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BOND BY love episode 17 - 22
.*•Bound by love*
“Goodevening,” Gold greeted and glanced surprisingly at Ken who had walked up and knelt infront of Queen who sat on the bed still frowning.
“Good to see you look happy today and smiling too,” Nath smiled trying very hard to resist the urge of pulling her to himself and hugging her tight.
“Yea, thanks for caring,” She smiled again… “”I’m deeply sorry, I know I hurt you but please find a place in your heart to forgive me,”” She heard Ken say so she turned and stared at him again but Queen ignored him and kept looking down.
“C’mon I’m still here,” Nath said and touched her gently making her startle.
“Oh!, Sorry please,” She apologised. “Let me get you a seat,” She said and made to leave but Nath quickly held her right hand and she stopped.
“Don’t bother please, let’s go somewhere so we can talk privately,” Nath pleaded.
“But…” she started to say but Nath placed a hand on lip.
“Don’t say no,” he pleaded staring deep into her eyes.
“Alright, let me dress up.”
“No need for that, you look good in your nightie.”
Gold looked down at her nightie. It was a light, blue floral material with brought out her curves.
“Trust me it’s nice. “Let’s go,” he said again, placed a hand on her shoulder and lead her to the door.
On getting to the door, they both turned together and threw a quick glance at Ken and Queen. Nath chuckled a little as he saw Ken still kneeling with while Queen lay on the mattress with her face to the wall. Then he opened the door, they both went out and he closed the door behind him.
“Why did you chuckle?, don’t you feel pity for him?,” Gold asked.
Nath giggled, “You won’t understand,” he said and placed his hand across her shoulders again.
“Nath please, we’re in public,” Gold pleaded feeling very uncomfortable.
Nath held her more tightly and smiled to himself as they just passed Joy who had come out to sit on the varenda as usual.
“Nath!” Joy stood up and called out in shock but Nath pretended not to hear her as they walked and went down the stairs.
Inspite of her feeling uncomfortable, Gold smiled to herself quietly as she remembered the look on Joy’s face. “I might just accept Nath if he ask me out coz Joy has to pay for insulting and threatening me,” She thought as they walked along the path that led to the love garden…
Joy rushed into the room with her heart filled with rage.
“What’s wrong?” Gloria asked and carried her phone from the reading table. She was fully dressed to go out as she had planned on visiting Jeffrey.
“Nath just passed with Gold and ignored me when I called,” Joy said and sat down on the bed with a loud thud.
Gloria hissed and walked to the door, “Come lock door Jhare, small thing you just dey vex anyhow,” she said and walked out.
Joy eyed her, “I don’t blame you sha and as for you Gold, you will pay,” Joy said and stood up. Then she wore her cloths hurriedly and left the room in search of Gold and Nath…
“Please leave now,” Queen said calmly to Ken who was still on his knee.
“Please Queen, don’t do this to me,” Ken pleaded sounding as if he wanted to cry.
“Get out,” Queen shouted.
Suddenly the door opened and a girl called peace walked in.
“Queen!” Peace called. “Please, can I borrow Gold’s laptop? I want to check something on… ” She stopped and stared at Ken who tried hiding his face. “Baby!” She called in shock.
“Um! Um!…” Ken stammered.
“Baby?” Queen repeated and stood up…
Nath and Gold sat on a long bench in the garden beside each other.
“So!, tell me why you were crying,” Nath said looking concerned.
“It’s a long story dear and I dont wish to talk about it now but I will tell you at the right time,” Gold smiled and held his hands.
Nath smiled broadly as he heard the word “DEAR.”
“It’s alright, atleast I’m glad you’re happy now,” he squeezed her fingers playfully. “So tell me about yourself and family.”
“Um! Nothing much to know about me and my family. I’m the second child though, the only beautiful daughter of Mr. Daniels, I have a senior brother who look so cute,” Queen smiled gleefully as the different coloured light litted round the trees of flower in the garden adorned her face making it look like she painted her face with different colours.
“Wow!, same here, but I have a senior sister not brother,” Nath said and giggled at her sense of humour.
Just then, he sighted Jeffrey and Joy who walked furiously towards their direction.
“Look back,” Nath said to her.
“What!,” Gold exclaimed as she looked back and saw them, then turned back to face Nath who’s smile widened as he looked unperturbed…
*•Bound by love*
“Calm down, nothing will happen,” Nath said.
“Sure?” Gold asked.
“Trust me.”
“Okay, I believe you,” She smiled and braced up for the love challenge ahead.
“You little w---e,” Jeffrey shouted as he reached where they sat and stopped. His shout attracted other students who were also in the garden as some of them rushed to the scene so as to know who the SUG president referred to as a w---e in public.
“How dare…” Gold started to say and was about standing up but Nath held her left hand and gave her the look of “Let me handle this,” making her calm down.
“Guy!” Nath called and stoid up, “If I were you, I’d just pretend I never saw anything coz shouting here will only worsen the situation and make you look like you’ve lost your mind,” he said still smiling thus making Gold wonder if he was given birth to with smile.
“Nath stay out of this,” Jeffrey said to him and turned to face Gold again. “How dare you cheat on me?” he asked stupidly and pulled her up by her nightie.
Gold laugh out loud when he mentioned the word “Cheat”, then slapped his hand away from her nightie, “Cheat you say?, oh what a shame!” She shook her head and turned to Nath and held his hand. “Please let’s get out of here coz I think this guy has gone crazy,” She said.
“How dare you talk to me in that manner,” Jeffrey barked as some students tried calming him down while Joy just stood speechless wondering who gave Gold such boldness.
“Guy!, You are the SUG president of this University,” Nath said calmly. “So please respect yourself and don’t soil the reputation of this Great Citadel Of Learning by trying to fight with your friend over a girl. I heard she told you it’s over, So please respect that decision and let her be, you’ve hurt her enough,” Nath concluded, placed his hand across Gold’s shoulder and walked away.
“It’s not over Nath, It’s not yet over, no one can deal me with a blow and go scott free,” Jeffrey screamed like a mad man not minding the students who were watching him. Then he turned and left in great fury with Joy following him.
“The SUG president I know never used to behave this way or is this how he will lead us this new session?” A student said looking worried as they started to disperse.
“I wonder o, It might be that he’s beginning to show us his true character coz I can’t believe this is the cool and calm guy we voted for just last year,” Another student concurred…
“Thank you,” Gold appreciated as they headed to the Female’s hostel. “I love the way you handled the situation.”
Nath smiled again, “My pleasure, I like helping those I love when they are faced with any sort of challenge.”
“Love!” Gold thought quietly. She wanted to ask if he loved her but thought against it. “Why do you smile all the time,” She asked instead.
“Coz I look more handsome when I smile,” He replied and smiled again.
“That’s true coz I noticed it makes you look more charming and cute,” Gold smiled too in a way that showed her dimples.
“Wow! Thanks, So why do you like smiling too? coz ever since I entered your room today, you’ve been smiling,” He asked.
“Coz you love smiling and I smile when I see you do so,” she answered smartly and they laughed…
FEMALE’S HOSTEL(Gold and Queen’s room)
“What are you doing here?” Peace asked with her hands akimbo.
“What do you think I’m doing?” Ken asked still kneeling.
“So barely a week of resumption, you’re already cheating on me?” She asked further.
“Hey Peace, watch your mouth, if you came to borrow laptop, then take it and leave. Don’t annoy me the more,” Queen said.
“Watch which mouth? I came in here and saw my boyfriend kneeling infront of you and you’re asking me to shut my mouth, Is that how you go about Sleeping with people’s boyfriend?” Peace asked in annoyance.
“Do I look like a sex maniac to you, tell me do I?” Queen asked. “Bia, if you don’t need my trouble tonight, carry laptop from that bed and leave this room now,” She ordered.
“I’m going nowhere, you s--t, boyfriend snatcher,” Peace barked furiously.
“Kai!, this girl is mad,” Queen exclaimed still trying to keep calm. Then she turned to Ken and said, “Hope you’re happy now, oya get out, both of you before I close my eyes and open.”
“Queen please, forgive me,” Ken pleaded again.
“Out!” Queen shouted, then the door opened and Nath & Gold walked in holding hands.
“What’s going on here?” Nath asked looking from Queen to Ken and then peace…
.*•Bound by love*
FEMALE’S HOSTEL(Gold and Queen’s room)
“Ask this stupid love peddler,” Peace shouted, pointing at Queen.
“Babe!” Gold called looking at Queen but Queen gave her the look of “Keep calm,” so she kept quiet.
“Hey! Calm down,” Nath said to Peace and turned to Ken who was still kneeling, looking less concerned. “Guy, which levels na?” he asked.
“Queen please, forgive me,” Ken pleaded again and held Queen’s leg ignoring Nath.
“Ken, what’s the meaning of this?, What do you take me
for? A fool or what?” Peace asked looking more furious.
“A fool,” Ken retorted and kept pleading. Both Queen and Gold looked amused as they looked at each other wondering if Ken was okay.
Nath felt annoyed as he walked up to Ken and slapped him hard on the back of head making Ken frown. “Guy! You know I so much dislike calling girls nasty names,” he said and pulled him up forcefully, “Now lets go,” he said and dragged him out of the room, glancing at Gold.
“Bia, Peace, get out, follow your boyfriend,” Queen fired after they were gone.
“I will but let today be the first and last time I ever see you anywhere close to Ken again coz if I do, I will skin you alive,” Peace warned in annoyance and walked out…
“Nawa o,” Gold sighed and moved to sit on the bed. “Babe what happened?” she asked.
“That fool,” Queen cursed. “She came to borrow laptop o and unfortunately for her, she met Ken kneeling infront of me, then she became angry and started shouting that I sleep around with people’s boyfriend,” Queen explained and chuckled.
“I knew it!” Gold exclaimed. “But why chuckle?”
“Ken’s reply o, “”A fool””, Queen laughed.
“Yes o, I love that reply,” Gold laughed too. “Joy and Jeffrey came after Nath and I.”
“Really, interesting,” Queen said, then walked and sat beside her on the mattress. “Tell me more,” She requested as her eyes pricked with interest and curiousity.
Gold then explained that transpired between them at the Love Garden.
“I’ve known Joy and Jeffrey for three years now but never knew they could be so foolish,” Queen said and scratched her head.
“Not just foolish but very stupid too,” Gold added.
“But we have to be careful o coz from the look of things this semester will be tough, very tough,” Queen turned to look at her.
“Yes we have,” Gold smiled as she remembered the “SMILE” conversation between her and Nath.
“Why are you now smiling?” Queen asked.
” So! Will you now forgive Ken,” Gold asked instead ignoring her question.
Queen immediately frowned and stood up. “No never!” She spat.
“Never say never,” Gold smiled again…
MALE’S HOSTEL(Nath and Ken’s room)
“Guy! What was that for?” Nath asked angrily immediately they were inside the room.
“What?” Ken asked pretending not to know.
“Why did you call Peace a fool?” he asked.
“So! Is that why you had to slap my head?” Ken answered with a question.
“What else would I have done, I thought you were crazy na coz Peace is your girfriend?” Nath said and smiled a bit.
“You would have done something better,” Ken hissed and stood up, then started to undress.
Nath sighed, “Oya sorry na, no vex,” he pleaded and walked up to him.
“No, I’m angry,” Ken hissed again and dropped his polo on the bed.
“Okay, What should I do to appease you?”
Ken smiled, then moved and sat on the bed again. “Help me plead with Queen on my behalf cos I think I’m inlove with her.”
“Love?” Nath asked, surprised.
“Yes!” Ken replied. “Is it a crime?”
“No, but erm, what of Peace and what’s that girl’s name o,” Nath scratched his head trying to remember.
“Loveth!” Ken helped him out.
“Yes! Loveth,” Nath said thankfully. “What about them and Jane too?”
“They are now past tense,” Ken said still smiling.
“What, that’s bad, you can’t just ditch them like that na,” Nath complained.
“I’m now inlove so you’re gonna help me sort them out.”
“Serious?” Nath smiled.
“Then you must be joking coz you must finish what you started,” Nath stood up.
“Why?” Ken was surprised. “So you won’t help me?”
“I never said so but you have to break off with them the same way you asked them to be your girlfriend,” he said and started to undress.
“They were not my girlfriends,” Ken frowned.
“Really? So what were they?” Nath asked staring at him.
“Sex friends, I payed them and they satisfied me.”
Nath hissed loudly. “You are simply insane,” he eyed him and went to the provision locker to get food.
“I love that,” Ken giggled and joined him beside the locker…
*•Bound by love*
FEMALE’S HOSTEL(Gloria and Joy’s room)
Gloria walked into the room looking so annoyed. She threw her bag on the bed and sat down with her face puffed and swollen, looking as if the anger in her heart would make face burst.
“Ah Gloria, why is your face like this?” Joy asked as she walked up to her with a big loaf of bread and a plate of fried juice.
“You Idiot,” Gloria shrieked and turned to her, how dare you go with my boyfriend to fight for your stupid love?”
“Ehe hei!,” Joy exclaimed. “So it has gotten to the extent you now call me names?” She asked as she dropped the plate of egg and bread.
“Yes!” Gloria stood up. “You miserable b---h, fool,” Gloria cursed, pointing accusing fingers at her.
“Hei! Gloria, God in heaven knows that if you dare open that dirty gutters of yours to insult me again ehn, if you try am again, I’ll make sure I design that ugly face of yours,” Joy shouted loudly thus attracting the attention of Gold and Queen who’s room was next to theirs.
“What’s wrong? Why the exchange of unpleasant words?” Gold asked but was ignored as they continued shouting.
“You are the ugly one, love peddler, prostitute,” Gloria clapped her hands and shouted.
“You disgusting b---h that paid someone to pretend to be Jeffrey’s girlfriend so that Gold would break off with him and you take over, you thought I didn’t know?” Joy fumed.
Gold and Queen turned to Gloria at the same time and said “Ah! Gloria, so you did that?, thank you!,” then bursted into laughter thus surprising Joy.
“So you’re happy about that?” Joy asked foolishly.
“Yes o!” Queen said shaking her waist.
“And as a matter of fact, I’m now inlove with Nath so you’re just fighting for someone you’ve already lost,” Gold concluded and clapped her right hand together with Queen.
Gloria laughed out loud despite of her anger. “You see, you’re so foolish and I think you deserve an honorary award for your stupidity,” she said and eyed her.
“Yes, a big award at that,” Queen said.
Joy looked defeated and heartbrokened. “Why?” She asked turning to Gloria. “I thought you were my friend, I thought you said I could trust you,” she said with misted eyes.
“This is just the beginning dear friend,” Gloria smiled as she was no more angry. “You will pay more for betraying me.”
“And also for threatening me,” Gold added making Joy turn to look at her.
“G baby, goodnight jhare, continue with ya quarrel” Queen said as she hugged Gloria briefly, eyed Joy and left the room with Gold following her.
“I’m sorry,” Joy muttered to Gloria after they had left, forming crocodile tears and hoping it looked real.
Gloria was taken aback, “What did you say?” she asked.
“I said I’m sorry, please forgive me for betraying you,” Joy pleaded and knelt down.
Gloria was touched and quickly sobbered up. Then she moved close to Joy, pulled her up and hugged her. “I forgive you, even though it’s hard,” she smiled too.
“You will pay with your blood for the pains you’ve caused me,” Joy thought wordlessly, then smiled in pretence and said, “Thank you so much, you’re the best.”
Gloria released her, “Let’s eat, the egg is getting cold.”
“Yes sure,” Joy smiled wickedly and eyed her but quickly covered up with a fake grin…
“Babe! That was a good show, that Joy is such an idiot,” Queen applauded.
“Sure she is, trust me na,” Gold laughed.
“But it isn’t fair sha coz we actually went to settle whatsoever issues they had amicably but we ended up getting information that made us mock her inturn,” Queen said with little concern.
“Shuu, we did that na so Joy could shut up, she deserves the worst and even more,” Gold ranted.
“Yes she does but…” Gloria said and started smiling.
“But what?” Gold asked wondering why the sudden smile and why she was staring.
“Gold Gold!” she teased.
“Yes! What na?”
Queen cleared her throat. “Do you love Nath?” she asked causing Gold to smile broadly.
“I think I do, I’m beginning to like him small small,” Gold replied.
“Wow!” Good! Good! Good!,” Queen exclaimed. “So what’s next now?”
“As in, how?” Gold inquired.
“Nothing oo, don’t worry, lets go have a shower, lover girl.”
“I’m suspecting you o,” Gold chuckled.
“No probs, keep on suspecting,” Queen giggled and started to undress…
An hour later, they’d bath and eaten and they now lay on their mattress gisting and laughing. Little did they know that the sabre-tooth tiger lurked around the corner awaiting to struck…
*•Bound by love*
Time checked- 7:05am
The monday morning looked bright as the students of Heartland University were seen very busy. The registeration period was over and lectures were about to commence. The students especially the new intakes were the busiest as they tried asking directions to different lecture halls and other places.
Different cars and taxi’s were seen driving in and out of the parking space. Hawkers defied the university’s gate, edging closer and closer to the cars and taxi’s to offer peeled oranges, bananas and groundnuts for sale…
Gold and Queen were seen gisting and laughing as they headed to the cafeteria to eat. They were both in 300level and studied “English and literary studies.” According to their timetable, their lectures begins from 9:00am to 6:00pm, so they’d decided to eat first before any other inorder to prepare for the hectic day ahead.
They both wore pink cotton top and blue jean trouser, with a flat black open toe shoes and carried black designers handbag. They were often addressed as “QueenGold, the wonderful twin” by their coursemates though they weren’t twin.
“How does it feel like to be in 300level?” Queen asked as they walked along the main path with their right hands locked together and their handbag in the left.
“Great!” Gold replied smiling. “And you?” she asked.
“Awesome! Honestly 300level no be beans na,” Queen smiled too.
“Yes o but…” Gold started to say but stopped as she sighted Jeffrey coming towarda their direction.
“Girl, keep calm and brace up,” Queen cautioned.
Jeffrey walked up to them and stopped them from moving any further.
“Goodmorning,” they greeted in unison trying to sound polite.
“Morning,” Jeffrey smiled with his hands in his pockets.
“What again?” Queen asked.
“Well I came to tell Gold to have a rethink on her decision,” he said boldly.
“Never!” Gold retorted.
“Why?” he asked
“She’s over with you, so back off,” Queen added angrily.
“Fine then, prepare for war,” he grinned wickedly and walked away.
“Girl, that guy is mad,” Gold laughed as they resumed walking.
“Not just mad but very stupid too,” Queen giggled.
“We are prepared for him,” Gold said.
“Yes we are, fully prepared,” Queen concurred…
FEMALE’S HOSTEL(Gloria and Joy’s room)
Joy was seen busy trying to get one or two things done before she left for lectures. She wore a blue shirt and black trouser which made her look corporate as she stood infront of the provision locker preparing Golden morn. While Gloria sat on the mattress looking very tired and weak with her towel tied round her body.
Joy then turned, walked and sat on the mattress with two plates. One contained the cereal she prepared and one contained biscuits.
“Let’s eat,” she said and handed Gloria a spoon but the cereal only made Gloria feel nauseate as she stood up and ran out to the toilet to throw up making Joy wonder what could be wrong with her as she stared at the open door.
Minutes later, Gloria walked back into the room looking drawn and wiping her mouth as she walked and sat back on the mattress.
“What’s wrong with you?” Joy asked as she dropped the spoon and looked at her.
“I don’t know o, I’ve been vomiting since yesterday,” Gloria replied.
Joy sighed and touched Gloria’s face and b----t, then screamed out loud in shock and shifted back.
“Why screaming?” Gloria asked looking surprised.
“When last did you use protection when you had sex?” Joy asked.
“Last year but why asking?” Gloria inquired.
“So you mean you never used protection with Jeffrey this semester anytime you guys had sex?” Joy asked again.
“Kai! Gloria, you are pregnant.”
“How?, that can’t be possible coz lectures just commenced,” Gloria said looking visibly shaken.
“Commencement of lectures has nothing to do with your being pregnant, I can’t believe you stooped so low to have unprotected sex,” Joy frowned.
“No, please tell me it’s a lie,” Gloria held her hands and pleaded.
Joy shook her head negatively, “No, it’s not a lie coz you are pregnant. I know when a girl is pregnant.”
“Oh no, I’m dead,” Gloria cried in pain…
*•Bound by love*
FEMALE’S HOSTEL(Gloria and Joy’s room)
Joy felt a pang of guilt as she stared at Gloria who was crying helplessly. “You don’t deserve this but you forced me into it. You will have to deal with whatsoever that comes to you henceforth,” she thought wordlessly.
“What do I do now, how could I be so stupid,” Gloria said bitterly. “But Jeffrey never released into me, I doubt if I’m really pregnant.”
“Why are you being so paranoid?” Joy asked and moved closer to her.
“Because I doubt if I’m really pregnant, I need to get tested,” Gloria sniffed with her head her placed in her palms.
“C’mon, there be no need for that,” Joy said trying to talk her out of the idea.
“Why?” She asked and raised her head to look at her.
“Because I have a solution.”
Gloria’s eyes lit up with hope, “What solution?” she asked.
“Abortion pill, that’s the solution,,” Joy smiled.
“Really!” Gloria exclaimed in surprise and wiped her tears.
“Yes!” Joy stood up. “Just wait,” She grinned and walked to the provision locker where she took out the drugs and a glass. Then she took a bottle water from ontop the provision locker and walked back to Gloria.
“Gloria looked astounded, “But where did you get that?, have you used it before?” She asked wondering what she was up to.
“Yes! I did and it worked very well,” Joy smiled and sat beside her.
Gloria was still not satisfied. She felt Joy had something up her sleeves, so she decided not to take the pill. “No, thanks I don’t think I need this.”
“Why?” Joy frowned.
“Because I’m not pregnant,” Gloria said almost shouting. “I only started vomiting last night after I had ate the soup you bought from the cafeteria.”
“Are you trying to say that I’m lying to you,” Joy asked angrily.
“I’m sorry,” Gloria apologised.
“Fine, I’m leaving for lectures since you don’t appreciate me,” Joy stood up and carried her bag in anger and made to leave.
“What of the food?” Gloria asked.
“Eat it,” She shouted and left deliberately leaving her phone behind…
Gloria stared after her in shock wondering why she was so angry. Then she looked at the drugs envelope which contained the pill and shook her negatively. “No, I can’t take this,” She said to herself, pushed it to the floor and lay on the mattress…
Seconds later, She felt vomit in her throat again, so she stood up and ran to the toilet to throw up.
After she was done, She came back into the room and decided against her wish to take the pill. Minutes later after she had swallowed the pill, she felt an excruciating pain in her stomach and started screaming for help as blood flowed in torrents from her private part. She kept screaming and screaming till she passed out…
30minutes later
Joy came running into the room in pretence and she saw Gloria bleeding on the floor, she smiled wickedly to herself and started shouting for help.
Soon the hostel warden came running to her.
“What happened?” The warden asked as he removed his phone and called the University’s clinic ambulance.
“I don’t know sir, I just came in to pick me phone which I forgot and met her in this condition,” Joy cried bitterly in pretence.
“It’s alright,” the man said to her.
Soon the ambulance arrived and Gloria was taken to the clinic…
The end of season one…
Do you think Gloria will survive this??
Will Joy be caught or get away??
What is Jeffrey’s plan towards Gold??
Will Nath and Gold ever be together??
Will Queen ever forgive Ken??
Will all the threats be carried out???
Find out in season two of bound by love…
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The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...

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