Ada was lying on her bed when Mum knocked on her door. She stood up, looking surprisingly at the door.
That was strange, nobody ever knocked on anybody’s in this house. Something was wrong, she was sure. She walked up to the door and opened it, not knowing what to expect. Mum was facing her; they stared at each other for some seconds and mum walked into the room looking around the room like she was seeing it for the first time.
Ada continued to stare at her even as Mum sat on her bed. Mum looked intensely at her from the bed, “Have you been crying? Your face looks swollen.”
“No Mum but…”
“It’s okay, you just have to brighten up… sit down, I will like to chat with you.” Mum quickly said.
Now this was definitely strange. How was Ada going to have a mother daughter chat with mum? That would be weird, she had never seen mum from that angle.
“For how long now have you noticed that you were pregnant?” Mum softly asked.
This melted Ada’s spirit. She looked up at Mum and surprisingly couldn’t hold the stare. She suddenly saw herself as a child.
“I have been late for three days and it has been bothering me.” She replied, her eyes pleaded for help.
Mum could see it.
Mum felt really bad all over again. She didn’t even know the dates that surround her daughter’s monthlies. What kind of mother was she?
But she was a bit hopeful that Ada might not be pregnant after all.
“What has been bothering for the past three days?” She asked.
“I don’t know Mum, I …”
“Don’t be afraid, I won’t scold you,” Mum encouraged her.
“I had unprotected sex with… my boyfriend the last time I wasn’t safe and it had gotten me scared all these while; I have been anticipating my period even before now.”
Mum continued to stare at her, but there was no trace of anger in her face.
“Ada, I must be honest, I have always suspected that you were sexually active and I am very sorry that I didn’t do anything about it. The problem now is that you are doing it without protecting yourself. Why are you taking such risk?” she gently asked.
“I… I don’t know Mum, I didn’t know what I was doing.”
“You are too young to make sex your priority; you obviously cannot handle it. As you can see it is capable of distracting you from your focus in life and by the time you know it, it is already too late as time waits for no one.”
Mums words were really affecting Ada. Painful tears started to flow from her eyes, “I am very sorry Mum, I didn’t know what got over me. I didn’t think anybody cared and got carried away by frustrations. I allowed myself to be deceived by Mike and…” her sobs couldn’t allow her finish.
“It’s okay now,” Mum said and held her onto her bosom, it felt good to have her baby back.
“I promise that you won’t feel neglected again, I will always be here for you. Don’t cry.” She allowed Ada to cry for some time,
“Now I want you to promise me that you will start acting accordingly, No more missing lectures for anything, you party with only my permission, I want to know who your boyfriend is, bring your friends home and make me a part of your life. Can you do that?”
“Yes Mum, I will try,” Ada answered, wondering how she could fulfill the promise.
“Don’t worry, we will work together to bring you to the right path, and I will also like to learn some new tricks you girls have nowadays, you know I am already old fashioned?”
This got Ada smiling, “You are not old fashioned Mum, you are still young and beautiful,” she said, surprised at how easy that came out from her mouth. This wasn’t going to be difficult afterall.
Mum sighed heavily, “Ok, I want you to have a rest, relax you mind and allow nothing to trouble you.” She stood up and headed for the door, she remembered that Ada’s mobile phone was still with her.
“have your phone” Mum said handing over the phone to her.
“Thanks Mum.I love you” Ada said.
“I love you too my dear. Your father and i will be preparing something in the kitchen. When the food is ready, i will call you” Mum said and left.
Ada was really surprised at this. Mum and Dad cooking. What a day.
Immediately, her phone rang. It was Mike.
“helo baby, dress up and come over, there is a party. remember to bring money o” Ada hissed.
“I am sorry Mike, i can’t make it” She replied without any fear of rejection.
John gently raised his head when Dad walked into his room. To Dad, he looked like he was tired of life.
He slowly sat up as Dad entered. He couldn’t understand why Dad was in his room. But Dad wasn’t looking angry and that helped calm him down a bit.
Dad sat beside him, a moment of silence lingered. Dad couldn’t help but stare at John’s childhood picture on mini drawer beside John’s bed. He picked it up, looked at it, smiled slightly and dropped it back.
“You know I attempted smoking when I was quite young.” Dad was gentle, John listened.
“I really didn’t want to do it, but then, my friends would think that I was too dull and wouldn’t want me to continue to be their friends again. But then my grades began to depreciate and luckily for me one of my teachers called me to order. I heard one of them became addicted to drugs and is presently in a psychiatric home now.”
John shifted uncomfortably on the bed.
“And if I hadn’t changed from bad ways, I wouldn’t have been able to have a wonderful family and even be able to carter for them.” He stopped and stared directly at John “Why did you do it son?”
John looked up into Dad’s face in confusion.
Then in a very soft tone, “Why did you make the choice to start smoking at a very young age?”
“I… I don’t know Dad. My friends were doing it and… , I wouldn’t be their friends if I didn’t join them.” John stammered.
“But didn’t you know it was wrong?”
“I… I knew it was wrong Dad but… I didn’t have anybody to talk to. I was afraid of losing my friends. I couldn’t talk to you or Mum and my teachers are always mean; I couldn’t possibly talk to them without getting my friends into trouble.”
Dad sighed “I am really sorry son for not being there for you. But always remember that there are times when you must make decisions on your own. the fact that you are just 14years old does not mean you should not be wise in making tough choices”
“I am sixteen Dad,” John injected, but with a smile. He was already overwhelmed with the way Dad was talking to him.
“sixteen? Wow!” Dad was really surprised.
“When did you get to sixteen? My little boy is almost a man,” he said, hitting John lightly on the head.
“We all have conscience son and we always know when we make the right choice. And if you are confused about making any choice, come and talk to me.”
“But you are always at work Dad.”
“I promise you that as from today I will always be there for you to talk to. Don’t worry about my work; I will work out something that will be fair to every one of us.”
“Thanks Dad,” John said, he was deeply glad.
Dad stood up and stared at him for some time, “You know I can’t believe how big you have grown.”
John smiled sheepishly.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
John looked sharply at Dad, “No”
Dad regarded him for a while, wondering what he was doing with a sachet of condom.
“Girls don’t like me and I am scared of talking to them” John found himself saying.
“That’s not true; you are a very handsome young man. You see, girls like intelligent and confident men. That’s why you must concentrate on your studies and build your self confidence. All these you can’t achieve by missing classes. Right now your only priorities are your studies. If your friends can’t accept this decision then you leave them. People will respect you more when you make the right choices always. Thank God you were even thinking of protection, but can you handle the consequences? No. it will only succeed in distracting you from your studies.” Dad preached.
“I am sorry Dad,”
“I want to trust to make the right decision and talk to me when you are confused. I want you to promise me that you will concentrate more on your studies,be a good boy and make better grades this term. Will you do that?”
“Yes Dad, I promise,”John said with a smile. Dad patted his back and left.
John felt happy for the first time in a very long time.
Mum was very busy in the kitchen that she didn’t notice Dad standing at the door, and carefully observing her.
“How did it go?” Dad asked.
Mum quickly looked behind her, “Oh, you startled me,” it was not every day that Dad comes around to meet her in the kitchen.
“Well, the response was fine and I am glad I talked to her, I don’t really think she is pregnant, she is just anxious that all.”
“Wow, that would be a great relieve. I had a long talk with John. Hopefully if we play our parts right as parents from now, we will witness a positive change in them soonest.” He slowly walked up to her and held her by her waist, “What are you preparing” he asked in a soft husky tone.
“Your favourite, do you want to join me?”
“Of course…” he looked at Mum deeply in the eyes “Do you remember when we used to cook together?”
“Yes, it was one of the memorable times of my life,” Mum replied as she chuckled and laughed out softly.
“Then the kids started coming. And we shifted focus from us to them.”
“We wanted to give them the best in life but we had to go through a lot of pressure to keep up our desire.” Mum added.
“As a result of this pressure we lost communications not only between the two of us but even between the kids.” Dad put in again.
“It’s about time we have a real family, you know,”
“Yes and thank you very much for coming back to us, I have missed you,” Mum whispered as they both shared a warm make up kiss.
I was sitting in my room, still wondering what I was going to do about the key in my possession. I was really scared and needed someone to talk to. The only person I could think of was sister Ada.
I was sure they would get angry with me and blame me for causing them get into trouble with Dad, but I’d rather prefer making them angry than having dad mad at me, not even today. Beside if I could tell them, then automatically I wouldn’t be alone in this crime, we would all be in it together. With the bunch in my hand, I hurried into Ada’s room.
Wow, she looked different. There was just nothing to fear in those eyes. In fact from this new look of hers; I instantly knew I could confide in her. She just stared at me, expecting me to say something.
“The key is with me” I cried.
Her eyes opened up wider in shock.
“You have been with the key all these while?” she asked, obviously trying to understand what I was up to.
“I didn’t know I was with it, I must have ‘sleep walked’ it into my bag last night before going to bed.”
John must have heard me from his room, because he rushed out of the room to make further enquiries.
“Did I hear you say you have the keys with you?” he asked as soon as he approached me from behind.
“Yes, I mistakenly put it in my bag while parking my books last night before going to bed.”
“But why didn’t you bring it out all day,” Ada asked.
“I found out when it was already too late and I was scared of letting anyone know.” Tears filled my eyes.
But surprisingly they were staring at me thoughtfully, no mean face and no rude words.
“What do we do now?” John asked Ada.
‘We?’ I wasn’t sure I heard him right.
“Give it to me, Mum and Dad are in the kitchen right now and once they are through they will call us to eat. I will open up that I am with the key.” She looked at me and drew me closer, “Stop crying, Dad is not going to be mad at you.”
I later went back to my room to lie down; feeling like a heavy burden had been taken away from me. I couldn’t believe Ada was going to take the blame on my behalf. I resolved that I wasn’t going to allow her to do it.
It was time for lunch. The whole house was famished, and even though Mum had asked Ada to wait unto her call before coming to eat, Ada had decided to come down and help. Dad was obviously not being very useful in the kitchen; he was just distracting mum. Both were trying all afternoon to reason out what happened to the key. It was really surprising to them.
In no time John and I joined them. The kitchen became.filled up. Everybody wanted to feel the new vibe in the house. It was just warm.
I was no longer afraid of telling Dad and Mum that I was with the key. There was something in their faces that calmed me for the mean time.
Soon, lunch was ready. It was strange having everybody on the table, eating together!! Dad was all smiles. He looked more handsome in his mood.
“Let us pray,” Dad said after the food had been served.
“Linda, pray for us.”
Somehow, I just knew Dad would call me.
“Thank you, father in heaven, for this meal. Thank you for today and using the lost key to bring us all together. Dear Lord, we ask that you sustain this new atmosphere of love you have bestowed unto us. We also ask you for forgiveness of our sins in the past. Forgive me specially for being responsible for the lost key. I believe that if you forgive me, my parents will also find it in their heart to forgive. Thank father for answering my prayers,”
Everybody chorused, “Amen”.
I didn’t open my eyes immediately, but I could feel pairs of eyes staring at me. Then I opened my eyes and looked straight at Dad. He was smiling.
“Why did you take the key?” He gently asked, he wasn’t going to allow this spoil his mood.
“It was a mistake Dad; I mistakenly put it in my school bag last night before going to bed. I was feeling so sleepy that I didn’t know when or how I did it” I said, with genuine remorse.
“But why didn’t you say anything about it since morning?” Mum asked, she was really surprised that of all her kids, I was the one in possession of the missing key.
“I was scared Mum. It was already too late when I realized that it was with me. Moreover i was afraid of what Dad would do to me ” I answered.
“It’s alright, you don’t need to be afraid of me again, do you understand?” Dad said, with the smile still on his face. I guess he was amused by the fact that I had included the issue in my prayers. “Alright then, give the key to me.”
I looked at Ada, who was at first concerned that I had rattled myself out despite promising me that she would take the blame.
“I have it with me,” she said as she brought it out of her pocket.
“You knew about this too?” Mum asked.
“Yes Mum, she told me not quite long ago.”
“Can we now eat our meal? I am starving,” Dad said.
It was wonderful having the family come together and eat. Even though the eating session was somewhat awkward, but it sure looked like something we would get used to as long as it was done more often.
After meal Dad said, “I want to apologize for not being there for you all in times past. I promise to be a better Dad as from today.”
I can’t explain how warm and comforting it was hearing those words from him. He looked like a changed man.
“Let’s all try and ensure we have dinner together more often. I want you all to feel free with me. We are one family and we must act like one. Am I understood?”
“Yes Dad,” we all chorused, looking at each other amusingly.
“Finally, every Sunday will be our family day out. We will eat outside and visit exotic places in town. But for today, we can also take some time out. So I want you to decide where you would like to visit this evening. Go get dressed up, because I will be taking you to any place of your choice.” We all smiled and giggled excitedly as we dispersed from the sitting room. Ada helped Mum pack the plates while I and John rushed into our rooms to dress up.
The lost key had turned around to be a good thing after all.
The next day
Dad got to the office, He was ready to resign. He knew he would easily get another job with his credentials. But to his suprise, he was allowed to state his working conditions in order to make time for his family, because of how useful he was to the company.
Mr.Ikedi’s family turned a new leaf.
Thanks for following the story. I hope you all learnt from it.
The End..
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“What do you expect me to do? Sit down here with you to train the children so that you can remind me of how my mates are working hard? Is this what I get for all my hard work in ensuring that this family is catered for? Can’t anyone in this how show appreciation?”
“Please tell me Mr. Manager, what is the need of working so hard for the family when you can’t be there for them!!.having the perfect family involves more than money. Money will not speak to the kids when they need someone to talk to and guide them!!”
“what exactly is your function as a mother? Do you realize that I have just spent not more than 3hrs from when I woke with the family and I have discovered a whole lot of things that you don’t know about the children?”
“Yes, therefore spend more time with the family, perhaps it will help curb down all these antisocial behavior in them. How can you use your work as an excuse not to be with your family? Do you realize that for a long time now, this is the longest conversation we have had even though it is full of arguments? You have succeeded in relegating me to the background with your fastidious attitude yet you blame me for everything.” Mum was still angry but her tone was lower.
“This is all your fault because you are their mother” Dad stormed out of the bedroom, into his study.
Mum watched him leave; she had already decided not to reply him again. If he had chosen to continue being stubborn and blaming her. She will continue being the part time mother she had always being just as long as her husband continues not to play his part as a father. She will not kill herself for anybody, not even her kids.
I was beginning to get hungry. I searched my room for the bread i left the previous day. I found it and ate it with butter since nobody wanted to cook anything.
The house became as quiet as a grave yard. Dad was in his study, Mum was in their bedroom, Ada was in her bedroom, John was in his bedroom and I in mine.
I was still trying to make sense of how the key got into my bag. Did I put it there myself or did somebody else put it to set me up? I took my time to recollect the event that took place last night just before I went to bed. I was on the sitting room, on the dining table trying to do my homework. It was Sunday evening and I was fund of doing my assignment on the last hours of the weekend. It was a habit that I formed out of laziness and lack of discipline.
Ada was talking on her cell phone and Mum was in her room. It was almost 11pm and Dad was not yet back. Usually, he would call Mum when he was almost home to open the gate and exit door for him. Mum would either call John to help her open the door for dad or do it herself. Last night she opened the door herself. After letting Dad in, Dad walked straight into the bedroom after just responding to our greeting with a soft inaffectionate mumble, while Mum locked the door and dropped the key on the dining table before retiring to their bedroom.
Yes, I can remember being distracted by the sound of the bunch of key with 3 keys. One of the keys was for the exit door, the second key for the back door and the third; I didn’t really know what it opened. After Mum retired, I picked up a little quarrel with Ada. I told her she was disturbing me with her calls and we started exchanging words that led her to hitting me. The whole event saddened me and I couldn’t wait to finish my homework and go to bed, I was also seriously feeling sleepy.
At the last stage of the assignment, I decided to put the bunch of key on the left page of my writing book because the wall fan was blowing towards my direction and the flipping of pages was slowing down my pace. By now I was feeling real sleepy.
I can’t recall what happened next until I found myself in my room preparing to sleep. Perhaps I had, with sleepy eyes, covered the book leaving the key inside, dropped it in my school bag and brought it along with me to my room.
Now, how will I let them know that I had the key? Dad will definitely kill me. I felt real scared. I was the cause of the whole commotion at home this morning. If Dad loses his job, it will all be my fault. In fact everybody will blame me for everything. I will be hated.
Then I thought about the quarrel between Mum Dad and my siblings. Everybody was casting blame one everyone else. Nobody wanted to take responsibility of their actions. The fact was that we all were victims of circumstance but we all had a role to play in it all. My carelessness and lack of discipline also played its own part in this whole family dispute.
John lay on his bed with his back, while his eyes were looking at the ceiling. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He didn’t know what else to do. If Dad was serious that he should leave the house, where will he go? Perhaps he shouldn’t have talked back at Dad. He should have begged him and asked him for forgiveness. But he didn’t see Dad as that kind of man. He didn’t know how to beg Dad for forgiveness. The moment would be awkward. He had never begged Dad for forgiveness in his life. Dad was really furious. And John was sure Dad meant every word when he said that they should leave his house. He knew Dad would be mad if he found out about his smoking but he had never intended for Dad to find out. His friends had forced him into doing it. He had resisted them the first week but they had continued to pressure him. He had taken a drag and coughed. It was a wired feeling at first but he started liking, it calmed his confused nerves and served as a means of escape when his mind was chocked up in the confusion of what the future hold for him.
Somehow he didn’t care if Dad would get hurt when he finds out. After all Dad didn’t care. Nobody cared about what he was doing in the house. Nobody cared about how he felt, the changes he was going through as he turned into adult and nobody was there to answer that questions that bothered him.
Question like how he felt about women. His friends always told him about the girls they had been with and how it felt. He wanted to have a feel of what his friends felt. They had encouraged him to talk to Susie. Susie was the girl all his friends knew he had a crush on. He had been afraid she would say no. But they had continued to encourage him and without knowing what to say or how to act he had gone to her and she had said no. He had felt very bad. His friends had laughed at him. They had told him that he will never have a girl of his own, he will never have sex. This had affected his self esteem. He had felt ugly and unwanted. And when he comes m home, nobody cared. Nobody in the whole world liked him. But he still had his friends; at least they listened to him. He needed to prove to them that he wasn’t a loser. He wanted to feel accepted and he wanted to feel among. He wanted to prove to them that he wasn’t a loser. They mustn’t reject him. If they reject him, he would be all alone in the whole world. He might commit suicide.
All his friends had had sex except him. He really wanted to. He had been so curious especially after watching all the pornographic pictures and movies. One of his friends had suggested they go to a brothel. He had waited after school and when it was getting late they had gone to a brothel and there he had had sex. He had come home that day feeling weird. He felt like a changed man. Still nobody noticed him, nobody cared.
Yes his results were bad and he had been missing classes. But he didn’t understand why he didn’t care. Somehow he had wanted our parents to see that his results were bad so that they might notice him. It all started as a result of an unconscious yearning for attention. But it didn’t work.
Yet the missing class act had unconsciously become a habit that he could no longer control. He started enjoying it, finding no pleasure in attending classes. He felt guilty but it dint change anything. He could always rationalize and tell himself that he owed no one any explanation for his action. He never for once thought his father would find out.
How could he have known that the key would be missing this Monday morning and everything about his life style would be brought into the open? He remembered the anger on Dad’s face. Yes, Dad was never a cheerful man especially around his family, but the way he felt today was quite different. The old man was hurt, deeply hurt.
John felt both anger and pity for Dad. It was mixed emotion. But his young mind couldn’t come up with possible way of escaping this neither could he think of what next to do if Dad actually sent him out of the house.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have exchanged words with Dad.
Ada sat on the stool in her room, very close to her dressing table. She was crying. She felt dirty and cheap. She had never taken time to reflect on her behavior lately. Of course she had no reason to. She had been carried away by the wind, the wind of pleasure and fun.
Ada remembered the first day she met Mike. She had thought he was a 300 level student and he had helped her when she was having difficulty with her registration especially during her online registration at the business center that was in the school environment. Mike had appeared and saved her from a lot of embarrassment. He was there for her when she misplaced her receipt and he helped her in getting familiar with the school environment. She had always wanted to have somebody she could look up to. Someone who could make her feel secured. Best of all he had proclaimed his love for her. This was something she had always yearned for, to be loved.
She had already fallen deep in love with Mike when she discovered that he wasn’t really a student. He was one of the ‘problem’ students, students who were given indefinite suspension because of some cult activities. Ada couldn’t leave him even with this development. She didn’t think she would get anybody who could love her the way Mike did, she could do anything for him.
Then the demand for money and attention started. He would want her to stay with him not minding that she would miss her lectures. He would ask for money and threaten to leave her if she didn’t bring it. She couldn’t just leave the love of her life so she would ensure that she met his never ending demands. She knew he was a wrong company for her, but the experience of feeling wanted was all that really mattered.
Mike was not the first guy to introduce her to sex. She had had it with a boy who had professed love just after Ada had written her WAEC. But he had broken her heart right after she had given in to his demand for sex. That was the beginning of the feeling of emptiness somewhere within her. She had nobody to talk to even before and after she had the sex. There was nobody to help her build herself worth. But Mike made her feel important. He took her to parties. Introduced her to his friends and they all accepted her. She felt he was worth missing lectures for.
Now she felt scared and for the first time in a long time she allowed her mind to actively wonder if her relationship with Mike was doing her any good. She seemed like a lost person who didn’t know where she was heading to. She might have had no close relationship with Mum and Dad but she sure needed them for survival. Getting them mad had never been her intention and now dad was threatening to send her away. That was scary. She never knew home was important; she had always detested it.
The thought of being pregnant was even scarier. She was late and this was the third day. She didn’t know what Mike would do if he realizes that she was carrying his baby; somehow Ada was sure that he would deny her.
What would she do?
Who will she go to?
What will become of her?
Mum was angry, she was also sad. She was angry at Dad and somehow at herself.
Where was all the love she used to share with Dad?
What made her allow her children to outgrow her?
How had she allowed her family to come to such ruin?
This wasn’t the type of home she wished for.
Everybody must have taken a nap. The house was as silent as the graveyard. Something woke Mum up. She was hearing a sound; it was coming from Daddy’s study. Someone was sobbing.
Alarmed she stood up and walked towards Dad’s study. She listened. Yes, the sound was coming from in there in. Mum softly opened the door and peeped in. she was weakened by the sight of Dad sitting helplessly on his chair shedding manly tears. Dad was obviously fighting very hard to stop the tears from flowing. His breath was hard as he tried to control himself. Mum couldn’t believe her eyes. She was surprised and touched.
She immediately understood why Dad was shedding tears so she walked in and held unto Dad. Dad allowed himself to be held as he leaned his head in Mum’s tummy while she caressed the back of his head.
While everybody was sleeping, Dad had taken his time to reflect on his behavior towards his family for some time now. It all started with the desire to be a successful man. Mum took a seat and sat beside him. They both looked into each other’s eyes and began laughing. Her eyes were also filled with tears.
“Why didn’t you bring me to order when you noticed that I had started derailing?” Dad asked softly.
Mum smiled, “You didn’t know how scary you became. I was busy trying so hard to please you all these while until I almost became a slave to your presence. I was just simply afraid of you.”
“Wow. Then my kids must have felt worse than this. I didn’t even recognize my own kids. They were both different when I was talking with them. Do you know at a time, I wondered if it was my little Ada and John I was talking to? They are so big and matured; even John’s voice has changed.” He said, there was pain in his eyes.
“Ha ha, they are really growing faster than we think and we have neglected them, thinking they were still kids. I know this is not an excuse, but I gave up when I noticed that Ada had outgrown me. I knew I couldn’t handle them alone and instead of asking you for help I got into my shell and allowed things to continue to go bad.” Mum said regretfully.
“It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have left you all alone to handle them. God! I have been a bad father and husband, putting all my efforts in the office while my house was in disarray.” He stopped and looked Mum in the eye again.
“I am very sorry… today I looked at my children from a point of view I had never done before and I realized I was missing in their life. Again, you made me realize I have been selfish all along. Yes, I have only been thinking of being a success and have stupidly been putting my whole efforts in my work place and have neglected my house.” He said thoughtfully.
“Mmh, where have my husband been all this while?” She bantered, “I am glad we have both come to our senses, I just hope it’s not too late.”
After a long conversation, Mum and Dad hugged each other. Dad, for the first time agreed it was all his fault.
They agreed to talk to Ada and John respectively. Mum to Ada, Dad to John
“What do you expect me to do? Sit down here with you to train the children so that you can remind me of how my mates are working hard? Is this what I get for all my hard work in ensuring that this family is catered for? Can’t anyone in this how show appreciation?”
“Please tell me Mr. Manager, what is the need of working so hard for the family when you can’t be there for them!!.having the perfect family involves more than money. Money will not speak to the kids when they need someone to talk to and guide them!!”
“what exactly is your function as a mother? Do you realize that I have just spent not more than 3hrs from when I woke with the family and I have discovered a whole lot of things that you don’t know about the children?”
“Yes, therefore spend more time with the family, perhaps it will help curb down all these antisocial behavior in them. How can you use your work as an excuse not to be with your family? Do you realize that for a long time now, this is the longest conversation we have had even though it is full of arguments? You have succeeded in relegating me to the background with your fastidious attitude yet you blame me for everything.” Mum was still angry but her tone was lower.
“This is all your fault because you are their mother” Dad stormed out of the bedroom, into his study.
Mum watched him leave; she had already decided not to reply him again. If he had chosen to continue being stubborn and blaming her. She will continue being the part time mother she had always being just as long as her husband continues not to play his part as a father. She will not kill herself for anybody, not even her kids.
I was beginning to get hungry. I searched my room for the bread i left the previous day. I found it and ate it with butter since nobody wanted to cook anything.
The house became as quiet as a grave yard. Dad was in his study, Mum was in their bedroom, Ada was in her bedroom, John was in his bedroom and I in mine.
I was still trying to make sense of how the key got into my bag. Did I put it there myself or did somebody else put it to set me up? I took my time to recollect the event that took place last night just before I went to bed. I was on the sitting room, on the dining table trying to do my homework. It was Sunday evening and I was fund of doing my assignment on the last hours of the weekend. It was a habit that I formed out of laziness and lack of discipline.
Ada was talking on her cell phone and Mum was in her room. It was almost 11pm and Dad was not yet back. Usually, he would call Mum when he was almost home to open the gate and exit door for him. Mum would either call John to help her open the door for dad or do it herself. Last night she opened the door herself. After letting Dad in, Dad walked straight into the bedroom after just responding to our greeting with a soft inaffectionate mumble, while Mum locked the door and dropped the key on the dining table before retiring to their bedroom.
Yes, I can remember being distracted by the sound of the bunch of key with 3 keys. One of the keys was for the exit door, the second key for the back door and the third; I didn’t really know what it opened. After Mum retired, I picked up a little quarrel with Ada. I told her she was disturbing me with her calls and we started exchanging words that led her to hitting me. The whole event saddened me and I couldn’t wait to finish my homework and go to bed, I was also seriously feeling sleepy.
At the last stage of the assignment, I decided to put the bunch of key on the left page of my writing book because the wall fan was blowing towards my direction and the flipping of pages was slowing down my pace. By now I was feeling real sleepy.
I can’t recall what happened next until I found myself in my room preparing to sleep. Perhaps I had, with sleepy eyes, covered the book leaving the key inside, dropped it in my school bag and brought it along with me to my room.
Now, how will I let them know that I had the key? Dad will definitely kill me. I felt real scared. I was the cause of the whole commotion at home this morning. If Dad loses his job, it will all be my fault. In fact everybody will blame me for everything. I will be hated.
Then I thought about the quarrel between Mum Dad and my siblings. Everybody was casting blame one everyone else. Nobody wanted to take responsibility of their actions. The fact was that we all were victims of circumstance but we all had a role to play in it all. My carelessness and lack of discipline also played its own part in this whole family dispute.
John lay on his bed with his back, while his eyes were looking at the ceiling. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He didn’t know what else to do. If Dad was serious that he should leave the house, where will he go? Perhaps he shouldn’t have talked back at Dad. He should have begged him and asked him for forgiveness. But he didn’t see Dad as that kind of man. He didn’t know how to beg Dad for forgiveness. The moment would be awkward. He had never begged Dad for forgiveness in his life. Dad was really furious. And John was sure Dad meant every word when he said that they should leave his house. He knew Dad would be mad if he found out about his smoking but he had never intended for Dad to find out. His friends had forced him into doing it. He had resisted them the first week but they had continued to pressure him. He had taken a drag and coughed. It was a wired feeling at first but he started liking, it calmed his confused nerves and served as a means of escape when his mind was chocked up in the confusion of what the future hold for him.
Somehow he didn’t care if Dad would get hurt when he finds out. After all Dad didn’t care. Nobody cared about what he was doing in the house. Nobody cared about how he felt, the changes he was going through as he turned into adult and nobody was there to answer that questions that bothered him.
Question like how he felt about women. His friends always told him about the girls they had been with and how it felt. He wanted to have a feel of what his friends felt. They had encouraged him to talk to Susie. Susie was the girl all his friends knew he had a crush on. He had been afraid she would say no. But they had continued to encourage him and without knowing what to say or how to act he had gone to her and she had said no. He had felt very bad. His friends had laughed at him. They had told him that he will never have a girl of his own, he will never have sex. This had affected his self esteem. He had felt ugly and unwanted. And when he comes m home, nobody cared. Nobody in the whole world liked him. But he still had his friends; at least they listened to him. He needed to prove to them that he wasn’t a loser. He wanted to feel accepted and he wanted to feel among. He wanted to prove to them that he wasn’t a loser. They mustn’t reject him. If they reject him, he would be all alone in the whole world. He might commit suicide.
All his friends had had sex except him. He really wanted to. He had been so curious especially after watching all the pornographic pictures and movies. One of his friends had suggested they go to a brothel. He had waited after school and when it was getting late they had gone to a brothel and there he had had sex. He had come home that day feeling weird. He felt like a changed man. Still nobody noticed him, nobody cared.
Yes his results were bad and he had been missing classes. But he didn’t understand why he didn’t care. Somehow he had wanted our parents to see that his results were bad so that they might notice him. It all started as a result of an unconscious yearning for attention. But it didn’t work.
Yet the missing class act had unconsciously become a habit that he could no longer control. He started enjoying it, finding no pleasure in attending classes. He felt guilty but it dint change anything. He could always rationalize and tell himself that he owed no one any explanation for his action. He never for once thought his father would find out.
How could he have known that the key would be missing this Monday morning and everything about his life style would be brought into the open? He remembered the anger on Dad’s face. Yes, Dad was never a cheerful man especially around his family, but the way he felt today was quite different. The old man was hurt, deeply hurt.
John felt both anger and pity for Dad. It was mixed emotion. But his young mind couldn’t come up with possible way of escaping this neither could he think of what next to do if Dad actually sent him out of the house.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have exchanged words with Dad.
Ada sat on the stool in her room, very close to her dressing table. She was crying. She felt dirty and cheap. She had never taken time to reflect on her behavior lately. Of course she had no reason to. She had been carried away by the wind, the wind of pleasure and fun.
Ada remembered the first day she met Mike. She had thought he was a 300 level student and he had helped her when she was having difficulty with her registration especially during her online registration at the business center that was in the school environment. Mike had appeared and saved her from a lot of embarrassment. He was there for her when she misplaced her receipt and he helped her in getting familiar with the school environment. She had always wanted to have somebody she could look up to. Someone who could make her feel secured. Best of all he had proclaimed his love for her. This was something she had always yearned for, to be loved.
She had already fallen deep in love with Mike when she discovered that he wasn’t really a student. He was one of the ‘problem’ students, students who were given indefinite suspension because of some cult activities. Ada couldn’t leave him even with this development. She didn’t think she would get anybody who could love her the way Mike did, she could do anything for him.
Then the demand for money and attention started. He would want her to stay with him not minding that she would miss her lectures. He would ask for money and threaten to leave her if she didn’t bring it. She couldn’t just leave the love of her life so she would ensure that she met his never ending demands. She knew he was a wrong company for her, but the experience of feeling wanted was all that really mattered.
Mike was not the first guy to introduce her to sex. She had had it with a boy who had professed love just after Ada had written her WAEC. But he had broken her heart right after she had given in to his demand for sex. That was the beginning of the feeling of emptiness somewhere within her. She had nobody to talk to even before and after she had the sex. There was nobody to help her build herself worth. But Mike made her feel important. He took her to parties. Introduced her to his friends and they all accepted her. She felt he was worth missing lectures for.
Now she felt scared and for the first time in a long time she allowed her mind to actively wonder if her relationship with Mike was doing her any good. She seemed like a lost person who didn’t know where she was heading to. She might have had no close relationship with Mum and Dad but she sure needed them for survival. Getting them mad had never been her intention and now dad was threatening to send her away. That was scary. She never knew home was important; she had always detested it.
The thought of being pregnant was even scarier. She was late and this was the third day. She didn’t know what Mike would do if he realizes that she was carrying his baby; somehow Ada was sure that he would deny her.
What would she do?
Who will she go to?
What will become of her?
Mum was angry, she was also sad. She was angry at Dad and somehow at herself.
Where was all the love she used to share with Dad?
What made her allow her children to outgrow her?
How had she allowed her family to come to such ruin?
This wasn’t the type of home she wished for.
Everybody must have taken a nap. The house was as silent as the graveyard. Something woke Mum up. She was hearing a sound; it was coming from Daddy’s study. Someone was sobbing.
Alarmed she stood up and walked towards Dad’s study. She listened. Yes, the sound was coming from in there in. Mum softly opened the door and peeped in. she was weakened by the sight of Dad sitting helplessly on his chair shedding manly tears. Dad was obviously fighting very hard to stop the tears from flowing. His breath was hard as he tried to control himself. Mum couldn’t believe her eyes. She was surprised and touched.
She immediately understood why Dad was shedding tears so she walked in and held unto Dad. Dad allowed himself to be held as he leaned his head in Mum’s tummy while she caressed the back of his head.
While everybody was sleeping, Dad had taken his time to reflect on his behavior towards his family for some time now. It all started with the desire to be a successful man. Mum took a seat and sat beside him. They both looked into each other’s eyes and began laughing. Her eyes were also filled with tears.
“Why didn’t you bring me to order when you noticed that I had started derailing?” Dad asked softly.
Mum smiled, “You didn’t know how scary you became. I was busy trying so hard to please you all these while until I almost became a slave to your presence. I was just simply afraid of you.”
“Wow. Then my kids must have felt worse than this. I didn’t even recognize my own kids. They were both different when I was talking with them. Do you know at a time, I wondered if it was my little Ada and John I was talking to? They are so big and matured; even John’s voice has changed.” He said, there was pain in his eyes.
“Ha ha, they are really growing faster than we think and we have neglected them, thinking they were still kids. I know this is not an excuse, but I gave up when I noticed that Ada had outgrown me. I knew I couldn’t handle them alone and instead of asking you for help I got into my shell and allowed things to continue to go bad.” Mum said regretfully.
“It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have left you all alone to handle them. God! I have been a bad father and husband, putting all my efforts in the office while my house was in disarray.” He stopped and looked Mum in the eye again.
“I am very sorry… today I looked at my children from a point of view I had never done before and I realized I was missing in their life. Again, you made me realize I have been selfish all along. Yes, I have only been thinking of being a success and have stupidly been putting my whole efforts in my work place and have neglected my house.” He said thoughtfully.
“Mmh, where have my husband been all this while?” She bantered, “I am glad we have both come to our senses, I just hope it’s not too late.”
After a long conversation, Mum and Dad hugged each other. Dad, for the first time agreed it was all his fault.
They agreed to talk to Ada and John respectively. Mum to Ada, Dad to John
My Dad’s cell phone rang again. He looked at the caller ID, it was a strange number. He picked the call.
“Good morning Sir, am I speaking with Mr. Ikedi?”
“Yes, who is this please?” Dad asked.
“I am the principal of Wisdom Child Academy and your son is my pupil. I am calling to inform you that he has not been in school yet.”
“Yes, em… he might come late; there are some unforeseen circumstances that arose at home,” Dad replied.
“I hope everything is alright Sir.” The principal inquired.
“Everything is okay, thank you very much. I assure that he will soon be in school.”
“Alright, but Sir I want to use this opportunity to inform you that I have been getting reports that John’s behavior in school has not been impressive lately.”
Dad somehow became alert, “What do you mean by that?”
“Yes he has been constantly missing classes, he sometimes leave before school dismisses for the day, his performance is very poor which I am sure you have seen in his last result. In fact he has already been marked as one of the students that will be repeating class this year. I think it will be very necessary for you to come around and hear what the teachers have to say about your son Sir so that together we can come up with a possible solution.”
Dad didn’t see John’s last term’s result. What the principal was saying was strange to him. He didn’t know what to say.
“Okay, I will try and make it to the school before the end of the week. Thank you for this information. I very much appreciate it.”
“Thank you sir,” the principal replied and the line went dead.
He went into the bedroom to talk to Mum about the principal’s call.
“John’s principal just called me. He told me that his results are poor and he could repeat class this year. Is there anything going on with him that I don’t know?”
Mum smiled, it was a rude smile, “there are a lot of things going on in this house that you don’t know. Well I saw his last term result and spoke to him about it and he promised that he would do better this time around.”
“And you didn’t bother to tell me about it?”
“When last did you and I have a meaningful conversation? I am even surprised that you are reacting to the principal’s call.” She replied.
“What do you mean by that? Well I am going to talk to him about it right now, how am I not sure that he does not have anything to do with the lost key.”
Dad was not happy with this news. He angrily and quickly walked int John’s room. John was surprised. He couldn’t remember the last time Dad walked into his room. He sprang up from the bed, dropping his cell phone, which Dad didn’t know he had. Ada was the only child in the house that freely flaunts her cell phone.
“I can see that you are not even worried that you might be missing classes today.” Dad said.
John didn’t reply. He wasn’t sure of what to say.
“I got a call from your principal, what was he saying about you missing classes and having poor result? Where do you go during school hours?” Dad interrogated him.
John continues to look at him in fear. He was really surprised, he didn’t expect Dad to barge into his room asking him all sort of questions. How did he get this information about his school activities?
“I can see that you have gone dumb. Did you purposely hide the key so that you would miss school? What are you running from?”
“I am not with the key, I am not running from anything.” He defended.
Dad felt John was hiding something. He began to search his closet while he continued interrogating John.
“You leave my house every morning yet you miss classes, where do you go?” He was searching through one of John’s school trousers when his fingers felt something. He dipped his hand and brought out a sachet of condom.
He stopped. The room was silent for a few seconds.
“What are you doing with a sachet of condom in your pocket?”
He searched again and saw a stick of cigarette.
“You smoke?”
John was visibly scared. He remained silent with his whole body shivering and starring at Dad. Dad looked at him like he was seeing John for the first time. Dad stormed out of the room. I instantly knew that Mum was going to take the heat.
I walked towards the door. I could hear Ada’s voice from her bedroom. I was sure she was talking to her good for nothing boyfriend.
Dad was just coming out of John’s bedroom, so I waited. The best thing anyone should do today was to avoid him as much as possible.
Ada was busy enjoying her call and laughing out loud. He heard Ada’s laughter from the corridor that led to the three rooms. The sound even angered him the more. He felt his children were feeling unconcerned that he was in the brink of losing his job because of the household’s carelessness. He thought everybody’s behavior was arrogant. He felt he had been working his butt off, denying himself the pleasure of relaxation for his household who didn’t care or bother to show concern that he could lose all he had ever worked for because of someone’s carelessness. Meanwhile John had even made matter worse.
He angrily worked towards Ada’s room and opened the door. I was sure that this was the first time he was entering her room. Ada was surprised to see him at her door. She quickly dropped the phone from her ear as the wide smile on her face turned to fear.
“Look at you, behaving like someone who has no training. You think you are in the jungle where people behave anyhow. Perhaps I should join you and laugh and rejoice that the key to the exit door is missing and I might be in serious trouble in my office.”
She remained silent and continued to look at him in fear.
“Give me that cell phone. Give it to me.” He authoritatively ordered. She quickly handed the phone to him and he collected it and headed for his room.
Mum was lying on the bed when he entered. He didn’t care if she was asleep or not.
“Did your son also tell you that he now smokes and have sex all over town with women? Did he discuss with you how he misses classes and is surely going to repeat class?”
Mum was startled. At first she didn’t understand what he was talking about, “I don’t understand what you are saying.”
“How can you understand? I have come to notice that you don’t understand anything.” He said angrily.
“Can you just relax and talk to me for once? I am yet to make out what you are saying with you displaying all these tantrums.”
“I will display anything I want to. I don’t know how you expect me to react upon the realization that my little son has started smoking and missing classes right under your very nose. How am I sure that he has not started taking hard drugs and mingling with criminals?” he was getting more furious and obviously now very prepared to face it out with Mum.
“What do you mean by under my nose? Am I supposed to attach myself to him and follow him everywhere he goes?”
“Woman, you have no excuse whatsoever for John’s behavior. While I work hard and deny myself all the pleasures of life, the best thing I expect from you is to look after the home and children but you are only concerned with your boutique business.”
The cell phone in his left hand vibrated. He looked at it, in his anger he had forgotten that he was holding Ada’s cell phone. “Look at this, all your daughter does is waste her whole day on her cell phone, I wonder if she finds time to read her books.”
Immediately he finished, the phone vibrated again. He instinctively checked through the cell phone and stopped short.
It read: My angel, rmber we’ll spend d whole day 2day. I’ve a lot of 1derful stuff I’ll do 2 ur body, jst d way u like it. Pls come wit d mony. Patiently waitin. Love.
The sender’s ID was Mike.
With shaky hands he read the first text message that came in before the one he just read. It was a message from Vicky.
It read: if u tink u r pregnant, den we must do somtin about it. We have to talk to Mike immediately
“Look at what your daughter is doing,” he muttered slowly through his clenched teeth. “Ada is pregnant.” His cell phone rang again, he looked at the caller ID and it was his Boss. He angrily picked the call.
“I am very sorry I can’t make it to the office as soon as I thought. In fact, we will see tomorrow.”
“What is wrong with you Mr. Ikedia? What is happening? You have left everybody here hanging, I am really embarrassed, you know I don’t condone such behavior. If there is a problem why didn’t u call and give us…”
“I said that I will see you tomorrow Sir and explain things to you, thank you.” Dad cut the line and switched off his cell phone.
I was watching television in the sitting room when Dad showed.
“What’s that? Will you switch off that television and go into your room? Are you not supposed to be in school? You can’t be reasonable enough to know that you are supposed to spend the most part of this morning studying your books.” He stopped and continued to stare at me with disgust.
I hurriedly turned the TV off and headed straight for my room.
“Call Ada and John for me.” His angry voice said to my back.
I hated the day with all my life.
I quickly informed Ada and John that Daddy wanted to see them and hastily entered my room. I felt really bad. I almost hated my Dad. Why must he be so mean? I had often heard most of my friends talk about their Dad at school. I even see how they related with their parents when they come to pick them from school. Most of them weren’t as rich as we were. But they were much happier. My own home was filled with nothing but constant quarreling. Nobody was ever happy with anybody.
Dad was a stranger to us all and I never get to hang out and do anything meaningful with my sister. She didn’t care about anybody in the house, infact she didn’t want anybody to know anything about her so she was always in her room, making and answering calls like the calls were the only thing that made her happy when at home. She never laughed with anybody at home, not even me, her only and little sister.
My Mum was so withdrawn that you hardly get her to tell you anything interesting. She was just a woman of her own world.
John was just strange. As the days went by, he transformed into a dangerous person. Something was just bothering him. He was learning to be somebody he wasn’t comfortable with.
I had never seen my Mum and Dad share happy moments together. The few times they talk you find them answering each other in monosyllabic replies and when they talk long it was always when Dad was in his squabbling mood. He barks at Mum and continuously complains at any little thing he feels she had not done right.
I wished I could ask God for another family.
I got tired of just lying down doing nothing, so I decided to read my book like Dad had suggested. While searching for the book to read, I thought I heard the metallic sound of keys. I quickly searched through my bag and behold, in between my homework note book was the key everybody was looking for.
“I can see that you kids have decided to disgrace this household, but I will never allow it.” Dad was speaking to Ada and John.
“I will not harbor a rogue and a prostitute in this house, never!!!” his voice was so loud that I could feel the vibration it caused in my room. “I dedicate my time and my life trying to ensure that you kids get the best in life. But how do you kids show your gratitude? You miss classes, come home with poor results, sleep around, smoke and get pregnant!! Tell me what father will have this knowledge about his kids and be happy?”
Ada raised her head in shock when Dad mentioned pregnancy. How in God’s name did he find out that she was under suspicion that she might be pregnant? It was then that she realized that she was in a more serious problem with Dad.
She had taught Dad was just going to complain about the cell phone and then the key and finally conclude by making them feel silly and everybody retires into their room. What did he see in her cell phone that made him aware of the situation?
Perhaps Vivian replied the text she sent to her early this morning and Dad had seen it.
“Ada, how old are you?” Dad continued, “At such a tender age you think the best thing for you to do is to sleep around? Telling everybody that you lack home training? Disgracing the family? Embarrassing me?”
They remain silent, both trembling in fear and almost wetting their pants.
“Look at you John, you are barely 14yrs” John looked up sharply, how could Dad say he was 13yrs? “And all you do is sleep around and smoke with vagabonds in town? No!! I won’t take this! Not while I am alive. Ada you are not going to have your bastard baby in my house and you, John, I don’t breed thieves here so you can go and live with your trainers so that you can perfect in the act of smoking. I will not, I repeat, I will never spend my money on anyone who does not want it, neither will I house such a person.”
Mum had already appeared at his back. She had read the text message in Ada’s cell phone and confirmed what Dad had read. She had allowed the cell phone to drop from her because her shivery hand could hold it any longer. This was much more than she could handle. She had suspected that Ada was already sexually active but didn’t know how to approach her on the issue. The mother-daughter relationship she had tried to build between them hadn’t worked out mainly because she had allowed herself to be carried away by Dad’s lack of attention towards her and the family generally.
Now Ada was pregnant. The whole world will blame her for being a bad mother. How could she face this shame?
Her daughter was only eighteen.
Now from the background she stared at Ada with a scornful look. Different emotions ran through her. She felt sad, afraid, disappointed, and angry.
“Look at you Ada! You don’t know how to respect yourself, how can you make yourself so cheap for men? I am disappointed in the two of you.” Mum said as she broke down and started crying.
The air was so tense that both Ada and John felt like the earth should open up and swallow them, Ada felt worse.
“I will never take it! Once this key is found or once the door is broken down, the both of you should leave my house. You can go and practice you prostitution and thug life elsewhere. Now both should leave my presence, go to your room and get ready to leave my house!!”
Ada and John turned around and began to leave, while Mum continued to sob loudly behind Dad. But Dad wasn’t satisfied with his verdict, especially given the fact that they both didn’t show any sign of remorse, neither did they hesitate and beg.
“In fact, you will not take anything with you, I don’t care how you survive, you will leave this house with nothing because everything you own, I bought them with my money.” He added.
He had been so hurt with the new knowledge about Ada and John that the only thing he wanted to do was to hurt them back. How could they disregard him this way?
To Dad, he had been insulted beyond a bearable limit. He felt really hurt that his heart ached; he felt so much psychological pain that his eyes were almost filled with tears.
Who Do You Think Should Be Blamed For This Disaster In The Family?
“Who cares,” John muttered under his nose. But it was loud enough for Dad to hear.
“What did you say?” Dad asked and instinctively rushed towards John. Before John could turn around and react, Dad’s right hand had already reached his shoulders and forcefully turned him around. With John now facing Dad, Dad gave him a slap on his face. John wasn’t expecting it.
“Are you trying to show me that you are now a man? Do you want to challenge me? Or have you smoked something?”
John stared at Dad for some seconds, anger building up within him.
“I have always been planning on leaving this house for a long time. You know what? My mind had already left this house a long time ago. You can have your big fancy house all to yourself. I don’t intend to stay anyway.”
Dad stared at him, he didn’t expect this.
“Fine, then what have been doing here all along, did I chain you here?”
“It’s not just about building a fancy house. I hope you mean what you are saying when you say we should leave, because it will even be a thing of joy to sleep on the street than stay here with parents that doesn’t care. I wish this door can be opened soon so that you can have the house to yourself. This house is not even qualified to be called a home” Ada chipped in to Dad’s amazement.
“You are not even qualified to be called my daughter. You have decided to be a disgrace to yourself. I can’t even look at. you. You should be ashamed of yourself but rather you still have the guts to talk to me like that. Is it me that you got you into this condition and made you feel like you don’t have a home? I will be glad to have you take your disgraceful self out of here.” Dad returned.
He had never exchanged words with his children before. It had always been him talking and everybody in the house listening. He hadn’t even ever thought that they had grown big enough to voice out their opinion. Where these really his kids? Looking at them now they were like strangers to him.
“If I am pregnant or if John is smoking around, it really should be your fault. It beats me that you don’t even blame yourself for anything! Oh I forgot, you are the perfect Dad, the manager of Dew luck Nig. Limited who always gets it right” Ada replied.
This was really surprising. I never thought she had such guts to talk back to Dad the way she was doing now.
“Ada, your mouth is surprisingly too sharp for someone who acted in such a disgraceful manner. You are not even grateful to your parents who sacrifice their all to make sure you get the best in life. Instead you stand here and talk back to mm your Dad with such effrontery.” Mum injected.
“The best in life? Did you say the best in life? I can’t believe you mum. You think what your children are having here is the best in life?” Ada returned, looking around disdainfully.
“A lot of your mates will give everything to be in your shoes. You are not grateful to God for what you have; no wonder you have no respect for yourself. Don’t you see your mates hawking on the streets? But you have the opportunity of finding yourself in school; instead you are misusing it by avoiding school and sleeping with men all over town.” Mum said.
“What do you know about school Mum, what do you even know about me?” Ada asked, she shrugged frustratingly and walked away from the scene.
John left after her, leaving Mum and Dad standing there with their mouths wide open.
Dad was both unhappy and angry, “Do you know this is all your fault?” he said to Mum, “how can you look at yourself and call yourself a good mother? You chose to neglect the kids under your care and concentrate all your efforts on that boutique of yours. You don’t know your duty as a mother, now look at the result.”
“Oh please, enough of your ranting. Will you ever stop? Mr. Perfect. If I concentrate my effort on my boutique where do you put yours? Oh, I remember you always take out time to be with your children.” Mum replied and walked into their bedroom. Dad followed her behind.
My Dad’s cell phone rang again. He looked at the caller ID, it was a strange number. He picked the call.
“Good morning Sir, am I speaking with Mr. Ikedi?”
“Yes, who is this please?” Dad asked.
“I am the principal of Wisdom Child Academy and your son is my pupil. I am calling to inform you that he has not been in school yet.”
“Yes, em… he might come late; there are some unforeseen circumstances that arose at home,” Dad replied.
“I hope everything is alright Sir.” The principal inquired.
“Everything is okay, thank you very much. I assure that he will soon be in school.”
“Alright, but Sir I want to use this opportunity to inform you that I have been getting reports that John’s behavior in school has not been impressive lately.”
Dad somehow became alert, “What do you mean by that?”
“Yes he has been constantly missing classes, he sometimes leave before school dismisses for the day, his performance is very poor which I am sure you have seen in his last result. In fact he has already been marked as one of the students that will be repeating class this year. I think it will be very necessary for you to come around and hear what the teachers have to say about your son Sir so that together we can come up with a possible solution.”
Dad didn’t see John’s last term’s result. What the principal was saying was strange to him. He didn’t know what to say.
“Okay, I will try and make it to the school before the end of the week. Thank you for this information. I very much appreciate it.”
“Thank you sir,” the principal replied and the line went dead.
He went into the bedroom to talk to Mum about the principal’s call.
“John’s principal just called me. He told me that his results are poor and he could repeat class this year. Is there anything going on with him that I don’t know?”
Mum smiled, it was a rude smile, “there are a lot of things going on in this house that you don’t know. Well I saw his last term result and spoke to him about it and he promised that he would do better this time around.”
“And you didn’t bother to tell me about it?”
“When last did you and I have a meaningful conversation? I am even surprised that you are reacting to the principal’s call.” She replied.
“What do you mean by that? Well I am going to talk to him about it right now, how am I not sure that he does not have anything to do with the lost key.”
Dad was not happy with this news. He angrily and quickly walked int John’s room. John was surprised. He couldn’t remember the last time Dad walked into his room. He sprang up from the bed, dropping his cell phone, which Dad didn’t know he had. Ada was the only child in the house that freely flaunts her cell phone.
“I can see that you are not even worried that you might be missing classes today.” Dad said.
John didn’t reply. He wasn’t sure of what to say.
“I got a call from your principal, what was he saying about you missing classes and having poor result? Where do you go during school hours?” Dad interrogated him.
John continues to look at him in fear. He was really surprised, he didn’t expect Dad to barge into his room asking him all sort of questions. How did he get this information about his school activities?
“I can see that you have gone dumb. Did you purposely hide the key so that you would miss school? What are you running from?”
“I am not with the key, I am not running from anything.” He defended.
Dad felt John was hiding something. He began to search his closet while he continued interrogating John.
“You leave my house every morning yet you miss classes, where do you go?” He was searching through one of John’s school trousers when his fingers felt something. He dipped his hand and brought out a sachet of condom.
He stopped. The room was silent for a few seconds.
“What are you doing with a sachet of condom in your pocket?”
He searched again and saw a stick of cigarette.
“You smoke?”
John was visibly scared. He remained silent with his whole body shivering and starring at Dad. Dad looked at him like he was seeing John for the first time. Dad stormed out of the room. I instantly knew that Mum was going to take the heat.
I walked towards the door. I could hear Ada’s voice from her bedroom. I was sure she was talking to her good for nothing boyfriend.
Dad was just coming out of John’s bedroom, so I waited. The best thing anyone should do today was to avoid him as much as possible.
Ada was busy enjoying her call and laughing out loud. He heard Ada’s laughter from the corridor that led to the three rooms. The sound even angered him the more. He felt his children were feeling unconcerned that he was in the brink of losing his job because of the household’s carelessness. He thought everybody’s behavior was arrogant. He felt he had been working his butt off, denying himself the pleasure of relaxation for his household who didn’t care or bother to show concern that he could lose all he had ever worked for because of someone’s carelessness. Meanwhile John had even made matter worse.
He angrily worked towards Ada’s room and opened the door. I was sure that this was the first time he was entering her room. Ada was surprised to see him at her door. She quickly dropped the phone from her ear as the wide smile on her face turned to fear.
“Look at you, behaving like someone who has no training. You think you are in the jungle where people behave anyhow. Perhaps I should join you and laugh and rejoice that the key to the exit door is missing and I might be in serious trouble in my office.”
She remained silent and continued to look at him in fear.
“Give me that cell phone. Give it to me.” He authoritatively ordered. She quickly handed the phone to him and he collected it and headed for his room.
Mum was lying on the bed when he entered. He didn’t care if she was asleep or not.
“Did your son also tell you that he now smokes and have sex all over town with women? Did he discuss with you how he misses classes and is surely going to repeat class?”
Mum was startled. At first she didn’t understand what he was talking about, “I don’t understand what you are saying.”
“How can you understand? I have come to notice that you don’t understand anything.” He said angrily.
“Can you just relax and talk to me for once? I am yet to make out what you are saying with you displaying all these tantrums.”
“I will display anything I want to. I don’t know how you expect me to react upon the realization that my little son has started smoking and missing classes right under your very nose. How am I sure that he has not started taking hard drugs and mingling with criminals?” he was getting more furious and obviously now very prepared to face it out with Mum.
“What do you mean by under my nose? Am I supposed to attach myself to him and follow him everywhere he goes?”
“Woman, you have no excuse whatsoever for John’s behavior. While I work hard and deny myself all the pleasures of life, the best thing I expect from you is to look after the home and children but you are only concerned with your boutique business.”
The cell phone in his left hand vibrated. He looked at it, in his anger he had forgotten that he was holding Ada’s cell phone. “Look at this, all your daughter does is waste her whole day on her cell phone, I wonder if she finds time to read her books.”
Immediately he finished, the phone vibrated again. He instinctively checked through the cell phone and stopped short.
It read: My angel, rmber we’ll spend d whole day 2day. I’ve a lot of 1derful stuff I’ll do 2 ur body, jst d way u like it. Pls come wit d mony. Patiently waitin. Love.
The sender’s ID was Mike.
With shaky hands he read the first text message that came in before the one he just read. It was a message from Vicky.
It read: if u tink u r pregnant, den we must do somtin about it. We have to talk to Mike immediately
“Look at what your daughter is doing,” he muttered slowly through his clenched teeth. “Ada is pregnant.” His cell phone rang again, he looked at the caller ID and it was his Boss. He angrily picked the call.
“I am very sorry I can’t make it to the office as soon as I thought. In fact, we will see tomorrow.”
“What is wrong with you Mr. Ikedia? What is happening? You have left everybody here hanging, I am really embarrassed, you know I don’t condone such behavior. If there is a problem why didn’t u call and give us…”
“I said that I will see you tomorrow Sir and explain things to you, thank you.” Dad cut the line and switched off his cell phone.
I was watching television in the sitting room when Dad showed.
“What’s that? Will you switch off that television and go into your room? Are you not supposed to be in school? You can’t be reasonable enough to know that you are supposed to spend the most part of this morning studying your books.” He stopped and continued to stare at me with disgust.
I hurriedly turned the TV off and headed straight for my room.
“Call Ada and John for me.” His angry voice said to my back.
I hated the day with all my life.
I quickly informed Ada and John that Daddy wanted to see them and hastily entered my room. I felt really bad. I almost hated my Dad. Why must he be so mean? I had often heard most of my friends talk about their Dad at school. I even see how they related with their parents when they come to pick them from school. Most of them weren’t as rich as we were. But they were much happier. My own home was filled with nothing but constant quarreling. Nobody was ever happy with anybody.
Dad was a stranger to us all and I never get to hang out and do anything meaningful with my sister. She didn’t care about anybody in the house, infact she didn’t want anybody to know anything about her so she was always in her room, making and answering calls like the calls were the only thing that made her happy when at home. She never laughed with anybody at home, not even me, her only and little sister.
My Mum was so withdrawn that you hardly get her to tell you anything interesting. She was just a woman of her own world.
John was just strange. As the days went by, he transformed into a dangerous person. Something was just bothering him. He was learning to be somebody he wasn’t comfortable with.
I had never seen my Mum and Dad share happy moments together. The few times they talk you find them answering each other in monosyllabic replies and when they talk long it was always when Dad was in his squabbling mood. He barks at Mum and continuously complains at any little thing he feels she had not done right.
I wished I could ask God for another family.
I got tired of just lying down doing nothing, so I decided to read my book like Dad had suggested. While searching for the book to read, I thought I heard the metallic sound of keys. I quickly searched through my bag and behold, in between my homework note book was the key everybody was looking for.
“I can see that you kids have decided to disgrace this household, but I will never allow it.” Dad was speaking to Ada and John.
“I will not harbor a rogue and a prostitute in this house, never!!!” his voice was so loud that I could feel the vibration it caused in my room. “I dedicate my time and my life trying to ensure that you kids get the best in life. But how do you kids show your gratitude? You miss classes, come home with poor results, sleep around, smoke and get pregnant!! Tell me what father will have this knowledge about his kids and be happy?”
Ada raised her head in shock when Dad mentioned pregnancy. How in God’s name did he find out that she was under suspicion that she might be pregnant? It was then that she realized that she was in a more serious problem with Dad.
She had taught Dad was just going to complain about the cell phone and then the key and finally conclude by making them feel silly and everybody retires into their room. What did he see in her cell phone that made him aware of the situation?
Perhaps Vivian replied the text she sent to her early this morning and Dad had seen it.
“Ada, how old are you?” Dad continued, “At such a tender age you think the best thing for you to do is to sleep around? Telling everybody that you lack home training? Disgracing the family? Embarrassing me?”
They remain silent, both trembling in fear and almost wetting their pants.
“Look at you John, you are barely 14yrs” John looked up sharply, how could Dad say he was 13yrs? “And all you do is sleep around and smoke with vagabonds in town? No!! I won’t take this! Not while I am alive. Ada you are not going to have your bastard baby in my house and you, John, I don’t breed thieves here so you can go and live with your trainers so that you can perfect in the act of smoking. I will not, I repeat, I will never spend my money on anyone who does not want it, neither will I house such a person.”
Mum had already appeared at his back. She had read the text message in Ada’s cell phone and confirmed what Dad had read. She had allowed the cell phone to drop from her because her shivery hand could hold it any longer. This was much more than she could handle. She had suspected that Ada was already sexually active but didn’t know how to approach her on the issue. The mother-daughter relationship she had tried to build between them hadn’t worked out mainly because she had allowed herself to be carried away by Dad’s lack of attention towards her and the family generally.
Now Ada was pregnant. The whole world will blame her for being a bad mother. How could she face this shame?
Her daughter was only eighteen.
Now from the background she stared at Ada with a scornful look. Different emotions ran through her. She felt sad, afraid, disappointed, and angry.
“Look at you Ada! You don’t know how to respect yourself, how can you make yourself so cheap for men? I am disappointed in the two of you.” Mum said as she broke down and started crying.
The air was so tense that both Ada and John felt like the earth should open up and swallow them, Ada felt worse.
“I will never take it! Once this key is found or once the door is broken down, the both of you should leave my house. You can go and practice you prostitution and thug life elsewhere. Now both should leave my presence, go to your room and get ready to leave my house!!”
Ada and John turned around and began to leave, while Mum continued to sob loudly behind Dad. But Dad wasn’t satisfied with his verdict, especially given the fact that they both didn’t show any sign of remorse, neither did they hesitate and beg.
“In fact, you will not take anything with you, I don’t care how you survive, you will leave this house with nothing because everything you own, I bought them with my money.” He added.
He had been so hurt with the new knowledge about Ada and John that the only thing he wanted to do was to hurt them back. How could they disregard him this way?
To Dad, he had been insulted beyond a bearable limit. He felt really hurt that his heart ached; he felt so much psychological pain that his eyes were almost filled with tears.
Who Do You Think Should Be Blamed For This Disaster In The Family?
“Who cares,” John muttered under his nose. But it was loud enough for Dad to hear.
“What did you say?” Dad asked and instinctively rushed towards John. Before John could turn around and react, Dad’s right hand had already reached his shoulders and forcefully turned him around. With John now facing Dad, Dad gave him a slap on his face. John wasn’t expecting it.
“Are you trying to show me that you are now a man? Do you want to challenge me? Or have you smoked something?”
John stared at Dad for some seconds, anger building up within him.
“I have always been planning on leaving this house for a long time. You know what? My mind had already left this house a long time ago. You can have your big fancy house all to yourself. I don’t intend to stay anyway.”
Dad stared at him, he didn’t expect this.
“Fine, then what have been doing here all along, did I chain you here?”
“It’s not just about building a fancy house. I hope you mean what you are saying when you say we should leave, because it will even be a thing of joy to sleep on the street than stay here with parents that doesn’t care. I wish this door can be opened soon so that you can have the house to yourself. This house is not even qualified to be called a home” Ada chipped in to Dad’s amazement.
“You are not even qualified to be called my daughter. You have decided to be a disgrace to yourself. I can’t even look at. you. You should be ashamed of yourself but rather you still have the guts to talk to me like that. Is it me that you got you into this condition and made you feel like you don’t have a home? I will be glad to have you take your disgraceful self out of here.” Dad returned.
He had never exchanged words with his children before. It had always been him talking and everybody in the house listening. He hadn’t even ever thought that they had grown big enough to voice out their opinion. Where these really his kids? Looking at them now they were like strangers to him.
“If I am pregnant or if John is smoking around, it really should be your fault. It beats me that you don’t even blame yourself for anything! Oh I forgot, you are the perfect Dad, the manager of Dew luck Nig. Limited who always gets it right” Ada replied.
This was really surprising. I never thought she had such guts to talk back to Dad the way she was doing now.
“Ada, your mouth is surprisingly too sharp for someone who acted in such a disgraceful manner. You are not even grateful to your parents who sacrifice their all to make sure you get the best in life. Instead you stand here and talk back to mm your Dad with such effrontery.” Mum injected.
“The best in life? Did you say the best in life? I can’t believe you mum. You think what your children are having here is the best in life?” Ada returned, looking around disdainfully.
“A lot of your mates will give everything to be in your shoes. You are not grateful to God for what you have; no wonder you have no respect for yourself. Don’t you see your mates hawking on the streets? But you have the opportunity of finding yourself in school; instead you are misusing it by avoiding school and sleeping with men all over town.” Mum said.
“What do you know about school Mum, what do you even know about me?” Ada asked, she shrugged frustratingly and walked away from the scene.
John left after her, leaving Mum and Dad standing there with their mouths wide open.
Dad was both unhappy and angry, “Do you know this is all your fault?” he said to Mum, “how can you look at yourself and call yourself a good mother? You chose to neglect the kids under your care and concentrate all your efforts on that boutique of yours. You don’t know your duty as a mother, now look at the result.”
“Oh please, enough of your ranting. Will you ever stop? Mr. Perfect. If I concentrate my effort on my boutique where do you put yours? Oh, I remember you always take out time to be with your children.” Mum replied and walked into their bedroom. Dad followed her behind.
It happened on a Monday. Very early in the morning, my Dad woke up as usual and started to dress up for work. By 6.30am he was ready for work. He then took his time to sort out some papers. I think these papers had something to do with his work. It was almost 7am when he locked up his suit case and left the bedroom. Mum was still sleeping when he closed the door behind him.
In the sitting room, he walked straight to the exit door, realized that the door was still locked.
“Oh!” he exclaimed and walked straight to the dining table where the exit door key was normally kept, but it wasn’t there.
He got a little frustrated as he began to search all over the sitting room for the key. It was no where to be found. He dropped his suitcase on the seat and angrily walked back into the sitting room where Mum was still sleeping.
“Where on earth would someone keep the exit door key if not in the sitting room?” he said to Mum who was already half awake.
She moaned and slowly said, “Not everybody wakes up as early as you do, you know?”
“This is almost 7am and it’s not early. I just need to know where the key is so that I can go to work; I have a very important meeting this morning.”
“It should be in the sitting room, I think I kept it there after I locked up last night,” she said as she slowly got up from the bed.
“You think?” he starred at her in disbelieve,
“where you drunk last night?” He asked’ She ignored him and walked out of the bedroom, into the sitting room. He followed her.
She searched every nook and cranny of the sitting room, while my Dad watched her in anger. But she didn’t find the key.
“Where else would this key be if not here?” she said, more to herself as she looked around helplessly.
“I am really sure I kept it here.“
Daddy impatiently looked at his wrist watch,“Oh my God,” 7:10am. what is the meaning of all this?”…
John walked into the sitting room. He was already in his school uniform. My Dad might be a huge income earner, but John never looked it. His dressing was always shabby and he most times preferred flying his shirt with his sandals dirty. I can’t remember Dad or Mum ever saying something about it. Of course Dad was never around to notice and Mum hardly talks.
“Good morning Mum, Good morning Dad,” he said and walked towards the kitchen.
“Did you see the exit door key?” Dad asked without responding to his salutation.
John stopped starring at them in confusion; he was never comfortable around them. They have a way of intimidating him and this makes him somehow act guilty around them. One can easily blame him for anything because of the way he acted around them.
“Key?, No Dad, I wasn’t the last person to go to bed, I have no idea where the key is.”
Dad continued to look around the sitting room like John was never there in the first place.
He looked at the wall clock in the sitting room and murmured, “Just imagine, I should be on my way to the office by now. What nonsense is this?”
Mum was still busy searching. She was saying some things to herself nobody could hear. She was sure she kept the key on the dining table after she locked up last night.
“Woman, what exactly do you want me to do right now? Just try and remember where you kept this key so that I can go to my office and get ready for the meeting.” Dad said to her.
“I am very sure I kept the key here. Yes, I remember opening the door for you when you came home last night. I locked it immediately and dropped it on the dining table before going to sleep. Linda was doing her home work on the table when i dropped it, while Ada was playing with her cell phone on the long seat here.” She said thoughtfully.
“LINDA!!” Dad called my name…
The story has just begun.
If Dad called any of us the way he was calling me now, we know there was trouble and trouble with my Dad was hell. When angry with anybody in the house, he would use very derogatory words ensuring that his victim looked and felt as foolish as ever. He would attack your self esteem and make you hate yourself.
I was putting on my socks when Dad called.
“Yes Dad!” I replied and quickly came out of my room to meet him, wondering what I had done wrong this morning.
He hardly interacts with anyone on week day’s mornings.
“Where is the exit door key?” he asked immediately I came out.
“I don’t know where it is,” I replied defensively.
He was asking like he was sure I was with it.
“You were doing your homework on the dining last night when your Mum dropped the key, didn’t you see it?”
“No Dad,” I replied as he immediately shifted his attention back to Mum who was still looking around confused.
Ada came out from her room; she had not yet taken her bath. I think she wasn’t having an early lecture this Monday morning. I sometimes wonder what sort of school she was going. She does not wear any school uniform like me and John. She sometimes comes home very early or even stays at home without going to school for a whole day.
“Ada, do you happen to know where the exit door key is?” Mum spoke up this time around.
“Isn’t it on the dining table?”
“It wouldn’t be on the dining and we would be looking for it.” Dad injected.
He raised his hands helplessly.
“Can somebody locate this key so that I will leave this house? What sort of joke is this?”
Ada and Mum started all over again to search all corners of the sitting room. John came out from the kitchen and walked into his room, he didn’t want to be around Dad. I also left them and got back into my room to finish dressing up for school. I didn’t think the key was missing. I was almost sure that the key would be found, Dad’s irritated mood was only making it look bad.
The time was almost 7.30am; I hoped the key would be found soonest so that I don’t miss the school bus. Nobody was even talking about breakfast; well Mum will bring my lunch box for me later. She would drop at the school gate and the guard would help her bring it to me.
By now Dad was burning in anger. He stood helplessly and observed as Mum and Ada continued to look around for the key. He obviously didn’t know the next thing to do. They repeatedly searched where they had already searched. He looked at them like they were silly.
“Will you continue to search the same place all day? How do you feel doing that?” Dad calmly asked.
Neither Mum nor Ada was sure the question was directed at them. They stopped and looked at him. It was obvious that the anger he felt had heated his whole system that his whole body organs should have started dissolving by now.
Who could be holding the key?
“You can stare at me from now till tomorrow but you will never find the key on my face. I expected that by now you should know that they key is not here and start searching for it in other sections of the house.”
“I know I kept the key here and none of the kids are with it. I believe this is the only place the key should be.” Mum replied defensively.
“Maybe a ghost came to this house and took it. You are very sure that you kept the key here and it is not here yet you only concentrate on searching the same place; are you okay? Look woman, you and your daughter should stop embarrassing yourselves and search for this key in other sections of the house.”
“Ada, go and look around your room and if you don’t find it go into Linda’s room, while I search in our bedroom, I will also check the kitchen.” Mum instructed Ada as they both dispersed.
She was silent because somehow she felt guilty that it was her fault that this was happening. Dad followed her into the bedroom and they both continued to search the room in silence. Dad hadn’t looked at the time since the last time he did. I think he was afraid of what the time might be.
His special meeting was by nine o’clock but he was supposed to have a short briefing with one or two staff and his Boss before the dignitaries who were supposed to be present at the meeting arrived. He had in his possession, the most important document that would be needed for the meeting and he was supposed to discuss some points with his staff and Boss before the meeting. Without the document, the meeting won’t hold.
The silence in the room was scary. Mum knew that this was more serious than anything. She decided to check the kitchen as it was obvious that the key was not in the bedroom. She walked out of the room into the kitchen. The key was nowhere to be found.
She came back into the bedroom. Dad was sitting on his bed. He was facing down as he supported his forehead with both hands which rested on his laps. She felt pity for him and afraid for herself..
“You know, I think you are doing this deliberately,” he said.
The key was nowhere to be found, the blaming game must take another direction.
“I don’t know why you are doing it, but you are trying to make me go crazy. I am trying to know what I have done to you to deserve all this.”
“Why would I try to make you go crazy?”
“You tell me.”
“Well I have nothing to gain by making you stay at home and discharge your tantrums on me. I kept the key where it is normally kept and …”
“And a ghost came and took it.” He cut in, “I never knew I had ghosts in my house. You must have planned this either with the kids or alone!”
Mum was getting angry with his accusations; she didn’t want to continue the discussion.
So she heads towards the exit of the room, “You can say whatever you like but I believe the key is somewhere in this house and it shall be found and then you will leave for work with your troubles.”
Ada entered John’s room after she had finished searching hers.
“What is it? Why are you entering my room?” he rudely asked.
“Don’t you know that we are searching for the lost key? Everybody is busy trying to locate it, instead of coming out to help; you isolate yourself in your room.” She replied.
“Leave my room, the key is not here. I am not with the key. What will I be doing with it here; please you guys should leave me alone. I am not in the mood for your problems.”
“Look at the dirty room you are telling me to leave, you are not even happy I am stepping my legs into this refuse dump.”
“Thank you, my room is a refuse dump, now leave.”
She angrily banged the door behind her she left the room and entered my room.
EPISODE 4 coming
My door was already opened so she walked straight in. she started searching all over like it was her room, I didn’t speak with her.
We had a brief quarrel last night before I went to bed. Something that led her to hit me while I rained abuses on her and reminding her of how she follows men.
When she was through, she walked out of the room without saying a word to me. I wanted to hiss loudly so that she could hear it but Dad was around and I knew she wouldn’t let it go if she hears the hiss. I didn’t want Dad taking out his already ignited tantrum on us. The day was already starting badly.
She met my Mum in the sitting room. There was no need to speak. They stopped helplessly wondering where the key was. They begin to search between and within the seats.
Dad came out of the room and went straight to the door; he stopped and stared at it, as if asking himself ‘what should I do now?’
There was no possibility of breaking down the strong metallic bullet proof door. A few months ago, Dad had angrily and suddenly relieved the gateman of his duties because of a pardonable mistake. Now there was nobody outside the compound that he could call to help him pull some stunts outside. Dad had no driver; Dad was very impatient with drivers.
The spare key got lost almost seven months ago, it was Johns fault. We have been managing this single remaining key since then. The back door key which was occasionally used was in the same bunch with the exit door key. There was just no way out. Who would have imagined that this would be our plight on this Monday morning?
Time was ticking.
I think Dad was thinking of who he would call that would help him get some professionals to help him break down the door, because he was busy with his cell phone.
“Where could this key be?” Mum whispered.
The mistake she made was that she allowed Dad to hear it.
“You can continue asking yourself such a silly question. But have you taken your time to imagine how you sound with such words coming out of your lips?”
Mum looked at him helplessly, she was already getting used to him and the way he talked.
“I am not as silly as you take me for you know, I am sure I kept the key on this table, why should whatever happened to it after I kept it be my fault? Why don’t you believe me when I say that I kept it here?”
“I can only believe you when…” His cell phone rang, his Boss.
He took a long breath before answering the call.
“I can’t believe you are not yet in the office, are you okay?” His Boss quickly said before Dad could say hello.
“I just have a little set back I will soon be there Sir,” Dad said. He was trying to sound confident.
“Do you know what time it is? This is after eight. You should be here in the next ten minutes, I am waiting.”
The line went dead before Dad could give his fake reassurance speech.
He looked at Mum, “do you see what you are making me pass through?” His voice was loud. He was now ready to let out the whole anger he felt.
You see, the thunder like emotion called anger has a way of obscuring any intent we have. Remember, Dad was trying to call someone who would help him break down the door. Instead he spent valuable time calling Mum silly, I didn’t think Mum was the silly one here.
“Do you know this might cause me my job?” he continued in a much louder tone.
. “What do you stand to gain by doing this? You might think this is a joke but it is not. This morning meeting is one that I cannot afford to miss. I have with me here, important company documents that will be needed for the meeting. If I don’t attend it, it will be the greatest catastrophe of all times.”
Mum got angry at Dad’s accusations towards her. She told him that he wasnt the only one that’s suppose to go out that very day, that we the children are supposed to go to school too.
I can’t remember if I have ever seen Mum this angry. Now this was even the first time she was talking back to Dad in such a way.
“And you can count me out when you decide to involve yourself in any problem solving activity. I won’t be part of it. I don’t care about your meeting and I don’t even care if you lose your job or not!! This is your house perhaps it’s high time you sit down here for once!” she walked out of the sitting room, into the bedroom.
“Okay, now you are gradually coming out with the truth, so you want me to sit here with you?” He replied.
Ada also quickly left the sitting room leaving Dad all alone in the sitting room. i stayed behind. He seemed shock. He didn’t expect such outburst from Mum.
He dialed a friend’s number “Hello… yes, can you help me get someone who can help me break down my door? Yes, a welder or carpenter, but I think a welder will be better since the door is a metal door… okay, I will be waiting. Thank you.”
He dropped the call and looked at the wall clock, 8.45am. He was exhausted. He sat on the closest leather seat next to him, staring at his phone like his life depended on it.
The cell phone rang ten minutes later, he quickly answered the call.
“The welder I know is not reachable at the moment. But I spoke with a friend who gave me another’s number but I called him and he said he is not in town but will forward me a friend’s number. I will send the number to you when he sends the number to me.” His friend said.
“Oh my God” Dad exclaimed, “please try and make him send the number immediately, the earlier the better.”
“I will try my best.”
“Okay, I will be waiting.” His cell phone rang again immediately he cut the call, it was his Boss again.
“What is going on Mr. Ikedi? Is there something you are not telling me? The guests are already arriving for the meeting and you are not yet here. I need you here with those documents right now.”
How could Dad tell him that he was locked up in his own house? Dad hated sounding silly, maybe because he was fund of calling others silly.
“Sir, I will be there before nine, I promise. I will soon be there.”
“Where are you now?” his Boss asked
“I am on my way; I said I will soon be there Sir.”
“You better be, I won’t tolerate any late coming.” He cut the line before dad could reassure him again.
Dad stood up and started walking from one place to the other within the sitting room. A text message entered his phone. A welder’s number. Dad quickly dialed the number.
“Hello, is that the welder?”
“Yes who be this?” replied the incautious voice.
“Please I need you to come to my house immediately and help me break down my bullet proof door.”
“Oga, I de busy now, I no sure say I fit come.” Came the reply.
“Please send me your boy or any other welder you know.” Dad pleaded.
“Ahh, all my boys de busy oo, I no get another welder number now. But give me two hours, I go come.”
“Two hours is too late, I need you now.”
“Okay, I go try, send me your address.”
“Thank you, please try and come immediately, I will pay you anything. I will send you the address now.” Dad dropped the call and quickly sent our house address via text message.
It happened on a Monday. Very early in the morning, my Dad woke up as usual and started to dress up for work. By 6.30am he was ready for work. He then took his time to sort out some papers. I think these papers had something to do with his work. It was almost 7am when he locked up his suit case and left the bedroom. Mum was still sleeping when he closed the door behind him.
In the sitting room, he walked straight to the exit door, realized that the door was still locked.
“Oh!” he exclaimed and walked straight to the dining table where the exit door key was normally kept, but it wasn’t there.
He got a little frustrated as he began to search all over the sitting room for the key. It was no where to be found. He dropped his suitcase on the seat and angrily walked back into the sitting room where Mum was still sleeping.
“Where on earth would someone keep the exit door key if not in the sitting room?” he said to Mum who was already half awake.
She moaned and slowly said, “Not everybody wakes up as early as you do, you know?”
“This is almost 7am and it’s not early. I just need to know where the key is so that I can go to work; I have a very important meeting this morning.”
“It should be in the sitting room, I think I kept it there after I locked up last night,” she said as she slowly got up from the bed.
“You think?” he starred at her in disbelieve,
“where you drunk last night?” He asked’ She ignored him and walked out of the bedroom, into the sitting room. He followed her.
She searched every nook and cranny of the sitting room, while my Dad watched her in anger. But she didn’t find the key.
“Where else would this key be if not here?” she said, more to herself as she looked around helplessly.
“I am really sure I kept it here.“
Daddy impatiently looked at his wrist watch,“Oh my God,” 7:10am. what is the meaning of all this?”…
John walked into the sitting room. He was already in his school uniform. My Dad might be a huge income earner, but John never looked it. His dressing was always shabby and he most times preferred flying his shirt with his sandals dirty. I can’t remember Dad or Mum ever saying something about it. Of course Dad was never around to notice and Mum hardly talks.
“Good morning Mum, Good morning Dad,” he said and walked towards the kitchen.
“Did you see the exit door key?” Dad asked without responding to his salutation.
John stopped starring at them in confusion; he was never comfortable around them. They have a way of intimidating him and this makes him somehow act guilty around them. One can easily blame him for anything because of the way he acted around them.
“Key?, No Dad, I wasn’t the last person to go to bed, I have no idea where the key is.”
Dad continued to look around the sitting room like John was never there in the first place.
He looked at the wall clock in the sitting room and murmured, “Just imagine, I should be on my way to the office by now. What nonsense is this?”
Mum was still busy searching. She was saying some things to herself nobody could hear. She was sure she kept the key on the dining table after she locked up last night.
“Woman, what exactly do you want me to do right now? Just try and remember where you kept this key so that I can go to my office and get ready for the meeting.” Dad said to her.
“I am very sure I kept the key here. Yes, I remember opening the door for you when you came home last night. I locked it immediately and dropped it on the dining table before going to sleep. Linda was doing her home work on the table when i dropped it, while Ada was playing with her cell phone on the long seat here.” She said thoughtfully.
“LINDA!!” Dad called my name…
The story has just begun.
If Dad called any of us the way he was calling me now, we know there was trouble and trouble with my Dad was hell. When angry with anybody in the house, he would use very derogatory words ensuring that his victim looked and felt as foolish as ever. He would attack your self esteem and make you hate yourself.
I was putting on my socks when Dad called.
“Yes Dad!” I replied and quickly came out of my room to meet him, wondering what I had done wrong this morning.
He hardly interacts with anyone on week day’s mornings.
“Where is the exit door key?” he asked immediately I came out.
“I don’t know where it is,” I replied defensively.
He was asking like he was sure I was with it.
“You were doing your homework on the dining last night when your Mum dropped the key, didn’t you see it?”
“No Dad,” I replied as he immediately shifted his attention back to Mum who was still looking around confused.
Ada came out from her room; she had not yet taken her bath. I think she wasn’t having an early lecture this Monday morning. I sometimes wonder what sort of school she was going. She does not wear any school uniform like me and John. She sometimes comes home very early or even stays at home without going to school for a whole day.
“Ada, do you happen to know where the exit door key is?” Mum spoke up this time around.
“Isn’t it on the dining table?”
“It wouldn’t be on the dining and we would be looking for it.” Dad injected.
He raised his hands helplessly.
“Can somebody locate this key so that I will leave this house? What sort of joke is this?”
Ada and Mum started all over again to search all corners of the sitting room. John came out from the kitchen and walked into his room, he didn’t want to be around Dad. I also left them and got back into my room to finish dressing up for school. I didn’t think the key was missing. I was almost sure that the key would be found, Dad’s irritated mood was only making it look bad.
The time was almost 7.30am; I hoped the key would be found soonest so that I don’t miss the school bus. Nobody was even talking about breakfast; well Mum will bring my lunch box for me later. She would drop at the school gate and the guard would help her bring it to me.
By now Dad was burning in anger. He stood helplessly and observed as Mum and Ada continued to look around for the key. He obviously didn’t know the next thing to do. They repeatedly searched where they had already searched. He looked at them like they were silly.
“Will you continue to search the same place all day? How do you feel doing that?” Dad calmly asked.
Neither Mum nor Ada was sure the question was directed at them. They stopped and looked at him. It was obvious that the anger he felt had heated his whole system that his whole body organs should have started dissolving by now.
Who could be holding the key?
“You can stare at me from now till tomorrow but you will never find the key on my face. I expected that by now you should know that they key is not here and start searching for it in other sections of the house.”
“I know I kept the key here and none of the kids are with it. I believe this is the only place the key should be.” Mum replied defensively.
“Maybe a ghost came to this house and took it. You are very sure that you kept the key here and it is not here yet you only concentrate on searching the same place; are you okay? Look woman, you and your daughter should stop embarrassing yourselves and search for this key in other sections of the house.”
“Ada, go and look around your room and if you don’t find it go into Linda’s room, while I search in our bedroom, I will also check the kitchen.” Mum instructed Ada as they both dispersed.
She was silent because somehow she felt guilty that it was her fault that this was happening. Dad followed her into the bedroom and they both continued to search the room in silence. Dad hadn’t looked at the time since the last time he did. I think he was afraid of what the time might be.
His special meeting was by nine o’clock but he was supposed to have a short briefing with one or two staff and his Boss before the dignitaries who were supposed to be present at the meeting arrived. He had in his possession, the most important document that would be needed for the meeting and he was supposed to discuss some points with his staff and Boss before the meeting. Without the document, the meeting won’t hold.
The silence in the room was scary. Mum knew that this was more serious than anything. She decided to check the kitchen as it was obvious that the key was not in the bedroom. She walked out of the room into the kitchen. The key was nowhere to be found.
She came back into the bedroom. Dad was sitting on his bed. He was facing down as he supported his forehead with both hands which rested on his laps. She felt pity for him and afraid for herself..
“You know, I think you are doing this deliberately,” he said.
The key was nowhere to be found, the blaming game must take another direction.
“I don’t know why you are doing it, but you are trying to make me go crazy. I am trying to know what I have done to you to deserve all this.”
“Why would I try to make you go crazy?”
“You tell me.”
“Well I have nothing to gain by making you stay at home and discharge your tantrums on me. I kept the key where it is normally kept and …”
“And a ghost came and took it.” He cut in, “I never knew I had ghosts in my house. You must have planned this either with the kids or alone!”
Mum was getting angry with his accusations; she didn’t want to continue the discussion.
So she heads towards the exit of the room, “You can say whatever you like but I believe the key is somewhere in this house and it shall be found and then you will leave for work with your troubles.”
Ada entered John’s room after she had finished searching hers.
“What is it? Why are you entering my room?” he rudely asked.
“Don’t you know that we are searching for the lost key? Everybody is busy trying to locate it, instead of coming out to help; you isolate yourself in your room.” She replied.
“Leave my room, the key is not here. I am not with the key. What will I be doing with it here; please you guys should leave me alone. I am not in the mood for your problems.”
“Look at the dirty room you are telling me to leave, you are not even happy I am stepping my legs into this refuse dump.”
“Thank you, my room is a refuse dump, now leave.”
She angrily banged the door behind her she left the room and entered my room.
EPISODE 4 coming
My door was already opened so she walked straight in. she started searching all over like it was her room, I didn’t speak with her.
We had a brief quarrel last night before I went to bed. Something that led her to hit me while I rained abuses on her and reminding her of how she follows men.
When she was through, she walked out of the room without saying a word to me. I wanted to hiss loudly so that she could hear it but Dad was around and I knew she wouldn’t let it go if she hears the hiss. I didn’t want Dad taking out his already ignited tantrum on us. The day was already starting badly.
She met my Mum in the sitting room. There was no need to speak. They stopped helplessly wondering where the key was. They begin to search between and within the seats.
Dad came out of the room and went straight to the door; he stopped and stared at it, as if asking himself ‘what should I do now?’
There was no possibility of breaking down the strong metallic bullet proof door. A few months ago, Dad had angrily and suddenly relieved the gateman of his duties because of a pardonable mistake. Now there was nobody outside the compound that he could call to help him pull some stunts outside. Dad had no driver; Dad was very impatient with drivers.
The spare key got lost almost seven months ago, it was Johns fault. We have been managing this single remaining key since then. The back door key which was occasionally used was in the same bunch with the exit door key. There was just no way out. Who would have imagined that this would be our plight on this Monday morning?
Time was ticking.
I think Dad was thinking of who he would call that would help him get some professionals to help him break down the door, because he was busy with his cell phone.
“Where could this key be?” Mum whispered.
The mistake she made was that she allowed Dad to hear it.
“You can continue asking yourself such a silly question. But have you taken your time to imagine how you sound with such words coming out of your lips?”
Mum looked at him helplessly, she was already getting used to him and the way he talked.
“I am not as silly as you take me for you know, I am sure I kept the key on this table, why should whatever happened to it after I kept it be my fault? Why don’t you believe me when I say that I kept it here?”
“I can only believe you when…” His cell phone rang, his Boss.
He took a long breath before answering the call.
“I can’t believe you are not yet in the office, are you okay?” His Boss quickly said before Dad could say hello.
“I just have a little set back I will soon be there Sir,” Dad said. He was trying to sound confident.
“Do you know what time it is? This is after eight. You should be here in the next ten minutes, I am waiting.”
The line went dead before Dad could give his fake reassurance speech.
He looked at Mum, “do you see what you are making me pass through?” His voice was loud. He was now ready to let out the whole anger he felt.
You see, the thunder like emotion called anger has a way of obscuring any intent we have. Remember, Dad was trying to call someone who would help him break down the door. Instead he spent valuable time calling Mum silly, I didn’t think Mum was the silly one here.
“Do you know this might cause me my job?” he continued in a much louder tone.
. “What do you stand to gain by doing this? You might think this is a joke but it is not. This morning meeting is one that I cannot afford to miss. I have with me here, important company documents that will be needed for the meeting. If I don’t attend it, it will be the greatest catastrophe of all times.”
Mum got angry at Dad’s accusations towards her. She told him that he wasnt the only one that’s suppose to go out that very day, that we the children are supposed to go to school too.
I can’t remember if I have ever seen Mum this angry. Now this was even the first time she was talking back to Dad in such a way.
“And you can count me out when you decide to involve yourself in any problem solving activity. I won’t be part of it. I don’t care about your meeting and I don’t even care if you lose your job or not!! This is your house perhaps it’s high time you sit down here for once!” she walked out of the sitting room, into the bedroom.
“Okay, now you are gradually coming out with the truth, so you want me to sit here with you?” He replied.
Ada also quickly left the sitting room leaving Dad all alone in the sitting room. i stayed behind. He seemed shock. He didn’t expect such outburst from Mum.
He dialed a friend’s number “Hello… yes, can you help me get someone who can help me break down my door? Yes, a welder or carpenter, but I think a welder will be better since the door is a metal door… okay, I will be waiting. Thank you.”
He dropped the call and looked at the wall clock, 8.45am. He was exhausted. He sat on the closest leather seat next to him, staring at his phone like his life depended on it.
The cell phone rang ten minutes later, he quickly answered the call.
“The welder I know is not reachable at the moment. But I spoke with a friend who gave me another’s number but I called him and he said he is not in town but will forward me a friend’s number. I will send the number to you when he sends the number to me.” His friend said.
“Oh my God” Dad exclaimed, “please try and make him send the number immediately, the earlier the better.”
“I will try my best.”
“Okay, I will be waiting.” His cell phone rang again immediately he cut the call, it was his Boss again.
“What is going on Mr. Ikedi? Is there something you are not telling me? The guests are already arriving for the meeting and you are not yet here. I need you here with those documents right now.”
How could Dad tell him that he was locked up in his own house? Dad hated sounding silly, maybe because he was fund of calling others silly.
“Sir, I will be there before nine, I promise. I will soon be there.”
“Where are you now?” his Boss asked
“I am on my way; I said I will soon be there Sir.”
“You better be, I won’t tolerate any late coming.” He cut the line before dad could reassure him again.
Dad stood up and started walking from one place to the other within the sitting room. A text message entered his phone. A welder’s number. Dad quickly dialed the number.
“Hello, is that the welder?”
“Yes who be this?” replied the incautious voice.
“Please I need you to come to my house immediately and help me break down my bullet proof door.”
“Oga, I de busy now, I no sure say I fit come.” Came the reply.
“Please send me your boy or any other welder you know.” Dad pleaded.
“Ahh, all my boys de busy oo, I no get another welder number now. But give me two hours, I go come.”
“Two hours is too late, I need you now.”
“Okay, I go try, send me your address.”
“Thank you, please try and come immediately, I will pay you anything. I will send you the address now.” Dad dropped the call and quickly sent our house address via text message.
My Neighbours 18+. Short story.
MY NEIGHBOURS +18. (short story)..
There was a young married couple living in the apartment above Kunle. The guy was one of those arrogant looking characters with a face that seemed to invite a knuckle sandwich but his wife – there was another story. Sometimes Kunle got the pleasure of following her up the stairs whenever she’d been out shopping. The cotton dresses she wore were short and revealing and as she continued up the next flight of stairs, he’d pretend to fumble with his key for a few moments, just to get a last look at those long slender legs and beautifully round a-s. Occasionally they’d say hello in passing but that’s as far as things went. Usually, by the time he got to his door, there was always a bulge in his pants.
The thing that upset Kunle was the fact that she frequently showed signs of abuse and he could only assume her husband was responsible. He’d heard them fighting on more than one occasion but he couldn’t very well intervene – especially in his line of work. However, one morning, things came to a head. A real fight broke out upstairs and there were sounds of furniture been thrown around and breaking glass. The battle continued for some time and seemed to be carried from the second floor, down the stairs and onto the landing of the first floor, just outside his door. When he opened it to see what was going on, he was appalled to see the man slapping his wife’s head from side to side. She was cowering up against the wall, her nose was bleeding, and there was distinct bruising around one eye.
Kunle felt compelled to keep out of other peoples problems as he couldn’t afford to break his cover by being called as a witness. However, this woman was taking a beating and he had no choice but to step in. The man had his back to him so he moved across the landing and applied his fingers to two pressure points at the back of the wife-beater’s neck. The man froze instantly and tried to call out but only a hoarse croak emerged. Kunle told him that he would let him go if he promised not to strike his wife again and as he did so, he applied even more pressure and the man, gasping for breath, sank to his knees. With his eyes bulging out of his head, he managed to nod his agreement and was released. The idiot wife-beater remained on his knees for a few moments, trying to catch his breath, while his wife stared at Kunle with a dazed expression on her face.
Kunle stepped back to allow the husband get to his feet, hoping that the arrogant little man wouldn’t be tempted to take the risk of throwing a punch. In a way, Kunle wished he would; that would really give him an excuse to re-arranged the bastards face. However, realizing he had met his match, the visibly shaken wife-beating adversary barely let out a grunt and started back upstairs. His wife followed him like a little sheep but did manage to turn her head and give a faint smile to Kunle.
Later in afternoon he thought his worst fears had come true when a member of the Brigade Team knocked on his door. He introduced himself as Kenneth Sanusi, which was an unusual way for a cop to start the conversation. As it turned out, the woman upstairs was his kid sister. She’d apparently phoned him and informed him of Kunle’s intervention. In the end he was invited in for a glass of wine and during a twenty minute or so conversation, he related all the sordid details of the marriage. Kenneth told him that he’d intervened on behalf of his sister from time to time but he had to be careful, being a policeman and all. Kunle nodded sympathetically. Kenneth seemed most interested in how he had acquired the skills that his sister had described. Kunle smiled and told him that he’d spent some time in the military and had done quite a bit of unarmed combat training.
“Well Monsieur,” Kenneth said before leaving, “You have my permission to kick my brother-in-law’s a-s every time he steps out of line.” Both men smiled, shook hands and then Kenneth left.
The following morning as he sipped his coffee and looked out the window, Kunle spotted the arrogant wife-beater hobbling off to work. Half an hour later he answered a knock on the door and was surprised to find the young woman from upstairs standing there with a clothes basket.
“I’m sorry to bother you Monsieur but I was wondering if I could use your dryer… mine has stopped working and I urgently need to dry a few things.” Her eyes pleading with him.
He glanced down at the basket, noting that its content were mostly flimsy pieces of underwear. Although he was reluctant to let anyone in his apartment, she had such a sweet, innocent face, despite the bruising and he could hardly refuse.
His washer and dryer was in the kitchen. He wasn’t sure he knew how it all worked but his neighbor, who introduced herself as Jumoke, assured him that she did. Kunle sat on a stool by the kitchen table while she began working the dryer. He watched her bend over the dryer, her short skirt riding daringly higher and he thought how nice it would be to run his hands up her very shapely legs. She obviously knew he was watching and seemed to linger in that provocative position for longer than it was necessary.
When she did turn around, she bent the other way to pick up the basket and he could see both her t--s swinging freely to and fro. She was a very pretty woman with beautiful brown hair that cascaded onto her shoulders, full sensuous lips and bright blue eyes. When she finally straightened, Kunle quickly averted his eyes and drank up the last of his coffee. She smiled knowingly at his discomfort at having being caught staring.
“Thank you for what you did,” she said, “I’d like to repay you if you’d let me.”
Kunle didn’t respond… He wasn’t sure he wanted any kind of payment for saving her from her a-----e husband but he wondered what kind of repayment she had in mind. He realized that his silence only made her stare at him longer so he sighed and tried to crack a reassuring smile at her.
“You don’t owe me anything,” he replied, trying to be chivalrous, but at the same time, a traitorous part of him hoped she would suck his di*k. As if reading his mind, she moved closer and slowly slid to her knees before him. His eyes widened in surprise as she put her hands on his thighs.
“You live here alone don’t you?” she asked as she looked up at him as if he was her knight in shining armor.
“I do,” he said gruffly and cleared his throat as her hands rubbed up and down his thighs causing his c--k to harden like the Rock of Gibraltar.
“It must be very lonely.” She said in a sexy whisper.
“It does get lonely,” he concurred, hoping to solicit as much sympathy as possible.
Her hands moved towards his belt buckle and she unfastened it, still looking up at him.
“I guess you have to jerk off a lot,” she sounded sympathetic.
“Occasionally,” he replied.
“Well then… Let me give you a hand… And maybe more… If you like.”
A tiny thrill coursed through his body for a brief moment, only to be replaced by nervousness and unease. He contemplated ending this whole situation and tried to think of a tangible excuse but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings – he was sure her husband did that often enough. Besides, it had been long he’d been in the company of a woman and he was dying to c-m. Before he could decide either way, she had brought down his zipper, took out his d--k and literally plunged it into her mouth. The sudden shock made him rise up from the stool.
Jumoke grabbed his a-s to keep him still and he involuntarily pushed his d--k deeper into her mouth. She went to work, sucking him hungrily while squeezing his a-s. Occasionally, she stopped to look up at him… to gauge his expression before continuing sucking. Kunle closed his eyes tight as his breathing became labored. Her mouth over his d--k felt terrific and it was even better when she began to work his balls with her fingers. He knew that if she continued flicking her tongue over his ‘cap’ and sucking him as hard as she was, he was going to shoot into her mouth. She sensed what was about to happen and began to suck him harder while making sounds as if she was eating some kind of delicacy. He couldn’t hold back. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pushed deep into her mouth and shot his load down her throat. Jumoke, like a true pro, kept on sucking till all evidence of his c----x was licked clean and swallowed. Kunle had saved a few maidens in distress but he’d never been repaid quite like this before.
When she stood up, looking just a tiny bit embarrassed by her actions, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. As their tongues entwined, he felt her warm t--s press up against his chest. Lifting her up slowly, he carried her over to the vibrating dryer and sat her on top of it. He pushed back her short skirt till it bunched around her waist and she eased up her bum to enable him slip off her panties. The shaking of the dryer seemed to heighten the excitement as he put his face between her legs to seek out her sweet smelling flower.
Throwing her head back, she ran her fingers through his hair as he slipped his tongue inside her pink petals and began to move it rhythmically with the clicking of the laundry. She gasped and began to massage her t--s, moaning with pleasure as his licked, kissed and s----d on her c--t. He pushed one leg up and attempted to lick her perineum down to her a-s nut Jumoke’s excitement was mounting and her moans were getting louder and so he concentrated on her c--t, sucking it till she came with a vengeance, moaning and forcing her hips forward over the edge of the dryer.
The dryer was just the perfect hieght for them to fuk without a hitch so he straightened, pulled her still-trembling body close, pushed her legs wide open and t----t his d--k into her core, making sure his full length was engulfed in her pink folds. Her body went rigid for a second and then she moved her a-s as if begging him to f--k her and to do it right away. Kunle wanted to oblige but it was so warm and wet inside, he just wanted to stay still for a while. However, she began to contract her v----a muscles. It felt as if she was sucking his d--k all over again and it drove him crazy. He put both hands on her t--s and he started to go in and out as the laundry kept tumbling and the dryer vibrated. He fuked her hard and fast, at her urging. Jumoke screamed out loud and threw her arms around his neck as he pounded her till her whole body began to shake. He shot his load into her and she held him tight as they both orgasmed in unison.
When they had both regained their composure, she smiled lazily and told him it was the most wonderful sexual experience she’d ever had and begged him to f--k her again. Kunle was surprised at her request but was even more surprised that his d--k was stirring back to life so soon after cumming twice! Not wanting to be a wuss, he suggested she lean on the dryer and when she did, he shoved his d--k into her roughly. She gasped aloud and jiggled her bum involuntarily. He pulled out of her, took off his shirt, pants and boxers, grabbed her hips and drove into roughly again. This time, his flesh hit hers as he pounded her from behind furiously.
“Fck me, fck me, f--k me,” she yelled, as he rammed her c--t like a man possessed.
She started to moan and move her a-s as she approached o----m yet again. He still had a few strokes to go and then it was his turn to yell as he shot his load deep inside of her.
Exhausted, he pushed away from her and sat on a nearby stool while she tried to catch her breath on the whirring dryer. After they’d regained their composure, they sat, still naked and had coffee. When the dryer finally rang, she casually picked up the basket, bent over the washer with her beautiful round bum sticking up in the air and took out her clothes. Her p*ssy was quite visible and he was tempted to drive into her again but he thought better of it.
When they eventually said goodbye at the door, she reminded him that all he had to do, when he wanted his d--k s----d, was to give her a call.
“You don’t necessarily have to f--k me if you don’t want to,” she said, with an impish look on her face, “I’ll be happy just to please you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind” he said with a wink and quietly shut the door after her.
There was a young married couple living in the apartment above Kunle. The guy was one of those arrogant looking characters with a face that seemed to invite a knuckle sandwich but his wife – there was another story. Sometimes Kunle got the pleasure of following her up the stairs whenever she’d been out shopping. The cotton dresses she wore were short and revealing and as she continued up the next flight of stairs, he’d pretend to fumble with his key for a few moments, just to get a last look at those long slender legs and beautifully round a-s. Occasionally they’d say hello in passing but that’s as far as things went. Usually, by the time he got to his door, there was always a bulge in his pants.
The thing that upset Kunle was the fact that she frequently showed signs of abuse and he could only assume her husband was responsible. He’d heard them fighting on more than one occasion but he couldn’t very well intervene – especially in his line of work. However, one morning, things came to a head. A real fight broke out upstairs and there were sounds of furniture been thrown around and breaking glass. The battle continued for some time and seemed to be carried from the second floor, down the stairs and onto the landing of the first floor, just outside his door. When he opened it to see what was going on, he was appalled to see the man slapping his wife’s head from side to side. She was cowering up against the wall, her nose was bleeding, and there was distinct bruising around one eye.
Kunle felt compelled to keep out of other peoples problems as he couldn’t afford to break his cover by being called as a witness. However, this woman was taking a beating and he had no choice but to step in. The man had his back to him so he moved across the landing and applied his fingers to two pressure points at the back of the wife-beater’s neck. The man froze instantly and tried to call out but only a hoarse croak emerged. Kunle told him that he would let him go if he promised not to strike his wife again and as he did so, he applied even more pressure and the man, gasping for breath, sank to his knees. With his eyes bulging out of his head, he managed to nod his agreement and was released. The idiot wife-beater remained on his knees for a few moments, trying to catch his breath, while his wife stared at Kunle with a dazed expression on her face.
Kunle stepped back to allow the husband get to his feet, hoping that the arrogant little man wouldn’t be tempted to take the risk of throwing a punch. In a way, Kunle wished he would; that would really give him an excuse to re-arranged the bastards face. However, realizing he had met his match, the visibly shaken wife-beating adversary barely let out a grunt and started back upstairs. His wife followed him like a little sheep but did manage to turn her head and give a faint smile to Kunle.
Later in afternoon he thought his worst fears had come true when a member of the Brigade Team knocked on his door. He introduced himself as Kenneth Sanusi, which was an unusual way for a cop to start the conversation. As it turned out, the woman upstairs was his kid sister. She’d apparently phoned him and informed him of Kunle’s intervention. In the end he was invited in for a glass of wine and during a twenty minute or so conversation, he related all the sordid details of the marriage. Kenneth told him that he’d intervened on behalf of his sister from time to time but he had to be careful, being a policeman and all. Kunle nodded sympathetically. Kenneth seemed most interested in how he had acquired the skills that his sister had described. Kunle smiled and told him that he’d spent some time in the military and had done quite a bit of unarmed combat training.
“Well Monsieur,” Kenneth said before leaving, “You have my permission to kick my brother-in-law’s a-s every time he steps out of line.” Both men smiled, shook hands and then Kenneth left.
The following morning as he sipped his coffee and looked out the window, Kunle spotted the arrogant wife-beater hobbling off to work. Half an hour later he answered a knock on the door and was surprised to find the young woman from upstairs standing there with a clothes basket.
“I’m sorry to bother you Monsieur but I was wondering if I could use your dryer… mine has stopped working and I urgently need to dry a few things.” Her eyes pleading with him.
He glanced down at the basket, noting that its content were mostly flimsy pieces of underwear. Although he was reluctant to let anyone in his apartment, she had such a sweet, innocent face, despite the bruising and he could hardly refuse.
His washer and dryer was in the kitchen. He wasn’t sure he knew how it all worked but his neighbor, who introduced herself as Jumoke, assured him that she did. Kunle sat on a stool by the kitchen table while she began working the dryer. He watched her bend over the dryer, her short skirt riding daringly higher and he thought how nice it would be to run his hands up her very shapely legs. She obviously knew he was watching and seemed to linger in that provocative position for longer than it was necessary.
When she did turn around, she bent the other way to pick up the basket and he could see both her t--s swinging freely to and fro. She was a very pretty woman with beautiful brown hair that cascaded onto her shoulders, full sensuous lips and bright blue eyes. When she finally straightened, Kunle quickly averted his eyes and drank up the last of his coffee. She smiled knowingly at his discomfort at having being caught staring.
“Thank you for what you did,” she said, “I’d like to repay you if you’d let me.”
Kunle didn’t respond… He wasn’t sure he wanted any kind of payment for saving her from her a-----e husband but he wondered what kind of repayment she had in mind. He realized that his silence only made her stare at him longer so he sighed and tried to crack a reassuring smile at her.
“You don’t owe me anything,” he replied, trying to be chivalrous, but at the same time, a traitorous part of him hoped she would suck his di*k. As if reading his mind, she moved closer and slowly slid to her knees before him. His eyes widened in surprise as she put her hands on his thighs.
“You live here alone don’t you?” she asked as she looked up at him as if he was her knight in shining armor.
“I do,” he said gruffly and cleared his throat as her hands rubbed up and down his thighs causing his c--k to harden like the Rock of Gibraltar.
“It must be very lonely.” She said in a sexy whisper.
“It does get lonely,” he concurred, hoping to solicit as much sympathy as possible.
Her hands moved towards his belt buckle and she unfastened it, still looking up at him.
“I guess you have to jerk off a lot,” she sounded sympathetic.
“Occasionally,” he replied.
“Well then… Let me give you a hand… And maybe more… If you like.”
A tiny thrill coursed through his body for a brief moment, only to be replaced by nervousness and unease. He contemplated ending this whole situation and tried to think of a tangible excuse but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings – he was sure her husband did that often enough. Besides, it had been long he’d been in the company of a woman and he was dying to c-m. Before he could decide either way, she had brought down his zipper, took out his d--k and literally plunged it into her mouth. The sudden shock made him rise up from the stool.
Jumoke grabbed his a-s to keep him still and he involuntarily pushed his d--k deeper into her mouth. She went to work, sucking him hungrily while squeezing his a-s. Occasionally, she stopped to look up at him… to gauge his expression before continuing sucking. Kunle closed his eyes tight as his breathing became labored. Her mouth over his d--k felt terrific and it was even better when she began to work his balls with her fingers. He knew that if she continued flicking her tongue over his ‘cap’ and sucking him as hard as she was, he was going to shoot into her mouth. She sensed what was about to happen and began to suck him harder while making sounds as if she was eating some kind of delicacy. He couldn’t hold back. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pushed deep into her mouth and shot his load down her throat. Jumoke, like a true pro, kept on sucking till all evidence of his c----x was licked clean and swallowed. Kunle had saved a few maidens in distress but he’d never been repaid quite like this before.
When she stood up, looking just a tiny bit embarrassed by her actions, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. As their tongues entwined, he felt her warm t--s press up against his chest. Lifting her up slowly, he carried her over to the vibrating dryer and sat her on top of it. He pushed back her short skirt till it bunched around her waist and she eased up her bum to enable him slip off her panties. The shaking of the dryer seemed to heighten the excitement as he put his face between her legs to seek out her sweet smelling flower.
Throwing her head back, she ran her fingers through his hair as he slipped his tongue inside her pink petals and began to move it rhythmically with the clicking of the laundry. She gasped and began to massage her t--s, moaning with pleasure as his licked, kissed and s----d on her c--t. He pushed one leg up and attempted to lick her perineum down to her a-s nut Jumoke’s excitement was mounting and her moans were getting louder and so he concentrated on her c--t, sucking it till she came with a vengeance, moaning and forcing her hips forward over the edge of the dryer.
The dryer was just the perfect hieght for them to fuk without a hitch so he straightened, pulled her still-trembling body close, pushed her legs wide open and t----t his d--k into her core, making sure his full length was engulfed in her pink folds. Her body went rigid for a second and then she moved her a-s as if begging him to f--k her and to do it right away. Kunle wanted to oblige but it was so warm and wet inside, he just wanted to stay still for a while. However, she began to contract her v----a muscles. It felt as if she was sucking his d--k all over again and it drove him crazy. He put both hands on her t--s and he started to go in and out as the laundry kept tumbling and the dryer vibrated. He fuked her hard and fast, at her urging. Jumoke screamed out loud and threw her arms around his neck as he pounded her till her whole body began to shake. He shot his load into her and she held him tight as they both orgasmed in unison.
When they had both regained their composure, she smiled lazily and told him it was the most wonderful sexual experience she’d ever had and begged him to f--k her again. Kunle was surprised at her request but was even more surprised that his d--k was stirring back to life so soon after cumming twice! Not wanting to be a wuss, he suggested she lean on the dryer and when she did, he shoved his d--k into her roughly. She gasped aloud and jiggled her bum involuntarily. He pulled out of her, took off his shirt, pants and boxers, grabbed her hips and drove into roughly again. This time, his flesh hit hers as he pounded her from behind furiously.
“Fck me, fck me, f--k me,” she yelled, as he rammed her c--t like a man possessed.
She started to moan and move her a-s as she approached o----m yet again. He still had a few strokes to go and then it was his turn to yell as he shot his load deep inside of her.
Exhausted, he pushed away from her and sat on a nearby stool while she tried to catch her breath on the whirring dryer. After they’d regained their composure, they sat, still naked and had coffee. When the dryer finally rang, she casually picked up the basket, bent over the washer with her beautiful round bum sticking up in the air and took out her clothes. Her p*ssy was quite visible and he was tempted to drive into her again but he thought better of it.
When they eventually said goodbye at the door, she reminded him that all he had to do, when he wanted his d--k s----d, was to give her a call.
“You don’t necessarily have to f--k me if you don’t want to,” she said, with an impish look on her face, “I’ll be happy just to please you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind” he said with a wink and quietly shut the door after her.
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The Pregnant Side Chick Episode 7 (The Last Fight) Sophia stepped into the bush with courage. She had the bag of fake money on her head. ...