back into the living room after seeing my mother off.
"Yeah well we're not going " I told him and I meant it, Tony hadn't become a friend I would take home for dinner ,we barely knew each other.
"Really? Why not?? " Tony asked me in a whiny tone and subtly rolled my eyes.
"Am sorry but am not ready to start answering unending questions about what we are...And I wouldn't take just anyone home for dinner, only really friends make it home to taste my father's dinner " I saw no point in lying to him or sugarcoating things for him, he had to know the cold hard truth.
"So.. What am I? " Tony asked.
"You.. Are my friends little brother, a guest in my home.. " I said to him and he arched an eyebrow.
"Little? Did you just call me little?? You and I both know there is nothing little about me Zoe " he said outright and I felt embarrassed because the moment he said that my eyes went to his crotch, he was right, there was nothing little about him, except maybe for his age.
"Look, what I mean is we don't know each other well enough to say we're friends and the only term I can use is that you're Kara's young brother and you're a guest in my home, I don't take just anyone to my parent's house " I came out more clearly and for a moment Tony seemed hurt.
"Alright, I guess I understand that "he said and rubbed the back of his neck .
"Thank you.. "I said and walked to the kitchen.
The rest of that day passed without any other events or encounters. The following morning I had to get started on Mr X's house, bathed and dressed up I went to knock on Tony's door.
"Hey! You up?? Do you need a ride to work or something? " I asked him, I hadn't seen him at all that morning.
"Come in! " I heard Tony's voice call out from inside and I opened the door only to walk in on Tony applying lotion to his body, he was only wearing a trousers without a shirt and it wasn't a bad view. "Hey.. "He smiled at me as he grabbed the shirt and put it on
"Ah hey, I was wondering if you needed a ride or something.. Am starting off " I told him and tried not to think sexual thoughts about him.
"I can see that, you look beautiful.. "He said and stared at me from head to toe
"Stop it " I told him off and he chuckled
"Alright, don't worry...someone is coming to pick me up.. " he told me, a grin still on his face.
"Alright, well leave the key with Lee downstairs and I'll see you later " I said and walked out.
I drove out to the suburbs and let myself in because Mr X wasn't staying there anymore, I looked around and pictured what it would be like once I was done, I brought out a paper and pencil then roughly drew where everything would go and which walls could be broken down ,I was still at the house when I heard a car pullover, when I walked out to the front door thinking it was Mr X I was surprised to find Reed pulling over, he came out of the car with a smile on his face.
"Hey, how's it going? " he waved with a smile then opened the front door and brought out plastics of Chinese take away.
"So far so good, how'd you know I'd be here ?" I asked as he walked up to me and kissed my cheek
"CJ told me.. I brought lunch, I know you haven't eaten " he said to me
"I will deal with CJ later.. That smells good. ..what's in there? " I asked him as I led him back inside
"Tangerine chicken, noodles and fortune cookies" he told me as we went out through the kitchen and out into the backyard where there were chairs.
"I hate noodles.. "I said as we sat and he chuckled
"That's why I also got rice.. You say you hate noodles but you always end up finishing my noodles in the name of tasting.. "
"I do not.. "I denied the accusation even though it was somehow true
"Yes you do "said Reed with laughter as he brought out the food and handed me a fork, I could eat noodles with chopsticks but I could never eat rice with them, was it even possible??.
"Okay fine, maybe I do.. But that's because you always let me, CJ would chop my hand off if I touched his food " I said and it was true, my cousin was weird like that, he didn't like people touching his food or eating from his plate.
"It's hard to say no to you.. "Reed said to me as he stared straight into my eyes...his eyes were so full of love it was like I was drowning in it, I looked away quickly and grabbed the rice then leaned back in the chair and started eating.
"So, have you found people who will help you on this? " he asked me and I was grateful for the change of subject.
"Am thinking of using the guys I hired to work on my apartment, they're great ,cost less and finish on time...." I answered him and he nodded
"When are you coming to do my house? " he asked with a smirk on his face
"Your house doesn't need me or any other interior designer, it's perfect just the way it is "I said to him even though I had said it before, the guy who did the interior design for Reed was my inspiration and role model, he was really amazing.
After having a wonderful lunch with me Reed excused himself.
"I'll let you get back to work "he said to me
"thanks for stopping by and thanks for lunch...are you going to the gym? " I asked as I walked him to the front door.
"Yes, I have to get ready for the fight on Saturday " he responded "you are coming right? "He asked and I recalled that I had promised him that I'd be there so I nodded.
"Of course, I'll be there " I said and he smiled.
"Alright, I'll see you later then " he said and kissed my forehead then walked down to his car . I remaining standing on the steps outside the front door until he got in his car and drove away, Reed was really great but I don't know why I never ever said yes whenever he asked me out, maybe I was too comfortable with the kind of relationship we had and didn't want it to change.the entire week passed with me working and Tony was also busy with his thing, sometimes they would drop him off so late and pick him up so early I couldn't even see him until Friday evening, he had been dropped off before I even returned from Mr X's house where I had gone to check on the progress, it was really coming up nicely.
"Hey, look who finally caught a break " I teased Tony when I entered the house and found him relaxed on the couch
"Yeah well I refuse to work overtime on Friday night... "He responded with a smile
"It must be a very important project, how's it going? " I asked him
"Well, we were having a few challenges no wonder we knocked off late but we got most of them sorted out today and next week there will be no working late, unless something else goes wrong " he explained
"Good for you, hope you're enjoying the work. "I said and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water only to be met by a mouthwatering aroma but there was nothing cooking on the stove.
"What's going on in here? " I asked loud enough for him to hear me in the living room.
"Oh, I came home early and thought you might like a home cooked meal " Tony responded and followed me in the kitchen.
"Oh, that's so sweet of you "I said with a smile, a guest what can take care of himself and me?. Sweet. "So what have you prepared? " I asked him and he brought out the pots then opened them
"Nshima, fish and the only vegetable I found in your fridge is lettuce and Chinese cabbage so I went for cabbage.. " he explained
"I see you found the mealie meal.. "I said and he chuckled with a nod, my mother always had mealie meal in her house, I had no idea where she got it but when Kara told me that Tony was coming I remembered how much she loved visiting my mother because of the nshima, it made her feel at home, so I had told CJ who had been in Manchester that day, to bring back just 2kg of mealie meal in case Tony missed it and wanted to have it, in my parent's house we only had it when it was mum in the kitchen and mum only cooked once in a while.
I sat on the bar stool in the kitchen with Tony and we started having nshima .
"Have you talked to Kara?? " I asked him, the week had been so busy I hadn't even talked to her.
"Yes, she has been calling and texting, asking how everything is going here "
"And what did you tell her? "
"Am living with a gorgeous woman I like very much, like couldn't get any better " he said with a smile and I couldn't help blushing like a teenage girl.
"Well am glad you're comfortable .."I said to him
"Hey today I bumped into CJ on my way up here and he invited me to a fight on tomorrow"
"Yeah...Reed is fighting some giant looking Russian guy " I said with a sigh, I really hated having to watch it but I had promised him that I would be there.
"Is he good? " Tony asked
"Reed? Yeah he's good but even the best can lose sometimes " I said and got up to throw the fish thorns in the bin and put the plate in the sink ,Tony was still eating but I was done.
The following day him and I went to watch the fight, we were in the third role from the ring and when Reed saw me he smiled then winked, how could he seem so calm?? I was a nervous wreck. CJ was at the ring side with Reed's fight trainer, they were telling him something before the match could begin.
"Wow that is one huge man.. "Blurted out Tony when he saw the other guy and I became even more nervous. "Couldn't he refuse when they set him up with such a big man? " asked Tony
"He could, but Reed never walks away from a fight.. He believes even losing is important because it shows him his weakness so that he can work on them and be better next time" I said to Tony just as the ref called the fight to start.
It was a long, brutal and very unpredictable fight and I would look away for most of it because I just couldn't bare looking. I only looked up when Tony exclaimed
"Oh my gosh he won!! He finally knocked him out! " he exclaimed and I opened my eyes, the ref had counted and the Russian guy had failed to get up, the ref was holding up Reed's hand and declaring him the winner, I couldn't believe it. In the first rounds ye had really been beaten and I thought he would give up but he just went on pushing
As people rushed to the ring and a reporter entered to ask Reed some questions I stayed put but could see what was going on on the big screen . The Russian guy was now standing on the other side of the reporter.
"That was one tough and unpredictable fight, we were all in edge and personally I enjoyed it very much "said the reporter then he turned to Reed "how are you feeling? " he asked him.
"Well, first of all am glad it's over, it was a tough one... And I feel.. I feel.. I feel.. "Suddenly Reed collapsed on the floor and security with the medics rushed to him.
"Oh gosh, what's going on? " I rushed down to the ring but I couldn't get past the crowd until they moved Reed away and took him to an ambulance outside, Tony and I ran to it and I found CJ in there.
"Sorry ma'am, only one person allowed in the ambulance " the medic said to me and closed the ambulance.
"Come on, we will follow behind, I'll drive "said Tony and he grabbed the keys from my hand, I was literally shaking, gosh I hated these fights.
By the Tony and I parked and rushed inside the ambulance had already reached and Reed had been taken up into the emergency room, CJ and the fight trainer were pacing back and forth in the waiting area.
"Is he okay? What's going on?! " I asked as I grabbed CJ's hand ,I was on the verge of a breakdown, I was really worried and scared .
"They are checking him out and running tests... " he told me
"Oh my gosh, how did he look?? Did he wake up in the ambulance? " I asked and CJ grabbed me by my upper arms then forced me to sit down.
"Calm down Zoe, you know Reed is a fighter, he's gonna get through this and he'll be okay" he said to me "take deep breaths "he instructed and I did likewise. It took me a couple of minutes but I finally calmed down. Tony walked down to the vending machine and came back with a bottle of water.
"Here, it'll help calm you down " he said to me and I accepted it.
"Thanks.. "I said and opened the bottle then took a gulp just as a doctor approached and CJ met him halfway, I stood up but didn't walk over to them, I was too weak in the knees and was afraid I might trip and fall down. When CJ started rubbing the back of his neck I grabbed Tony's hand for support and walked over there.
"What's going on? " I asked him
"Reed is bleeding internally and they want to operate on him they need his parents to sign ,Reed is unconscious " CJ explained.
"Are you kidding me??!! His parents are not in the country!! Do something before he gets brain damaged !" I snapped at the doctor and buried my head on Tony's chest as I cried and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Look doc, this is an emergency and his parents are out of the country, he is an adult, can't you just do the surgery then he'll sign the consent form when he wakes up? " the trainer suggested, the doctor looked at us standing there then sighed.
"Fine, we'll do the surgery "he agreed and I felt relief wash over my body as I moved away from Tony .
"Is it dangerous? " I asked him
"Not really, it's just a minor bleed, he'll be as good as new "he assured me with a smile then walked away, I didn't know whether he was being truthful or just being nice.
"You better go home and get some rest, the surgery may take hours and you're not doing anything here.. I'll call you when he gets out of surgery " CJ said to me.
"But.. "I tried to argue but he cut me off
"No buts, Tony please take her home " he said firmly and I knew he wouldn't let me stay and he was right, as much as I wanted to be there for Reed there was nothing I could do and he would be in surgery for hours.
"Come on Zoe, you need to rest " said Tony and he took my hand then started leading me away
"Call me the moment he gets out of surgery " I told CJ
"I will, I promise.. "He told me and kissed my forehead "get some rest. ".
That night had been really long, by the time Tony and I got home it was almost midnight.
"Do you need anything? " Tony asked me as I slumped down on the couch.
"How long do you think the surgery will take? " I asked as I looked at the phone, Tony came closer and grabbed my phone from my hand.
"CJ will call you, you need to rest... Get some sleep " he said to me
"How can I sleep when I know his life is in danger?? He could die! " I said and became emotional.
"You really care a lot about him "
"I have known him since I was a teenager, he's like a brother to me... " I said and Tony hugged me.
"He's gonna be okay, the doctors said it's something minor.. "He said and kissed the top of my head.
"I really hope so.. " I said softly.
"Let me make you some tea.. "He said and got up then walked to the kitchen, he made me Ginger and honey tea and put on a comedy to distract me from checking my phone every five minutes. Tony stayed with me on the sofa until I drifted off into sleep, when I woke up it was around 05:00hrs and the first thing I did was grab my phone only to find the phone has blacked out. I quickly put it on charge and when it had enough power I switched it on and found a voicemail from CJ.
"Hey, am guessing you have blacked out because of exhaustion...anyway, Reed is out of surgery and he's stable, he'll wake up in any hour or two " I heard the voicemail, that was left about an hour ago. Quickly I rushed upstairs and took a quick shower, changed and rushed down, Tony was still asleep on the couch. I left him a note then grabbed the car keys and drove to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital I called CJ and he told me the room, I passed straight by the reception and went up to the room, when I opened the door and found him laying there with a smile on his face, CJ by his side.
"Hey you.. "His smile became wider and I went closer then hugged him.
"Am so glad you're okay, I was really worried " I said emotionally and he rubbed my back.
"Am okay Zoe... It was nothing, fighters get injured all the time " he said as I stood up straight again.
"Don't say that, if you didn't have that bandage on your head I would slap you, this was serious " I told him off, I was now upset with him, why would he choose such a career??.
"Oh come on, the doctor said I will be back in the ring in six months time " he said and I groaned
"Oh my gosh you're impossible! " I said and threw my hands in the air, CJ and Reed laughed.
"You're so cute when you are mad " said Reed as CJ stood up.
"I have been here since last night, I need a shower and proper food, he's all yours " said CJ and he walked out. I sighed and sat where CJ had been sitting.
"But seriously Reed, this is very risk " I said to him and he took my hand and started rubbing my knuckles.
"I know Zoe, I knew the risks when I went down this road and I always try to be careful and fight smart...in everything you do there are risks.. Look at your dad, the fear of death didn't stop him from racing, and that's more dangerous than fighting... Don't worry too much, am okay " he spoke to me and I calmed down a little, he was right, my father did love racing..
"Am really glad you are okay, but know that this is the last time am ever watching you fight " I told him and he chuckled.
"I am not surprised, I kinda saw that coming.. "He said and brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it "I promise to not make you watch my fights but only if you go out with me on one date " he said and I chuckled.
"Unbelievable, I guess I should have seen it coming.. "
"Just one date, that's all am asking for and in exchange, you never have to watch me get beaten up to a pulp " he said with a grin.
"Fine.. One date, but don't expect anything Reed, it won't lead anywhere " I cautioned him
"I know ..but I still want the one date " he said
"Okay, when? " I asked him.
"A day after I get discharged.. " he said to me and we agreed.
When I went back home I found Tony playing a game .
"Hey.. "I slumped down on the couch with him"Reed is okay, he may be discharged tomorrow " I told him
"Glad to hear that, you seem happy and relieved " he pointed out.
"I am, he really scared me..".
"Are you in love with him? " Tony asked me from nowhere and I was caught off guard.
"What? Reed?? Of course not.. I just love him like a brother and a great friend " I said defensively.
"I saw the horror in your eyes when you thought you were gonna lose him, I couldn't help feeling a little jealous " Tony confessed and paused the game then looked at me.
"You have nothing to be jealous of, Reed and I are never gonna be together like that " I said to him
"Why not?? What's the real reason you don't wanna be with him? " Tony questioned me and I had no answer for him, cause there was none, there was no reason we couldn't be together, but there was also no reason for us to be together.
"I am not sexually attracted to him " I told Tony and a smile slowly came on his face.
Tony had just asked me why i couldn't date Reed and i had told him it was because there was no sexual chemistry between us, whether that was true or not i was yet to find out.
"How about me? Why can't you give me a chance? " Tony asked me and I sighed then leaned back.
"Look Tony, you're really amazing but you're too young for me...that's a deal breaker " I told him the truth and he moved closer to me then put his hand on my thigh as he looked at me.
"I may be young but I know what am doing and I am mature for my age.. Come on Zoe, you know I can make me happy...age doesn't have to hinder anything, give me a chance and I'll prove to you that you won't even notice am younger.. Besides, it's just three days " he argued and I closed my eyes.
"I can't Tony, even if I were open to giving this a chance I have already told Reed that I'll go out with him " I told him, maybe that could stop him.
"You.. But you just said... " Tony was confused
"I know, but he was on that hospital bed and I couldn't say no, I don't know if it'll turn into something or not.. " I said to him
"But it's just one date right?? To get him off your back? " he asked me.
"Yes.. " I agreed and he leaned in then kissed my ear
"Then it doesn't matter, I don't care.. "His hand was trailing up my thigh and it felt pretty good
"Tony I don't want you to get hurt.. " I tried to caution him
"Am not a kid, I know what am doing and I can take care of myself...stop treating me like a fragile little boy " he said and started kissing my neck, his hand going further up my thighs between my legs. I was wearing a skirt and a top. Yes he may have been younger than me but he was old enough to make decisions on his own, I had told him that I couldn't date him but that didn't mean I didn't wanna have sex with him, he was amazing.
As his hand reached my mound he started rubbing his hand up and down against my underwear.
I took Tony's head in my hands and looked straight at him.
"No promises, no expectations " I said and he nodded "I wanna hear it " I insisted
"No promises, no expectations " he spoke and I smiled
"Good.. "I said and kissed him hungrily as my hands started fumbling with his jeans to pull it down, Tony laid me down on my back on the couch and took off his shirt as I pulled off my skirt too and he came between my legs then pulled down my underwear, we had sex right there on the couch and it was better than the first time we had slept together ,when we were done I got up and went to take a shower, upon coming out I found Tony cooking.
"Hey, what's that sweet aroma? " I asked and he looked at me from head to toe, I was wearing a vest and a denim bum short.
"You look cute "he said with a grin
"Forget it, we're not having sex again.. I just showered and am starving " I said to him and he chuckled then pulled me closer by my waist .
"If I feed you can we have sex then? " he asked as he fed me some stew using a wooden spoon
"No we cannot.. We're done for the day " I said and moved away from him.
"For the day huh?? I guess I can wait until tomorrow " he said with a smirk and I couldn't help laughing as I sat on the bar stool and he served me.
"Wanna do something fun tomorrow? " Tony asked me as we ate.
"You usually work late.. " I reminded him.
"Not this week.. No more overtimes, we could see a movie or something.. " he suggested
"We'll see.. Maybe.. " I simply said, like I told him before, no promises.
The following day we ended up just having sex.
On Wednesday it was finally the day for my date with Reed.
"Wear something comfortable, it's not a fancy restaurant we're going to " he had told me and I decided to wear jeans.
"You look nice.. " Tony said to me as I was leaving..
"Thanks.. " this was awkward but it wasn't my fault, I had been open with him and he still wanted to have sex.
"Will you be coming back tonight? " he asked me.
"Come on Tony "I put my hand round his shoulders and kissed him "am not gonna sleep with Reed on our first date...I'll be home in a couple of hours " I assured him and he nodded
"Alright, don't have too much fun "he said as I walked out the door, Reed was waiting for me downstairs. I had slept with Tony after our first outing on the second day but the circumstances were different, it didn't mean I would sleep with Reed too.
I walked out of the elevator and found Reed sited on the lounge chair in the lobby ,he stood up when he saw me.
"Hey.. "He smiled and hugged me then kissed my cheek.
"Hey.. How are you doing? " I asked him.
"Am great...you ready for our date? " he asked with a grin as he opened the door for me and we walked out of the building.
"Yes I am, where are we going? " I asked him
"It's a surprise, keep an open mind.. "He told me as he opened the car door for me and I entered.
Reed took me to an escape room, that is where you're put inside a locked room then given a duration to solve puzzles which would lead to finding the key to unlock the door. At first I thought it would be boring and dull but solving the puzzles and riddles turned out to be really fun and I had a great time. We broke the record and found the key in fifteen minutes, they even took a picture of us and stuck it on the wall as the fastest record.
"Aww,you guys look really cute "said the girl who had taken the picture
"Thank you "said Reed and he put his hand around my shoulders.
After leaving that place we drove to a takeaway restaurant and bought pizza then he took me to a cliff overlooking the city, the lights looked really beautiful. He opened up the roof of his convertible so that we could not only have a clear view of the city but also enjoy the stars and the moonlight as we ate pizza.
Reed and I sat in that car for hours just talking and yet it felt like just a few minutes.
When we were finally heading back he asked me.
"Did you have a good time? ".
"Of course I did, am glad we didn't go to a fancy restaurant.. "I said to him and I meant it.
"Does that mean there's hope for a second date? " he asked me and I took a moment to think before responding.
"Reed, you know I care about you and so I won't lie to you, tonight was amazing, probably the most meaningful date I have ever been on and I would have loved to go out with you again but I have this complicated undefined thing going on with Tony and I wouldn't want you to get tangled up into it " I said to him.
"Tony huh.. I see.. Are you in love with him?? ".Reed asked.
"Of course not Reed, he's three years younger than me and I know it's not a big deal for some people but for me it is, he's trying to prove to me that it could work and it's not a big deal.. I mean the attraction is there but other than that I don't know what's going on " I opened up to him, I wanted him to have a full picture of what was going on, maybe it would help him make a decision.
"I see.. But, there is no commitment, no promises right? " he inquired
"No commitment, no promises.. "
"Then there's nothing stopping you from going out with me again.. It's not like I am demanding that we become exclusive right away.. We'll just go on a few dates and see where it goes, no pressure.. If it doesn't work we'll always be friends " he said with a smile and took my hand in his then gently squeezed it.
When he parked in front of the building I told him he didn't have to walk me inside.
"Good night.. Thanks for finally agreeing to go out with me " he said to me and leaned closer, I knew we were gonna kiss goodnight and I hoped it wouldn't be too weird and awkward ,Reed leaned in and cupped my cheek then kissed me softly, there was no tongue involved but it was a nice kiss, better than I thought it would be.
"Goodnight "I said with a smile and got out of the car then walked inside, I could feel him watching me until I went past the doors.
As I stood in the elevator I started thinking about Tony, how would I tell him that I had agreed to go on a second date with Reed?? How would he take it??
Imagine this, you really love caramel cake and not only are you starving but you're also craving for it big time and then they put it on the table before you, you wanna have it but they stop you and say you can either have half of the cake or no cake at all, what would you do???.
That was how I was feeling about Zoe, clearly she was attracted to me and the sex was amazing but my age was a deal breaker, which I didn't understand because she has an amazing body and she looks younger than me, no one would even be able to tell that I was older. When she was out on her date with Reed I just kept on looking at the time and wondering what they were doing, I had seen how much she cared about him and the man was good looking, but I also comforted myself with the fact that she was very much attracted to me and wanted to have sex with me. I couldn't even sleep as I just sat on the couch watching tv until she returned, thank God, I thought she would spend the night out.
"Hey, what are you doing up this late? " she asked as she took off her heels and threw the purse on the couch.
"I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch some tv, how was your date? " I asked her.
"It was okay.. "She said and sat on the armrest.
"Just okay?? Tell me the truth, I can handle it " I insisted and she sighed then ran her hand through her hair.
"Fine, it was better than I thought it would be and he has asked for a second date " she told me, I liked the fact that she wasn't hiding anything from me so I wouldn't be blindsided.
"Ohh, I see.. And am guessing you said yes ".
"Am sorry Tony, I really enjoy what we have been doing and I know the sexual chemistry won't be the same with Reed but I owe it to myself to at least give it a chance, he is older than me and a relationship might actually work " she said to me and I moved closer, I couldn't believe what I way hearing, did this girl know what she was doing to me?? She was right within reach and yet I couldn't have her because of my age?? Wasn't love supposed to conquer all those things?? Would she really settle for her second best choice just because he was older??.
"Zoe don't do this.. You know you'd be happier and more satisfied with me than him, why don't you just keep an open mind?? Stop thinking about the age " I said to her but she shook her head no.
"If am insecure about the age difference then this is doomed to fail, am sorry "she said and stood up then grabbed her purse and shoes "goodnight "she told me and walked up the stairs.
The days which followed were hectic for me and I ended up working late just to avoid Zoe because it hurt to know that she was right there and yet I, couldn't have her. I tried flirting with some girls online but it just wasn't the same, it only made me miss Zoe's touch even more.
A week after that night she went out with Reed again, I thought she might not come back but a few minutes passed midnight she walked through the door, I was just switching off the tv so that I could go to bed.
"Hey you're still up "she said with a smile and my heart ached.
"Yeah, am just heading to bed " I said to her, she was wearing black heels and a short red dress. "How was your night? " I asked
"It was good, but you were right, it wasn't the same.. "She walked towards me then put her arm around my neck "why couldn't you be older Tony?? The sex is so wild and passionate with you...." She said, at first I thought she was drunk but when I studied her I noticed that she wasn't.
"Did you sleep with Reed? " I had to ask, I knew the answer would probably kill me emotionally but I had to know.
"No, not yet.. I couldn't...the sexual spark just isn't there.. I mean the date was great and the conversation incredible, he's a good kisser but you're.. "
"Incredible.. "I finished with a smile "I know, you always tell me that " I was really happy to hear that she was still thinking about me like that.
"I am sorry, I shouldn't be dragging you into this, I'll see you tomorrow.. Goodnight "she said and kissed my cheek then walked away. My eyes stayed on her ass as she walked up the stairs and disappeared to her room.
I locked the door then also went up to my room, changed into my pajamas and got under the covers but I couldn't sleep. I just kept on tossing and turning until about an hour later when I decided to take the risk, if I couldn't have the entire cake I would settle for half, it was better than nothing. I slowly opened the door to Zoe's room, walked in and quietly crawled onto the bed. She was only covering a bedsheet and had kicked off the thick duvet cover. Carefully I pulled down the bedsheet and got a view of her fine ass, she was sleeping in a full pant and T-shirt, slowly I started tracing my finger up her thigh until I reached her ass, that's when she moaned and turned her head then opened her eyes.
"Tony? What's going on? " she asked me
"No questions, no promises, no commitments.. Just amazing sex " I said to her as I was rubbing her ass I could already feel my dick hardening .
"That sounds amazing but what about Reed? " Zoe asked me.
"No one has to know, what he doesn't know won't bring any trouble " I said and leaned in then kissed her lips before she could respond. Zoe started kissing me back as she lay flat on her back and put her legs around my waist. We were kissing each other hungrily as I pulled down her pant and she took off my shirt then started caressing my chest as I moved from her mouth to her neck, my hand fondling her breast.
The more she moaned and wriggled under me the more horny I became and I started rubbing up against her pussy, the harder my dick became the faster I fondled her breast. Zoe pulled down my pajama bottom to my knees then brought out my cock and started rubbing the head with one hand, the other opened a drawer by her side table and brought out a condom which she put on me then put the cock inside her wet slippery pussy as she exclaimed in pleasure and arched her back, throwing her head backwards. I held her waist and started thrusting in and out until her moans and screaming started sounding like she was crying. .
A vibrating phone was what made me open my eyes. It was now Sunday morning and I was still in Zoe's bed, the previous night had been amazing. I reached for her phone and it was Reed calling, I frowned but still shook Zoe awake.
"Hey, your phone is ringing " I told her and she opened her eyes then got the phone.
"Hey, good morning.. Am up, no no.. You don't have to come up here, I'll meet you in less than an hour.. "She was speaking while laying on her side and I started kissing her back until she hang up. "Hey, stop that, I have to take a quick shower and meet Reed for brunch "she said to me as she sat upright. I groaned and laid down on my back. "Stop pouting, I'll be home before you know it and we're gonna have fun "she said with a naughty smile and kissed my lips. In that moment, I was content with being the other guy and having just a piece of the cake, it was better than having nothing at all.
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The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...

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